Model of Human Occupation (MOHO)
Model of Human Occupation (MOHO)
Model of Human Occupation (MOHO)
This model had undergone continuous development since it’s starting. Initially, it was
originated as a model, but later on, it evolved into a frame of reference.
Reilly’s MOHO and Kielhofner’s MOHO has the same base, but a different
Output– It refers to the external action or the behavior of the system due to the input
and throughput process.
This ongoing cycle is responsible for the process of self maintenance and self
This Open System also has three subsystems.
1. Volition
2. Habituation
3. Performance
These subsystems are the part of the throughput process in the open system.
For more detailing and understanding, these three subsystems are further divided
into its different structure and function.
#1 Volition –
It’s the first and highest subsystem of an open system. It is directly related to the
motivation and voluntarily involvement of a person in occupation.
Volition also refers to the human’s inborn urge to explore and master the
environment. The volition is depends upon the internal thought and beliefs, which is
further broken down into- personal causation, values, and interest.
Valued Goals – are a person’s internal belief concerning what is good, right, and
#2 Habituation –
#3 Performance –
The last and lowest subsystem is performance, which consists of the basic
capacities for action (skills). Its function is to produce the action of the system.
Mainly there are three types of skills: perceptual motor skills, process skills (planning
and problem solving), and communication skills. These types of skills are required
for better performance in human occupation. A person must be emotionally fit, and
his/her neurological and musculoskeletal system must be normal for better
performance in occupation.
Occupational dysfunction is where the occupational therapist has to work and root
out the causes of uninvolvement in occupation.
Inefficiency – refers to the initial level of occupational dysfunction. This may cause
due to dissatisfaction with performance after applying meaningful activity.
Incompetence – it may occur due to major loss or limitation of skills. An Individual
may experience feelings of failure or dissatisfaction. Due to which limitation can see
in an occupation as well as in daily routine.
Generally, OCAIRS (Occupational Case Analysis Interview and Rating Scale) can be
used as an initial screening of occupational function. This scale focuses on the
valued goals, interest, performance, skills of an individual, and most importantly, is
he/she satisfied or dissatisfied while performing activities. But there is no limitation
for the assessment.
Occupational therapist’s can also perform various other scales after doing the initial
screening. Some scales are – occupational performance history, interview, interest
checklist, ADL checklist, decision making inventory, and so on.
After the initial screening and assessment, the therapist will get the information about
the cause of occupational dysfunction, due to which individual is not taking part in his
occupational roles.
Its duty of a therapist to find out the problem in subsystems of an open system. i.e
volition, habituation, and performance. If there is a problem in one of the subsystem,
for example in performance subsystem. We know that performance depends on the
skills available or defect in skill. Skill impairment may occur to any injury or problem
in the musculoskeletal or neurologic system. The therapist will focus on the skill
training and primary goal will be to resume his/her occupation.