I C A N : School Happenings

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13726 N.

State Road 245

Lamar, IN 47550
twitter: @Lincoln_Trail



April 9th, 2015

School Happenings
IREAD Results - 3rd Grade:IREAD results are included in this weeks folder. This report will only
tell whether the student passed or not. Detailed reports will come in the next few weeks. We will
share the more detailed reports with you as soon as we have them available.
Race for Education -
Be sure to send your children to school tomorrow in comfortable shoes and
clothes as we have plans for them to be very active! Plans are in place for us to conduct the race
rain or shine. Classes will rotate through a schedule that includes wii dancing, walking/running laps,
and other games. Snacks and water will be provided by the PTO. All students will receive water, an
apple, ice pop, and a cookie. So far over $15,000 has been counted! Thank you!
Playground Committee
- Our PTO has been hard at work counting all the money from our Race for
Ed fundraiser. Thank you to everyone for sending in donations. I am ready to begin the planning
stages for the new playground equipment. I am seeking a few parents who will come in for 1-2
meetings and help choose the equipment. Meetings will be held in the evenings at 6:00 p.m. Please
email me at
if you are interested. Thank you in advance!
Be Active Tip of the Week:
All movement counts; Teach the kids to take the stairs instead of an

elevator today.

Reminders & Upcoming Events

Friday, April 10th = Race for Education (more info coming soon)
Wednesday, April 15th = Spring Pictures
Friday, April 17th = Student Council Speech Contest
Thursday, April 23rd = PTO Meeting @ 4:15
Saturday, April 25th = Academic Bowl @ Cedar Crest
Monday, April 27th = ISTEP+ Part 2 Testing Begins


Lincoln Trail
Apri l 2015


Our Kindergarten pinch pots look
terrific! The students formed them by
sticking their thumbs in the center of balls
of clay and then turning and pinching the
clay with their hands to shape their
pots. Later, after the pots were fired in
the kiln, the students painted them using
colorful acrylic paints. They are so excited
with their finished pieces!
4th Grade students are currently studying
about rhythm in art. We are familiar with
how music that we appreciate whether it be
rockn roll, country, rap, etc.. has a
beat. Art does, too! The definition of
rhythm in art is The repetition of shapes,
lines, and forms. Our students are
currently showing rhythm in their artwork
by selecting one object, such as a spoon or
screwdriver. They then draw it repeatedly
onto their paper in unique and exciting ways.
The chosen object can be drawn many times
to show flowing movement. It can be drawn
large and small, or over and over again to
represent loudness and softness. There are
many other options as well. Combining art
and music can be versatile and fun!

April is here and that can only mean one thing, it
is time for Presidential Fitness Testing in PE.
Starting April 6th, students will begin to be
tested over items on the presidential fitness
test. The tests the students will be tested on are
listed as follows, shuttle run, the mile, push-ups,
sit-ups, pull-ups or flexed arm hang and the sit
and reach test. Some of the tests listed above
will not be used for every grade.
In grades K-2 students will be tested over pushups, sit-ups, flexed arm hang, the sit and reach,
and the shuttle run. As far as the mile goes,
kindergarten and first grade will run a quarter of
a mile and 2nd grade will run a half mile. Students
have had the opportunity over the past couple of
weeks to practice each test and become familiar
with how the test is administered and correct
form on how to do each test. I am very impressed
by each class and all the effort each and every
student is giving.
Upper level students will be tested over the same
tests as lower level, with just one minor change.
Students in grades 3-6 will be tested over the
mile run instead of the half mile and quarter of a
mile. Hopefully, the weather cooperates over the
next couple of weeks so we can do the testing
outside and enjoy the nice weather.
Some of the tests that students will be
participating in will be difficult, but there are
certain accommodations that will be made to help
your child do his or her very best on each test. It
is my goal to help every student pass with a
National or Presidential score on each test.
Therefore, I will help encourage and push each
student as they are participating in each test.

