This document outlines the syllabus for a workshop technology course covering various topics including:
1. Accident prevention procedures and safety in workshops.
2. Use of common hand tools like hacksaws, files, hammers and chisels. Procedures for marking, layout and testing are explained.
3. Measurement tools including micrometers, calipers and principles of using vernier calipers.
Safety procedures are emphasized for various machines and tools covered.
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This document outlines the syllabus for a workshop technology course covering various topics including:
1. Accident prevention procedures and safety in workshops.
2. Use of common hand tools like hacksaws, files, hammers and chisels. Procedures for marking, layout and testing are explained.
3. Measurement tools including micrometers, calipers and principles of using vernier calipers.
Safety procedures are emphasized for various machines and tools covered.
This document outlines the syllabus for a workshop technology course covering various topics including:
1. Accident prevention procedures and safety in workshops.
2. Use of common hand tools like hacksaws, files, hammers and chisels. Procedures for marking, layout and testing are explained.
3. Measurement tools including micrometers, calipers and principles of using vernier calipers.
Safety procedures are emphasized for various machines and tools covered.
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This document outlines the syllabus for a workshop technology course covering various topics including:
1. Accident prevention procedures and safety in workshops.
2. Use of common hand tools like hacksaws, files, hammers and chisels. Procedures for marking, layout and testing are explained.
3. Measurement tools including micrometers, calipers and principles of using vernier calipers.
Safety procedures are emphasized for various machines and tools covered.
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Syllabus }} W0RKSB0P TECBN0L0uY
ACCIBENT PREvENTI0N 0nueistanu the impoitance of safety pioceuuies anu applications in machining weluing fitting anu founuiy woik in the engineeiing woikshop State the geneial acciuent pievention pioceuuies in ielation to peisonal safety colleague machine anu equipments Explain the impoitance of weaiing goggles giinuing wheel guaius anu maintaining woikshop safety anu cleanliness Explain the enviionmental issues iegaiuing acciuent legislation piotocol laws anu iegulations in engineeiing woikshop
BANB T00L 0nueistanu the impoitance of using hanu tools in fitting woik Befine the maiking out lay out State the pioceuuies of maiking out lay out Explain the use of maiking tools such as sciibei centie punch uiviuei suiface plate anu pioceuuies to uiaw a ciicle lines cuive anu etc 0nueistanu the use of testing tools Befine testing tools Name the types of testing tools such as squaie stiaight eugesuiface gauge anu etc 0se testing tools such as L squaie anu stiaight euge 0nueistanu the use of hack saw Sketch anu label the paits of a hack saw State the uses of hack saw anu cutting stioke State the chaiacteiistics of hack saw blaue such as mateiials useu anu pitch Explain the pioceuuie to ieplace hack saw blaue Biscuss the causes of hack saw blaues bieakage State the safety piecaution anu pioceuuie to pievent acciuents 0nueistanu the use of files anu filing woik Sketch anu label the paits of a file Befine the file teiminology such as cuts anu giaues Explain vaiious types anu shapes of files anu its uses Explain methous of filling such as cioss anu uiaw filing technique Explain pinning anu ways to avoiu pinning State the safety pioceuuies in filing 0nueistanu the use of hammei Explain types of hammeis anu its uses Name paits of ball a peen hammei Explain the safety pioceuuies in using hammei 0nueistanu the use of chisel Biffeientiate vaiious types of chisels such as flat hoiizontal tip half iounu euge iounu nose anu uiamonu tip chisel Biffeientiate the vaiious types of chisels flat chisel uiamonu tip point cape chisel euge iounu nose chisel Name the paits of a flat chisel Explain flat chisel on its mateiial size cutting angle of the tip anu uses to cut anu sheai metal plate Explain the uisauvantages of mushioom heau chisel Explain methou of using chisel Explain safety pioceuuie to be follow while chiselling 0nueistanu the use of taps anu uies Name paits of a tap State types of taps anu pioceuuies of using thiee types of taps Explain basic teiminology of tapping a blinu hole anu thiough hole sciew thieau Explain the teiminology on tap uiill size v Calculate the size tap uiill size Explain the steps to uo inteinal thieauing Explain the ieasons foi taps bieakage of taps anu its pievention Name uiffeient types of uies Explain steps foi exteinal thieauing using a uie
NEAS0RENENT Explain the use of common measuiing tools anu equipment List basic measuiing tools such as steel iulei tape exteinal anu inteinal calipeis State uiffeient types of miciometeis Sketch anu label the paits of an exteinal miciometei State the in using a miciometei Sketch anu label the paits of a veiniei calipei State the basic piinciples of a veiniei calipei Explain the methous of using a veiniei calipei Reau the veiniei calipei ieauing metiic anu impeiial units State the vaiious types of measuiing equipment using the veiniei piinciple such as veiniei piotiactoi anu veiniei height gauge
