Plastic bottles are non-biodegradable material made up of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) and takes around
450 years to get decomposed. In Malaysia, near 13.2% of plastics contribute to municipal solid waste, where 2.5% is
PET. To reduce the waste, interlocking bricks manufacture by waste plastic bottles are used to replace the conven-
tional bricks that use cement and clay. The purpose of this research is to reuse plastic bottles comprised of Polyeth-
ylene Terephthalate and Polyurethane binder, by manufacturing interlocking brick that helps to reduce the waste on
landfills and the pollution. The plastic bottles were shredded and grinded to a size of 0.75 mm and mixed with the
Polyurethane (PU) and the Polymer. The mixed later casted and compacted in the interlocking brick machine mould.
The tests performed on the interlocking bricks were compressive strength, impact, flexural strength and thermal con-
ductivity for obtaining the mechanical and thermal properties. The tests values were then keyed into the Response
Surface Methodology (RSM) to obtain the optimal PET and PU to verify reliability. Based on the results it is concluded
that PET/PU of 60/40 ratio is suitable as non-load bearing masonry brick and recommended to be used as partition
Keywords: polyethylene terephthalate, polyurethane, mechanical and thermal properties, RSM
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Alaloul et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:24 Page 2 of 11
parts of the world (Chowdhury et al. 2013). The possibil- In Carrasco et al. (2013) study the performance of
ity of PET plastic bottles to be used as building material walls constructed with interlocking bricks were evalu-
exist and it is also significant for sound insulation (Jora- ated. The interlocking bricks were made in a mixture of
via and Parikh 2015). Many researchers have included iron ore tailings, cement and water and put through a
plastic in their research in the aim of reducing PET plas- simple compressive loading. Compressive strength tests
tic waste, which causes a reduction in shrinkage crack- are conducted to determine the capability of a material
ing but not so effective in increasing tensile strength (Foti or structure to withstand vertically projected stress. Test
2011). However, there is a lack of research related to the specimens were crushed and the results from the study
incorporation of polyethylene terephthalate and polyure- concluded that mixing iron-ore tailings enhanced the
thane binder moulded together to form an interlocking compressive strength. The iron tailing infused mix design
bricks (Chowdhury et al. 2013). met a high compressive strength of 14.57 MPa for bricks,
As part of sustainable development, flourish technolo- 9.8 MPa for prisms and 25.3 MPa of the mortar. The wall
gies and researchers lead to the alternative construction demonstrated a good mechanical strength of 2.05 MPa,
materials to the cement which cannot be de-empha- which portrays 14% of the brick strength. However, the
sized (Mousavi 2016). Polystyrene is used in various deformation was higher than the usual axial deformation
fields mainly packaging of industrial and food products. modulus of 420 MPa, indicates the flexural behaviour of
Expanded polystyrene beads are stiff cell plastic material, the wall. Watile et al. (2014) used various mixed designs
produced from moulding of tiny pearls, showing a closed that incorporate varying percentages of fly ash, stone
structure and made up of thermoplastic with trapped air dust and sand with a man-made fire, Glass Reinforced
in a 96–98% proportion of the volume of pearls (Sayan- Polymer (GFRP) as a reinforcing material to produce
than et al. 2013a; Aciu et al. 2015). interlocking bricks.
Plastic bottles infilled with sand, soil, fly ash or any Al-Fakih et al. (2018a) studied the crumb rubber used
other material gives higher compressive strength as in geopolymer interlocking bricks. Crumb rubber is
compared to the traditional bricks but requires binding obtained from the disposal of scrap tyres and discarded
material, mainly cement to form a structure (Sharma scrap tires pose critical environmental concerns world-
2017; Shoubi et al. 2013). Due to the low cost and effec- wide due to major drawbacks (Mui et al. 2004; Al-Fakih
tiveness, masonry infill has been extensively utilized et al. 2020). Therefore, utilizing crumb rubber as a
as construction material (Vincent Sam Jebadurai et al. replacement of fine aggregate in geopolymer interlocking
2019). Whereas the engagement of interlocking brick bricks is a novel approach to solve the burdening scrap
is developing notoriously around the world due to the tyres problem worldwide. The rubberized geopolymer
mortarless brick construction concept, where mortar- interlocking brick comprises sodium hydroxide, crumb
less methods demonstrate the accompanying points of rubber, alkaline solution, and sodium silicate. Response
interest such as increased construction productivity, Surface Methodology (RSM) and Face Centered Central
labour intensive, reduction in construction duration and Composite Design (FCCCD) were used to develop the
reduced overall construction cost. In view of its innova- mathematical models for 28 days’ compressive strength.
