Model A (O) H-40 Sur Set™ Bypass Blanking Plug: Flow Control Systems Technical Unit
Model A (O) H-40 Sur Set™ Bypass Blanking Plug: Flow Control Systems Technical Unit
Model A (O) H-40 Sur Set™ Bypass Blanking Plug: Flow Control Systems Technical Unit
The Baker Model A(O)H-40 Sur-Set Bypass
Blanking Plug is a positive blank off device de-
signed to seal off pressure from above and below.
This plug consists of an A(O)R Lock, an A(O)-4 se-
lective locating device and a Model H bottom.
The A(O)H-40 is designed to be run in two wire-
line trips and retrieved in two trips. The second
wireline trip during installation is to run a prong
which seals off the equalization ports in the plug.
The first trip during retrieval is to pull the prong
from the plug which equalizes any differential pres-
sure across the plug.
The A(O)H-40 is designed to be run in a selec-
tive completion, where the Sur-Set locator con-
verts standard bottom no-go Sur-Set locking
mandrels into selective Sur-Set locking mandrels
capable of seating in a specific selective A(O)-1
Sur-Set seating nipple. These seating nipples can
allow for production tubing strings to be designed
with a single seal bore size from top to bottom.
This document is and contains unpublished, copyrighted and confidential information of Baker Hughes, and is revealed for limited purposes only. This document
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Unit No. 10353 06-11-04 Model A(O)H-40 Sur-Set Bypass Blanking Plug
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Use of Baker equipment contrary to
manufacturer’s specification may result in
property damage, serious injury or fatality.
Specification Guide
Size (in.)
2.81 3.68
Tubing Diameter (in.) 3-1/2 4-1/2
Tubing Weight (lbs/ft) 9.2 15.1
Tubing ID (in.) 2.992 3.826
Tubing Drift (in.) 2.867 3.701
Seal Bore Minimum (in.) 2.813 3.688
Maximum Running OD (in.) X 2.940 3.775
Effective Running OD (in.) O 2.802 3.658
No-Go OD (in.) 3.13 4.01
Rated Working Above
Pressure (psi) Below
Max Operating Temperature (°F) 275
Nipple Gauge H02-83239-00 H02-96123-00
Availability Chart
A(O)H-40 A(O)H-40
Size Size
H835-66 H835-66
1.875 3.750
2.250 3.812
2.312 3.875
2.562 4.000
2.750 4.125
2.812 Q 4.312
3.125 4.562
3.250 4.750
3.312 5.812
3.437 5.875
3.688 Q 5.953
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Preparation On The Rig Floor 2. Insert two rods into the holes in the Lower Dogs
(12), and prise up to release Lower Dogs from
Arming the Model A(O)-4 Selective the lower groove on the Retaining Sleeve Sub
Locating Device: (14).
Refer to Drawing No. A16-028-01 3. Release Lower Dog Retainer Sleeve (8). The
Cover Sleeve (6) will shoulder against the Re-
1. Move the Lower Dog Retainer Sleeve (8) down taining Dogs (4).
the tool and hold in this position (On the larger
models utilize a screwdriver to overcome the 4. Utilizing a large Jubilee clip, compress the Re-
force of the Power Spring (9)). taining Dogs (4) until the Cover Sleeve (6) can
be moved over the Retaining Dogs (4). The as-
sembly is now in the run-in position.
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NOTE: When fully armed, the Retaining Dogs (4) 11.Install Fishing Neck (1) onto Dog Retainer (5),
should be completely below the OD of the Cover tighten, and install Set Screw (4).
Sleeve (6). Additionally, the Cover Sleeve (6) should
12.Install Shear Screws (2) through Fishing Neck
completely shroud the Retaining Dogs (4) and be
within 1/16-1/8 of contact with the Upper Retaining
(1) and into groove on Inner Mandrel (7). Screw
Ring (2). If this is not the case, then it is possible that in until they bottom out, then back-off one-quar-
the Cover Sleeve (6) and one or more of the ter turn. Two brass shear screws should, under
Retaining Dogs (4) have temporarily jammed up. In normal conditions, be sufficient. The number of
this instance, it is permissable to insert a screws required may vary depending on well
screwdriver (or similar) at the top end of the conditions.
