Newsletter 2-16-2012

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South Canton Scholars Charter Academy

6th Grade

Weekly Newsletter for February 10, 2012

Language Arts
Biography Project Timeline Anything not completed in Media needs to be completed outside of school. Powerpoints can be emailed to teachers or brought in on a flash drive.
Week of February 27th Final presentations Friday, March 2nd Living Museum

Calendar Counts
African American Heritage Month


Field Trips!
April 5th---Detroit Institute of Arts

17thNo School for Students

20th No School for Students 21st Parent Information Meeting @ South Canton 6:30 p.m. 24th Student of the Month Awards 24th Report Cards/MAP reports sent home 29th-March 12th Book Fair Please email Mrs. Lee if you have any questions.
Permission slips sent home last Friday!

Please Remember. . .
Students might not get any more Media time for their powerpoints due to scheduling. If it is not completed in school then it needs to be completed at home.

April 20th Howell Nature Center

Conferences are back!

Please stop by or to call the font office to sign up for your March Conference date and time. Teachers will once again be in their classrooms and invite you to join them and you child to discuss the progress that has been made this year. Students will also share their goals for the spring. Conferences are limited to 15 minutes apiece and will be once again student lead.

Looking Ahead to March

5th No school for Students 7th and 8th Student Run Conferences 9th half day for students

There is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces danger. The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid. L. FRANK BAUM The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Unless you have courage, a courage that keeps you going, always going, no matter what happens, there is no certainty of success. It is really an endurance race. HENRY FORD

Moral Focus

Rigor at SCS

At South Canton Scholars, teachers are working hard to ensure

that all students are college ready by the time they leave the eighth grade. This means that teachers work with students to provide rigorous assignments, assessments, and projects. Rigor occurs when a teacher works hard to create an environment in which each student is expected to learn at high levels.


Vocabulary and Spelling
This week marks Week 10 in the Wordly Wise series. Students are using new ways to prepare and study through the use of game boards. They have prepared study cars that become game pieces and use them to win their game and earn high scores,


[email protected]

Grammar Adjectives Bringing Color, numbers, and descriptions to all types of writing! Adverbs are proving to be a challenge and students are working hard to incorporate them into their writing. Writing MLA note cards are coming along nicely. Please see if you need any clarification for the information that is to be presented on each card. Students can have more than ten! ReadingMark Ups! Students used Mark Ups this week to analyze historical passages based on famous African Americans and events.

In Social Studies the students have completed their study of Ancient Greece and next theyre off to Rome! Next week the students will begin to discover the rise of Rome and all it had to offer.

Box Tops for Education

[email protected] Each teacher has a collection box in their classroom for Box Top labels. There is a new competition for tops from now until February 17th and the classroom that brings in the most will earn a pizza party. Thank you to all of the families who have already taken the time to cut the box tops. We appreciate your support and time!

Class Contest

As we start another fun filled week in math the third rotation will continue working on slopes, rates and proportional reasoning. The second rotation will work on rates and slope and the first rotation will be using multiplication and division with fractions. On a separate note, please note that my website is not updating. I will be taking it down to rework the site so that it can continue to be updated. Thank you for your understanding.

Jump Rope for Heart


[email protected]

Coach Morgan is heading up a fundraiser for the American Heart Association. Look in Friday Folders for more details regarding this amazing cause!

All scientists have a lab report due on Tuesday. This report centers on their hunting journey through the eyes of an owl in the Cedar Glade Ecosystem. Scientists learned that due to limiting factors many populations can become scarce and eventually cease to exist. They worked in groups to simulate the hunting patterns of an owl in normal circumstances, had to deal with a drought, and then finally competition with another populationthe garter snake. Students graphed their results and compared data using different line graphs. This allowed them to draw conclusions on how limiting factors can hurt a population. Unit Topics and Standards The Living Environment: Ecosystems The Living Environment: Food Chains and Webs Continuing Skills The Nature of Science: Scientific Knowledge The Nature of Science: Scientific Inquiry- The Scientific Method The Nature of Science: Scientific Inquiry- Data Collection and Analysis The Nature of Science: Scientific Enterprise- Science and Society The Nature of Science: Common Themes in Science

No Wordly Wise Next Week

South Canton Scholars is having a Spelling Bee and everyone is invited to participate. Students will be receiving packets today containing grade level information and words to look over.
Friday 2/24- Classroom Bees takes place top 10 from each class moves on. Mon 2/27- Grade Level Bees takes place top 10 from each grade level moves on. Tues 3/13- School wide Bees, K-2@ 8:30am (time tentative) and grades 3-6 after that.
(Top 3 from K-2 bee can also compete in the 3-6 bee)

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