Uhlb1042 Argumentative Essay Outline (Template)

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Matrix Number: A21DW0451

Topic: Is mental health a serious matter among teenagers?

I Introduction
A. Background Information to introduce issue:
-In the era where mental illness are increasing in effort to destigmatize. -Old-school
thinking causing mental health to be just “in the head” and not something to be
prioritised about -Globally, it is estimated that 1 in 7 (14%) 10-19 year-olds experience
mental health conditions, yet it remains unrecognized or untreated.

Background Information Sources:

Source 1:
Author’s name: Not given
URL of the website:
Date of publication: 17 November 2021
Date of access to the website: 11 February 2021

Source 1:
Author’s name: Daniel Fu
URL of the website: http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/pdfdocs/normalize.pdf
Date of publication: Not given
Date of access to the website: 11 February 2021

B. Thesis statement, or your position on the issue: agree or disagree with the topic
(full sentence, specific thesis statement)

Based on the sources found, we are agree that we need to take care of our mental
health due to the reason which are Mental health is a serous matter among teenagers
as it can affect physical health, The reason why we need to take care our mental
health is to prevent from anxiety and depression, Mental health among students can
affect their studies and Unstable mental health could also end up with suicidal

Prepared by: Nurfarah Athirah Binti Abdullah Sidek

II Body

A. First main idea / topic sentence (full sentence):

Mental health is a serious matter among teenagers as it can affect physical health

1. Evidence: support your point with facts/ specific examples

a. On a broad level, People with mental health conditions are more likely to suffer from sleep disorders,
like insomnia or sleep apnea. Insomnia can make it hard to fall asleep or stay asleep. Sleep apnea leads
to breathing problems, which can cause you to wake up frequently.
b. Additionally, people who are suffering from stress and anxiety are more likely to seek cigarettes or
other such drug-related chemicals as a coping mechanism to overcome their problems.
c. Eating patterns can also be affected, such as ‘snacking and convenience’, ‘planning ahead’ and ‘meal
skipping’ eating patterns were positive predictors that they may be affected by depression

First Evidence Sources:

Source 1:
Author’s name: Dan Brennan
URL of the website: https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/how-does-
Date of publication: 29 March 2021
Date of access to the website: 11 February 2021

Source 2:
Author’s name: Mahdieh Abbasalizad Farhangi
URL of the website: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5922554/
Date of publication: 27 April 2018
Date of access to the website: 11 February 2021

2. Evidence: support your point with facts/ specific examples


Second Evidence Sources:

Write the author(s) name, the URL of the website, the date of publication / the date of
access to the website

*All of the information should be found on the page. If the information is not
available, simply write ‘not given’ in the source.

Source 1:
Author’s name: Brian Anderson
URL of the website: https://www.nyonyacooking.com/recipes/curry-
Prepared by: Nurfarah Athirah Binti Abdullah Sidek
puff~H147_DivMcb7 UHLB1042/SEM2021202202/UTMKL/FSSH

Date of publication: 12 June 2016

Date of access to the website: 10 July 2020
3. Evidence: support your point with facts/ specific examples


Third Evidence Sources:

Write the author(s) name, the URL of the website, the date of publication / the date of
access to the website

*All of the information should be found on the page. If the information is not
available, simply write ‘not given’ in the source.

Source 1:
Author’s name: Brian Anderson
URL of the website: https://www.nyonyacooking.com/recipes/curry-
Date of publication: 12 June 2016
Date of access to the website: 10 July 2020

B. Second main idea / topic sentence (full sentence):

Mental health among teenagers can affects their way of thinking

1. Evidence: support your point with facts/ specific examples

a. They can affect a teen’s usual way of thinking, feeling or acting, and interfere
with daily life.
b. Up to 75% of mental health challenges emerge during adolescence, and
according to the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) 

Prepared by: Nurfarah Athirah Binti Abdullah Sidek

First Evidence Sources:

Source 1: mental health can affects their thinking

Author’s name: Mental Health First Aid USA
URL of the website:

Date of publication: 3 February 2021

Date of access to the website: 13.03.22

2. Evidence: support your point with facts/ specific examples

Early warning sign of their thinking style

a. Feeling unusually confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared

b. Experiencing severe mood swings that cause problems in relationships
c. Hearing voices or believing things that are not true
d. Thinking of harming yourself or others

Second Evidence Sources:

Source 2:Early warning sign of their thinking style

Author’s name:N/A
URL of the website

Date of publication: 28 february 222

Date of access to the website: 13.03.2022

Prepared by: Nurfarah Athirah Binti Abdullah Sidek

3. Evidence: support your point with facts/ specific examples

Why mental illness can affect our thinking

a. Inherited traits. Mental illness is more common in people whose blood

relatives also have a mental illness. Certain genes may increase your
risk of developing a mental illness, and your life situation may trigger it.
b. Environmental exposures before birth. Exposure to environmental
stressors, inflammatory conditions, toxins, alcohol or drugs while in the
womb can sometimes be linked to mental illness.