Retaining Dog (4) and prise it upwards and forwards 13.Connect the Model A running tool with the at-
to release it and allow the Cover Sleeve (6) to fully tached Plug to the wireline or coiled tubing tool
Installation of Running Tools: 14.Before pulling the tool string up into the lubrica-
Refer to Drawing No. 295-006-00 tor, clean, inspect, and grease the Packing Unit
on the Plug.
1. Inspect running tools to ensure the correct size
of shear pin is being used. Operation Instructions
2. Using a pair of callipers, check the basic dimen-
Running Procedure
sions of the tool. Compare the values with the
well prognosis for any incompatibility. Refer to Setting Sequence Drawing
3. Remove the Removable Mandrel from the 1. The Plug is run in the hole to a depth just below
A(O)H-40 Plug. This is run into the well on the the desired profile to be set in. (See Figure 1).
second trip and is not required at this point. 2. The Plug is then picked up, where the Lower
4. Ensure that the Fishing Neck on the lock is in its Dogs will be pushed into the lower groove of the
fully extended position and that the Locking Retaining Sleeve Sub. The Retaining Sleeve
Dogs are collapsed. If not, insert a Model GS or Sub and Cover Sleeve will be held in place as
Model M pulling tool into the Fishing Neck and the Plug continues upward, allowing the Re-
shift to it’s fully extended position. Remove the taining Dogs to become exposed. (See Figure
pulling tool. 2).
5. Install Model D probe onto Model A running 3. Stop picking up once the bottom of the Plug is
tool, and install Set Screws (8) above the top of the locking profile. The Plug is
6. Remove Set Screws (4) from Fishing Neck (1) then lowered back through the locking profile
of Model A running tool and remove fishing until the Retaining Dogs locate in the no-go pro-
neck from Dog Retainer (5). file. Adequate weight is then set to ensure prop-
er location of the flow control device. (See
7. Move Retrieving Ring (3) to a position above
Figure 3).
the groove on Inner Mandrel (7).
4. Apply downward jarring action to shear out the
8. Pull Inner Mandrel (7) up until Dogs (6) col-
Model A running tool. This motion will drive the
Fishing Neck downward causing the Locking
9. Slide this assembly into the lock until the Dog Dogs to expand. The Dogs can only fully ex-
Retainer (5) shoulders against the fishing neck pand in the locking profile. Once the Dogs have
of the lock. Push the Inner Mandrel (7) until it fully expanded, the Retaining Dogs will be lifted
bottoms out. Check to ensure that the Dogs (6) off the no-go shoulder. (See Figure 4).
have engaged the Fishing Neck. 5. Apply upward jarring to shear out the Model D
10.Align the hole in the Model D probe with the probe.
hole in the lock mandrel. Pin with the correct
6. If the Plug did not set properly in the locking
size of brass shear stock and secure with set- profile, the running assembly will not release
screws. and the Plug will be retrieved from the hole.
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Should this occur, redress the Plug and run 3. Allow the weight of the wireline tool string to
back into the hole. latch the SB Type Pulling Tool onto the Fishing
Neck of the Removable Mandrel.
Blanking off the Plug
NOTE: DO NOT JAR DOWN. The SB Type Running
1. Select appropriate SB Type Running & Pulling
& Pulling Tool is a jar down to release tool so no
Tool and install it onto the Fishing Neck of the downward jarring should be performed.
Model H Bottom Removable Mandrel
4. Retrieve Removable Mandrel from well.
2. Run Removable Mandrel into well until it has
landed in the blanking plug. Pulling Procedure
3. Jar down to release running tool from remov- CAUTION
able mandrel. Before pulling operations begin, ensure there
is no pressure differential across the Plug
4. Pull Running Tools out of the hole. The Plug will
1. Make up the pulling assembly using the appro-
now withstand pressure from above and below.
priate Baker GS or Model M Pulling Tool.
(See Figure 6).
2. Run in the hole and engage the internal Fishing
Pressure Equalizing Procedure Neck of the Plug with the GS or Model M Pulling
1. Select appropriate size SB Type Running & Tool. A downwards jarring action may be re-
Pulling Tool. quired to ensure engagement.