tive coherence and considering the local source depend- The trial mixes were tested for compressive strength,
ence, the mortarless-brick development progressively water absorption, modulus of rupture and efflores-
fits into the local communities easier than conventional cence test. It was concluded that the average compres-
mortar-brick techniques (Kintingu 2009). The interlock sive strength was 3.98 MPa, and the interlocking brick
between bricks provides a very accurate assembly and was classified as a non-load bearing brick according to
a neat finishing during construction of buildings. The BS 3921. Where the modulus of rupture was compara-
installation is continued similar to an ordinary clay brick tively low (Al-Fakih et al. 2018a, b). However, the study
but does not use mortar because these bricks are shaped did not discuss the flexural properties and other major
with projected parts, which fit exactly into depressions in parameters.
the bricks placed above and automatically aligned verti- Therefore, this study aims to determine the mechani-
cally and horizontally (Malahayati et al. 2018). Except for cal and thermal properties of interlocking bricks incor-
mortarless formation and a better visual effect of inter- porating PET and polyurethane binder by using the RSM,
locking brick, it is also convenient for those places where as PET plastic bottles take a longer time to decompose.
the availability of natural quarry is low, making it more In the study, ground plastic is been used in making the
suitable to be used as compared to the infilled plastic bot- interlocking brick which won’t change its properties.
tles which mainly requires sand or soil and also binding
Alaloul et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:24 Page 3 of 11
Fig. 1 Typical dimensions of the interlocking brick in cm (side view and top view)
1 M1 20 80
M2 20 80
M3 20 80
2 M4 40 60
M5 40 60
M6 40 60
3 M7 60 40
M8 60 40
M9 60 40
Fig. 4 Compressive strength samples after testing
4 M10 80 20
M11 80 20
M12 80 20
2.5 Direct Tensile Test
The direct tensile test was carried by using the standard
test method of ASTM D638 (Standard 2014a) to measure
2.3 Mixing Procedure the force required to elongate the specimen to breaking
The mixing of the samples was done after the materials point. Like the compressive strength test, all the 3 sam-
weighed and added to the mixing tray in a conventional ples were tested to obtain an average to further solidify
manner. The process was carried out until a consistent the outcomes in terms of accuracy. The specimen was
and homogeneous mix was made and poured into speci- casted in the dog bone mould associated by its shape
fied moulds. In addition, the mix was vibrated to bring having dimensions of 500 mm × 100 mm × 25 mm and
entrapped air bubbles to the surface where they escape. were tested by Universal Testing Machine (UTM). The
Later, the samples were air cured for 3 days after getting aim of performing this test is to discover the ultimate
demoulded to get the required strength parameters. tensile strain, tensile strength and tensile yield strength
of the sample. Once the sample is dried and weighed,
2.4 Compressive Strength Test it was loaded into the tensile grips, where an extensom-
Compressive strength test was carried out by using the eter was attached. The test was begun by separating the
standard test method of ASTM C67 (Standard 2014b). tensile grips at a constant rate of speed. Speed depends
This test was conducted to obtain the maximum com- on specimen shape and can range from 0.05 to 20 mm/
pressive strength of the specimen. In this experiment, a min. The target time from the start of the test to break
50 mm × 50 mm × 50 mm cube was obtained which was should be between 30 sec. to 5 min. The failure of the
weighed to determine the density. The cube was then sample marks the end of the test. The tested samples are
placed into the compressive testing machine where the shown in Fig. 5.
amount of load was taken. Figure 4 shows the sample
after testing.
