G8 DLL week 2
G8 DLL week 2
G8 DLL week 2
Daily Lesson
Log Teacher Agnes H. Enorme Learning Area SCIENCE ( Earth & Space )
II. CONTENT Module 1 – How do faults Focus and Epicenter Module 1: How Strong is the Topic: Do You Live Near Continuation of the
produce quakes? Where does an Earthquake? an Active Fault? lesson about active
earthquake start ? faults
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 72 -76 77 - 80 81 - 83 83 - 85
2. Learner’s Material 122 - 124 125 - 127 127 - 130 131 – 132; 135 -136
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material MISOSA 6. Module 26 MISOSA 6. Module 28 Map of active faults in the
from Learning Resource Science and Technology I: Science and Technology I: Philippines
(LR) Portal Integrated Science Integrated Science
Textbook Textbook
NISMED 2012 pp. 192-193 NISMED 2012 pp. 193-196
Science 8 Learner’s
Science 8 Learner’s Module
Module Campo,Pia C., et al.2013.
Campo,Pia C., et al.2013. pp. 125-132
pp. 116-127
B. Other Learning Internet Internet Internet Internet
Resources Fault model
Materials: 2 boxes, paper
clip, rubber band , toy
house, 2 plastic rulers
A. ELICIT Based from the past Where does an How do scientists determine Where can we find faults
lesson, how will you earthquake start? how strong an earthquake in our country?
describe a fault? How is it is?
A picture of earthquake
destruction will be shown.