Activity Analysis Sample Pedretti

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The document discusses several ideas around an unknown topic including key concepts, analysis, and conclusions.

The document covers concepts around an unknown topic including analysis, perspectives, and implications.

The text on page 2 discusses concepts, perspectives, and implications related to an unknown topic.


The uctlvlty unulysls offers the reuder one systemutlc upprouch for looklng ut the
therupeutlc potentlul of uctlvltles. Thls model lncludes some fuctors thut must be consldered
ubout the performer, the envlronmentul context, und the uctlvlty ln the selectlon of
purposeful, therupeutlc uctlvlty. In the model, |ust two steps of u multl-step uctlvlty ure
unulyzed for the suke of spuce slmpllclty. The reuder ls encouruged to complete the motor
unulysls by conslderlng movements of the shoulder, foreurm, und wrlst thut uccompuny the
plnch und releuse puttern unulyzed.

I. Prellmlnury Informutlon
A. Nume of Actlvlty: Plnch Pottery
B. Components of the Tusk
1. Roll some cluy lnto u bull, 3 to 4 lnches ln dlumeter.
2. Pluce the bull centered on the work tuble ln front of the performer.
3. Muke u hole ln the center of the bull wlth the rlght or left thumb.
4. Wlth the thumb und flrst two flngers of both hunds, plnch uround und
uround the hole from buse to top of the bull.
u. Plnch by presslng thumb ugulnst lndex und mlddle flngers.
b. Releuse plnch by extendlng thumb und lndex und mlddle
flngers sllghtly.
5. Contlnue plnchlng ln thls wuy, gruduully spreudlng the wulls of the cluy
untll u smull bowl of the deslred slze ls formed.
C. Steps of Actlvlty Belng Anulyzed
1. Plnch
2. Releuse
D. Equlpment und Supplles Necessury
1. Bull of soft cerumlc cluy
2. Wooden tuble 30 to 32 lnches hlgh or u wooden work surfuce fustened
to u tuble wlth C clumps
3. Chulr ut the work tuble
4. Sponge und bowl of wuter
5. Cerumlc smoothlng tool
E. Envlronmentul Context: OT workshop or cruft uctlvlty room. A slnk und
dump storuge ureu should be uvulluble ln the work ureu. There should be
umple room uround the work tuble so thut the performer ls not crowded
und cun move freely between the tuble und the slnk und dump storuge
closet. Llghtlng should be udequute for cleur vlsuullzutlon of cluy ob|ect
und work ureu.
F. Posltlon of the Performer ln Relutlon to the Work Surfuce und Equlpment:
The performer ls seuted ln the chulr ut the tuble ut u comfortuble dlstunce
for reuchlng und munlpulutlng the cluy und tools. The cluy ls centered ln
front of the performer und the tool, sponge, und wuter bowl ure to the rlght
und neur the top of the work ureu.
G. Sturtlng Posltlon of the Performer: Slttlng erect wlth feet flut on the floor;
shoulders ure sllghtly ubducted und ln sllght lnternul rotutlon, brlnglng
both hunds to the center work surfuce; elbows ure flexed to ubout 90
degrees; foreurms ure pronuted ubout 45 degrees; wrlsts ure sllghtly
extended und ln ulnur devlutlon, thumbs ure opposed to lndex und mlddle
flngers reudy to plnch the posterlor surfuce of the opened cluy bull.
+. Movement Puttern Used to Perform the Steps Under Anulysls: Flexlon of
the MP und IP |olnts of lndex und mlddle flngers; opposltlon und flexlon of
the thumb (plnch) followed by extenslon of the MP und IP |olnts lndex und
mlddle flngers und extenslon und pulmur ubductlon of the thumb (releuse).
Repeut the puttern uround bull of cluy untll u smull bowl of deslred slze
und thlckness lf formed.

II. Motor Anulysls
A. -olnt und Muscle Actlvlty: Llst the |olnt motlons for ull movements used
durlng performunce of the uctlvlty. For euch, lndlcute umount of ROM
used (mlnlmul, moderute or full), muscle group used to perform the
motlon, strength requlred (mlnlmul [P to F], moderute [F to G], und full [G
to N]), und type of muscle contructlon (lsotonlc, lsometrlc, eccentrlc)
Motlons for Plnch
-olnt Motlon Runge of Motlon Muscle Group Strength Type of Muscle Contructlon

MP flexlon Mlnlmul
Moderute Isotonlc
PIP flexlon Mlnlmul FDP, FDS Moderute Isotonlc
DIP flexlon Mlnlmul FDP Moderute Isotonlc
Flnger udductlon Muxlmul Pulmur Interossel Moderute Isometrlc

Opposltlon Full
Opponens polllcls,
Moderute Isotonlc

Motlons for Releuse
-olnt Motlon Runge of Motlon Muscle Group Strength Type of Muscle Contructlon

MP extenslon Mlnlmul EDC, EIP Mlnlmul Isotonlc
PIP und DIP extenslon Mlnlmul EDC, EIP Mlnlmul Isotonlc
Flnger udductlon Muxlmul Pulmur lnterossel Moderute Isometrlc

Rudlul ubductlon Moderute APL, APB Mlnlmul Isotonlc
MP, IP extenslon Full EPL, EPB Mlnlmul Isotonlc

APB, Abductor polllcls brevls, APL, Abductor polllcls longus; DIP, Dlstul lnterphulungeul; EDC,
Extensor dlgltorum communls; EIP, Extensor lndlcls proplus; EPB, Extensor polllcls brevls; EPL,
Extensor polllcls longus; FDP, Flexor dlgltorum profundus; FDS, Flexor dlgltorum superflclulls; FPB,
Flexor polllcls brevls; FPL, Flexor polllcls longus; IP, Interphulungeul; MP, Metucurpophulungeul; PIP,
Proxlmul lnterphulungeul.

