En Wbnr New PDF Srgcm12405
En Wbnr New PDF Srgcm12405
En Wbnr New PDF Srgcm12405
Step 1
First, you need to understand what AI How can these technologies help my
means. In the nearly 70 years since the organization thrive? What new
American computer scientist John possibilities could they offer? How
McCarthy coined the term “artificial should I organize for optimal impact?
intelligence,” we’ve seen wave after And, perhaps most importantly, how
wave of technological innovation, from can I use these technologies in a way
the rise of personal computing to the that promotes trust among customers,
internet, mobile devices, the cloud, and citizens, patients, partners,
now, generative AI. Each of these shifts shareholders, and the public?
has created new opportunities and
new questions for leaders.
Step 1 4 steps to accelerate your AI journey 4
As we get to the end of this first You also need to know that your
step, you must understand your AI transformation won’t happen in
business and organization’s one day – but if you prioritize the
current state when embarking on goals and set a strategy, it’s easier
the journey of AI. Just as a captain to get to the future of innovation.
assesses the weather, you should Are you ready for the next step,
imagine this tool as a compass to captain?
navigate through waters of data
and innovation.
4 steps to accelerate your AI journey 7
Step 2
Think of them as the wind that Are you ready for the next step
pulls you forward – they’ll not through this AI expedition?
only guide you in this but also
empower your crew to navigate
the challenges that lie ahead.
4 steps to accelerate your AI journey 10
Step 3
Step 4
Microsoft stands at the forefront of the Our team of experts will work with you
AI revolution, being pioneers that to imagine and realize the art of the
redefine industries and empower possible. By combining your unique
organizations to achieve more. With a environment and business goals with
team of experts dedicated to AI deep knowledge of Microsoft
research, development, and technologies, to methodically develop
implementation, Microsoft offers and implement an effective plan for
unparalleled expertise in harnessing your continued success.
the transformative power of AI.
With Unified you can access expert
Our commitment to advancing AI engineering and data science support
technology is evident in our for your AI applications. Our team
comprehensive suite of AI solutions, combines the technical expertise of
spanning from Azure AI services to the Azure AI and machine learning
AI capabilities of Dynamics 365, engineers with data science capabilities
enabling organizations to drive to help you develop and deploy AI
innovation, enhance customer solutions. Your integrated team —an AI
experiences, and unlock new growth and machine learning Cloud Solution
opportunities. Architect partnered with Customer
Step 4 4 steps to accelerate your AI journey 16