We avail this opportunity to express our profound sense of sincerity and deep
gratitude to all those who have played an integral role in the accomplishment of
We wish to express our deep gratitude for Professor Sulata Bhandari for her
able to cope with the project work. The faith and confidence she kept has been
the driving force behind each step taken for the completion of this project. From
selecting the project to implementing it, she provided us with full attention and
PEC. We are also grateful to the college and staff of the Electrical Department,
who taught the fundamental essentials and gave us an opportunity to take up this
1. Abstract 3
2. Introduction 4
3. Background 6
i) Power Factor
ii) Power Factor Correction
ii) Power Factor and Electrical Loads
4. Objective 11
5. Power factor in Resistor, Inductance 13
and Capacitance circuit
6. Components Used 17
i) Potential Transformer
ii) Current Sensor
ii) Capacitor
iv) 2 Module relay
v) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
vi) Arduina Uno
vii) Voltage Regulator
viii) Choke
7. Hardware Implementation 22
8. Working 23
9. Code 26
10. Conclusion 28
11. References 29
However, using capacitors comes with several risks and challenges. Many designers
have a tendency to centre their calculations on maximising the revenue from such
installation by minimising insulating cost and maximising the energy savings when
designing and positioning capacitors for PFC. The potential negative effects brought on
by interactions between PFC and some power system components often receive less
attention. Harmonic amplification, which can happen when there is a resonance in the
power system close to the frequency of a nearby harmonic source, is one of the most
frequent and potentially dangerous phenomena.
This project work focuses on Power Factor Correction that can be used be used to
protect from significant damage and disruption to the power system.
The scope of this includes background of power factor and different loads, various
components and their uses and how we used them to construct our model.
The current technological revolution has led to, and will continue to lead to, an increase
each unit of generated power over a growing range of distances with the least amount
of power loss. However, the losses have also multiplied with the rise in inductive loads,
large load variations, etc. Therefore, it is wise to identify the root causes of power
outages and upgrade the power infrastructure. As inductive loads are used more
frequently, the load power factor decreases noticeably, increasing system losses and
By precisely measuring the time difference between the arrival of the current signal and
the voltage signal from the source, an automatic power factor correction device can
read power factor from line voltage and line current. The power factor (cos phi)
corresponding to the phase angle lag between the voltage and current signals is then
calculated. The microcontroller then determines the necessary compensation and turns
on the necessary number of capacitors from the capacitor bank, maintaining this
Industrial facilities, power systems, and even homes can use automatic power factor
correction techniques to become more stable. As a result, the system stabilizes and
both the system's and the apparatus's efficiency rise. As a result, both the costs of
purchasing and supplying electrical energy are decreased when power factor correctors
Utilizing capacitive elements for power factor correction lowers the amount of reactive
power needed, minimizing losses while also improving the effectiveness of the
electrical system. Single phase capacitor banks have been developed for domestic and
system that will improve and modernize the operation of single phase capacitor banks.
Based on the fluctuating load current, the control unit will be able to regulate the
capacitor bank's operating steps. Current Sensor is used to measure the load current for
uniform capacitor step utilization, reduces switching operations, and improves power
factor. Auto-correcting power factor. An inductive load will be used with the choke found
Power Factor:
Power factor is a term used to describe how energy flows through electrical systems.
Understanding the three types of power that are present in electrical systems is useful
for comprehending power factor. Real power is the kind of energy that is actually used
to produce heat, light, and motion. The electric billing meter totalizes real power in
kilowatt-hours (kWh), which are units of measurement for real power (measured in kW).
The useful work that directly rotates a motor's shaft is an illustration of real power.
Equipment that uses inductive or capacitive technology must have reactive power to
maintain the electromagnetic field. The non-working power element is what it is.
billing statement for the customer does not include reactive power. Real power and
reactive power are combined to create total power, also known as apparent power.
(kVAh) is the unit of measurement used by the electric billing meter. Real power to total
power is referred to as the power factor (PF), which is measured as a percentage (%).