Alaloul et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:24 Page 5 of 11
2.8 Verification Mix
Once the results have been successfully obtained from
the initial mixing based on the 12 various mix designs
conjured by the preliminary RSM mix design, they were
inputted again into the RSM to validate the finalized
model. The verification mix designs were obtained via
multi-response optimization technique as indicated in
Table 2.
put through a tensile strength test as per ASTM D638 Tensile = 1.04 + 0.9756A + 0.6242AB + 0.9688A2 B
(Standard 2014a). The measure of the force required to (2)
elongate a specimen to breaking point is calculated and Equation 2 shows the model which the RSM has
discussed in Table 5. come up with and can be used to make reliable predic-
From Table 5, it can be observed that the highest ten- tions about the model to obtain several values of tensile
sile strength was recorded for the control sample as strength in order to obtain satisfactory results. Where
1.28 MPa. Whereas, from the mixes, the optimum mix A is Polyethylene Terephthalate and B is Polyurethane.
design was for Run 3 having a PET/PU of 60/40 ratio, Based on the 3D response surface plot in Fig. 7, it is
as it has the highest tensile strength. This is due to the inferred that the highest tensile strength of 1.3 MPa can
strong bond formed between the polyethylene tereph- be achieved by using PET/PU of 60/40 Ratio This can be
thalate powder and the polyurethane binder. The total observed at the reddish zone in the contour plot.
curing time of 3 days was provided for all samples to
ensure the wet mixes; Run 1 and Run 2 were completely 3.3 Impact Strength
dried and ready for testing, yet the overall results The samples for impact strength test were put for testing
obtained for the tensile strength were unsatisfactory. to obtain the impact of interlocking bricks incorporating
As for concrete, the tensile strength is enhanced by PET and PU. This test was conducted by the Izod impact
introducing reinforcement bars into the concrete. This test machine adhering to the ASTM D256 (Standard, A
further improves the bond in the concrete matrix and 2002) as shown in Table 7.
its overall performance (Pillai et al. 1999). The unre- From Table 7, it can be observed that the highest
inforced concrete tensile strength falls in the range of impact strength was 43.08 J/m for the control sample.
2.2–4.2 MPa. In contrasts, the results obtained from Whereas, within the mixes, the highest impact strength
the experiment falls in the range of 0.4–1.3 MPa. was of Run 3 having a PET/PU of 60/40 Ratio. The lowest
The tensile strength values were much lower for Run recorded impact strength was for Run 1 having a PET/
1 and Run 2 is due to its wet mix. In nature, PET and
PU both have elastic properties. The concurrence of
both materials mixed in a wet proportion caused the
samples for Run 1 and Run 2 to become more elastic
and spongier which significantly reduced the individual
strength and making it brittle. However, Run 3 and Run
4 took a longer time to reach the breaking point from
the elastic limit. Thus, it can be concluded that the
material specimen was ductile in nature. In conclusion
the overall performance of the interlocking brick as a
tensile member is unsatisfactory and therefore not suit-
able to be used as a tensile member in a structure.
Table 6 shows the Adjusted R-Squared value of 0.9960
and Predicted R-Squared value of 0.9934. This indicates
an acceptable difference of 0.0026 which is less than 0.2.
Looking at the adequate precision of the model, which
is 64.5141, is a positive result. The adequate precision
value can further be used to navigate the design space.
Therefore, an equation in terms of actual factors can
be obtained as:
Table 7 Impact strength results 70/30 PET/copolyester 20.5 J/m. In comparison with this
Run Mix ID Impact
research the impact strength obtained for this project
strength raised by a 23.3 J/m with 60/40 PET/PU Ratio. Therefore,
(J/m) it can be concluded that the impact strength is adequate
0 Control 43.08
to be used as a construction material.
1 M1 19.552
Table 8 shows the Adjusted R-Squared value of 0.9921
M2 19.536
and Predicted R-Squared value of 0.9852. This indicates
M3 19.601
an acceptable difference of 0.0069 which is less than 0.2.
2 M4 21.633
Looking at the adequate precision of the model, which
is 51.7616, is a positive result. The adequate precision
M5 21.741
value can further be used to navigate the design.
M6 21.620
Therefore, an equation in terms of actual factors can
3 M7 23.169
be obtained as:
M8 23.334
M9 23.343 Impact strength = 22.16 + 0.7550A + 1.86AB (3)
4 M10 21.231
M11 21.221 Equation 3 shows the model which the RSM has
M12 20.921 come up with and can be used to make reliable predic-
tions about the model to obtain several values of impact
strengths in order to obtain satisfactory results. Where average k value was 0.531 W/m K, which is still higher
A is Polyethylene Terephthalate and B is Polyurethane. than the plastic interlocking brick.
