Fullerton SGD Heritage Income: June 2020
Fullerton SGD Heritage Income: June 2020
Fullerton SGD Heritage Income: June 2020
The Sub-Fund will invest primarily in a diversified portfolio of collective investment Base Currency SGD
schemes, other investment funds, securities, including but not limited to fixed income Preliminary
Currently up to 3%
securities, equities, real estate investment trusts (“REITs”), money market instruments Charge
and cash as deemed appropriate by us in accordance with its investment objective. In Dealing
Every Business Day
normal market conditions, the Fund aims to invest around 50% of the Fund’s NAV in Frequency
Singapore securities (defined by country of risk) and/or SGD denominated securities, cash Subscription
Cash, SRS
and cash equivalents, and/or non-SGD fixed income securities hedged back to SGD. Mode
The Sub-Fund may also invest in developed market equities (ex-Asia) for diversification
Manager’s Commentary
Market Review
June saw dispersion in performance of risk assets with US equities falling but Asian equities delivering positive returns. The start of
the month saw strong gains in Equities, but this was curtailed by an increase in COVID-19 cases, particularly in the US. Global credit
markets held up well with positive returns in June and government bond yields remained suppressed.
Investment Outlook
Economic data globally continue to improve. Whilst overall growth rates are still very low and we are still emerging from lockdowns,
data have noticeably started to surprise versus expectations. Importantly, the rate of recovery following an easing of lockdown
measures appears to be better than expected. In particular, retail spending in developed economies and the trade cycle in Asia seem
to be more resilient post-lockdowns compared to market consensus expectations.
Financial markets have become marginally less sensitive to the daily ebb and flow of high frequency COVID-19 related news, Our
assessment is that the type of large-scale global economic shutdowns we saw in late March and April are unlikely to be repeated. We
expect national policymakers to adopt a more targeted and specific approach to locking down regions or activities affected by a
second wave, as opposed to imposing nationwide measures once again.
Geopolitics have also re-emerged as a source of concern for markets – ranging from tensions along the US-China axis, to US-EU
trade, the Korean peninsula and others. Political noise especially along the US axis could intensify given the lead up to the US
Presidential election. However, our view is that such noise will fall short of derailing risk assets substantially as strong asset markets
and economic performance are important anchor points for US Presidential hopefuls.
We acknowledge that there remain worries ranging from COVID-19 to US China trade tensions. But taking a step back, since the
March 2020 lows, risk assets have taken these worries in stride, and have rebounded despite a lot of bad news on the economic
front. Despite recent volatility, we retain our positive view on risk assets, and Equites in particular. In our base case of recovering
growth, persistent accommodative policy and normalising risk appetite, we would expect continued strong performance from Equities.
However, we are cognizant of various risk factors such as the resurgence of COVID-19 cases as well as geopolitics, have the
potential to cause a deeper setback. Hence, we are monitoring developments vigilantly.
Investment Strategy
On investment strategy, we will continue to tap on Tactical Asset Allocation to navigate volatility. Bottom-up, we remained focused on
stocks and credits with good fundamentals.
Asset Allocation
In terms of the portfolio strategy, we have increased the risk asset weight as our assessment is that the rally is sustainable. We are
seeing signs of improvement such as stronger equity market breadth, good momentum and outperformance of cyclicals vs.
defensives. As such, we have increased the risk asset weight of the Fund.
Fixed Income
On the Fixed Income sub-portfolio, we continue to maintain some allocation to the high yield sector – focusing on the short-dated
papers for their attractive coupon carry – which will help to anchor returns.
Over the medium-term, the investment thesis in Asian credit remains largely intact. Lower for longer policy rates will underpin
demand for high quality asset classes with positive yields.
Within the SREITs sub-portfolio, we favor industrial REITs as we expect Industrial REITs to be less impacted by COVID-19. We are
positioned in names that could benefit in the longer term from the changes that COVID-19 has brought about and structural growth
themes. In addition, we are less negative on retail REITs as the lifting of the “circuit breaker” in Singapore is an indicator of the pick-
up in activities which could bode improvement for retailers.
Performance (%)
1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year 3 years 5 years
A-SGD (bid-to-bid) 1.17 7.78 -1.21 1.71 - - 3.55
A-SGD (offer-to-bid) -1.77 4.64 -4.09 -1.25 - - 0.84
B-SGD (bid-to-bid) 1.17 7.78 -1.21 1.71 - - 3.55
B-SGD (offer-to-bid) -1.77 4.64 -4.09 -1.25 - - 0.84
C-SGD (bid-to-bid) 1.17 7.78 -1.21 1.71 - - 3.56
C-SGD (offer-to-bid) -1.77 4.64 -4.09 -1.25 - - 0.84
B1-USD (bid-to-bid) 1.22 7.79 -0.74 - - - 0.06
B1-USD (offer-to-bid) -1.73 4.65 -3.63 - - - -2.85
B2-USD (bid-to-bid) 1.29 - - - - - 5.75
B2-USD (offer-to-bid) -1.66 - - - - - 2.67
Returns are calculated on a single pricing basis with net dividends and distributions (if any) reinvested. Offer-to-bid returns include an
assumed preliminary charge of 3% which may or may not be charged to investors. Returns more than a year are annualised.
Note: All fund data are sourced from Fullerton, Bloomberg dated as at 30 June 2020, unless otherwise stated.
1. Where the security is not rated by external rating agencies, Fullerton’s internal rating methodology will apply.
2. Refers to Yield-to-Worst in base currency, before hedging.
3. Please refer to our website for more details on the dividend payouts.
4. Figures are truncated to 2 decimal places. Please refer to Fullerton’s website for official price.
For further information on Fullerton and its funds: Fullerton Fund Management Company Ltd
3 Fraser Street #09-28
DUO Tower
Singapore 189352
This publication is for information only and your specific investment objectives, financial situation and needs are not considered here.
The value of units in the Fund and any accruing income from the units may fall or rise. Any past performance, prediction or forecast is
not indicative of future or likely performance. Any past payout yields and payments are not indicative of future payout yields and
payments. Distributions (if any) may be declared at the absolute discretion of Fullerton Fund Management Company Ltd (UEN:
200312672W) (“Fullerton”) and are not guaranteed. Distribution may be declared out of income and/or capital of the Fund, in
accordance with the prospectus. Where distributions (if any) are declared in accordance with the prospectus, this may result in an
immediate reduction of the net asset value per unit in the Fund. Applications must be made on the application form accompanying the
prospectus, which can be obtained from Fullerton or its approved distributors. You should read the prospectus and seek advice from a
financial adviser before investing. If you choose not to seek advice, you should consider whether the Fund is suitable for you. The Fund
may use or invest in financial derivative instruments. Please refer to the prospectus of the Fund for more information.
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