2. Run in the hole and locate the Removable Man- 3. Apply an upwards jarring action to pull the fish-
drel. The SB Type Running & Pulling Tool ing neck outward, allowing the Locking Dogs to
should be resting on the Removable Mandrel of collapse.
the Model H Bottom. 4. Retrieve the pulling assembly, with the at-
tached Plug, from the hole.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1. Place lock in soft-jawed vice and clamp on Lock H Blanking Plug Bottom
Mandrel (5).
Refer to Drawing No. A24-675-00
2. Remove Set-screw(s) (4) from Lock Ring (3)
1. Place lock in soft-jawed vice, clamp on Bottom
3. Back off Lock Ring (3) from Lock Mandrel (5). Sub (8)
4. Remove Fishing Neck (1) from Lock Mandrel 2. Remove Removable Mandrel Assembly (1,3, 5,
(5). 8 & 9) using a pulling/twisting motion to over-
5. Using spreader pliers, remove C-ring (6). come seal friction.
CAUTION 3. Remove Set Screws (2, 4) and break threads.
DO NOT over-expand C-Ring Remove Nose Cap (9), Seal Mandrel (5) and
6. Remove Split Ring Segments (2) from Lock Seal Mandrel Extension (3) from Fishing Neck
Ring (3). (1).
7. Remove Lock Ring (3) from Fishing Neck (1). 4. Remove O-rings (7) from Seal Mandrel (5).
8. Remove Locking Dogs (7) from Lock Mandrel 5. Inspect all parts and clean in a grease-cutting
(5). solvent.
9. Clean all parts in a grease-cutting solvent and 6. Inspect O-rings. Replace if necessary.
inspect parts.
Assembly Instructions
A(O)-4 Selective Locating Device
Refer to Drawing No. A16-028-01 Prior to assembling the A(O)H-40 and its sub-
assemblies, follow the checklist below to ensure
NOTE: It is assumed the A(O)-4 selective locating
proper assembly:
device is in the activated position (Retaining Dogs (4)
expanded) during disassembly. • All parts inspected and found undamaged.
1. Remove Upper Retaining Ring (2) from Locator • All threads clean and free of burrs.
Sub (1). • Baker Downhole Grease, Product Family No.
H49921, for general part lubrication.
2. Remove Retaining Dogs (4) and Springs (3)
• Use a low viscosity lubricating oil on threads,
from Locator Sub (1). such as SAE 30W.
3. Remove the Hex Socket Set Screw (7) from Lo-
A(O)R Lock with Packing Unit
cator Sub (1) by aligning the slot in the Cover
Sleeve (6) over the screws. Refer to Drawing No. A15-951-01
4. Remove the Locator Sub (1) from Retaining 1. Install Locking Dogs (7) into milled slots in the
Sleeve Sub (14). Lock Mandrel (5).
5. Remove the Cover Sleeve (6) from the Lower 2. Install Lock Ring (3) on Fishing Neck (1) and
Dog Retainer Sleeve (8). slide it all the way back.
NOTE: Cover Sleeve (6) / Lower Dog Retainer 3. Install the C-ring (6) into its groove on Fishing
Sleeve (8) assembly contains a Power Spring (9).
Neck (1).
Care should be taken when separating these
components. CAUTION
6. Remove Power Spring (9) from inside of the DO NOT over-expand C-ring
Lower Dog Retainer Sleeve (8). 4. Generously grease Split Ring Segments (2)
and install them onto Fishing Neck (1).
7. Insert two rods into the holes in the Lower Dogs
(12), and prise up to release Lower Dogs (12) 5. Ensure that C-ring (6) is centred in its groove in
from the lower groove on the Retaining Sleeve the Fishing Neck (1) and carefully insert the
Sub (14). Fishing Neck into the Lock Mandrel (5). A slight
squeeze may be necessary on C-Ring in order
8. Slide Lower Dog Retainer Sleeve (8) sub-as-
for Fishing Neck to slide in.
sembly from the Retaining Sleeve Sub (14) and
remove Stop Ring (10), Lower Dogs (12), Split NOTE: Do not use undue force during installation of
Fishing Neck (1). Tap lightly with rubber hammer if
Ring (13) and Lower Spring (11).
