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)‫الـشـارقـة (فرع البنين‬، ‫مدرسـتنـا الثـانـويـة اإلنـجليـزية‬




Name: Max Marks: 25
Class: X Duration: 1hr.
Sec: Date: 14/10/2021

General Instructions :

Section A is of 20 marks and has 25 questions on Subject specific Skills.

Section B is of 05 marks and has 08 competency-based questions.


(Answer any 20 Questions)
Identify the correct option [20]
1) Artificial intelligence is
a) A branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in
b) The capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior.
c) A computer system able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such
as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between
d) All the above

2) The following is an example of interpersonal intelligence

a) Self confidence
b) Being able to understand and manage your own emotions
c) Self esteem
d) Ability to understand others and communicate effectively

3) Which of the following is not a stage of AI project cycle?

a) Problem solving
b) Data acquisition
c) Data Exploration
d) Evaluation

4) Identify the model that works on continuous data

a) Classification
b) Regression
c) Modularization
d) Reinforcement
5) The domain of AI related to data systems and processes, in which the system collects
numerous data, maintains data sets and derives meaning sense out of them
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a) Data science
b) Data exploration
c) Natural language processing
d) Data analysis
6) Data visualization is a method of
a) Data collection
b) Data exploration
c) Data Clustering
d) Data Featuring

7) An expert system that helps a doctor choose the correct diagnosis based on a cluster of
symptoms is a classic example for
a) Machine learning
b) Deep Learning
c) Rule based approach
d) Reinforcement learning

8) Unlabelled dataset is used in

a) Reinforcement learning
b) Supervised learning
c) Unsupervised learning
d) All the above

9) These applications also improve medical processes as it reduces the time doctors use
analysing medical images and gives them more time for consultation with patients”-Which
type of applications, in the context of AI, are being referenced?
a) Imaging techniques
b) Computer vision
c) X rays
d) All the above
10) Large dataset is very often associated with
a) Artificial neural networks
b) Machine learning
c) Modular learning
d) Data extension

11) Which of the following domain of AI is predominant in Alexa/Siri?

a) Natural Language Processing
b) Data Science
c) Computer vision
d) Robotics
12) Which one is not a component of 4W Problem Canvas?
a) Why
b) When
c) Where
d) What
13) Statement 1: Data sources must be open source and authentic
Statement 2: Data source must not be a private property
Which of the following is valid?

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a) Statement 1
b) Statement 2
c) Both statements are correct
d) Both statements are incorrect
14) The AI domain used in self-driving cars is
a) Data Science
b) Natural language processing
c) Computer vision
d) None of the above
15) The basic unit of a neural network is
a) Neuron
b) Inputs
c) Weights
d) outputs
16) Spam filtering is not connected with
a) Data science
b) Natural language processing
c) Smart email
d) Text classification
17) ___________ is the process of understanding the reliability of any AI model.

a) Problem Scoping
b) Modelling
c) Evaluation
d) Machine learning

18) Which type of learning is based on “reward and punishment” approach?

a) Supervised
b) Unsupervised
c) Reinforcement
d) Both (a) and (b)

19) In __________________, the machine is trained with huge amounts of data which helps it in
training itself around the data.
a) Machine Learning
b) Artificial Intelligence
c) NLP
d) Deep Learning

20) “These individuals are typically very good at writing stories, memorizing information, and
reading” – They possess:
a) linguistic intelligence
b) visual/spatial intelligence
c) logical reasoning
d) Quantitative aptitude
21) Match the following:

a) A(1); B(1); C(1); D(2)

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b) A(2); B(2); C(1); D(2)
c) A(1); B(2); C(1); D(2)
d) A(1); B(2); C(1); D(1)
22) The __________________canvas helps you in identifying the key elements related to the

a) Problem scoping

b) 4Ws Problem

c) Project cycle

d) Algorithm
23) Give 2 examples of Supervised Learning models.

a) Classification and Regression

b) Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction

c) Rule Based and Learning Based

d) Classification and Clustering

24) Define Machine Learning.

a) Machine learning is the study of computer algorithms that improve automatically

through experience.

b) Refers to any technique that enables computers to mimic human intelligence.

c) Machine learning refers to computer systems (both machines and software) enables
machines to perform tasks for which it isprogrammed.

d) Machine Learning refers to projects that allow the machine to work on a particular
25) ___________________ is an example of Applications of Natural Language Processing.

a) Evaluation

b) Automatic Summarization

c) Deep Learning

d) Problem Scoping

26) Amazon’s one of the largest tech giants in the world. And so, it’s no surprise that they’re
heavy users of machine learning and artificial intelligence. In 2015, Amazon realized that
their algorithm used for hiring employees was found to be biased against women. The reason
for that was because the algorithm was based on the number of resumes submitted over the
past ten years, and since most of the applicants were men, it was trained to favor men over
women. This is an example of
a) Data Privacy
b) AI access
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c) AI Bias
d) Data Exploration

27) ___________ models are used to predict a continuous value. Predicting prices of a house
given the features of house like size, price etc is one of the common examples of
________________. It is a supervised technique.
a) Regression
b) Unsupervised
c) Classification
d) Clustering

28) A recommendation system plays an important role in helping us have a better user
experience, while also exposing us to more inventory we might not discover otherwise. Some
examples of recommender systems in action include product recommendations on Amazon,
Netflix suggestions for movies and TV shows in your feed, recommended videos on
YouTube, music on Spotify, the Facebook newsfeed and Google Ads.
Recommender systems are among the most popular applications of
a) Data science
b) NLP
c) Computer vision
d) Feature mapping

29) a. Understand and inspect the web page to find the HTML markers associated with the
information we want.

b. Use Python libraries to pull out data from the HTML page.

c. Manipulate the collected data to get it in the form we need.

The above given steps are for collecting data from which of the following data sources?

a) Cameras

b) Sensors

c) Surveys

d) Web scraping

30) An expert system is a kind of problem-solving software which tries to replicate the
knowledge and reasoning methods of the experts. This system uses expert thinking processes
to provide data, which includes assessment and recommendations for your problem.
An expert system can help in
a) Decision making

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b) Learning
c) Assessment
d) Feedback

31) Nowadays, the problem of floods has worsened in some parts of the country. Not only does it
damage the whole place but also forces people to move out of their homes and relocate.To
address this ,an AI model is to be developed
Problem scoping helps in
a) setting the goal
b) identifying the problem
c) a deeper understanding of the problem
d) All of these

32) With reference to the above situation, Which of the following W of 4Ws canvas problem
helps in analyzing the affected people directly or indirectly?
a) who
b) what
c) where
d) why

33) Which of the following refers to where among 4Ws canvas?

a) stakeholders
b) nature of the problem
c) context/situation/location
d) solution or benefits to the stakeholders

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