Special Area Newsletter Page 2

Technology 3-6

Did you know?

It seems like school flies after

Spring Break. As the weather gets nicer, students
want to spend all of their time outside. Its
important to still set aside some time for
reading. To help get your child excited about
summer reading, we will have another Scholastic
Book Fair. The fair will be set up in the library the
week of May 4-8. It will also coincide with Fine Arts
Night (May 5), giving parents the opportunity to
shop before and after the program. More-detailed
information will come home with your child closer to
the event. We love to have volunteers help us
throughout the week with the library classes and
the nighttime event. If you are interested in
volunteering, you can send a note with your child, call
the school at 937-2400, or email Ms. Gasaway at
bgasaway@mail.nspencer.k12.in.us .

What have we been up to?

Kindergarten- Continued to make connections to the
stories we are reading.
Personal connections come easy to most of them, because
they love to share anything and everything about their
lives.They have also been learning about the differences
between reality books and fantasy books. Their
imaginations are endless when it comes to turning a reality
story into a fantasy!
1st Grade- Spent a few classes making connections to the
text before moving to making a confirming
predictions. There insight and problem solving is
refreshing. Also, they are in the beginning phases of
tackling a tougher topic, identifying the theme in a
story. They are learning about the big picture.
2nd Grade- Asked and responded to questions while
reading various books. Now, they are studying different
types of genre, and what sets them apart. The main focus
will be on realistic fiction, fantasy, mystery, historical
fiction, and science fiction.
3rd Grade- Fables were first on the list for a genre study
with third graders. Each week they will concentrate on a
different genre. These include fables, legends, myths,
fairytales, and folktales. They also compared and
contrasted themes, settings, and plots of stories by the
same author.

6th Grade- Continued with their Jeopardy

projects. Getting the concept that the
answer is asked like a question has been quite
confusing. They are choosing very creative
topics that should make playing the games a
lot of fun!
5th Grade- Finished their ABC biography
presentations. They should now be more
knowledgeable on their famous person.
Starting to make digital photography
childrens books has been the new
adventure. Students are bringing in toys
from home for the characters and
props. This should be a fun group
4th Grade- Completed their Hoosier emazes
before Spring Break. Now, they are working
on debate presentations over school-related
topics. They will be debating against a
classmate that has taken the opposite stance
on their topic. It looks to be a good & clean
3rd Grade- Paired up to research an animal
of their choosing. They completed Google
presentations over their topic and presented
them to the class. They will continue to
practice their online researching skills.

According to an online source, Parenting Squad, you
should talk about online safety with your child as soon
as they start using the Internet. You should start by
setting some basic ground rules. Here are some rules
you may want to implement:

Never share passwords.

Don't enter personal information such as
name and address.

Create user names that don't reveal your

true identity.

Do NOT agree to meet a stranger you

meet online in person.

Tell a parent or trusted adult if you

encounter bullying or suspicious

Special Area Newsletter Page 3

Music 4-6
Spring is definitely in the air. As we head into
the last 2 months of school, we are starting
many different projects with each class.
4th grade is currently working on their Indiana
Composer Projects to tie in with what they
are learning in Indiana History. We are talking
about 5 different songwriters, and each
student is creating a presentation for each!
5th grade is making some strides with guitar.
We are now working on songs for the Spring
Program on May 14th. We are working on some
Elvis, along with Smoke on the Water.
6th grade has just started their 5-week Music
Business Project. Each is group is creating
their own band, and everything that goes with
it! They will be creating a CD, Song Titles,
Promotional Items and a Tour Plan for their
band. Make sure to vote for your favorite at
Fine Arts Night!

Music 4-6, Band and Choir: Mrs. Adrienne Collignon

Art: Mrs. Gina Kost
Library and 3-6 Technology: Ms. Becky Gasaway
Physical Education: Mr. Clay Robison
Music K-3 and K-2 Technology: Mr. Ryan Akers

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