Formatrac Bendable Track - Specifications Ipc.1196 Rev8

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Bendable Track

 Formatrac® bendable track is manufactured with a 99% recycled

[12mm] [1mm]
aluminum core and ABS (non-PVC) shell. This patented product
results in the most durable and lightweight bendable track.
 Formatrac® bendable track is available in four standard lengths;
8’[2.4m], 16’[4.9m], 40'[12.2m] rolls and 105’ [32.0m]rolls. This allows
[34mm] for virtually any length or radius bend required.
 Formatrac® bendable track is both easy to install and works with
virtually any ceiling type including both tegular and flush ceiling tile.
 Formatrac® bendable track carriers are load tested to hold 50 lbs.
[22.7k] per carrier.
 Formatrac® bendable track is Class A Fire Rated.

IPC.1196/REV.8 • 800.222.5556 • 262.679.9010

World Headquarters S80 W18766 Apollo Drive, Muskego, WI 53150 USA
Formatrac® Bendable Track
Suggested Specifications


1.01 SUMMARY 2.01 MANUFACTURER A. ABS: Continuously extruded bendable track shall be
A. Formatrac® Bendable Track Cubicle Tracking Systems A. Acceptable Manufacturer: produced from ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene)
1.02 SECTION INCLUDES Clickeze ® Privacy Systems , Inpro Corporation, with and aluminum core.
A. Formatrac® Bendable Track PO Box 406 Muskego, WI 53150 USA; B. Aluminum: Continuously extruded bendable track
B. Track accessories Telephone: 800.222.5556, Fax: 888.715.8407, shall be produced with an aluminum core. Core shall
1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION be alloy 3105-H2.
A. Performance Requirements: Provide Formatrac® B. Substitutions: Not permitted C. Molded Components: Molded components shall be
Bendable Track system that conform to the C. Provide all cubicle tracking systems from a single manufactured from injection molded thermoplastic.
following requirements of regulatory agencies and source. 2.05 FINISH
the quality control of Clickeze ® Privacy Systems , 2.02 MANUFACTURED UNITS A. Formatrac® Bendable Track shall be white with a
Inpro Corporation. A. Cubicle Tracking System smooth finish.
1. Fire Performance Characteristics: Provide Formatrac® 1. Inpro Formatrac® Bendable Cubicle Track with
Bendable Track conforming with the NFPA Class aluminum core. PART 3 - EXECUTION
A fire rating. Surface burning characteristics as Dimensions: height 1.375”x (34.93mm), 3.01 EXAMINATION
determined by ASTM E-84, for Formatrac® Bendable width .450" (11.43mm). A. Examine areas and conditions in which the cubicle
Track shall be a maximum flame spread of 25 and a a. White smooth finish tracking systems will be installed.
maximum smoke developed of 160 CE2008 - 8 foot length (2.44m) 1. Complete all finishing operations, including painting,
1.04 SUBMITTALS CE200016 - 16 foot length (4.88m) before beginning installation of cubicle tracking
A. Product Data: Manufacturer's printed product data CE200040 - 40 foot length (12.2m) system materials.
for each type of cubicle tracking system specified. CE200105 – 105 foot length (32.02m) 2. Verify that surfaces and above ceiling supports are
B. Detail Drawings: Mounting details with the 2.03 TRACK COMPONENTS ready to receive work.
appropriate fasteners for specific project substrates. A. Carrier: Provide thermoplastic carrier with aluminum 3.02 PREPARATION
C. Samples: Verification samples of cubicle track, 36" hook. A. General: Prior to installation, clean substrate to
(.915m) long, in full size, with carriers, spring clip CE2040 Carrier remove dust, debris and loose particles.
with grid clip and end caps. B. End Cap: Provide thermoplastic end caps in a color 3.03 INSTALLATION
D. Manufacturer's Installation Instruction: Printed matching the track. A. General: Locate the cubicle track as indicated on
installation instructions for each cubicle tracking CE2080 End Cap, white the approved detail drawing for the appropriate
system. C. Fixed End Cap: Provide thermoplastic end caps that substrate and in compliance with the Clickeze ®
1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING allow the curtain to remain attached at that end. installation instructions.
A. Deliver materials in unopened factory packaging to CE2100 Fixed End Cap, white B. Installation of Formatrac® Bendable Track
the jobsite. D. Spring Clip: Provide spring steel spring clip to hold 1. Install Formatrac® Bendable Track, secure and rigid,
B. Inspect materials at delivery to assure that specified track secure to the ceiling in a color matching the and true to ceiling line.
products have been received. track. 2. Secure track to ceiling system. Install to ceiling grid
C. Store in original packaging in a climate controlled CE2200 Spring Clip, White with Spring Clip with Grid Clip or Spring Clip and
location away from direct sunlight. E. Swivel End Cap: Provide variable angle end cap that mechanical fasteners.
1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS allows the track to attach to the wall at any angle. 3. Slide carriers onto the track.
A. Environmental Requirements: Products must CE2080-SW, White. 4. Install end caps.
be installed in an interior climate controlled F. Swivel End Cap with Fixed End Hook: Provide variable 5. Install curtains on carriers ensuring smooth
environment. angle end cap that allows the track to attach to the operation.
1.07 WARRANTY wall at any angle and allows the curtain to remain 3.04 CLEANING
A. Standard Clickeze® Limited Lifetime Warranty attached at that end. A. At completion of the installation, remove any debris
against material and manufacturing defects. CE2100-SW, White. and clean surfaces in accordance with the Clickeze ®
G. Spring Clip with Grid Clip: Provide spring steel spring clean up and maintenance instructions.
clip with metal grid clip to hold track secure to
ceiling grid in a color matching the track.
CE2500 Spring Clip with grid clip, White for 15/16”
[23.8mm] grid.
CE2500-916 Spring Clip with grid clip, White for 9/16"
[14.3mm] ceiling grid.
H. Radius Clip, 19": Provide an extruded aluminum
and formed radius clip to create 90° bends with
Formatrac®. Radius clip shall be white.
CE2200-RC, White. • 800.222.5556 • 262.679.9010

World Headquarters S80 W18766 Apollo Drive, Muskego, WI 53150 USA

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