ToR Urban Infrastructure Planning Expert
ToR Urban Infrastructure Planning Expert
ToR Urban Infrastructure Planning Expert
April, 2023
1. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE .................................................................................... 2
2. SCOPE OF WORKS............................................................................................................... 4
3. DELIVERABLES ................................................................................................................... 4
4. QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS...................................................................... 5
5. LOGISTICAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................... 6
Annex 1: Summary of the National Urban Development Project .................................................. 7
Annex 2: National Urban Development Strategy (NUDS) Package .............................................. 9
Facing the challenges mentioned above, Government of Indonesia need to prepare urban
development policy inputs in the long term and medium term. Through NUDP activities, it is
implemented by developing National Urban Development Strategy (NUDS) including Norm,
Standard, Guideline, Manual (NSPM) and Key Performance Indicator (KPI). NUDS is the national
development strategy 2045 that will encourage the new paradigm and standards of urban
development (e.g. New Urban Agenda, Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Agreement, etc).
NUDS provides direction for the development of national urban system, scenarios and strategies
for national urban development 2045. It will be the basis for planning the infrastructure
development of urban settlement areas in the national territory. It will be an input for the direction
of national development in long term planning (RPJPN 2025-2045) and medium term planning
(RPJMN 2025-2029).
The specific objectives of NUDS are:
a. Formulate a policy for the development of a national city system for 2045 based on the national
spatial planning plan (RTRWN) that has taken into account issues related to global/regional
socioeconomic and geopolitical challenges, including the forecast of gaps in the need for
support for infrastructure development in urban settlement areas by 2045.
b. Formulate a national strategy for the development of national cities by first setting policy
scenarios for the development of national cities by taking into account global standard
agreements based on the New Urban Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals to meet the
targets of liveable, green and ecologically sustainable cities, and smart cities.
c. Identify regional-level infrastructure gaps in achieving urban productivity, economic growth
and climate resilience, taking a holistic infrastructure needs view that allows regions to harness
the potential from rapid urbanization and establish a strategy to address this gap by developing
a project pipeline for a 5-year time frame and longer term sector priorities with a 20-year time
d. Support the implementation of the infrastructure strategy by including strong economic
rationale/analysis for resource allocation for listed projects and information on funding mix
(national, provincial, private sector, official development assistance, etc.)
e. Formulate the Norms, Standards, Procedures, and Manuals (NSPM) for urban settlement area
services based on the globally agreed upon principles (such as SDGs and NUA) as the basis
for determining the Key Performance Index (KPI) of the expected infrastructure performance
that is able to support performance needs of urban development which are reflected in the
program's final objectives that are human-centered and nature-centered (i.e., urban settlement
infrastructure that will reduce the average number of city residents who suffer from certain
diseases and result in a longer life span, urban settlement infrastructure standards that balance
work and leisure, the increase of renewable energy usage in a certain period of time, and
improved public behaviour in recycling waste).
f. Formulate the main performance index or Key Performance Index (KPI), both qualitatively
and quantitatively, which is expected to be a measure of the success of urban development as
the output of urban development policy performance as expected for each city or group of
cities according to function, character and geographical position fulfilled within a certain
period. It is further hoped that the determination of the NSPM and KPI for urban settlement
development will also complement the urban service standard guidelines stipulated by
Permendagri No. 57/2010.
g. Formulate a strategic framework for implementing support for urban settlement infrastructure
development, as well as institutional and financial support in implementing the 2045 cities
development strategy, including mainstreaming NUDS results into national and regional
planning documents as well as the institutional, finance, governance, socio-economic
behavioural aspects on use of infrastructure.
This TOR is prepared for the Urban Infrastructure Planning Expert to support the development of
the NUDS which will be developed fully by an incoming NUDS consultancy firm.
The Urban Infrastructure Planning Expert will provide an initial work which will be part of the
greater NUDS package that will be delivered in full by the incoming NUDS consultancy firm. The
consultant will work together with other individual consultants to deliver the initial work for
NUDS. The output of the consultant(s) will be discussed with BPIW PIU and coordinated with the
incoming NUDS consultancy firm. The responsibilities of the Urban Infrastructure Planning
Expert are, among others:
The contract period is for seven (7) months. The modalities for discontinuation/termination of
the services shall be specified in the Special Conditions of Contract. The incoming NUDS
consultant firm will formulate the complete NUDS, building up on the output of the individual
consultant(s). The consultant will provide consultancy support approximately seven months in
advance of the incoming NUDS consultancy firm. Therefore, during the last two months, the
consultant will also provide knowledge transfer, handover of preliminary works, and necessary
assistance to the NUDS consultancy firm as directed by the BPIW PIU.
