This letter presents a thorough procedural investigation of a highly compact reconfigurable quad-band monopole antenna
providing multiband operation at 1.85 GHz (GSM 1900 MHz), 2.42 GHz Bluetooth/IMTE, 3.4 GHz (Wi-MAX) and 5.3 GHz
wireless LAN (WLAN) for personal wireless applications (PWA). The investigated antenna structure consists of a ‘5′- shaped
stub that facilitates operation for GSM applications and a semicircular arc for Bluetooth/IMT-E applications, while an inverted
L-shaped stub facilitates dual-band operation for Wi-MAX and wireless LAN applications. The presented antenna is fed using
an asymmetrical coplanar strip-line (ACS) feed. The triple-band frequency reconfiguration operation, over the Bluetooth,
Wi-MAX, and WLAN frequency bands, is achieved by embedding two PIN diode RF switches. The investigated antenna is
developed on a highly economical FR-4 glass epoxy substrate that is 1 mm thick with a compact size of 24 × 10 mm2. The
presented antenna has measured impedance bandwidths of 1.7–1.91 GHz (BW = 11.63%), 2.35–2.55 GHz (BW = 10.31%),
3.3–3.7 GHz (BW = 11.428%) and 5.10–5.6 GHz (BW = 9.345%) providing frequency reconfigurable quad-band operation
at the aforementioned frequency bands. The antenna offers simulated gains of 1.8, 3.45, 4.91 and 0.86 dBi; measured gains
of 2.3, 2.7, 2.82 and 2.6 dBi and radiation efficiencies of 83%, 61%, 82% and 86% at 1.85 GHz, 2.42 GHz, 3.4 GHz and
5.3 GHz, respectively. The investigated antenna exhibits nearly symmetrical radiation patterns and stable acceptable gains
across all application bands, thus making the antenna suitable for wireless communication.
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology
(𝜀r + 1)
where 𝜀reff = (3)
where C is the speed of the EM wave in free space, 𝜀reff is the
substrate effective dielectric constant and fGSM is the GSM
resonance frequency. The ‘5′-shaped quarter-wavelength
monopole has a theoretical length value at fGSM = 1.8 GHz
of lGSM = 25.35 mm. When LGSM is set to 9.5 mm, the theo-
retical value of R
GSM = 5.05 mm, while the optimized value
of RGSM = 6.5 mm.
Antenna-2 is developed to function at a second operating
frequency of 2.45 GHz to provide services in the Bluetooth
(2.4–2.484 GHz)/IMT-E (2.5–2.6 GHz) frequency band. Fig. 3 Modeling of RF PIN diode D
1 in its ON state (forward bias)
This antenna comprises a semicircular radiating monopole and OFF state (reverse bias)
connected to a 50 Ω feed-line (as shown in Fig. 2b). The
radiating semicircular arc radius is estimated by Eq. (4):
capacitor (CT = 0.1 pF) and resistor (RP = 0.1 kΩ) in series
CBluetooth = πRbluetooth (4) with an inductor (L = 0.6 nH). Figure 3 shows the modeling
of a PIN diode switch using its equivalent circuitry. PIN
C diode D1 in its OFF state facilitates operation over the GSM
CBluetooth = (5) frequency, while in its ON state, it facilitates operation over
(4fBluetooth 𝜀reff )
both the GSM and Bluetooth frequency bands.
