GIS rev02_231103_123954

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Energy Services Company

Grid Development and Renewable Energy Integration Study of

(500) kWp Photovoltaic (PV) system connected to “Yatta” city

Electrical System

“Al Mansy 2 Project”

Final Report


Oct. 10, 2023

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronyms Definition
AC Alternating Current
CENELEC Comite Europeen de Normalisation Elecrotechnique
DC Direct Current
DT Distribution Transformer
ESCOM Energy Services Company
EUR Euro
FRT Fault Ride Through
HC Hosting Capacity
Hz hertz
IEC International Electro-technical Commission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
kV Kilo Volt
L.V Low Voltage
LVRT Low‐Voltage Ride Through
M.V Medium Voltage
MVA Mega Volt Amps
MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracking
MVAr Mega Volt Amps (reactive)
MW Megawatt
MWp Megawatt peak
PCC Point of Common Coupling
PF Power Factor
PV Photovoltaic
SC Short Circuit
SELCO Southern Electricity Co.
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
VOC Voltage-Oriented Control

Terms and Definitions

Term Description

Demand power The real power is the “rate that energy is consumed”
during a specific period of time (i.e. the peak demand is
the highest rate of consumption during a 15, 30 or 60-
minute period)

Distribution system Is the final stage in the delivery of electric power; it

carries electricity from the transmission system to
individual consumers
Frequency response Is the quantitative measure of the output spectrum of a
system or device in response to a stimulus, and is used to
characterize the dynamics of the system. It is a measure
of magnitude and phase of the output as a function of
frequency, in comparison to the input
Network Refers to the physical assets required to transfer
electricity to customers

Peak Demand The highest amount of electrical power delivered (or

forecast to be delivered) during a morning, afternoon,
evening, day, week, and/or month. The peak demand
fluctuates during the day, (i.e. High load (HL) period or
during the night, Low Load (LL) period
Power Quality Refers to the fitness of electrical power for the consumer
devices it is required to supply. The IEEE and IEC
standards set the power quality obligations for both
Electricity Network operators as well as end users
Protection coordination Protection coordination study is to verify that the various
protection devices in your system, relays, breakers, fuses,
etc. are coordinated correctly and are sized appropriately
for the equipment that they are protecting
Reverse power Indicates the flow of the active power back to the M.V
supplying point

Table of Content

Table of Content ....................................................................................................................................... 4

Executive summery ................................................................................................................................... 5
About this report ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 6
About ESCOM .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Scope of Work .......................................................................................................................................... 7
Study Objectives ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Overview about Electrical System of Yatta .............................................................................................. 8
Operation of PV systems in Yatta Network ............................................................................................ 15
Network Design Criteria ......................................................................................................................... 15
Methodology of the Study ...................................................................................................................... 19
Case Studies and Steady State Load Flow Results ................................................................................. 20
A- Analysis of current system situation............................................................................................ 20
B- Analysis of current system situation assuming operation of the proposed PV system: .......... 21
Conclusion and recommendations .......................................................................................................... 31

Executive summery
The aim of this study is to discuss the impact of expanding Al Mansy PV project from 1000 kWp
to 1500 kWp. In total, around 4.7 MWp PV projects are connected to electric system of Yatta.
In this study, the system is analysed to check the system capability to absorb the injected power
generated from the proposed PV system keeping the system run under acceptable operational limits
in terms of losses, voltage limits and network stability. Different scenarios were discussed in
details within the report. In general, it is recommended to connect the proposed system to the
electric system in Yatta at medium voltage level. No remedies nor rehabilitations are required for
the electric network in the area.

About this report
This report serves as a project reference document and outlines ESCOM’s proposed approach
regarding the data collection process, analysis, and recommendations resulted from this
assignment represented by this project for the purpose of evaluation of the impact of proposed 999
kW PV project that is proposed to be connected to the electrical system of Yatta city, which is
operated by SELCO. The report also describes the key findings of the network analysis and
simulation, proposed remedies and rehabilitations "in case required", in addition to the operational
recommendations for the proposed system in order to keep the system running in reliable and
efficient manners.

