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Evaluate by : industrial supervisor

Marks : 25%

Criteria Highest Mark Marks

Responsibilities and Highly responsible and committed towards 3
commitment: professional and safety issues in the organization
Towards professional, and
confidentiality in engineering
technology practices
Decision-making: Students explore more than three method/solution
Students demonstrate an for assessing and evaluating an ethical situation. 2
understanding of ethical decision
Timeline: Submission of logbook to supervisor on time. 2
(Punctuality of logbook
Student’s activities and Student’s activities are clearly explained with excellent 3
organization: supporting figures, flow chart, pictures etc.
Daily Planning

Part B (50%): In this section, please fill up the table below using marks given by the industrial SV in
the logbook.

PO11: Project Management and Finance (50 Marks)

Week Mark Week Mark Week Mark Week Mark

W1 W7 W13 W19
W2 W8 W14 W20
W3 W9 W15 W21
W4 W10 W16 W22
W5 W11 W17 W23
W6 W12 W18 W24

No. of week of
Total weekly marks Average mark FINAL SCORE
industrial training
(A) (C) = (A) / (5 × B) (C) × 50%
(…. /50)

Evaluate by : university supervisor

Marks : 30%

Criteria Highest Marks

Introduction Excellent description on the 1
- Provide introduction on Internship course in purpose of industrial training and
FTKKP UMP organization information
- Provides a concise introduction of the
organization (organization structure, products/
services and establishment history)
Project Report Complete explanation on the 3
- Problem to be solved/ Problem Identification/ project given. Problem
Problem statement from industry statements, objectives, scopes,
- Project Objectives methodology, results &
- Project scopes discussion, conclusion and
- Methodology recommendation were
- Results Discussion significantly written.
- Project conclusion
- Recommendations
Final score:
Lifelong Learning (15 Marks)
Values and Career Plans Descriptions are complete and 1
- Attitude and experiences that shaped self-Value detailed with excellent cohesion
- Career direction or connectivity between
experiences and shaped self-
value. Career direction is clearly
Conclusion Main ideas are clearly presented; 1
- Benefit of the Project that student gain Ideas are presented in an
- Contribution of the Project towards the interesting order. Conclusions are
organization significantly presented.
- Suggestions / Solutions (new system)
Grammar and Spelling Virtually no spelling, sentence 0.5
structure, capitalization,
punctuation and/or grammatical
Layout & Organization Formatting, alignment, table of 0.5
contents, list of figures/tables, and
page numbering are very neat.
Excellent figure or table captions,
and selection of titles/subtitles.
Final Score :
(…. /15)

Evaluate by : industrial supervisor

Marks : 30%

Use the following criteria as the basis for evaluating student’s performance on a scale of 1 (poor), 2
(acceptable), 3 (moderate), 4 (good) and 5 (excellent) according to the rubrics in the table below.

Items Assessed Ranki

Poor Good
Criteria Acceptabl Moderate Excellent Score
e (2) (3) (5)
PO9: Individual and Teamworking (20 Marks)

Capability of Unable to Able to Able to Able to Highly ×1

following follow follow some follow follow capable of
instruction instruction of the instruction instruction following
from the instructions from the from the instruction
superior with superior superior from the
guidance with without superior
from the guidance guidance without
superior guidance

Minimal Unable to ×2
Supervision work Able to Able to Able to Working
(Independen independent work work work independ
ce) ly independ independ independ ently with
ently but ently with ently with minimal
most of guidance some supervisi
the time guidance on
Team Spirit Unable to Able to Moderately Easy to Highly ×1
work with work with able to work and cooperate
the team the team work with cooperate and
members members the team with the working
with some members team together
cooperation members with the


PO4: Investigation (45 Marks)

Ability to Unable to Low Moderately Able to Highly ×1

adapt with adapt to adaptation able to adapt to the adaptable
the working the working to the adapt to the working to the
environment environme working working environmen working
nt environmen environmen t environmen
t t t

Technical Failed to The The The The ×3

competence: identify the problem problem problem problem
cause of has been has been has been has been
the identified identified identified identified
problem correctly correctly correctly correctly
without but some of and most of with
supporting the the complete
evidence supporting supporting supporting
and root evidence evidence evidence
cause and root and root and root
cause are cause are cause
missing available

Technical The The The The The ×3

Competency: proposed proposed proposed proposed proposed
Ability to solution is solution is solution is solution is solution is
propose poorly acceptably moderately aligned to completely
solutions aligned to aligned to aligned to practical aligned to
practical practical practical engineering practical
engineering engineering engineering technology engineering
technology technology technology or related technology
or related or related or related discipline or related
discipline discipline discipline problems discipline
problems problems problems problems

Responsive Ignore Acceptable Moderate Aware of Sensitive to ×1

to the social, issues awareness awareness issues issues
cultural, related to to issues of issues related to related to
global, and social, related to related to social, social,
environment cultural, social, social, cultural, cultural,
al: global and cultural, cultural, global and global and
environme global and global and environmen environmen
nt. environmen environmen t. t.
t. t.

