9TH Class PT 2 Question Paper

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MARKS: 50 TIME: 2.30 hrs


Multiple Choice Questions: 1x20=20 Marks

1. In an AI project cycle, which of the following steps immediately follows stakeholders


a) Goal setting b)Brain storming problems

c) Identifying existing measures d) Identifying ethical concern

2. The identification of stakeholders helps in_____________

a) Identifying action that are ineffective.

b) Identifying trouble makers

c) Identifying ethical implications

d) Identifying cost over runs.

3. Brainstorming is best suited for ____________

a) Identifying existing measures

b) Identifying stake holders

c) Identifying goals

d) None of these
4. Consider the following:

*emails *Documets *videos *Audios

These are the examples of _________

a) structured data b) unstructured data

c) semi-structured data d) none of these

5. Big Data is________

a) Always created by human beings

b) Can not include structured data

c) Is from multiple sources

d) can have maximum size in giga bytes.

6. During which period did Big data sets start emerging?

a) 1960’s and 1970’s b) 1980’s and 1990’s

c) 2000’s and 2010’s d) 2010 onwards

7) An AI project cycle ends with________

a) project deployment b) project review

c) project tuning d) none of these

8. Which of the following comes under problem scoping?

a) System mapping b) 4w’s canvas

c) data features d) web scraping

9. Which of the following is a step of problem scoping?

a) setting goals b) Identifying stakeholders

c) Identifying ethical concern d) all of these

10. Most of the modeling is done using

a) graphs b) decision trees

c) diagrams d) presentations

11. The 4W’s of proble scoping are____________

a) which, when , why , where b) who , what, where, which

c) when, what , which, why d) who, what, where, why

12. ___________ is an AI game based on data science

A) Rock, Paper, Scissors B) Akinator with Alexa

C) Emoji Scavenger D) None of the above.

13. What does NLP stand for in AI?

A) Neutral learning projection
B) National language processing
C) Natural language processing
D) Neuro linguistic programming
14. Artificial Intelligence is about_________
A) Playing a game on computer
B) Making a machine intelligent
C) Programming on machine with your own intelligence
D) Putting your intelligence in machine.

15. This language is easy to learn and is one of the most popular language for AI today
A) C++ B) Python C) Ruby D) JAVA

16. This is a program that allows the computer to simulate conversation with a human being
A) Speech application program Interface
B) Chat bot
C) Voice recognition
D) Speech recognition

17. Speech recognition________________ is the ability of machines to do cognitive tasks such as

thinking, perceiving, learning, program solving and decision making.
A) Nero science B) Data package
C) Artificial intelligence D) None of the above.
18. Artificial Intelligence’s applications are
A) Expert systems B) Gaming
C) Vision systems D) All the above

19. AI is divided into which of the following branches?

A) Machine learning B) Cyber forensics C) Full stack developer D) Network design

20. Which of the following is not a stage in the AI project cycle

A) Problem scoping B)Data exploration C) Data acquisition D) Proto typing

Fill in the blanks below: 1x5=5 marks

1. ____________ allows computers and systems to extract useful information from digital photos,
videos and other visual inputs.
2. _____________ is a web-based service that provides accurate data on geographic region and
locations all over the world.
3. _________ device can do activities without the need of human interaction.
4. What is the full form of “AI”__________________________
5. In which year google introduce AI is their application _______________


Answer the following questions: 2x5=10 marks

Each question carries 2 marks.
1. What is Problem scoping?
2. What are domains of AI?
3. Full form of API?
4. What is NLP? and explain?
5. What are the companies that make use of AI?

Answer any 5 questions.
Each question carries 3 marks. 5x3=15 marks

1. How many stages of AI project cycle? What are those?

2. What is structured data?
3. What are the sources of acquiring data in “data acquisition”?
4. Write any five functions (smart features) of smart home?
5. What is Evaluation? Explain?
6. What are the data visualization techniques?

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