• Reviewed quarterly and rebalanced to align with market trends Transaction Fee 0.00%
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Estimated Risk
(1 standard deviation) 3.7% 7.1% 10.0%
1The simulations above are calculated based on Total Price Returns, which includes dividends received. Page 1 of 4
2Estimated Returns figures are annualised.
3Actual Gross Returns excludes dividends received.
DBS digiPortfolio / Quarterly Factsheet – Asia Portfolio / 31 December 2023
Risk Level 2
Risk Level 3
Higher allocation to equities is often used to Equity Fixed Cash Xtrackers MSCI China ETF
achieve higher potential returns, but this may Income
iShares MSCI India Index
result in higher volatility and potential losses.
Lion-OCBC Hang Seng Tech ETF
Portfolio ESG Score^
BBB Fixed Income
Risk Level 4
Higher allocation to equities may result in Equity Fixed Cash Xtrackers MSCI China ETF
higher volatility and potential losses, but is Income
often used to achieve higher potential returns. iShares MSCI India Index
Portfolio ESG Score is calculated using DBS internal methodology with reference to MSCI ESG Ratings for the underlying holdings (equities, fixed income securities
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and funds). A weighted average is used and minimally 50% of the portfolio must be rated. MSCI ESG Ratings aim to measure a company’s resilience to long-term,
financially relevant Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) risks. MSCI classifies AAA and AA-rated securities as ESG Leaders. A, BBB and BB-rated securities are
average while B and CCC-rated are Laggards. Certain information ©2021 MSCI ESG Research LLC. Reproduced by permission.
DBS digiPortfolio / Quarterly Factsheet – Asia Portfolio / 31 December 2023
Portfolio This fee goes towards monitoring, rebalancing and administrating the portfolio. It is calculated based on the value of your
Management Fee portfolio at the end of each day. Payable annually.
Risk Level In investing, there are 5 risk levels, with Risk Level 1 being the lowest risk level and Risk Level 5 being the highest risk level.
Estimated Risk Estimated risk measures the volatility of a portfolio based on past performance. The higher the number, the greater the
portfolio’s volatility and investment risk.
Exchange Traded An Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is an open-ended investment fund that tracks an index passively and can be traded like a
Fund common stock.
Equity Equities refer to the stock of a company, measured in the number of shares.
Fixed Income Fixed income generally refers to debt instruments e.g. bonds.
Cash A portion of your investments is maintained in cash to take advantage of market opportunities.
Simulated returns are gross of DPM management fees. Estimated forecast returns and volatility are computed based on back-tested returns of a model portfolio.
The benchmark index of a fund is used in the absence of historical performance of the fund for the equivalent period. Cash forecast yield is referenced from the
prevailing BBA Libor 1-month rate. We do not guarantee that the portfolio will generate the forecasted return stated above. These volatility and returns are for
illustration purposes only, and should not be construed as guaranteed future or forecast returns. The proposed allocation listed above is provided as an
indication only. Investors should not rely upon the proposed allocation as any confirmation that a particular asset class or given weighting will be included in the
2 Estimated Returns
Any prediction, projection or forecast is not necessarily indicative of future or likely performance of the portfolio. Future performance may differ from figures
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DBS digiPortfolio / Quarterly Factsheet – Asia Portfolio / 31 December 2023
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