The relationship between the active component, IR, and the total amount of current, I, is
known as the power factor cos(phi); phi is the phase angle between the voltage and the
generate a leading current in order to make up for the lagging current. It is possible to
connect a capacitance large enough to adjust the power factor to as close to unity as
possible. A system known as power factor correction (PFC) is used to mitigate the
negative effects of electric loads that produce a power factor of less than one (1). A
power transmission utility may implement power factor correction to increase the
customer may install correction to lower the fees assessed by their electricity service
An alternating current electrical load needs apparent power, which is made up of real
power and reactive power. Real power is the power actually consumed by the load.
When alternating current flows through a load that contains a reactive component,
reactive power is continuously demanded by the load and sent back to the power
source. The electric load has a power factor of less than one because reactive power
The current flowing between the power source and the load is increased by reactive
power, which also increases power losses through transmission and distribution lines.
Power companies suffer operational and financial losses as a result. In order to avoid
additional fees, power companies mandate that their customers, particularly those with
large loads, keep their power factors above a certain level, preferably around or above
0.90. The power factor of loads is of interest to electrical engineers who work in the
power factors have an impact on costs and operational efficiencies for both the
producers and users of electrical power. The use of wiring, switches, circuit breakers,
transformers, and transmission lines with higher current capacities may be necessary in
Through a variety of techniques, power factor correction tries to bring the power factor
respectively, the capacitive and inductive effects of the load. example, the inductive
effect of motor loads Automatic power factor corrector may be offset by locally
can also be used to correct power factor. By adjusting the field excitation, the motor's
power factor can be changed, causing it to act excited. When non-linear loads are
operation of inductive equipment. Inductive loads must therefore have access to both
real and reactive power in order to function. According to our power factor ratio, the
resistors or inductors. Incandescent lighting, baseboard heaters, and cooking ovens are
examples of resistive loads. Fluorescent lights, AC induction motors, arc welders, and
The Objective of the project is to automatically detect change in the power factor of the
circuit. Since most of practical circuits are lagging in nature, capacitor are used
whenever system detects change in power angle and accordingly,it connects capacitors
The circuit for Automatic Power Factor detection and correction operates on the
principal of constantly monitoring the power factor of the system and to initiate the
required correction in case the power factor is less than the set value of power factor.
The current and voltage signals are sampled by employing instrument transformers
connected in the circuit. The instrument transformers give stepped down values of
current and voltage, whose magnitude is directly proportional to the circuit current and
voltage. The sampled analog signals are converted to suitable digital signals by the zero
crossing detectors, which changes state at each zero crossing of the current and
voltage signals. The ZCD signals are then added in order to obtain pulses which
represent the time difference between the zero crossing of the current and voltage
The time period of these signals is measured by the internal timer circuit of the Arduino
by using the function pulseIn(), which gives the time period in micro seconds. The time
period obtained is used to calculate the power factor of the circuit. Now if the calculated
power factor is less than the minimum power factor limit set at about 0.96-0.98, then
The circuit is PIC microcontroller based. The current and voltage signal are acquired
from the main AC line by using Current Transformer and Potential Transformer. These
acquired signals are then pass on the zero crossing detectors. Bridge rectifier for both
current and voltage signals transposes the analog signals to the digital signal.
Microcontroller read the RMS value for voltage and current used in its algorithm to
select the value of in demand capacitor for the load to correct the power factor and
monitors the behavior of the enduring load on the basis of current depleted by the load.
In case of low power factor Microcontroller send out the signal to switching unit that
will switch on the in demand value of capacitor. The tasks executed by the
microcontroller for correcting the low power factor by selecting the in demand value of
Voltage and current waveforms change polarity at the same time during each cycle
in a circuit that is entirely resistive. The energy storage in reactive loads, such as
capacitors and inductors, causes a delay between the voltage and current
waveforms where they are present. When the load is applied, the stored energy
returns to the source and cannot be used for work. A circuit with a low power factor
will require more current than a circuit with a high power factor to transfer a given
quality of real power. To obtain the current readings for the pure resistive, capacitive,
and inductive loads shown in the diagram below using an oscilloscope, The current
value was measured across a negligible resistor that was added to the circuit. This
assumption was made using Ohm's law: V = IR but R‘s value is negligible, therefore V
= I. Using this presumption, the waveform for the current was obtained.
LCD panel consist of two patterned glass panels in which crystal is filled under
vacuumIt is a transparent material but after applying voltage it becomes opaque.