Third Evidence Sources:

Source 3:why mental illness can affect out thinking

Author’s name:N/A
URL of the website:

Date of publication: 08 june 2019

Date of access to the website: 13.03.2022

C. Third main idea / topic sentence (full sentence):

Mental health among students can affect their studies

1. Evidence: support your point with facts/ specific examples

a. Many college students report that mental health difficulties interfere with their
b. On the American College Health Association 2015 survey, college students identified
the following mental health issues as negatively impacting their academic
performance within the last 12 months.
• Stress (30% of students)
• Anxiety (22%)
• Sleep difficulties (20%)
• Depression (14%)
Prepared by: Nurfarah Athirah Binti Abdullah Sidek
First Evidence Sources:

Source 1:
Author’s name: Eisenberg, D., Gollust, S. E., Golberstein, E., & Hefner, J. L.
URL of the website: https://www.sprc.org/colleges-universities/consequences
Date of publication: Not given
Date of access to the website: 10 February 2022

2. Evidence: support your point with facts/ specific examples

a. It is estimated that 3.6% of 10–14-year-olds and 4.6% of 15–19-year-olds experience

an anxiety disorder.
b. Depression is estimated to occur among 1.1% of adolescents aged 10-14 years, and
2.8% of 15-19-year-olds.
c. Depression and anxiety share some of the same symptoms, including rapid and
unexpected changes in mood. d. Anxiety and depressive disorders can profoundly
affect school attendance and schoolwork.

Second Evidence Sources:

Source 2:
Author’s name: Not given
URL of the website: https://www.who.int/news-room/factsheets/detail/adolescent-
Date of publication: 17 November 2021
Date of access to the website: 12 February 2022

Prepared by: Nurfarah Athirah Binti Abdullah Sidek

3. Evidence: support your point with facts/ specific examples

a. Students with mental health difficulties struggle with their concentration in

seminars or lectures.
b. Students are unable to contribute to sessions in their usual way, take longer to
understand concepts or are simply not able to focus on the task in hand.
c. Lecturers or course leaders may notice a difference from the student’s usual
performance or may recognise signs a student is distracted or unfocussed.

Third Evidence Sources:

Source 1:
Author’s name: Not given
URL of the website: https://blog.insidegovernment.co.uk/higher-education/howdoes-
Date of publication: 24 May 2021
Date of access to the website: 12 February 2022

D. Fourth main idea / topic sentence (full sentence):

Unstable mental health could also end up with suicidal thoughts.

1. Evidence: support your point with facts/ specific examples

a. Study shows that an individual faces suicidal thoughts due to the feeling of
overloaded stress which they could not handle.
b. A person could not think rationally when he/she is pressured by the problems.
c. The feeling that all problems will not have to be faced influences them to suicide.

Prepared by: Nurfarah Athirah Binti Abdullah Sidek

First Evidence Sources:

Source 1:
Author’s name: Louise Bradvik
URL of the website: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6165520/
Date of publication: 17 September 2018
Date of access to the website: 12 February 2022

2. Evidence: support your point with facts/ specific examples

a. Depression and suicide are linked, with an estimate that up to 60% of people who
commit suicide have major depression.
b. Many people who suffer from depression report feeling as though they’ve lost the
ability to imagine a happy future or remember a happy past.
c. Emotions and even physical pain can become unbearable. Therefore, they attempt
suicide believing it will end their pain.

Second Evidence Sources:

Source 1:
Author’s name: not given
URL of the website:
Date of publication: not given
Date of access to the website: 12 February 2022

3. Evidence: support your point with facts/ specific examples

a. Suicidal thoughts also occur when the individual could not share the problem with
surrounding people.
b. Problems being kept to themself could evolve and worry the individual more.
c. When there is lack of social interactions, the person won’t have a sense of meaning
and purpose in life.

Prepared by: Nurfarah Athirah Binti Abdullah Sidek

Third Evidence Sources:

Second Evidence Sources:

Source 1:
Author’s name: not given
URL of the website: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/12/well/live/having-friends-
Date of publication: 12 June 2017
Date of access to the website: 12 February 2022

III Conclusion

A. Restate the thesis statement:

We have argued on as to whether mental health is a serious matter among teenagers

B. Review on the thesis statement and summarise the main ideas:

In our point of view, we are trying to say by taking good care of mental health it could
prevent from being diagnosed with disorders such as depression, anxiety disorders
and more. We are also trying to say that mental health can also affect our thinking
style, physical health, studies and much more.

C. Comment on the significance of the topic:

Therefore, we would suggest for teenagers with mental health issues / problems to be
considered as a serious matter and for adults and authorities to play their part in
making sure that teenagers are not left alone in their mental health struggles.


Topic: Is mental health a serious matter among teenagers?

Prepared by: Nurfarah Athirah Binti Abdullah Sidek

I Introduction Sources:
A: Background information to introduce issue:

B: Thesis statement, or your position on the

issue (full sentence):

II Body Sources:
A. Paragraph 2. First Supporting Point (Full

1. Evidence: support your point with facts /

specific examples

B. Paragraph 3. Second Supporting Point (Full


1. Evidence: support your point with facts /

specific examples

C. Paragraph 4. Third Supporting Point (Full


1. Evidence: support your point with facts /

specific examples

C. Paragraph 5. Fourth Supporting Point (Full

(This should be your counterargument)

Prepared by: Nurfarah Athirah Binti Abdullah Sidek

1. Evidence: support your point with facts /
specific examples

III Conclusion No Source.

A. Re-state the thesis statement

B. Summarise all of the points in the body


C. Give comment / suggestion /

recommendation on the significance of the

Prepared by: Nurfarah Athirah Binti Abdullah Sidek


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