In past few decades, due to population growth and technological advancement, and rising energy
consumption, coupled with conducive policy, regulatory framework, fiscal incentive, all these
factors have accelerated development of renewable energy (RE) systems in many countries around
the world.
Solar energy considered as alternative and promising energy source for solving problems related
to the future energy crisis, it represents clean, safe, and cheap energy source.
However, increasing renewable penetration levels presents various challenges to the system
operators as well as network planner. The challenges become noticeable in networks when
integration of large scale of renewable sources to electrical system.
Integration of renewable energy sources to utility grid depends on size and location of the
distributed generator. Large scale power generations are connected to transmission systems where
as small scale distributed power generation is connected to medium and low voltage systems.
There are certain challenges regarding voltage, frequency, reliability, and stability of the system
that must considered in the integration of both types of systems.
This work will introduce detailed grid system analysis of Yatta (Qelqes) network including
investigation and analysis of the potential of PV systems that can be installed to the M.V network
without affecting network stability and reliability.

ESCOM is your reliable solution provider in the fields of Electrical infrastructure and Lighting
systems. Helps its customers to find the right solution that meets their requirements and
expectation providing a world class implementation and after sales services and assistance.
The key factor of the company success is specialization and diversity driven by enthusiastic,
reliable, customer oriented and passionate team.
The company since inception was able to play a significant role in developing and introducing new
solution in the markets and sectors of activities;
Through all of our business activities ESCOM is a trusted and qualified solution provider that
comprehensively handles the project needs of their client from concept to installation through

Scope of Work
In this study, grid impact analysis will be performed on Yatta Electrical system including all
previously connected PV systems as well newly proposed system of capacity equals to 500 KWp.
The system of Yatta will be tested assuming operation of the new proposed PV system by
analyzing the impact of adding new 500 kWp to the system assuming pre-existing PV systems as
well planned ones. The aim is to model the system for the purpose of testing the capability of the
power network to accommodate the generated power from the proposed systems without affecting
system stability or violating operational condition of the grid.

Study Objectives
Under this work, the main objective is to assess the network capability to absorb RE represented
by establishing new PV plants to supply the local demand of electricity for Yatta city as previously
discussed, by discussing the most appropriate scenarios throughout conducting the following
analysis and strategies:
- Analysis of current system situation of the electric system in the area including existing
PV systems.
- Determine the impact of connecting new 500 kWp PV system (expansion of AL Mansy)
to the network assuming existing of the above proposed system as well under construction
PV systems.
- Set the mitigation and operational techniques and any special recommendations if required

Overview about Electrical System of Yatta
Yatta is a Palestinian city located in the Hebron Governorate in the West Bank approximately
8 km south of the city of Hebron in the West Bank. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau
of Statistics, it had a population of 100,000 in 2020.
As electrical system of Yatta is fully operated by Southern electricity Co. (SELCO), which was
established as a shareholder Co. in 1998. And began work in 2004. The company shareholders are
municipalities and village’s local councils in yatta, Dura, and Al-Thahrya.
With more than 13000 customers, and around 90 kM of M.V network. The system consisting of
one connection point with the Israeli grid at 33 kV voltage level of rated capacity 22 MVA, in
addition to another BSP from PETL with rated capacity of 10 MVA.
Below is a geographical map shows Yatta location.

Fig.1 Yatta site location(source:

Table 1: Statistical information about Yatta (Qelqes) electric system

Description Unit Value Notes

Main Supply Capacity (Yatta-Qelqes) MVA 22
Total Network Length (Lines and cables) KM 90
No. of Distribution transformers Ea 141
Distribution Transformers Connected
MVA 44.2
Peak Load ( including installed PV systems) MVA 18.5
Average load MVA 10.5
Minimum Load MVA 5.5
Annual Load growth % 6.0
Installed PV systems connected to L.V 1.7 Mwp Connected
MWp 2
networks to Qelqes BSP
MWp 0.999 AL-Mansy
Connected PV systems connected to M.V Next Era Energy
network MWp 2 x 0.999 Co. System”1” and
System “2”
Planned PV systems- under study MWp 0.50 Al-Mansy 2
Total No. of customers Ea 13000
Al-Haddad and Al-
Sa’ad factories with
Large customers Ea 2
demand load about
Yearly consumed energy kWh 94,092,030

Most of consumption is of residential type. The residential consumed around 42% of total annual
energy purchased from the this context, it is important to indicate that there are two
main bulk loads in the system ( steel factories) in which their load represent around 30% of total
network load.