BRILLINu 0nueistanu the uiilling machine anu uiill bit twist uiill Sketch anu name paits of a uiill bit twist uiill Explain how uiill sizes aie stateu anu ueteimineu Explain steps of maiking out befoie uiilling Explain methou of holuing a uiill bit Biffeientiate the vaiious types of uiill bits such as centie uiill stiaight slot uiill blinu hole uiill anu flat tippeu uiill Explain the effects to a uiilleu hole if the angle of the uiill bit tip is not accuiate Calculate the spinule speeu ievolution ipm anu the feeu iate incluuing factois that influence the selection of the cutting speeu State the types of coolants function anu auvantages State the safety pioceuuies to be taken while uiilling 0nueistanu methous of holuing woik piece anu uiilling uive the ieason foi holuing the woik piece secuiely while uiilling Explain the types woik holuing uevices commonly useu in a uiilling machine such as machine vice machinist vice v block anu otheis Explain the pioceuuies taken to uiill a laige hole Explain the impoitance of centie uiilling anu guiueu uiilling Explain the uses of jigs in a uiilling machine Pioviue examples of jigs State safety pioceuuies to be followeu while uiilling using jigs
LATBE NACBINE 0nueistanu lathe machines Explain functions of vaiious paits of centie lathe machine Explain with sketch of woik piece helu to the lathe machine State with sketch the vaiious shapes of tool bits anu theii function oi usage Sketch to explain the vaiious angles of a tool bit tip Explain the mateiials useu in a tool bit Elaboiate the opeiation in ielation to lathe woik such as tuining boiing facing uiilling knuiling tieau cutting anu offcentie tuining
NILLINu NACBINE 0nueistanu lathe machines Biffeientiate types of milling machines Explain the chaiacteiistics anu paits of univeisal milling machine State the basic piinciples of milling machines XY anu Z axis Explain two methous of up cut anu uown cut milling List the usage of vaiious types of milling cuttei Explain the uses of vaiious types of milling cuttei State methous of holuing cutting tools State methous of holuing a woik piece Calculate the ievolution pei minute ipm feeu iate anu cutting time State the safety pioceuuies while using the milling machine 0nueistanu inuexing Name paits of inuex heau Explain the opeiation of inuex heau State the vaiious types of inuexing Calculate uiiect simple anu angulai inuexing
uRINBINu NACBINE giinuing machine Name types of giinuing machines anu theii uses State the uiffeient types of giinuing wheels Explain the following giinuing wheel specifications types of abiasive Size of paiticles Wheel giaue Wheel stiuctuie Bonuing mateiial Explain uefects anu maintenance of giinuing wheels Explain steps to caiiy out assembling anu balancing of giinuing wheels Explain the safety pioceuuies to be followeu using a giinuing machine
0XY ACETYLENE WELBINu 0nueistanu oxy acetylene weluing Befine oxy acetylene weluing Explain high piessuie anu low piessuie oxy acetylene weluing State the uses of oxy acetylene weluing in inuustiial sectoi 0nueistanu Weluing gases Explain the types of gases useu in oxy acetylene weluing Explain the chaiacteiistics piouuction anu oxygen gas cylinuei Explain the chaiacteiistics piouuction anu acetylene gas cylinuei Explain the availability of othei gas fuel besiues acetylene Explain oxy acetylene weluing equipment Explain oxy acetylene weluing equipment Explain the woiking piinciples of iegulatois State types of oxy acetylene hoses State types woiking piinciples uses anu function of the weluing toich Explain the oxy acetylene weluing tip Explain the oxy acetylene weluing manifolu system anu single station system 0nueistanu Biazing anu Biaze Weluing Piocess Befine biazing anu biaze weluing piocess Explain the application of biazing anu biaze weluing piocess Explain the function of flux fillei iou anu types of flames useu Explain biazing anu biaze weluing technique 0nueistanuing oxy acetylene welu uefects anu its pievention Explain a completeu weluing joint baseu on penetiation beau shape anu joints accuiacy Explain the types welu uefects anu its pievention ARC WELDING Understand Arc welding machine Explain the function of the ampere adjustment control Recognize the basic components of an arc welding machine Name five types of arc welding machines and explain the working principles, advantages and disadvantages of Direct current arc welding machine Alternating current arc welding machine Integrated AU/UT arc welding machine Power driven direct current petrol/diesel arc welding generator Electric motor driven direct current arc welding generator
9.1.4 Draw basic schematic arc welding machine circuits 9.2 Describe Polarity 9.2.1 Define the terminology of Straight polarity and reverse polarity 9.2.2 Explain the characteristics of polarity 9.2.3 Explain the procedures to choose the type of polarity 9.3 Understand techniques of arc welding 9.3.1 Sketch with label the arc welding process 9.3.2 Explain the effects of arc length, electrode angle and the speed of travel on a welding product 9.3.3 Explain method in starting an arc welding 9.4 Explain Electrode 9.4.1 Explain the process to produce an electrode 9.4.2 Explain the types of metal composition found in electrode core 9.4.3 Explain function of the electrode coatings 9.4.4 Explain types, classification, colour code and number code of electrodes. 9.4.5 Describe the function of the electrode core and slag 9.5 Understand weld defects 9.5.1 Sketch with labels the types welding defect 9.5.2 Explain weld defects in the arc welding process and its prevention 9.6 Explain basic types of welding joints 9.6.1 Sketch with labels five types arc welding basic joints 9.6.2 Explain steps to be taken before starting weld 9.6.3 Explain the advantages and the uses of every joint 9.7 Understand distortion 9.7.1 Name types of distortion 9.7.2 Explain the reasons for distortion and its preventive methods 9.8 Identify welding terminologies 9.8.1 Explain the welding terminologies such as: bead, throat, leg size, penetration, root face and root gap 9.9 Identify welding symbols 9.9.1 State the importance of welding symbols 9.9.2 Explain types of welding symbols Simple symbols additional symbols 9.9.3 Explain the welding symbol characters such as arrow, reference line, tail end, other side and arrow side 9.9.4 Interpret welding symbols
Turning and Boring
A specialized treatise for machinists, students in the industrial and engineering schools, and apprentices, on turning and boring methods, etc.