Clean Agent Suppression Systems LIQUID LEVEL
Architect and Engineer Specification UL - Ex4623
- 3002238TOR
USCG - 162.161/2/0
The Fike 70-1353 series Liquid Level Indicator is a simple • Reduced maintenance time - weight in agent storage con-
manually operated device which provides a means to de- tainers can be determined in a fraction of the time it would
termine the Clean Agent liquid level in vertically mounted take to remove and weigh them.
agent storage containers. Once the liquid level is determined, • Continuous fire protection - use of the liquid level indicator
it can then be converted into pounds (kilograms) of Clean does not require shuting down the Clean Agent System,
Agent present in the agent storage container. thus affording uninterrupted fire protection.
• Field installation capability - the indicator can easily be
OPERATION installed in the field using a single wrench, as long as the
A magnet equipped float moves with the liquid level along container is empty and is equipped with a mounting boss.
the unit stem. Level readout is obtained by simply removing (Boss is standard on containers produced after 8-84).
the protective cap and pulling out a calibrated tape until • Compact - when not in use, the unit requires no more
magnetic interlock with the float is felt. With the tape in this space than that required by the container.
position, the reading is obtained at the point where the tape • Flexibility - the flexible tape design allows the unit to be
emerges from the unit housing. used in tight spaces that would otherwise hinder the use of
a rigid indicator “stick”.
When the liquid level is determined, the reading is then lo- • Availability - units are available for Fike container sizes of
cated on a chart and the corresponding Clean Agent weight 100 lb. (45.3kg) thru 1000 lb. (454kg) in both the modular
is read. Accurate readings can be obtained over a +40oF to and central storage type designs.
+90oF (+4.4oC to +32.2oC) temperature range.
Calibrated Tape The Fike 70-1353 series Liquid Level Indicator housing and
stem assembly is constructed of brass. The flexible indica-
tor tape is constructed of steel with a yellow mylar coating.
The indicator tape is calibrated in inches and centimeters.
February, 2000
Revised Issue
704 S. 10th St. • P.O. Box 610 • Blue Springs, MO 64013-0610 U.S.A. • (816) 229-3405 • Fax (816) 229-4615 • E-mail [email protected]
Agent storage containers of 100 lb. (45.3kg) capacity or The level indicator tape shall be flexible to allow use in con-
more shall be provided with a reliable means, other than fined spaces. The unit housing shall be constructed of brass
weighing, of determining the agent weight within the stor- with straight mounting threads and a static O-ring seal. The
age container during normal routine service. float shall be of solid constructed to eliminate the possibility
of “water logging” to which hollow floats are susceptible.
The device used shall be a Fike 70-1353-xx series Liquid The float shall be equipped with a magnet which provides
Level Indicator and shall not require any additional space for a positive feel when the magnetic interlock is reached
when the container is installed. between the float and indicating tape.
Use of the indicator shall not require the Clean Agent Sys- When the level reading is obtained, the agent weight can
tem to be shut down thus allowing uninterrupted fire protec- be determined through the use of a chart or graph. Accu-
tion during service intervals. Level indicators which are not rate readings shall be capable of being obtained over a +40oF
factory installed shall be capable of being retrofitted in the (+4.4oC) to 90oF (+32.2oC) temperature range.
field, with a single standard wrench, when the container is
removed for recharge.
FORM NO. D1047 Copyright © 2000 by Fike Corporation All rights reserved PRINTED IN U.S.A.