Based on the 3D response surface plot in Fig. 8, it Since the thermal conductivity of Polyethylene Tere-
is inferred that the highest compressive strength of phthalate and Polyurethane binder is low as a raw mate-
around 23.3 MPa can be achieved by using PET/PU of rial, the k value of the both materials moulded together
60/40 Ratio. This can be observed at the reddish zone reduced. Therefore, the rate of heat transfer is directly
in the contour plot. proportional to the k value. The temperature gradient
along the sample is high and according to Fourier’s Law
3.4 Thermal Conductivity of thermodynamics, temperature gradient is inversely
The thermal conductivity test samples were put for test- proportional to the thermal conductivity. Since the ther-
ing to obtain the values as shown in Table 9, incorpo- mal conductivity is less, it is obvious that the heat trans-
rating PET and PU. The thermal conductivity test is to fer rate along the material will reduce.
measure the thermal insulation capability. This test was In conclusion, thermal control is one of the important
conducted by the thermal conductivity meter adhering to aspects in buildings. The basic understanding regard-
the ASTM C177 (Standard 2010). ing heat transfer and temperature distribution thought
From Table 9, it can be observed that the thermal building materials can be used for analysing the energy
conductivity is decreasing as the percentage of PET use, and thermal comfort in the buildings. Good thermal
is increasing. The thermal conductivity for post-con- insulation provides thermal comfort without excess air
sumer PET is 0.19 W/m °C and the literature value for conditioning which is one of the primary requirements of
virgin PET is 0.0375 W/m °C, both at 25 °C. Based on a building. Therefore, this plastic interlocking brick can
the results obtained from the experiment, the thermal be categorized as a good thermal insulator.
conductivity is within the range of 0.15–0.3 W/m K. In Table 10 shows the Adjusted R-Squared value of 0.9883
comparison with other waste materials such as the use and Predicted R-Squared value of 0.9820. This indicates
of crumb rubber in concrete panels, crumb rubber has a an acceptable difference of 0.0063 which is less than 0.2.
thermal conductivity in the range of 0.303–0.476 W/m K, Looking at the adequate precision of the model, which is
which is higher than the results obtained from PET and 47.1109, is a positive result. The adequate precision value
PU (Sukontasukkul 2009). can further be used to navigate the design.
Higher thermal conductivity signifies that the material Therefore, an equation in terms of actual factors can be
can transfer more heat per unit time. In addition (Sukon- obtained as:
tasukkul 2009) the thermal conductivity is inversely pro-
Thermal conductivity = 0.1806 − 0.0310A − 0.0051AB
portional to the density of the material. Since, plastic
interlocking brick has a lower density, it is expected to
exhibit a lower thermal conductivity, k value. When this The above Eq. 4 shows the model which the RSM has
experimental result is compared to plain concrete, the come up with and can be used to make reliable pre-
dictions about the model to obtain several values of
thermal conductivity in order to obtain satisfactory
Table 9 Thermal conductivity results results. Where A is Polyethylene Terephthalate and B is
Run Mix ID Thermal Based on the verification made by RSM, it was
Conductivity (W/mK)
observed that all the models are proven to be significant
0 Control 0.41 and having 4% difference from the original model-based
1 M1 0.221 value.
M2 0.214 Based on the 3D response surface plot in Fig. 9, it is
M3 0.215 inferred that the lowest thermal conductivity of around
2 M4 0.192 0.155 MPa can be achieved by using PET/PU of 80/20
M5 0.188
M6 0.194
3 M7 0.172
Table 10 Key results from ANOVA (Thermal)
M8 0.169
M9 0.172 Std. dev. 0.0026 R2 0.9905
4 M10 0.154 Mean 0.1834 Adjusted R2 0.9883
M11 0.157 C.V. % 1.43 Predicted R2 0.9820
M12 0.153 Adeq precision 47.1109
Alaloul et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:24 Page 10 of 11
Ratio. This can be observed at the blue zone in the con- Table 11 Percentage difference with model
tour plot. Verification mix ID Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3
5 Recommendation
The authors would like to thank Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) for the
Fig. 9 3D response surface plot (thermal conductivity) support provided for this research.
Alaloul et al. Int J Concr Struct Mater (2020) 14:24 Page 11 of 11
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