The deliverables of the consultant will consist of three main report documents, that shall be
consolidated together with the other individual consultants, including:
a. The Inception Report that consists of review of the contents of the TOR (and NUDS firm
TOR), which has been discussed in advance with the BPIW and Bappenas PIU,
implementation work plan, setting work plans with relevant stakeholders, coordinating field
survey preparations and working groups discussing material between related institutions at
central and regional levels, and fixed team composition settings.
b. Interim synthesis document of the findings for the national urban development strategy
formulation which shall be discussed in advance with BPIW and Bappenas PIU.
c. The final draft synthesis document of the national urban development strategy that
includes preliminary outputs from selected Tasks of NUDS package, including handover
BPIW PIU and the NUDS Consultancy firm will review and sign off the final deliverables of the
individual consultant(s) to ensure continuity of works.
No Deliverables Time after contract signing
1 Inception Report 1 months
2 Interim synthesis document 3 months
3 Final draft synthesis (including handover) documents 6 months
Project Development Objective (PDO): To increase the number of participating cities carrying
out integrated planning and prioritizing their capital investments.
Project Components
NUDP includes four components, namely, (1) National Urban Institutional and Policy
Development; (2) Integrated Planning for Urban Development; (3) City Financial Management
Capacity Development; and (4) Project Implementation Support. Component 2 is at the core of
the NUDP operation, while Components 1 and 3 are enabling components to ensure
sustainability. Component 2 interventions will discuss the implementation of structural plans and
spatial patterns mandated by the RTRW and RDTR into neighborhood systems and the integration
of settlement infrastructure systems. This effort will further leverage strategic spatial guidance as
a basis for prioritizing capital investment by implementing spatially informed medium-term capital
investment planning and budgeting processes in local government of selected cities, including an
annual tracking mechanism for the implementation of budgeted investments. This integrated
approach to spatial and capital investment planning will together contribute to reducing the
vulnerability of infrastructure investments and urban populations to climate-related hazards.
Component 1 aims to create an enabling national environment by addressing inter-ministerial
coordination and policy issues that prevent city governments from being the agents of sustainable
urban development. Component 3 will focus on addressing the demand side constraints at the city
level to accessing alternative sources of financing and effective implementation of capital
investments, including capacity building for better project and procurement management, financial
management, expenditure efficiency and creditworthiness.
Annex 2: National Urban Development Strategy (NUDS) Package
NUDS will focus on identifying regional-level infrastructure gaps that enable urban
productivity, as well as the NSPM and KPI for urban development. Infrastructures to be dealt with
in NUDS are those that meet either of the following conditions: 1) the infrastructure geographically
spans across multiple cities/districts, 2) multiple cities/districts benefitted from the infrastructure
and are responsible for its delivery. A holistic view of infrastructure development is needed to
allow regions to harness the potential of rapid urbanization. Infrastructure within NUDS will be
dealt with in a cross-sectoral manner integratively, beyond one sectoral ministry. NUDS will
be the framework to deliver targeted regional-level infrastructure projects by developing a
project pipeline for a 5-year time frame and longer-term sector priorities with a 20-year time
frame. Developing a project pipeline refers to assembling project priorities from various existing
materials and providing further prioritization judgement as detailed out in the section below.
Innovation to be sought through the development of NUDS (added value compared with other
plans) include the following:
• Focus on the enabling environments (institutional, finance, governance, environmental,
socio-economic behavioural aspects on use of infrastructure, i.e. infrastructure as a system
beyond physical assets)
• Moves away from minimum service standards to outcome-based approaches
• Indicates infrastructure delivery gaps through spatial visualization, maps
• Positions the use of technology as a core element in infrastructure delivery
• Contains information on who finances, including private sector, including indicative
• Includes strong economic rationale/ analysis for resource allocation for listed projects
• Succinct, communication material with maps, infographics, diagrams in sharable format
for citizens and private sector reflecting alignment with national priorities.
The duties/tasks under this activity are organized into (four) task groups that are outlined as
Task 1: Review of the Existing National Urban Development Policy (KPN)
A review of existing urban development policies will be performed on existing laws and
regulations and other development policies related to urban settlement development dating
back to the 1960s. KPN is a national policy that contains the directions for urban development
based on integrated sustainable development dimensions that cover environmental, economic,
social, and political aspects. Recently, this policy has also been altered to accommodate
agreed-upon global agendas such as the SDGs, NUA, and others, in which Indonesia is
involved. In the process of compiling NUDS, a review of the KPN can become a strategic
policy direction that can provide input on the formulation of standards for the development of
national cities. This would answer the future urban issues and challenges through the adoption
of relevant global agendas in Indonesia, as well as creating liveable, green and smart cities. In
this task, a review of the implementation of national urban infrastructure development policies
that have been adopted concerning productivity, economic growth, disaster, and social
resilience will be performed.
