Phytochemical Analysis of Clitoria Ternatea Linn., A Valuable Medicinal Plant
Phytochemical Analysis of Clitoria Ternatea Linn., A Valuable Medicinal Plant
Phytochemical Analysis of Clitoria Ternatea Linn., A Valuable Medicinal Plant
4 6,426
1 author:
Ch. Mohan
ICAR-CRIDA and Osmania University
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Key words: Clitoria ternatea, phytochemical analysis, qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis.
Figure: 1. (a – b): a. Clitoria ternatea with blue flower b. Clitoria ternatea with white flower.
valuable information of bioactive compounds were reported in root extract by Manalisha and
present in Clitoria ternatea. Qualitative Chandra (2011) and in shoot and flower extract
analysis of plant extract was carried out for by Uma (2009) and seed extract by Kamilla et
Alkaloids, Tannins, Glycosides, Resins, al. (2009). Flavonoids have been reported to
Steroids, Saponins, Flavonoids and Phenols. possess many useful properties, including anti-
F u r t h e r, s o m e p l a n t e x t r a c t s w e r e inflammatory, oestrogenic, enzyme inhibition,
quantitatively analyzed for Saponins, antimicrobial, anti-allergic, antioxidant,
Flavonoids and Phenols. vascular and cytotoxic anti-tumour activity
Alkaloids are produced by large variety of (Harbone and Williams 2000). Presentiy,
organisms including bacteria, fungi, plants and Phenols were reported in the root extracts of
animals and some alkaloids have a bitter taste Clitoria ternatea and agrees with Gupta et al.
while many are toxic to other organisms (Gupta (2010). Primarily, phenolic compounds are of
et al. 2010). In the present study, alkaloids are great importance as cellular support material
present in shoot, flower and seed extracts, because they form the integral part of cell wall
which agrees with Uma (2009) and Chauhan et structure by polymeric phenolics (Gupta et al
al. (2012) and absent in leaves and shoot 2010). Bioactive polyphenols have attracted
extracts (Rao and Savitramma 2011). Tannins special attention because they protect the
and Resins reported in the present study in human body from the oxidative stress which
shoots, leaves, flowers and seeds agrees with may cause many diseases, including cancer,
the findings of Rao and Savitramma (2011), cardiovascular problems and ageing (Robards
Uma (2009), Manalisha and Chandra (2011). It et al. 1999).
was attributed that tannins contributed the The root extracts were quantitatively analyzed
property of astringency leading to faster for secondary metabolites like Flavonoids,
healing of wounds and inflamed mucous Saponins, and Phenols. The shoot, flower and
membranes (Okwu and Josiah 2006). Whereas seed extracts were quantitatively analyzed for
Terahara et al. (1996), Uma (2009) and total Flavonoids (Table-2). A high percentage of
Manalisha, and Chandra (2011) reported the Flavonoids were observed in the aqueous
presence of Tannins and Resins in the roots, we extract of roots presently (110±0.13 mg/100
found that they are absent in roots. Glycoside gm), and a lower content in shoots, flowers and
compounds were present in C. ternatea leaf, seeds. Optimum levels of Phenols (45±0.13
shoot, flower and seed presently which agrees mg/100 gm) and Saponins (2.0±0.6 mg/100
with Salhan et al. (2011). They were however gm) are also reported presently in the roots and
absent in root extracts. these results are similar to those of Chauhan et
Presently, Steroids were present in leaf which al. (2012) and Kaisoon et al. (2011).
confirms the report of Kamilla et al. (2009) and
absent in shoot, flower and seed extracts which CONCLUSION
also confirms the report of Kamilla et al. It is concluded that Clitoria ternatea is a plant
(2009). Saponins were reported in the root of C. with a variety of ethnic medicinal uses. The
ternatea presently which agrees with qualitative analysis of Clitoria ternatea shows
Manalisha and Chandra (2011). Saponins were the presence of bioactive compounds such as
presently absent in shoot and seed extracts Alkaloids, Tannins, Glycosides, Resins,
which agrees with Kamilla et al (2009). Steroids, Saponins, Flavonoids and Phenols.
Traditionally Saponins are extensively used as The quantitative estimation of total Saponins,
detergents, pesticides and molluscicides, in Flavonoids and Phenols in roots and of
addition to their industrial applications as Flavonoids in shoots, flowers and seeds is also
foaming and surface active agents, they also reported which is very important for the
have beneficial health effects (Shi et al. 2004). pharmaceutical industry. This is valuable
Similar to the present findings, Flavonoids information for preparation of drugs in