Attendance/ Poor Acceptable Moderate Good Excellent ×1

punctuality attendance attendance attendance attendance attendance
and and and and and
punctuality punctuality punctuality punctuality punctuality


Comments and Suggestions:


Evaluate by : University supervisor

Marks : 15%

Items Assessed

Poor Acceptable Moderate Good Excellent

Criteria Score
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

PO3: Development of Solution (45 Marks)

Introduction: Very little Acceptable Some Good Excellent ×1

description description explanation description explanatio
- Company
of company of company s on of company n of
profile and
background background company background company
and profile. and profile. background and profile. backgroun
and profile d and
but not profile.

Project definition Poor Limited Adequate Good Complete ×2

explanations explanations explanation explanations explanatio
- Project
on the on the s on the on the n on
project project project project project
- Problem
given. given. given. given. given.
- Project Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem
objectives statements, statements, statements, statements, statements
- Project scopes objectives objectives objectives objectives , objectives
and scopes and scopes and scopes and scopes and scopes
are are not are are relevant are
NA2 (Level of irrelevant. clear. relevant. and clear. precise,
interactions): clear, and
Resolution of relevant.
between limited
technical and
engineering issues
with little or no
impact of wider

Methodology Missing Missing The The The ×2

many several materials materials materials
- Experimental
important important and and and
explanations explanations methodolog methodolog methodolo
ss model used
of materials of materials y are y are gy are
- Gantt chart
and/or and/or complete. complete complete
methodolog methodolog Mostly easy and and very
y. Not y. In proper to follow. adequately detailed.
NA5 (Familiarities
sequential. sequence. Description detailed. Logical and
of isses):
Most steps Few steps of Easily easily
A knowledge of are missing are missing procedure followed. followed.
practical or are or are can be Description Description
procedures and confusing. confusing. replicated. of of
practices for procedure is procedure
widely applied complete is
applications and and can be excellent,
processes. replicated. ensuring
that it can
be easily

Findings & Very little or Less Interesting Interesting Very ×2

Discussions less interesting discussion and concise interesting
interesting discussion on the discussion discussion
discussion on the project on the and clear
on the project findings and project explanatio
project findings and data,but not findings and n on the
findings and data. concise. data. project
data. findings
and data.

Conclusions No main Only few Main ideas Main ideas Main ideas ×2
idea is main ideas are are are clearly
- Benefit of the
presented, are presented adequately presented;
Project that
ideas are presented; to some presented; Ideas are
student gain
presented in ideas are extent; ideas are presented
- Contribution of
the Project poor order presented in ideas are presented in in an
towards the and difficult acceptable presented clear order; interesting
organization to order. in proper Conclusions manner;
- Suggestions / understand. Limited order are well Conclusion
Solutions (new Inappropriat conclusions Conclusions presented. s are
system) e are are fairly significantl
conclusions presented. presented. y
are presented.

FINAL SCORE (…. /45)

PO10: Communication (25 Marks)

Organization The The The The The ×1
sequence of presenter presenter sequence of sequence
information does not follows information of
is follow logical is logical and informatio
unorganized. logical sequence well n is logical
sequence. but fails to organized and well-
elaborate. but needs organized
little and
improvemen provides
t to make it explanatio
better n/

Delivery Lack of Less fluent in Some Clear Clear ×1

confidence the material. mumbling articulation articulation
and no eye- Occasional but audible but not as ,
contact and un- most of the polished. confidence
sustained time, little Good eye- , and good
eye-contact. eye contact. contact. eye

Appearance Personal Personal Good Very good Excellence. ×1

appearance appearance personal personal Personal
is somewhat is somewhat appearance, appearance, appearanc
inappropriat appropriate appropriate appropriate e is
e for the for the for the for the completely
occasion occasion occasion. occasion appropriat
e for the

Visual Poorly Slides are The slides The slide is Slides are ×1
presentation prepared, too crowded are clear, clear, well clear,
slides are or lettering and the prepared, creative,
hard to read too small. lettering has and just interesting,
and follow. acceptable nice. and the
size. lettering is
enough for
the entire

Voice The The The The The ×1

presenter presenter’s presenter’s presenter presenter
speaks too voice is voice is speaks speaks
quietly to be relatively clear and clearly and clearly,
heard by the clear, but loud but not loud enough nice to
audience. too low to for the hear and
be heard by consistent whole loud
the audience to enough for
audience. hear. the
to hear.

FINAL SCORE (…. /25)


FORM A 30 %
FORM B 25 %
FORM C 15 %
FORM D 30 %
TOTAL MARK: =100 %

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