Task 2: Review of Utilization of National Spatial Plan (RTRWN) and Island Spatial Plan
(RTR Pulau) Policies in the Development of the National System of Cities
In the last five decades, national urban development policies have been heavily influenced by
the direction of the spatial policies contained within the SNPPTR and RTRWN as well as its
derivative products such as Island RTR, Provincial RTRW, and Regency/City RTRW. The
Island and Provincial Spatial planning allow us to review policies on functional relationships
between cities, along with villages and regencies, in the context of national strategic area
(KSN) in more detail. These plans allow for performance review of ordinal relationships
between interrelated cities, which can be used to project infrastructure needs and support
required by cities in the context of both regional and city-level under this task.
Task 3: Review of the National Urban Development Strategies (NUDS-1 and NUDS-2)
and Their Implementation towards National Urban Settlement Infrastructure
Development Programs
The NUDS-1 and NUDS-2 documents are strategic documents used to direct and formulate
policy directions for the development of urban settlement infrastructure as outlined in the
RPJMN and RPJMD to meet the basic needs of cities and increase competitiveness. A review
of policy directions under this task is necessary to provide input on the development of systems
of cities in light of the introduction of new policies, such as the establishment of the new
National Capital (IKN) or global agreements related to urban development principles (e.g.,
NUA, SDGs). The review process is expected to produce a recommendation on the required
corrections or continuations which must be agreed upon by Ministries/Institutions (K/L) to
establish the foundation for future urban development policies in Indonesia.
Strategies will be prepared for each city based on their characteristics and typologies, with a
focus on several sectors that affect urban development, namely: Urban Infrastructure (water
resources, sanitation, waste management, roads and transportation, housing, energy); Urban
Environment (city resilience, urban land-air-visual-water pollution, urban forest, urban
agriculture, urban facilities / open space, urban culture, urban health); Urban Economy;
Urban Investments; Urban Land Management; and Urban Governance.
Task 13: Guidelines for Minimum KPI Targets for the Development of National Cities
The Key Performance Index (KPI) will serve as a benchmark for the achievement of urban
development targets and policy performance for each city or group of cities based on their
functions, characteristics, and geographical positions within a certain period. KPI contains the
minimum standards of achievement or expected output targets to determine the change of
measurable technical standards–as outputs of infrastructure performance–that are expected to
support the urban development policies performance requirement, as reflected in the program's
final objectives: human-centered and nature-centered applications of smart technology. This
KPI will be translated using a sustainability dimension approach to create liveable, green, and
smart cities. The task shall include the formulation of:
1. the principles for national urban development;
2. roadmaps or pathways for the national urban growth towards 100 years of Indonesian
independence in 2045, serving as a direction for national cities’ growth while ensuring the
maintenance of environmental carrying capacity to encourage creation of good
environmental quality in accordance with the growth of urban activities and support the
livelihoods of the population in the area; and
3. an identification overview of urban development performance in Indonesia, as well as the
progress of each indicator in the KPI of urban development.
Task 14: Study of the Government's Financial Capability for Financing Urban
Development and Development of Government Institutional Strengthening
Policies for Urban Settlement Development
The institutional formulation includes institutional development options for urban
management at the central, provincial, and local levels as well as the financing formulation
which includes funding sources and financing options for urban development, as well as
directions for the utilization of urban coordinating agencies through the utilization of the Urban
Development Coordination Team National (TKPPN) in accordance with the Ministry of
National Development Decree (Keputusan Menteri PPN/Bappenas). This formulation will also
be conducted in consultation with related stakeholders, including the Ministry of National
Development Planning/Bappenas, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of ATR/BPN,
and others.
Deliverables of NUDS:
The deliverables will consist of 3 main report documents, including:
a. The Inception Report that consists of review of the contents of the TOR, which has been
discussed in advance with the PMU-NUDP, implementation work plan, setting work plans
with relevant stakeholders, coordinating field survey preparations and working groups
discussing material between related institutions at central and regional levels, and fixed team
composition settings.
b. The synthesis document of the national urban development strategy that includes outputs
from Task 1-9 (corresponds to intermediate results indicator in NUDP).
c. The Final Document that encapsulates the results from Task 1-14 that consists of 7 (seven)
volumes including:
1. Executive summary
2. Volume 1. City Profiles and Their Trends in The Future of National Urban Development
3. Volume 2. System of National Urban Settlement Concept in Clusters and Typologies
4. Volume 3. Proposed changes to the system of cities as the impact of the New Capital
City Development Policy on National Urban Development Policies.
5. Volume 4. Formulation of Scenarios and Strategies for Urban Settlement Development.
6. Volume 5. Long Term Program Plan of Urban Development.
7. Volume 6. Formulation of Standards (NSPM) for NUA-based Urban Settlement
Infrastructure Development and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for Better Urban
Quality with New Standard.
8. Volume 7. Concept of Institutional and Financial Policy for Urban Development with
New Standard and Stakeholder Engagement Plan.
Tabel 1. Table of Work Implementation Schedule (in month)
Task 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
Task 7
Task 8
Task 9
Task 10
Task 11
Task 12
Task 13
Task 14
Task 15