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AQR Risk Parity II HV Fund 9/30/2020

Performance as of 9/30/2020 About the Fund

Annualized Total Return Investment Objective:

Since Inception Seeks total return.
QTD YTD 1 Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr (11/05/2012)
Reasons to Invest:
Class I Shares: QRHIX 5.03% -4.24% 0.50% 7.21% 7.70% 4.69%
Risk-Diversified Global Market Exposure
Class N Shares: QRHNX 4.91% -4.47% 0.22% 6.85% 7.35% 4.37% The Fund invests across a wide variety
Class R6 Shares: QRHRX 5.03% -4.13% 0.56% 7.30% 7.76% 4.76% of global markets, including: developed
60/40 MSCI World/Barclays Global Agg 5.09% 3.43% 8.47% 7.05% 8.25% 7.69% and emerging market equities, fixed
U.S. 60/40 Portfolio 5.64% 6.68% 12.50% 9.84% 10.37% 9.76% income and commodities.

Access to Risk Parity Strategy

The performance data quoted represents past performance. Past performance does not guarantee future results. Investment
The Fund delivers exposure to a risk
returns and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less
than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Call 1-866-290-2688 or parity asset allocation strategy in a
visit for current month-end performance. Performance shown prior to a share class’s inception date reflects the mutual fund vehicle.
historical performance of the Fund’s Class I shares, calculated using the fees and expenses of the Class N or Class R6 shares,
respectively. A Risk Parity approach to asset
The U.S. 60/40 Portfolio consists of 60% S&P 500 Index / 40% Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index. The Global 60/40 allocation seeks to balance the allocation
Portfolio consists of 60% MSCI World Index / 40% Barclays Capital Global Aggregate Bond Index. See index definitions on the of risk across three major risk sources:
following page. Indexes are unmanaged and one cannot invest directly in an index. equity risk, fixed income risk and
inflation risk, and is considered a low
Risk Allocation* Top Positions in Each Category** beta strategy. Our research shows that
historically this strategy has performed
% of Risk Allocation % of Risk Allocation
more consistently across a variety of
Global Developed Equities 30.5% Equities economic environments than traditional
Global Emerging Equities 6.5% S&P 500 Index Future Long 15.8%
approaches to asset allocation.
Total Equity 37.0% HSCEI China Index Future Long 2.9%
Japan Topix Index Future Long 2.1% Actively Managed Tactical Positioning
The strategy will dynamically adjust
% of Risk Allocation exposure to markets based on the fund
% of Risk Allocation Fixed Income manager’s views.
Global Developed Bonds 26.1% US 10 Yr Treasury Bond Future Long 12.3%
Euro 10 Yr Bund Future Long 4.7% Risk Management
Total Nominal Interest Rate 26.1%
UK 10 Yr Gilt Future Long 2.9% The Fund will incorporate drawdown
control, stress testing, and volatility
% of Risk Allocation targeting to help manage risk while
% of Risk Allocation
Commodities 31.5% implementing the strategy.
Global Inflation-Linked Bonds 5.4%
Gold Future Long 5.3%
Total Inflation 36.9% US Inflation-Linked Bond Long 5.3% Potential Advantages:
LME Copper Long 5.1% Academic Research Foundation
Investment approach is grounded in
Total Fund Risk Exposure 100.0%
academic research dating back several
*Risk weighting is calculated as the relative weight of the expected volatilities for each strategy, with a sum equal to 100% across all decades.
strategies. AQR calculates expected volatilities for each strategy using proprietary risk models to predict volatilities and correlations across all
assets in the portfolio. Experienced Management Team
**Portfolio holdings are subject to change and should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell securities. AQR senior management has been an
early pioneer in Risk Parity investing,
Fund Facts actively managing these strategies for
Gross institutional investors since 2006. Senior
Investment Expense Net Expense
managers at AQR have been
Ticker CUSIP Inception Date Minimum* 12b-1 Fee Ratio Ratio**
implementing alternative strategies
Class I Shares QRHIX 00203H628 11/5/12 $5 Million None 2.18% 1.49%
together since the mid 1990s.
Class N Shares QRHNX 00203H610 11/5/12 $1 Million 0.25% 2.46% 1.74%
Class R6 Shares QRHRX 00191K872 9/2/14 $50 Million None 2.12% 1.39% Trading Infrastructure
Customized liquidity-providing
*Investment minimums are waived or reduced for certain investors. Some financial intermediaries may not offer Class R6 Shares or may impose
different or additional eligibility and minimum investment requirements. See the Prospectus for additional details. algorithms seeking to minimize
**The Adviser has contractually agreed to reimburse operating expenses of the Fund at least through April 30, 2021. transaction costs.

Cutting Edge Research

Ongoing commitment to research and
Adjusted Expense Ratio***
Class I Shares: 1.18% Class N Shares: 1.43% Class R6 Shares: 1.08%
***Reflects the Net Expense Ratio adjusted for certain investment related expenses, such as interest expense from borrowings and repurchase
agreements and dividend expense from investments on short sales, incurred directly by the Fund, none of which are paid to the Adviser.

Investment Approach Fund Managers

The Fund uses a risk budgeting approach to combine a large Risk Parity Takes an Equal Risk Weighting
number of liquid, global risk premia into a diversified Across Three Risk Premia Groups
portfolio, which aims to provide positive total returns. We
seek assets that we believe are liquid and provide either a Traditional "60/40” Risk Parity “Neutral”
positive expected return or some portfolio diversification Risk Allocation Risk Allocation
benefit over the long-term. The strategy seeks to offer
investors exposure to a number of global equity, fixed John Huss
income, and commodity markets. We believe the Fund Principal, AQR
attempts to draw on Modern Portfolio Theory in three ways: B.S., Massachusetts Institute of
employing a broad investment opportunity set, maximizing Technology
diversification, and utilizing leverage to manage risk.