Analysis of system Load characteristic

In general, Yatta’s load characteristics are as follows:
Peak demand: Yatta has double peaks – one in the morning and a second one in the evening
hours. The peak demand for electricity is often a time of high supply price and/or stress.

Flat Demand Characteristics: During the working hours (10:00am to 4:00pm), the load demand
is essentially flat but demand during these hours changes by season. The load demand during these
hours differs slightly because power needs are not uniform from month to month during the year.
Though generally small, this difference can sometimes matter in the integration and operation of
renewable energy generation.

And since Yatta network is supplied from two main BSP, the following table summarizes the Min,
max. and Avg. loading of each BSP including whole system load.
The power demand is directly affected by consumer behavior along different periods of time. The
below curves shown in Fig.2 and Table 2 show different loading conditions of Yatta Electrical
system during yearly seasons.
The data manipulation process show that the winter load varies between 132-376 A where in
summer varies between 168-360A (Daylight off peak and Day light peak values), and around 160-
328A in autumn and spring times. And with around 6% annual growth in the load, the expected
penetration level of the proposed systems as well as hosting capacity of the network feeders will
be determined in the simulation part. For simulation purposes, it is important to study worst case
scenarios (min. Load with Max. Generation from PV systems and Max. Load with Min, Generation
of PV systems)

Table 2: Main BSP loads

Total Qelqes Beit Ula
Network (Yatta) (AL-Fawwar)
Peak Load 22.8 18.8 4.7
Avg. load 14.7 10.5 3.8
Min. load 7.5 5.5 2.1

Yatta Network loading ( MW)

25 22.8
10 7.5
5.5 4.7 3.8
5 2.1
Total Network Qelqes Beit Ula
Peak Load 22.8 18.8 4.7
Avg. load 14.7 10.5 3.8
Min. load 7.5 5.5 2.1

Peak Load Avg. load Min. load

Fig.2 Analysis of total load of Yatta network

As previously mentioned, Yatta network is suppled by two main BSP, Below is detailed analysis
of each BSP loading behavior based on the available data and information

A- Yatta (Qelqes) network Load analysis:
The below table summarizes the results obtained for Qelqes BSP

Table 3: Yatta (Qelqes) network load analysis

Zero penetration Low penetration penetration High penetration
12:00 am-5:00
am 6:00 am-8:00 am 9:00 am-10:00 am
11:am-1:00 pm
8:00 pm-11:00
pm 5:00 pm-7:00 pm 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
Winter ( December-
106 112 141 164 Min.

Spring ( March-May) 101 101 118 124

Summer (Jun-
98 108 110 111
Autumn ( October-
100 112 111 107

Zero penetration Low penetration High penetration
12:00 am-5:00
Season 6:00 am-8:00 am 9:00 am-10:00 am
11:am-1:00 pm
8:00 pm-11:00
5:00 pm-7:00 pm 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
Winter ( December-
154 185 222 247 Avg.

Spring ( March-May) 149 156 174 179

Summer (Jun-
183 188 221 200
Autumn ( October-
111 132 175 182

Zero penetration Low penetration High penetration
12:00 am-5:00
Season 6:00 am-8:00 am 9:00 am-10:00 am
11:am-1:00 pm
8:00 pm-11:00
5:00 pm-7:00 pm 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
Winter ( December-
272 296 338 362 Max.

Spring ( March-May) 246 268 300 305

Summer (Jun-
277 316 335 306
Autumn ( October-
228 282 304 300

Min. Loading analysis

High penetration 142 124 111 107

Medium Pentration 139 118 110 111

Low penetration 112 101 108 112

Zero penetration 106 101 98 100

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Winter ( December-Febreury) Spring ( March-May) Summer (Jun-September) Autumn ( October-November)

Avg. Loading analysis

High penetration 247 179 200 182

Medium Pentration 222 174 221 175

Low penetration 185 156 188 132

Zero penetration 154 149 183 111

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Winter ( December-Febreury) Spring ( March-May) Summer (Jun-September) Autumn ( October-November)

Max. Loading analysis

High penetration 362 305 306 300

Medium Pentration 338 300 335 304

Low penetration 296 268 316 282

Zero penetration 272 246 277 228

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400

Winter ( December-Febreury) Spring ( March-May) Summer (Jun-September) Autumn ( October-November)

