Scrubbing Up

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Scrubbing Up

Year Group: BVSc3 +

Document number: CSL_SP00
Equipment list:
Scrubbing Up
Equipment for this station:
• Clock or timer
• Scrub brush
• Surgical scrub: chlorhexidine or povidine iodine
• ‘Sterile’ paper towel (Note: In the Clinical Skills Lab
non-sterile paper towel is used)

Considerations for this station:

• Some people’s skin can be sensitive to chlorhexidine –
use iodine if this is a problem

Anyone working in the Clinical Skills Lab must read the ‘CSL_I01 Induction’ and
agree to abide by the ‘CSL_I00 House Rules’ & ‘CSL_I02 Lab Area Rules’
Please inform a member of staff if equipment is damaged or about to run out.
Clinical Skills: Scrubbing up

Start by turning the taps on and ensure the water is at a comfortable temperature. Open the scrub
brush pack and leave it in an accessible location. Once started don’t touch anything but the brush
with your hands, use your elbows to control taps and soap.

Before scrubbing up, wash Always keep your hands Your nails should be cleaned to
your hands thoroughly in scrub higher than your elbows. remove any dirt. Disposable
solution; follow the World scrubbing brushes often include
Health Organisation steps (as a plastic nail cleaning device
in ‘CSL_SP10 Handwash’). that can be used.

When starting to scrub, note the Using your elbows dispense

time. Your hands should start the a generous amount of scrub
day ‘thoroughly clean’, then the solution onto both your
first scrub of the day should be hands and the scrub brush.
Using the brush, scrub your
for at least 5 minutes.
palms and the backs of your
Subsequent scrubs should be for
at least 3 minutes.
Clinical Skills: Scrubbing up

Scrub each surface of each finger. It is best to start at one side of your hand e.g. little finger, and
work methodically towards the other i.e. thumb. Pay particular attention to the skin between the
fingers as this can be harder to reach!

Scrub the tip of each finger, ensuring there is no dirt remaining Allow your arms to drip to
around the nails. If using a soft brush then scrub your wrists remove excess water (keep
and arms up to the elbow while ALWAYS keeping your hands your hands up and above your
higher than your elbows. If the brush has stiff bristles then use elbows!). Dry your hands using
the sponge side to wash your arms (as stiff bristles can damage a sterile towel. Use one side of
the skin and bring out more bacteria). the towel for each hand and
work from the tips of your
fingers towards your elbows.
Never move “dirtier” water
How to stand - back from your elbows to your
hands up, ready to gown hands. Dispose of the towel int
the bin.
Resetting the station:
Scrubbing Up

1. Ensure the taps are turned off, scrubbing brush

(and soap if not in wall dispenser) are on the sink

2. Dispose of paper towels in the bin.

Station ready for the next person:

Please inform a member of staff if equipment is damaged or

about to run out.
I wish I’d known:
Scrubbing Up

• If scrubbing up frequently, you may want to use

moisturiser as chlorhexidine and iodine can dry out
and crack your hands (which can then harbour

• If your hands are lower than your elbows ‘dirty’

water runs from ‘dirtier’ elbow to clean hand.
Therefore ALWAYS keep your hands higher than your

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