Comparativestudy of 3 Flowers
Comparativestudy of 3 Flowers
Comparativestudy of 3 Flowers
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The variety of medicinal plants have been known since ages for their therapeutic
and pharmacological potentials. Such plants are known to have the ability to
Keywords synthesize a wide range of chemical compounds and secondary metabolites. The
active biological functions and medicinal values of such plants is attributed to the
Phytochemical presence of such bioactive compounds. In the present study, the significant
compounds, phytocompounds were screened from the methanolic and chloroformic flower
Cardiac extracts of three important medicinal plants commonly found in Durg district of
glycosides, Chhattisgarh, viz., Wedelia trilobata, Achyranthes aspera and Chrysanthemum, and
Steroids, then comparatively analyzed. The significant secondary metabolites viz., Cardiac
Flavonoids, glycosides, steroids, Alkaloids, Flavonoids, Terpenoids, Tannins and Saponins
Terpenoids, were qualitatively analyzed from different flower extracts and for which the
Alkaloids standard protocol was followed. The methanolic flower extracts of three of the
plants were found to have the rich sources of phytoactive compounds as compared
to the chloroformic flower extract. Cardiac glycosides were richly present in the
flower extracts of Wedelia trilobata, and Chrysanthemum. Flavonoids, Tannins,
Terpenoids and Alkaloids were present in bulk in Chrysanthemum flower extract.
Chhattisgarh is the Herbal state of India, the rapid and intense exploration of more
rich in the natural sources of plants and and more of such plants with therapeutic and
herbs with medicinal values. The medicinal pharmacological potentials (Anil Kumar
plants have been the important part of the Dhiman, 2006). The properties like anti-
the Indian traditional systems of medicines cancerous, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-
and herbal drugs since age. The tremendous inflammatory, anti-microbial, analgesic and
beneficial properties of medicinal plants to antioxidant ones are often attributed to the
fight against free radicals and to prevent presence of a wide range of phytochemical
epidemics of infectious diseases, has led to compounds in the different extracts of the
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 150-156
medicinal plants. The beneficial and The medicinal value of Wedelia trilobata
medicinal properties of such plants are comprises of its use in the treatment of
known to result from the combinations of hepatitis, in clearing off the placenta after
the secondary products present in the plants. birth, and in cure of fever, sores, cold and
Hence, the medicinal plants are used as the inflammation (Xuesong et al., 2006).
rich source of many potent and powerful Achyranthes aspera is traditionally used in
drugs (Uniyal et al., 2006). The most treatment of asthama, cough, oedema, piles,
prominent phytochemical compounds are skin eruptions, pneumonia, rheumatism, and
Cardiac glycosides, Steroids, Flavonoids, also in treatment against bites of poisonous
Terpenoids, Alkaloids,Saponins and snakes and reptiles (Khare et al., 2007;
Tannins. Nadkarni et al., 2009). Chrysanthemum and
its herbal infusions are used in the treatment
The three commonly growing medicinal of viral and bacterial infections, sinusitis,
plants of Chhattisgarh, selected for the blood pressure, digestive and skin problems
present study were Wedelia trilobata, and influenza (Cheng et al., 2005; Lin et al.,
Achyranthes aspera and Chrysanthemum. 2010; Kim et al.,2011; Sharma et al., 2011).
Wedelia trilobata, now with a new
nomenclature as Sphagneticola trilobata is The wide range of bioactivities, and
very attractive, glossy, ground cover herb medicinal and pharmaceutical properties of
with small, bright yellow blooms. It is well the extracts of Wedelia trilobata,
known for its anti-leishmanial, anti- Achyranthes aspera and Chrysanthemum is
inflammatory, antioxidant and anti- accounted for the presence of phytochemical
carcinogenic properties (Brito et al., 2006; constituents enormously. The present study
Lin et al., 2007; Roseni et al., 2009; reveals the comparative analysis of the
Govindappa et al., 2011; Haldar et al., 2011; various important phytoactive compounds in
Kataki et al., 2012). Achyranthes aspera is the flower extracts of three of the selected
an indigenous medicinal plant in the form of medicinal plants, prepared in methanol and
the perennial herb with woody base and chloroform solvents separately.
greenish white inflorescence. It is known for
spermicidal activity, and also for anti- Materials and Methods
parasitic, anti-microbial, analgesic, anti-
inflammatory, wound healing and Collection and Preparation of Flower
antioxidant activities (Gokhale et al., 2002; Extract
Edwin et al., 2008; Sutar et al., 2008; Zafar
et al., 2009; Gayathri et al., 2009; Malarvili The healthy plants of Wedelia trilobata,
et al., 2009; Vijaya Kumar et al., 2009; Achyranthes aspera and Chrysanthemum
Zahir et al., 2009; Shrivastava et al., 2011). were collected from the open fields and
Chrysanthemum is another ornamental gardens of areas of Durg. The fresh flowers
perennial flowering herb known for its white were separated from the plants, and washed
and colourful blooms. It has anti- with clean water. Thereafter, they were
inflammatory and cardioprotective effects, shade-dried for a few days. The dried
cytotoxic, antioxidant and antimutagenic flowers of the three plants were grinded into
activities (Miyazawa et al., 2003; Jiang et coarse powder. The flower extract of each
al., 2004; Xie et al., 2009; Hanen et al., plant was then prepared separately, using the
2009; Ding et al., 2010). solvents methanol (59%) and chloroform by
Soxhlet Extraction apparatus.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 150-156
Frothing test, the best test for the detection The phytochemical screening was followed
of Saponins was applied. 0.5 ml of flower by a comparative study for the presence of
extract was added to 5 ml of distilled water different phytochemical compounds in the
in a test-tube. The solution was shaken different flower extracts prepared in two
vigorously, and the stable persistent solvents separately, i.e., Methanol and
appearance of froth indicated the presence Chloroform. The flower extract of each of
of Saponins. the three selected medicinal plants was
considered for experimentation, viz.,
Test for Tannins Wedelia trilobata, Achyranthes aspera and
0.5 ml of extract was boiled in 10 ml of
distilled water and then filtered. After
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 150-156
Table.1 Showing the comparative results of Phytochemical analysis of the Flower extract of
Wedelia trilobata, Chrysanthemum and Achyranthes aspera
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 150-156
Table.2 Comparative equations about the presence of phytochemicals qualitatively in the flower
extracts of Wedelia trilobata, Achyranthes aspera and Chrysanthemum
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 150-156
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2015) 4(4): 150-156