Fig. 3 Loading analysis of Yatta (Qelqes ) network [A]

B- Al-Fawwar (Beit Ula) BSP Loading analysis
The below table summarizes the results obtained Beit Ula (Al Fawwar ) BSP

Table 4 Beit Ula ( AL Fawwar) BSP loading analysis

Zero penetration Low penetration Medium Penetration High penetration

Season 12:00 am-5:00 am 6:00 am-8:00 am 9:00 am-10:00 am
11:am-1:00 pm
8:00 pm-11:00 pm 5:00 pm-7:00 pm 2:00 pm-4:00 pm
Season Zero penetration Low penetration Medium Penetration High penetration
Winter ( December- Min.
11 14 23 26

Spring ( March-May) 5 5 6 7
Summer (Jun-
20 20 21 38
Autumn ( October-
7 8 9 31

Zero penetration Low penetration Medium Penetration High penetration

Season 12:00 am-5:00 am 6:00 am-8:00 am 9:00 am-10:00 am

11:am-1:00 pm
8:00 pm-11:00 pm 5:00 pm-7:00 pm 2:00 pm-4:00 pm

Season Zero penetration Low penetration Medium Penetration High penetration

Winter ( December- Avg.
60 60 69 71

Spring ( March-May) 37 37 42 45
Summer (Jun-
67 67 65 69
Autumn ( October-
51 60 66 70

Zero penetration Low penetration Medium Penetration High penetration

Season 12:00 am-5:00 am 6:00 am-8:00 am 9:00 am-10:00 am

11:am-1:00 pm
8:00 pm-11:00 pm 5:00 pm-7:00 pm 2:00 pm-4:00 pm

Season Zero penetration Low penetration Medium Penetration High penetration

Winter ( December- Max.
152 181 153 138

Spring ( March-May) 227 153 207 176

Summer (Jun-
162 167 163 122
Autumn ( October-
111 125 120 132

Min. Loading analysis

High penetration 26 7 25 31

Medium Pentration 23 6 21 9

Low penetration 14 5 20 8

Zero penetration 11 5 20 7

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Winter ( December-Febreury) Spring ( March-May) Summer (Jun-September) Autumn ( October-November)

Avg. Loading analysis

High penetration 71 45 69 70

Medium Pentration 69 42 65 66

Low penetration 60 37 67 60

Zero penetration 60 37 67 51

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Winter ( December-Febreury) Spring ( March-May) Summer (Jun-September) Autumn ( October-November)

Max. Loading analysis

High penetration 138 176 122 132

Medium Pentration 153 207 163 120

Low penetration 181 153 167 125

Zero penetration 152 227 162 111

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Winter ( December-Febreury) Spring ( March-May) Summer (Jun-September) Autumn ( October-November)

Fig. 4 Loading analysis of Beit ula ( AL Fawar) BSP

Operation of PV systems in Yatta Network
As previously discussed, the load profile for the system was analyzed during various operating
conditions along the year, for the purpose of best understanding of system behavior during the
times in which the load is changing between minimum and maximum values as a result of changing
consumers behavior. This will lead to better understanding and planning of PV and other
embedded systems as a whole, and running of these system in efficient and reliable manner for
both network operators and investors.
Despite the solar radiation in the area is good enough to invest in PV projects, the existing
capacities of PV systems is still negligible. Moreover, since the integration of PVs and other
renewables onto the distribution networks is likely to increase, which produces important effects
on the traditional operation and planning of distribution networks, it falls on the distribution
network operators and network planners to face these new challenges when planning and operating
networks with high penetration levels of renewables.
The economic as well as technical benefits of PVs cannot be ignored. They can help reduce the
distribution network investments, improving voltage profile, in addition to reducing technical
losses as this capacity is spread out and close to load centers. However, the location and
technologies of renewable systems do affect the benefits of PV in the system. These possible
benefits exist under the condition that these systems are located in the ‘right’ place, ‘right’ size,
and at the ‘right’ time. Moreover, the power losses can be reduced significantly if these embedded
systems are operated in an optimal way.
Generally, the ‘wrong’ selection of size, location, time, or any other dominant parameters of these
systems is mainly caused due to the mismatch between the location of these systems and the feeder
hosting capacity. One means of tackling this is to enable the distribution system operator to
encourage renewable projects connections at the locations favored by the existing network that
keep the network stable and reliable. For this purpose, the total hosting capacity of the network
will be determined based on analysis of the current system situation (Including existing and under
construction systems) as well as future scenarios based on historical data and available network

Network Design Criteria

Ratings, characteristics, tests, and test procedures, etc. for the electrical equipment encompassed
by this specification shall comply with the relevant provisions and requirements of the
Recommendations of the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC), unless otherwise
expressly stated in Particular Technical Specifications.