where C is the speed of the EM wave in free space, 𝜀reff The optimized antenna parameters of the presented quad-
is the substrate effective dielectric constant and fBluetooth is band antenna are provided in Table 1, while Fig. 4 represents
the Bluetooth resonance frequency. Theoretically, Rbluetooth= the simulated S11 characteristics of the investigated antenna
5.93 mm, while the practical optimized value of Rbluetooth = at various stages of evolution. As observed in Fig. 4, the pro-
5.5 mm. posed antenna offers acceptable bandwidths over operating
Further, to provide frequency reconfigurable operation at frequency bands for GSM, Bluetooth/IMT-E, Wi-MAX, and
2.45 GHz, a PIN diode ( D1) RF switch is embedded between WLAN. Table 2 provides a simulated performance analysis
the ACS feedline and semicircular radiating monopole. The of the investigated quad-band antenna at various stages of
RF PIN diode (D1) in its ON state (forward bias) is modeled the evolution process. Furthermore, second frequency recon-
to operate as a series combination of inductor (L = 0.6 nH) figurable Wi-MAX and WLAN operation is achieved by
and resistance (RS = 1 Ω), while in its OFF state (reverse integrating an inverted L-shaped radiating stub and RF PIN
bias), it is modeled to operate as a parallel combination of diode switch, as shown in Fig. 2c (Antenna-3). This inverted
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology
Lsubstrate 24 mm Wsubstrate 10 mm
Lfeed 8.5 mm Wfeed 1.75 mm
Wground 8 mm Lground 4 mm
Wbluetooth 0.5 mm Rbluetooth 5.5 mm
Ll 11.65 mm Wl 0.5 mm
RGSM 6.5 mm WGSM 0.5 mm
LGSM 9.5 mm Substrate thickness 1 mm
g 0.25 mm h 1.5 mm
Fig. 5 Simulated and measured S11 for the ON and OFF states of PIN
diode D1 with D2 OFF
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology
Fig. 8 a Photograph of Agilent Fieldfox VNA (Model No: 9916A) with the measured S11 of the investigated quad-band antenna with both diodes
D1 and D2 OFF, b with both diodes D 1 and D2 ON
Table 3 Investigated antenna Model Diode D1 Diode D2 Operational frequency band Reflection Bandwidth Bandwidth (%)
impedance bandwidths during coefficient
various operational states of pin [dB]
diodes D1 and D2
Simulated OFF OFF GSM 1.86 GHz − 47.47 1.7–2.03 17.69
ON OFF GSM 1.85 GHz − 23.70 1.7–1.94 13.18
Bluetooth 2.42 GHz − 29.40 2.3–2.54 9.917
OFF ON GSM 1.91 GHz − 21.90 1.7–2.03 17.69
Wi-MAX 3.56 GHz − 24.40 3.3–3.80 14.08
WLAN 5.25 GHz − 21.30 5.15–5.5 6.572
ON ON GSM 1.88 GHz − 18.16 1.7–1.94 13.18
Bluetooth 2.41 GHz − 37.20 2.3–2.54 9.917
Wi-MAX 3.6 GHz − 26.88 3.3–3.80 14.08
WLAN 5.3 GHz − 30.23 5.15–5.5 6.572
Measured OFF OFF GSM 1.81 GHz − 41.47 1.7–2.01 16.71
ON OFF GSM 1.8 GHz − 25.32 1.7–1.94 13.18
Bluetooth 2.42 GHz − 32.40 2.3–2.50 8.333
OFF ON GSM 1.85 GHz − 22.50 1.7–1.91 11.63
Wi-MAX 3.57 GHz − 28.70 3.3–3.70 11.42
WLAN 5.24 GHz − 29.30 5.10–5.6 9.345
ON ON GSM 1.85 GHz − 23.70 1.7–1.91 11.63
Bluetooth 2.42 GHz − 29.40 2.3–2.55 10.39
Wi-MAX 3.4 GHz − 30.88 3.3–3.70 11.42
WLAN 5.3 GHz − 37.23 5.10–5.6 9.345
where Ll is the total length of the radiating inverted L mono- in Fig. 2d. Further, a vertical stub is added to this stretched
pole and fw is the Wi-MAX resonance frequency. In Antenna ACS feed line as shown in Fig. 2d, which contributes a quar-
-3, the ACS feedline structure is stretched out to achieve the ter wavelength electrical conducting path at 3.5 GHz oper-
operational WLAN band at 5.5 GHz. The stretched out ACS ating frequency; thus providing two operating frequencies
feed line structure provides a quarter wavelength electrical centered at 3.4 GHz and 5.3 GHz.