This property is the fundamental operating principle of LCDs.
Like most other regulators in the market, it is a three-pin IC; input pin for
accepting incoming DC voltage, ground pin for establishing ground for the
regulator, and output pin that supplies the positive 5 volts.If differences between
the input and output voltages are not well managed, LM7805 can overheat, which
may result in malfunctioning
The choke's impedance increases with frequency. Its low electrical resistance
passes both AC and DC with little power loss, but its reactance limits the amount
of AC passed. The name comes from blocking—"choking"—high frequencies
while passing low frequencies.
The connections have been made as per the diagram and then all the components was
calculated. The liquid crystal display is used to display the improved P.F.
The input supply i.e., 230V, 50 Hz AC is applied across the primary of a stepdown
transformer 12-0-12, i.e. the output is 12V . The output is taken across the secondary
coil and is applied to a rectifier section. The rectifier section is Bridge Rectifier, formed
by arranging four IN4001 diodes in a bridge pattern. The output of the bridge circuit is
not pure d.c; an a.c component is also present in the form of a ripple and in order to
reduce this ripple, an electrolytic capacitor (1000̊F) is connected at the output of the
diode bridge.The voltage regulator 7805 here is used to obtain the fixed voltage as per
module.These signals are supplied to Arduino through sensor circuits and zero cross
detectors (ZCDs) for detecting current and the voltage, as well as the phase difference,
in order to compute the power factor and an active power of the connecting the load.
The voltage or current waveform has a sinusoidal waveform with a wave cycle of 360
50Hz, T=1/F = 1/50). When the load is applied the current waveforms changes its every
the time period is similar but the every zero crossing of the current waveform changes
whereas the voltage waveform remains in the same position. So the voltage is used as
the reference waveform to determine the time variation or time at which current
waveform starts. The difference in the every zero crossing of the voltage and current
waveforms gives us the phase angle difference which is used to calculate the power
factor as the value of the power factor is the cosine of the Phase angle difference
The power for the Arduino and other components is supplied by a 5V DC supply. The
two Op-Amps converts the sinusoidal signal into square signal. The square waves from
the output of the Op-Amps is fed to the Exclusive OR(X-OR) gate. The output of XOR
gate is phase angle difference which is given to Arduino. The cosine of the phase angle
difference gives the power factor value. If the power factor is less than 0.9 then the
capacitor is switched on .
In the event of a lagging power factor, the Arduino sends a control signal to the circuit,
which energizes the capacitor bank parallel to the load. This procedure is repeated until
the necessary adjustment of the power factor is achieved, i.e. the power factor value
after and before the repair for attached the load is displayed on LCD with a pause.
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
int input=13;
int output=7;
int led=6;
float angle;
float powerfactor;
void setup(){
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.print("Automatic Power");
lcd.println(" Factor Correct ");
void loop(){
angle = ((((pulseIn(input, HIGH)) * micro)* degree)* frequency);
powerfactor = cos(angle / rads);
if (powerfactor < 1)
lcd.print(" Inductive Load ");
lcd.println("PF = ");
lcd.print(" Resistive Load ");
lcd.println("PF = ");
Automatic Power Factor Detection and Correction is a method for improving the power
lines, static capacitors are always employed to enhance the power factor. This method
utilises capacitors only when the power factor is low; otherwise, they are disconnected
from the line. Therefore, not only does it improve the power factor, but it also extends
the lifespan of static capacitors. A modest, low-cost rating capacitor can also be used
to increase the power factor of any distribution line. From the load side, this system's
static capacitor can improve the power factor of any distribution line. As a result, if this
speed synchronous condenser can be utilised in any high voltage transmission line to
improve power factor, and the speed of the synchronous condenser can be regulated by
a microprocessor.
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● International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume
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● www.arduino.cc
● Design and Implementation of Microcontroller-Based Controlling of Power
Factor Using Capacitor Banks with Load Monitoring, Global Journal of
Researches in Engineering Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Volume 13,
Issue 2, Version 1.0 Year 2013 Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International
Research Journal Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA) Online ISSN: 2249-4596 &
Print ISSN: 0975-5861
● Electric power industry reconstructing in India, Present scenario and future
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● Power Factor Correction Solutions & Applications,Rick Orman,Americas Sales
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