This applies even where the specific standards are not referred to in the Particular Specifications.
Where the IEC Recommendations do not fully cover all provisions and requirements for the
design, construction, testing, etc. and for equipment and components that are not covered by IEC
Recommendations recognized national standards shall be applied. The rules of CEE (International
Commission for the approval of e55lectrical equipment) and the standards of CENELEC (Comite
Europeen de Normalisation Elecrotechnique) may also be applied.

The equipment shall be designed to withstand the design stresses given below without damage and
disruption of service. All tests shall as a minimum is based on these design parameters

Table 5: Network design criteria

Item Description Unit Voltage Level

33 22 11 6.6
1 Nominal system voltage phase to phase kV 33 22 11 6.6
2 Highest system voltage phase – phase 1) kV 36 24 124) 7.2
3 System Frequency Hz 50 50 50 50
4 System earth (see above) ---- Solid solid Solid Solid
5 Minimum Design Short circuit Current (1 kA 16 16 20 20
sec. arch test) 2)
6 Impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50 sec kV 170 125 75 75
wave) 3) peak
7 Power frequency withstand voltage (1 min.) kV 70 50 28 28

8 Min creep age distance over outdoor cm 1101 60 312 31

insulators (Pollution class 3- severe, IEC
60815/85 – 2.5cm/kV)

Note 1 ) Ref. IEC 60038

Note 2 ) For all current carrying parts the permissible short circuit duration shall be at least 1 second. Indoor equipment shall be arch tested in
accordance with IEC 60298 amendment 2. The dynamic or momentary short circuit current on which the equipment design shall be based shall be
computed by multiplying the r.m.s. value of the symmetrical short circuit current by the factor 1.8 x 2.

Note 3)Ref. IEC 60071

Note 4)Except for Under Ground Cables Highest system voltage phase – phase is 15kV

The General limits for continuous system operation as per IEC and IEEE standards shall meet the
following values:
Table 6: General limits for network variables
Operating voltage ±10%
Flickers 𝑃𝑠𝑡 ≤ 1 and 𝑃𝑙𝑡 ≤ .65

Except for the insulators where it is requested 1170 mm creep age.
Except for the insulators where it is requested 400 mm creep age

Harmonic Current Distortion 5%
Harmonic Voltage Distortion 5%
System Frequency Between 47.5- 50.5 HZ

Voltage Unbalance 2%

For PV systems, according to German Guidelines and Laws for PV Grid Integration The standard
vales for network parameters (when connection to M.V grid) are presented below:
1- PV contribution to frequency control:
 Application of droop function at 50.2 Hz
 Permits increasing output power as long as frequency exceeds 50.05 Hz.
 Frequency Control – Droop function

50.2 Hz
𝑓𝐺𝑟𝑖𝑑 ∆𝑃

∆𝑃 = 40% 𝑃𝑀 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝐻𝑧

50.2 𝐻𝑧 − 𝑓𝐺𝑟𝑖𝑑
∆𝑃 = 20 𝑃𝑀 𝑎𝑡 50.2 𝐻𝑧 ≤ 𝑓𝐺𝑟𝑖𝑑 ≤ 51.5 𝐻𝑧
50 𝐻𝑧

𝑃𝑚 = Generated power
ΔP= Power Reduction
𝑓𝐺𝑟𝑖𝑑 = System Frequency
At 50.5 Hz ≥ 𝑓𝐺𝑟𝑖𝑑 ≥ 47.5 HZ ---------------------------No Restriction
At 47.5 Hz ≥ 𝑓𝐺𝑟𝑖𝑑 or 𝑓𝐺𝑟𝑖𝑑 ≥ 50.5 HZ ----------------- Disconnection