conducting path at 5.5 GHz operating frequency as shown
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology
Fig. 9 The normalized magnitude current distribution of the investigated antenna at resonant frequencies a 1.88 GHz (D1 and D
2 OFF) b
2.42 GHz (D1 ON and OFF and D 2 OFF) c 3.4 GHz (D1 OFF and D 2 ON and OFF) and d 5.3 GHz ( D1 OFF and D 2 ON and OFF)
3 Results and Analysis Fig. 11 Simulated and measured 2D radiation patterns at a 1.85 GHz ▸
b 2.42 GHz c 3.4 GHz and d 5.3 GHz along the E-plane (on the left-
hand side) and H-plane (on the right-hand side)
Furthermore, the RF PIN diodes D 1 and D
2 in their ON
state facilitate frequency reconfigurable operation over
the Bluetooth, Wi-MAX and WLAN frequencies by pro- 1.91 GHz, 3.56 GHz, and 5.25 GHz with reflection coef-
viding electrically conducting paths to the semicircular ficients of − 21.9 dB, 24.4 dB, and − 21.3 dB, respec-
and inverted L- shaped stubs, respectively. Figure 5 illus- tively. Figure 7 illustrates the simulated and measured S11
trates the simulated and measured S11 characteristics of characteristics of the proposed quad-band antenna with
the investigated quad-band antenna with PIN diode D 1 both diodes in their ON state. Four frequency bands are
in its ON and OFF states and PIN diode D 2 in its OFF observed at 1.88 GHz, 2.41 GHz, 3.6 GHz, and 5.3 GHz
state. Two frequency bands are observed at 1.85 GHz and with reflection coefficients of − 18.16 dB, − 37.2 dB,
2.42 GHz with reflection coefficients of − 23.7 dB and − 26.88 dB, and − 30.23 dB, respectively. The measured
− 29.4 dB, which allows the antenna to operate in these impedance bandwidths are 1.7–1.92 GHz, 2.3–2.55 GHz,
two bands. Figure 6 illustrates the measured and simu- 3.25–3.65 GHz, and 5.1–5.6 GHz covering the operat-
lated S 11 characteristics of the investigated quad-band ing frequencies of the GSM, Bluetooth, Wi-MAX and
antenna with PIN diode D2 in its ON state and PIN diode WLAN frequency bands, respectively. Figure 8 presents
D1 in its OFF state. Three frequency bands are observed at a photograph of the Agilent Fieldfox VNA 9916A with
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology
the measured S11 of the investigated quad-band antenna. applications. Table 3 tabulates the various measured and
A very small discrepancy is observed between simulated simulated impedance bandwidths of the operational fre-
and measured S11, which may have been generated due to quency bands during various stages of the switching of
deficiencies during prototype fabrication, when soldering two PIN diodes.
the SMA connectors and when soldering the PIN diodes understanding of the quad-band operation of the pre-
and losses due to cable connecting antenna and measuring sented antenna the surface current distribution is observed
devices. All the operational frequency bands have achieved at the four resonant frequencies. Figure 9a illustrates the
the required bandwidths assigned to them per the regula- current distribution of the reconfigurable quad-band antenna
at a resonant frequency of 1.85 GHz. As observed in
Fig. 9a, the maximum current is highly accumulated across
the ‘5′-shaped stub. At 2.41 GHz, when PIN diode D1 is
switched ON, the surface current flows across the semi-
circular radiating stub of radius RBluetooth,,thus providing
resonance characteristics at 2.45 GHz [5] (Fig. 9b D1-ON
state). The current flow is restricted across the semicircular
radiating stub when PIN diode D 1 is switched OFF (Fig. 9b
D1-OFF state), thus validating the results shown in Fig. 5
(frequency reconfigurable characteristics). The PIN diodes
D1 and D 2 are switched by applying bias voltage of 5 V and
0 V to switch ON and OFF, respectively. The biasing circuit
consists of a RF choke inductor (L = 0.6 nH) and DC block-
ing capacitor (C = 0.1 pF) as shown in Fig. 10.
From (Fig. 9c-ON state) and (Fig. 9d-ON state), when the
diode D2 is switched ON, the 3.6 GHz and 5.3 GHz reso-
nances occur due to the maximum surface current distri-
bution concentrated along with the inverted L-shaped stub
thereby providing operational service for Wi-MAX and
Fig. 12 Simulated efficiency WLAN applications. When diode D2 is switched OFF, the
current flow is restricted towards the inverted L-shaped stub
by the high impedance of the PIN diode in reverse bias.
This validates the frequency reconfigurable operation of the
investigated quad-band antenna.
The prototype of the designed antenna is fabricated using
a photolithography process. The proposed quad-band fre-
quency reconfigurable antenna is realized by inserting dual
pairs of PIN diodes into the fabricated prototype. Figure 10
presents the fabricated model of the designed reconfigur-
able multiband antenna. The far-field radiation pattern meas-
urement setup consists of an anechoic chamber employing
a standard measurement setup consisting of a ridge horn
antenna, a rotating table with an AUT mounting arm, an
RF source generator, a spectrum analyzer and a PC with
radiation pattern plotting software. The measured radia-
tion pattern of the proposed antenna has omnidirectional
characteristics along the H-plane (XZ-plane) and dumbbell-
shaped radiation characteristics on the E-plane (YZ-plane)
across all the operational frequency bands, as illustrated in
Fig. 11. The antenna provides a theoretical peak radiation
Fig. 13 Measured and simulated gain
efficiency of 97% at 4 GHz and average radiation efficiency
of approximately 70% at all other operational frequencies,
as illustrated in Fig. 12.