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6. Make up Lock Ring (3) onto Lock Mandrel (5). 11.If supplied, Install Hex Socket Set Screws (7).
Tighten thread with a strap wrench. (Align slot in Cover Sleeve (6) with tapped
7. If supplied, install Set Screw(s) (4) into Lock holes).
Ring (3) and tighten. 12.If supplied, place Set Screws (15) in a plastic
8. Packing Unit (9) should be kept with Lock. bag and tape to OD of tool.
1. Assemble tool using a light oil on all threads 1. Place Bottom Sub (6) in soft-jawed vice.
and Baker Downhole grease on all O-rings and 2. Install O-ring (6) onto Bottom Sub
seal bores. All threaded connections should be 3. Install O-rings (7) into dove-tail grooves on Seal
tightened with a strap wrench no longer than 18 Mandrel (5) and make up to Seal Mandrel Ex-
inches. tension (3).
2. Install O-ring (5) in groove on Locator Sub (1). 4. Make up Nose Cap (9) to Seal Mandrel (5)
If supplied, also install Back-up Rings (16).
5. Make up Seal Mandrel Extension (3) to Fishing
3. Assemble Lower Spring (11), Split Ring (13) Neck (1) and install Set Screws (2, 4).
and Lower Dogs (12) in windows of Lower Dog
6. Grease O-Rings (7) and install Removable
Retainer Sleeve (8).
Mandrel assembly into Bottom Sub (8).
4. Slide sub-assembly over OD of Retainer
7. Protect O-Ring (6) and thread on Bottom Sub
Sleeve Sub (14).
(8) for storage purposes.
NOTE: Care should be taken not to twist/bunch the
Spring (11) during installation. The Lower Dogs (12) A(O)H-40 Blanking Plug
should move freely within the pockets of the Lower Refer to Drawing No. A24-682-00
Dog Retainer Sleeve (8).
5. Install Stop Ring (10) and Power Spring (9) on 1. Install Selective Locating Device Assembly (2)
OD of Retaining Sleeve Sub (14). Use the to H Bottom Assembly (3).
spring to push the stop ring under Lower Dog 2. If supplied, install Set-screw(s) to secure H Bot-
Retainer Sleeve (8). tom Assembly (3) to Selective Locating Device
6. Thread Cover Sleeve (6) onto Lower Dog Re- Assembly (2).
tainer Sleeve (8). 3. Install Packing Unit of Lock Assembly (1) onto
NOTE: To install the Cover Sleeve (6) onto the Selective Locating Device Assembly (2).
Lower Dog Retainer Sleeve (8), the Power Spring 4. Install Lock Assembly (1) to Selective Locating
(9) must be compressed. Care should be taken Device Assembly (2).
when performing this step as the spring force is
considerable in the larger sizes of A-4. 5. If supplied, install Set-screw(s) to secure Selec-
tive Locating Device Assembly (2) to Lock As-
7. Partially thread Locator Sub (1) to Retaining
sembly (1).
Sleeve Sub (14).
8. Install Retaining Dogs (4) and Springs (3) on A(O)H-40 Blanking Plug Testing
OD of Locator Sub (1), and under milled slots in Instructions
Cover Sleeve (6). NOTE: It is assumed that the A(O)H-40 is fully
assembled. The packing unit should be removed prior
9. Thread Upper Retaining Ring (2) onto Locator to testing.
Sub (1). It will be necessary to compress Re-
1. Make up running tools and install into the as-
taining Dogs (4) and slide them under Upper
sembly. Follow ‘Arming the Model A(O)-4 Se-
Retaining Ring, to be able to fully make up Re-
lective Locating Device’ and ‘Installation of
taining Ring.
Running Tools’ instructions.
10.Fully make up Locator Sub (1) to Retaining
2. Place the A-1 Nipple Gauge horizontally in a
Sleeve Sub (14).
pipe vice.
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3. Place the assembly, bottom first, into the top of 9. Measure the distance from the top of the A-1
the nipple gauge and slide through until the Re- Nipple Gauge to the top of the Fishing Neck of
taining Dogs on the A(O)-4 can be seen at the the lock. Compare with the value shown in the
bottom of the test nipple. Dimensional Data table for each assembly.