2- PV contribution to local voltage support

 Minimum power factor: 0.9 leading and lagging
 Reactive power provision methods: Fixed power factor
 Power factor depending on actual feed-in (cosφ(P))
 Reactive power depending on local voltage magnitude ( Q(U) )
 Online Set-Values.
3- Energy management:
 Energy management is the possibility for distribution system operators to send set
values to generators in order to
 Reduce the active power output or

 Change the power factor.
 Distribution System Operator may demand for a temporal power reduction, if:
 Secure System Operation Is In Danger
 Overloading Occurs
 Static Or Dynamic System Stability Problems Occur
 Frequency Problems Occur

4- Fault Ride Through (FRT):

FRT capability is mostly expressed with the voltage‐time and/or frequency‐time
diagram, which shows the desired capabilities for a generation unit to ride through a
voltage or frequency disturbance in order to ensure the systems' security. At the normal
and short circuit condition, generation units must stay connected to the grid in a specific
voltage and frequency range.
The setting of relays and other protection devicesdepends severely on FRT
requirements. During a fault,a generating unit or power park module shall
generatemaximum reactive current without exceeding the transientrating limit of the
generating unit or power parkmodule and/or any constituent power park unit.
The performance of PV during fault with high penetration has a significant effect on the
stability of the power system. So, the FRT technical requirements should consider the
percentage of PV penetration.
PVs must contain the LVRT capability when a fault occurs. Also, FRT concludes quick
nominal reactive and active power injection after fault clearance. In order to help the
grid's voltage increase, PV must generate reactive power under fault condition. The
below Fig.5 presents a sample Low‐Voltage Ride Through (LVRT) curve.

V (%)


To T1= 250 ms t2
( Fault)
Time (S)

Fig.5 FRT Sample curve

From the above Figure, it is important to note that the voltage must be recovered within accepted
limits after three phase fault cleared after 250 ms.

–Methodology of the Study
The methodology used in this study covers the below points:
 Collection of data and Information
 Network modeling
 Network analysis and assessment including simulation of different operating conditions
 Impact of Integrating PV system on distribution network
For this purpose, the adopted algorithms are listed in the below table for each analysis type:

Table 7. Adopted algorithms used in analysis

Analysis Type Adopted Algorithm
Adaptive Newton-Raphson method with max.
Load flow analysis
iteration=99 and precision=0.0001
(Base load flow) Adaptive Newton-Raphson
Voltage stability method with max. iteration=99 and
SC analysis IEC 60909 method
Harmonic analysis Thevenin/Norton equivalent for all sources
Transient stability IEEE Std 421.5-2002

The adopted limits used for loading of network parts in addition to voltage variation limits are
shown in the below Table 8 and Table 9:

Table 8: Classifications of loading limits of the equipment

Loading Status Degree of loading [%]
Normal load < 80
Heavy load ≥ 80 and 100≥
Overloaded ≥ 100

Table 9: Classification of Voltage Limits

Deviation from Nominal
Voltage level description
Voltage [%]
Normal accepted 110≥ V ≤ 110
Under voltage V< 90
Over voltage V<110

For S.C analysis, the following parameters are used

Table 10: SC parameters used in analysis

Parameter Description

Standard IEC 60909

Protection device duty Based on Max. through fault current

C max for Z Adjustment: 1.05 (+6 % V total)

Calculation method X/R for Peak KA Method C

S.C level for V< 1kV 50 kA

S.C level for V=11 kV 20 kA

S.C level for V=33 kV 16 kA

S.C analysis used for simulation Run max. 3 phase fault current

Case Studies and Steady State Load Flow Results

In this section, the load flow analysis is used to evaluate the current system situation by
determining the loading conditions of the feeders, transformers, network losses, voltage of the
nodes as well as SC level. These outputs are very important for studying the future scenarios of
the network and consumers’ behavior. Additionally, they help the network planners and network
operators by determining the requirements needed to accommodate the future demand; possibility
to accommodate the renewable energy project; and ensure the system runs in a reliable and
efficient way.