tory bodies, making antennas suitable for various wireless The antenna offers radiation efficiencies of 83%, 61%,
82% and 86% at 1.85, 2.42, 3.4 and 5.3 GHz, respectively,
Table 4 Performance evaluation of proposed work with other existing work
Refs. Antenna size and Substrate used Operational frequency Operating band (GHz) Bandwidth (MHz or %) Gain (dBi) Frequency reconfigurable
volume (dimensions in achieved mechanism
[11] 88 × 88 × 1.6 FR-4 glass epoxy Wideband operation Multiband mode Multiband mode Multiband mode Two-pin diodes are used to
Vol = 12,390 between 2–6 GHz 2.3–2.45 150 2.36 switch operation between
Multiband operation at 2.4, 3.4–3.6 200 2.99 wideband and multiband
3.5 and 5.2 GHz 4.95–5.7 750 − 0.14 mode. No control mecha-
nisms are provided to
switch between different
frequencies for multiband or
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology
wideband mode
[21] 80 × 60 × 3.04 Taconic RF35 1.82 GHz Not specified Not specified 4.2 Three-pin diodes are used
Vol = 14,592 2.05 GHz 2.73 to switch between six
2.32 GHz 2.35 frequency bands. However,
3.02 GHz 1.81 there is no justification for
3.2 GHz 0.95 how diode control frequency
3.5 GHz 0.1 switching is provided and
the antenna has a large
[23] 50 × 50 × 1.57 FR-4 glass epoxy Wideband Mode Not Specified Wideband Wideband Two-pin diodes are used for
Vol = 3925 5 to 7 GHz Mode Mode 6 band
Dual-band mode 1 33.52% 3.17 and 4.92 operation. However, no
5.6 and 6.2 GHz Dual-band Dual-band mode 1 justification is provided for
Dual-band mode 2 mode 1 3.6 and 4.2 how the diodes to control
5 and 5.7 GHz 5.2% and 4.85% Dual-band mode 2 frequency switching
Dual-band 3.7 & 3.54
mode 2
4.2% & 2.4%
[24] 30 × 28.4 × 0.508 RT/duroid 5880 Quintuple operation at Not Specified 630 2.73 Two-pin diodes are used to
Vol = 433 4.2 GHz 700 2.72 switch between 5 frequency
4.3 GHz 700 3.92 bands providing frequency
5.1 GHz 100 3.92 reconfigurable operation
5.5 GHz 600 2.34
7.5 GHz
Proposed work 24 × 10 × 1 FR-4 glass epoxy Quad-band operation at 1.70—1.92 220 2.3 Two-pin diodes are used to
Vol = 240 1.85 GHz 2.30—2.55 250 2.7 switch between 4 different
2.42 GHz 3.30—3.70 400 2.82 frequency bands providing
3.4 GHz 5.10—5.60 500 2.6 quad-band operation. The
5.3 GHz antenna also has a compact
size compared to those of
other antennas
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology
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pact flexible and frequency reconfigurable antenna for quintuple received a B.E degree from
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nam in Electronics and Commu-
Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to nication Engineering, M. Tech
jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. (ECE) degree from JNTU,
Hyderabad, and a Ph. D (ECE)
degree from Osmania University,
Hyderabad, MBA (HRD & Mar-
Koduri Sreelakshmi received a B. keting). He has 527 research
Tech in Electronics and Commu- publications and technical
nication Engineering (ECE) reports which include Interna-
from JNTU Hyderabad, Telan- tional/National Journals/ Confer-
gana, AP, India and an M. Tech ences such as IEEE and Springer
in Very Large Scale Integration Journals and 18 technical reports
(VLSI) from JNTU Kakinada, submitted to DRDO, NSTL,
Vishakapatnam, AP, India and is UGC, CSIR, AICTE, etc. He has 32 years of experience overall in
pursuing a Ph.D (ECE) from teaching, R&D and industry. He wrote textbooks on Global Navigation
Andhra University, Vishakapat- and Satellite System (GNSS), mobile cellular communication, electro-
nam, AP, India. She has pub- magnetic field theory and transmission lines, microwave and radar
lished 5 research papers in engineering. He is a senior member of the IEEE and Fellow of IETE.
reputed international journals. Presently he is working as Head and Professor at the Department of
Her research interests include ECE, Andhra University College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam.
reconfigurable antennas, ultra-
wideband antennas, and conformal antennas.