4. Pull the assembly back through the nipple until 10.Install the Removable Mandrel into the H Bot-
the Locking Dogs of the lock can be seen at the tom. Ensure that the ports have been straddled
top of the test nipple. The Retaining Dogs by the o-rings. Remove the Removable Man-
should catch on the bottom of the nipple and al- drel
low the Lower Dog Retainer Sleeve to be pulled 11.Install the appropriate pulling tool into the Fish-
down, allowing the Retaining Dogs to pop up. ing Neck of the lock. Jar up to unset the Locking
5. Push the assembly back through the nipple to Dogs. Retrieve the assembly. Remove pulling
locate the Retaining Dogs in the no-go profile of tool from the blanking plug.
the nipple. 12.Visually inspect the Retaining Dogs and Loca-
6. Apply downward jarring action to shear out the tor Dogs for any damage. Ensure that the Low-
Model A running tool. This motion will drive the er Dog Retainer Sleeve is in the locked down
Fishing Neck downward causing the Locking position.
Dogs to expand. 13.Notify Product Engineering if the blanking plug
7. Once the Locking Dogs have fully expanded, fails any one of the steps and/or is damaged
the Retaining Dogs will be lifted off the no-go during the test.
shoulder 14.Redress the running tools. Inspect the assem-
8. Apply upward jarring to shear out the Model D bly and redress if necessary. Install the Packing
probe. Unit.
Model A(O)H-40 Sur-Set Blanking Plug
Assembly and Dimensional Data Drawing No. A24-682-00
1 2 3
Model A(O)H-40 Sur-Set Bypass Blanking Plug
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Test Nipple
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Parts List
Refer to Drawing No. A24-682-00
Size (in.), Material, Seal Unit Type and Material No.
2.81 3.68
Item No
Description 13%Cr 9%Cr1%Mo 4140 9%Cr1%Mo
No. Req’d
KV-65 PT-3
H835-66-2810 H835662811 H835-66-2812 H835-66-2813 H835-66-3680
1 A(O)R Lock 1 H836-04-2812 H836-01-2810 H836-04-2811 H836-01-2811 H836-01-3680
A(O)-4 Selective
2 1 H835-63-2810 H835-62-2810 H835-63-2811 H835-62-2810 H835-62-3680
Locating Device
3 H Bottom 1 H836-18-2810 H836-18-2811 H836-18-2812 H836-18-2811 H836-18-2300
Redress Kit H0A-24682-00 H0A-24682-01 H0A-24682-02
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 8 9
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Parts List
Refer to Drawing No. A15-951-01
Size (in.) and Material No.
2.81 3.68
Item No
Description 13% Cr 9% Cr 1% Mo 4140 9% Cr 1% Mo
No. Req’d
KV-65 PT-3
H836-04-2812 H836-01-2810 H836-04-2811 H836-01-2811 H836-01-3680
1 Fishing Neck 1 H05-61524-04 H02-84225-00 H02-84225-07 H02-84225-00 H02-83458-00
Split Ring
2 2 H02-74765-05 H02-74765-00 H02-74765-07 H02-74765-00 H02-73599-00
3 Lock Ring 1 H02-84226-05 H02-84226-00 H02-84226-08 H02-84226-00 H02-83465-00
4 Set Screw -
5 Lock Mandrel 1 H02-84305-02 H02-84305-00 H02-84305-01 H02-84305-00 H02-83507-00
6 C-Ring 1 H02-84221-00 H02-72619-00
7 Locking Dogs 4 H02-84307-00 H05-63421-01
8 Set Screw -
9 Packing Unit 1 H05-64226-04 H05-64226-02 H05-64226-06 H02-81451-00 H02-81952-00
As 2 x HWW-G518-0H4
10 Set Screw** -
Req’d ¼ - 20NC x ½
Redress Kit H0A-24703-00 H0A-24704-00 H0A-15951-02
** This Set Screw is to secure the Shear Stock used to pin the Model ‘D’ Probe to the Lock Mandrel
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G 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 H 15
C (No-Go) D
1 2 3 4 6 5 7 7 4 8 9
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