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G8 DLL week 2

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School Gubat National High School Grade Level Grade 8

Daily Lesson
Log Teacher Agnes H. Enorme Learning Area SCIENCE ( Earth & Space )

Teaching Dates November 13 – 17, 2023 Quarter Quarter 2

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of : 1. the relationship between faults and earthquakes
B. Performance The learners should be able to: 1. participate in decision making on where to build structures based on knowledge of the location of active
Standard faults in the community
2. make an emergency plan and prepare an emergency kit for use at home and in school
C. Learning LC: Using models or LC: Differentiate the LC: Differentiate the LC: Differentiate active LC: Differentiate active
Competencies/Objective illustrations, explain how epicenter of an intensity of an earthquake and Inactive faults and Inactive faults
s movements along faults earthquake from its focus from its magnitude
generate earthquakes Code: S8ES-lia-15 Code: S8ES-lia-15
Write the LC code for Code: S8ES-IIa-15 Code: S8ES-IIa-15
each. Code: S8ES-IIa-14 OBJECTIVES:
OBJECTIVES: 1. Differentiate focus and 1. Differentiate intensity 1. Identify places in the
1. Explain how faults epicenter using a fault and magnitude country where there are
generate earthquakes model 2. Illustrate the effects to active faults
2. Simulate the movement 2. Describe how the surroundings of 2. Trace on the map the
of rocks along a fault that movement along faults different earthquake exact location of these
produce earthquake affects the surroundings intensities active faults

II. CONTENT Module 1 – How do faults Focus and Epicenter Module 1: How Strong is the Topic: Do You Live Near Continuation of the
produce quakes? Where does an Earthquake? an Active Fault? lesson about active
earthquake start ? faults
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 72 -76 77 - 80 81 - 83 83 - 85
2. Learner’s Material 122 - 124 125 - 127 127 - 130 131 – 132; 135 -136
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Material MISOSA 6. Module 26 MISOSA 6. Module 28 Map of active faults in the
from Learning Resource Science and Technology I: Science and Technology I: Philippines
(LR) Portal Integrated Science Integrated Science
Textbook Textbook
NISMED 2012 pp. 192-193 NISMED 2012 pp. 193-196
Science 8 Learner’s
Science 8 Learner’s Module
Module Campo,Pia C., et al.2013.
Campo,Pia C., et al.2013. pp. 125-132
pp. 116-127
B. Other Learning Internet Internet Internet Internet
Resources Fault model
Materials: 2 boxes, paper
clip, rubber band , toy
house, 2 plastic rulers
A. ELICIT Based from the past Where does an How do scientists determine Where can we find faults
lesson, how will you earthquake start? how strong an earthquake in our country?
describe a fault? How is it is?

A picture of earthquake
destruction will be shown.

 What can you say

about the picture?

Why do you think

earthquakes occur?
B. ENGAGE Are faults related to the Are you familiar with the Are you familiar with the Do you live near a fault?
occurrence of terms focus and Richter Scale ? What is
earthquakes? epicenter? How do they measured by this scale?
C. EXPLORE Students will perform Activity 4- Where does an Analyzing a given Philvocs Studying the map of the
Activity 2- Stick ‘n’ Slip earthquake start? Earthquake Intensity Scale. distribution of active
faults and trenches in the
Philippines and their
D. EXPLAIN In your activity; Discussion about fault * Clarification on the Based on the map, where
1. What happened to the movements using the meaning of each earthquake can we find the active
rubber band? fault model intensity. faults in our country?
2. What happened to the
box attached to the rubber What is the difference Can some animals or people Do you live near an active
band? between focus and tell when an earthquake is fault?
3. What happened to the epicenter? about to hit?
house on top of the box?
4. Which is the “fault” in How does fault movement
the setup? affect the surroundings?
E. ELABORATE What happens when rocks How will you now How does intensity differ How will you describe an
along a fault move? differentiate focus and from magnitude? active fault?
epicenter? How about inactive fault?
Based from the activity, * When an earthquake
how is an earthquake What do people living in occurs, where would Is awareness of where
produced? an area near earthquake shaking be greater? Near the active faults are
epicenter experience ? the epicenter or away from located in our country
Who can now explain how the epicenter? important?
faults generate * Where would damage be
earthquakes. more? Near the epicenter or Where in the Philippines
away from the epicenter? can we find active faults?
* Based on your answers to
the previous questions,
where would the intensity
be higher? Near the
epicenter or away from the

It is very important to know

what to do and where to go
in times of natural disaster
such as an earthquake. You
should find out how to get
out of your place and learn
to locate the evacuation
F. EVALUATE How does fault produce On a piece of paper, Differentiate intensity and Recitation
quake? Explain briefly differentiate focus and magnitude.
epicenter by means of a
drawing / illustration.
G. EXTEND Video clips about List the facts that you What should you do when a Direction: Using the Map
earthquakes can be have learned about the natural disaster like an of active faults in the
watched. lesson and write the earthquake occur in your Philippines and the actual
possible application of place? Map of the Philippines,
these facts in disaster can you tell name active
preparedness. faults and some places
that can be affected in
case these faults
generate earthquakes?
Area Name Possible
of Fault Places
to be
V. REMARKS This lesson is good for 2
A. No.of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No.of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No.of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategiesworked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?


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