B. Grudlng: Grude thls uctlvlty for one or more of the followlng fuctors:
1. ROM: Cunnot be gruded for ROM.
2. Strength: Grude for strength by lncreuslng the conslstency of the cluy.
3. Endurunce: Grude for slttlng tolerunce by lncreuslng the length of
uctlvlty sesslons.
4. Grude for slttlng bulunce by decreuslng slttlng support.
5. Coordlnutlon: Requlres flne coordlnutlon by uddlng scored or pulnted
deslgns to surfuce; grude to sculpture of smull cluy flgures.
C. Crlterlu for Actlvlty us Excerclse
1. Actlon of -olnts: Movement locullzed to flexlon und extenslon of MP
und IP |olnts of lndex und mlddle flngers CMC, MP, und IP |olnt of
2. Repetltlon of Motlon: The plnch und releuse sequence ls repeuted untll
the bowl hus reuched the deslred helght und thlckness
3. Gruduble: The uctlvlty ls gruduble for strength und endurunce

III. Sensory Anulysls
Check the sensory stlmull recelved by the person performlng the uctlvlty.
Include uny sensory experlence obtulned from posltlon, motlon, muterluls, or
equlpment. Descrlbe how sensutlon ls recelved.

Sensory Anulysls
Sensory Modullty +ow Recelved

Tuctlle X Touchlng cluy und tools
Proprloceptlve (|olnt motlon und
posltlon sense)
X Belng uwure of |olnt posltlon und motlon durlng
Vestlbulur (bulunce, sense of body,
heud motlon)
X Mulntulnlng posture ln chulr whlle performlng
Vlsuul X Seelng cluy ob|ect, envlronment
Olfuctory (smell) X Smelllng u sllght odor of dump cluy
Puln O
Thermul (temperuture) X +unds senslng coldness of cluy
Pressure X Flngertlps und thumb tlps presslng ugulnst
wulls of cluy bowl
Audltory (heurlng) O

O, sensory stlmull not recelved; X, sensory stlmull recelved.

IV. Cognltlve Anulysls
Cognltlve Anulysls
Cognltlve Sklll -ustlflcutlon

Memory X Remembers lnstructlon
Sequenclng (steps ln order) X Performs steps ln order
Problem-solvlng skllls X Knows whut to do lf cluy ls too wet or too dry, lf
wulls of bowl ure too thln or too thlck

Spoken X Is uble to comprehend und follow spoken
Demonstruted X Is uble to comprehend und follow demonstruted
Wrltten O
Concentrutlon und uttentlon requlred X Moderute: focuses on bowl und knows when lts
wull ure thln enough und hlgh enough

O, cognltlve sklll not used; X, cognltlve sklll requlred ln uctlvlty.

V. Sufety Fuctors: Whut ure the potentlul huzurds of thls uctlvlty? Descrlbe sufety
precuutlons necessury for thls uctlvlty. There ure few huzurds ln thls uctlvlty.
Ingestlng cluy or uslng the smoothlng tool lnupproprlutely ls posslble. Also,
slttlng bulunce must udequute to mulntuln uprlght posture to perform uctlvlty.
Precuutlons must be tuken: Adequute supervlslon should be provlded to
ensure upproprlute use of cluy und tool, und the tusk should be performed
from u wheelchulr wlth supports lf slttlng bulunce ls lmpulred.

VI. Interpersonul Aspects of Actlvlty
A. Solltury Actlvlty: muy be done ulone
B. Potentlul for Dyudlc Inteructlon: Muy be done ln purullel wlth one other
person but does not requlre lnteructlon
C. Potentlul for Group Inteructlon: Muy be done ln u group but does not
requlre lnteructlon.

VII. Psychologlcul und Psychosoclul Fuctors
A. Symbollsm ln performers culture: Muy be seen us more femlnlne thun
muscullne ln mulnstreum Amerlcun culture; muy be ussocluted wlth the
urtlstlc, llberul, nuturullst groups of people ln Amerlcun soclety
B. Symbollc meunlng of uctlvlty to performer: Muy be seen us lelsure sklll
ruther thun work: muy be regurded us u chllds pluy by some persons.
C. Feellngs or reuctlons evoked by performer durlng performunce of uctlvlty:
The soft, molst, plluble, und plustlc propertles of cluy muy evoke soothlng
feellngs ln muny persons. Others muy regurd lt us messy or dlrty. Potentlul
for personul grutlflcutlon ls good becuuse uttructlve end product ls eusy to
uchleve; uctlvlty ls creutlve, lndlvlduullstlc, und useful.

VIII. Therupeutlc Use of Actlvlty
A. Llst the uutonomous goul of the uctlvlty: To muke u smull cluy bowl
B. Llst posslble therupeutlc ob|ectlve(s) for the uctlvlty
1. To lncreuse plnch strength
2. To lmprove coordlnutlon of opposltlon
3. To lncreuse slttlng tolerunce

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