Philosophy – Risk Parity Highly concentrated Balanced risk allocation

In allocating investments among asset classes, the strategy in equity risk that considers correlations
follows a “risk parity” approach. The “risk parity” approach to across asset classes
asset allocation seeks to balance the allocation of risk
across asset classes (as measured by forecasted volatility, Equity Risk Nominal Interest Rate Risk Inflation Risk
estimated potential loss, and other proprietary measures) Ronen Israel
when building a diversified portfolio. This means that lower- Principal, AQR
risk asset classes (such as global fixed income and inflation- M.A., Columbia University
Tactical Views
linked government bonds) will generally have higher capital B.S., B.A.S., University of
The Fund is actively managed, and the fund managers will vary
allocations than higher-risk asset classes (such as global Pennsylvania
the Fund’s exposures to various asset classes based on the
developed and emerging market equities). This risk parity evaluation of investment opportunities within and across these
portfolio aims to have less equity risk than traditional 60/40 asset classes. These shifts in allocations will be determined
asset allocations do, and more investment in government using models based on AQR’s general value and momentum
bonds, and commodities. The Fund’s strategy will target a investment philosophy, and may cause the Fund to deviate
volatility of 15%. A “neutral” asset allocation targets an from a “neutral” position.
equal risk allocation from each of the three following major
risk sources: equity risk, fixed income risk, and inflation risk. Information that is evaluated to arrive at the Fund’s views
includes, but is not limited to: global interest rates, earnings, John Liew, Ph.D.
cash flows, dividend yields, import/export flows, currency Founding Principal, AQR
movements, sentiment indicators, trend indicators, inflation Ph.D., M.B.A., University of Chicago
and growth forecasts and news feeds. B.A., University of Chicago

S&P 500 Total Return Index: a market value weighted index consisting of 500 stocks chosen for market size, liquidity, and industry grouping,
and is meant to reflect the risk/return characteristics of the large cap universe. Michael Mendelson
MSCI World Index: a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of the Principal, AQR
developed markets. M.B.A., UCLA
Barclays Capital U.S. Aggregate Bond Index: a broad-based index used to represent investment grade bonds being traded in the United States. S.M., S.B. (3), Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Barclays Capital Global Aggregate Bond Index: a broad-based index used to represent global investment-grade fixed incomes markets.
Realized Beta of Fund to Index: A measure of the amount the fund has tended to move given a move in the specified Index using three-day
overlapping returns. A beta of 1 indicates that if the index has moved 10% over a three-day period, the fund has tended to move, on average,
10% over the same period. A beta of more than 1 indicates the fund has tended to move, on average, more than 10% in that case, and a beta
of less than one indicates the fund has tended to move less than 10% in that case.
Modern Portfolio Theory: an investment theory which aims to maximize the expected return for a portfolio given a certain amount of portfolio
risk, or minimize risk for a given level of expected return, by varying the proportions of various assets.
Risk Premia: the return earned for taking risk in a given asset class above the risk free rate.
Volatility: the standard deviation of the compounded returns of a financial instrument within a specific time horizon. Lars Nielsen
Principal, AQR
PRINCIPAL RISKS: M.Sc., B.Sc., University of
Foreign investing involves special risks such as currency fluctuations and political uncertainty. The use of derivatives, forward and futures Copenhagen
contracts, and commodities exposes the Fund to additional risks including increased volatility, lack of liquidity, and possible losses greater than
the Fund’s initial investment as well as increased transaction costs. This fund enters into a short sale by selling a security it has borrowed. If
the market price of a security increases after the Fund borrows the security, the Fund will suffer a potentially unlimited loss when it replaces
the borrowed security at the higher price. Short sales also involve transaction and other costs that will reduce potential Fund gains and
increase potential Fund losses. When investing in bonds, yield and share price will vary with changes in interest rates and market conditions.
Investors should note that if interest rates rise significantly from current levels, bond total returns will decline and may even turn negative in
the short term. There is also a chance that some of the fund’s holdings may have their credit rating downgraded or may default. Actual or
realized volatility can and will differ from the forecasted or target volatility described above.
This Fund is not suitable for all investors. An investor considering the Funds should be able to tolerate potentially wide price fluctuations. The Yao Hua Ooi
Funds may attempt to increase its income or total return through the use of securities lending, and they may be subject to the possibility of Principal, AQR
additional loss as a result of this investment technique. Risk allocation and attribution are based on estimated data, and may be subject to B.S., B.S., University of Pennsylvania
There are risks involved with investing including the possible loss of principal. Past performance does not guarantee future results. AQR Capital Management, LLC
Diversification does not eliminate the risk of experiencing investment losses. This document is intended exclusively for the use of the person
to whom it has been delivered by AQR and it is not to be reproduced or redistributed to any other person without AQR’s written consent. Individual Investor:
Please refer to the prospectus or summary prospectus for complete information regarding all risks associated with the fund. An p: +1.866.290.2688
investor should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the fund carefully before investing. To obtain a e: [email protected]
prospectus or summary prospectus containing this and other information, please call 1-866-290-2688 or download the file from Read the prospectus carefully before you invest. There is no assurance the stated objectives will be met. Advisor Support:
© AQR Funds are distributed by ALPS Distributors, Inc. AQR Capital Management, LLC is the Investment Manager of the Funds and a p: +1.203.742.3800
federally registered investment adviser. ALPS Distributors is not affiliated with AQR Capital Management. [AQR007762 Exp: e: [email protected]
Not FDIC Insured – No Bank Guarantee – May Lose Value

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