A- Analysis of current system situation: The current system simulation and analysis includes
the following loading conditions (considering the existing PV systems) as follows:
1. Scenario “1” (Full daily load profile): all loads are assumed to be at full load values
during maximum daily load curve for the whole network.
2. Scenario “2” (Avg. daily load profile): all loads are assumed to be loaded with the
Avg. value.
3. Scenario “3” (Min. daily load profile): all loads are assumed to be loaded with the
Min. value.
The below table summarizes the results obtained for the above scenarios:

Table 11: Load flow study cases analysis for the current situation

Max. Loading Avg. Loading Min. Loading

Variable Unit
Total Total Total
Yatta PETL Yatta PETL Yatta PETL
Yatta Yatta Yatta
P MVA 22.8 18.16 4.64 14.70 10.90 3.79 7.57 5.49 2.08
Q Mvar 5.66 4.77 1.36 4.66 3.58 0.59 2.33 1.88 0.52
losses % 1.99% 2.19% 1.16% 1.37% 1.53% 0.93% 1.29% 1.57% 0.59%
PF % 97.21 95.18 97.21 97.92 96.11 97.92 99.22 99.10 99.9
max. S.C kA 4.98 4.98 4.54 4.98 4.98 4.54 4.98 4.98 4.54

One of the most important changes that have occurred recently in the Yatta network is the
connection with Palestinian Electricity Transmission Ltd ( PETL) which represents another BSP
for the system and increase network efficiency and reliability as well security of supply.

B- Analysis of current system situation assuming operation of the proposed PV system:

In this section, the current electric system of Yatta is tested considering operation of the
existing PV systems, under construction systems, and planned ones. The below table shows
the total PV system in the network

Table 12: Connected and planned PV system within Yatta (Qelqes) network
No. System Name Status PCC
1- Local Small systems 1.7 Connected L.V network
2- AL-Mansy 0.999 Connected M.V network

3- Next Era Energy Co. No.1 0.999 Connected M.V netwotk

4- Next Era Energy Co. No.2 0.999 Connected M.V netwotk

5- AL Mansy 2 0.50 Planned M.V network

Total Estimated Capacity (MWp) 5.2

In total, around 5.2 MWp of electric power will be injected from PV systems to Yatta (Qelqes)
network within the coming period. For the purpose of understanding how the PV system will affect
the operational parameters of the electric system in the area, it is important to analyze the whole
network assuming various scenarios that represent the most dominant cases that might the system
falling in.

1- Analysis of the current system assuming all PV systems and without the proposed one

In this analysis, it is assumed that all the existing, under construction and planned PV
systems (excluding Al Mansy 2 project) are connected to Yatta electrical system. The
summery of analysis obtained is shown in the below table in which the below four scenarios
were discussed.

1. Scenario “1”: Max. load with Max. Generation from existing PV system.
2. Scenario “2”: Avg. load with Max. Generation from existing PV system.
3. Scenario “3”:Min. load with Max. Generation from existing PV system.

4. Scenario “4”:Max. load with Min. Generation from PV system.

Table 13: Load flow analysis for Yatta network including all PV projects without the
proposed one

Scenario "1" Scenario "2" Scenario "3" Scenario "4"

Variable Unit PETL Yatta PETL Yatta PETL Yatta PETL Yatta
Fawwar Qelqes Fawwar Qelqes Fawwar Qelqes Fawwar Qelqes
P total MVA 4.64 18.16 3.79 10.9 2.08 5.49 4.63 18.09
MW 0.99 4.7 0.99 4.7 0.99 4.7 0 0
MW ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Q Mvar 1.361 5.69 0.59 3.58 0.52 1.88 1.36 5.95
PF % 97.21 96.22 97.92 96.10 99.9 99.10 98.2 96.55
Ploss % 1.16% 2.17% 0.93% 1.50% 0.59% 1.57% 1.34% 2.20%
max. S.C kA 4.54 4.98 4.54 4.98 4.54 4.98 4.54 4.98
Max. SC at Al Mansy 2
kA ** 3.32 ** 3.32 ** 3.32 ** 3.32
PCC Bus 102
Al Mansy 2
V at PCC % ** 98.66 ** 99.55 ** 100.1 ** 98.41
Bus 102

2- Analysis of the current system assuming all PV systems including the proposed one (Al-
Mansy 2 project )

In order to test system capability to absorb the injected power produced without violating
operational limits, the following loading condition were tested

1. Scenario “1”: Max. load with Max. Generation from proposed PV system.
2. Scenario “2”: Avg. load with Max. Generation from proposed PV system.
3. Scenario “3”: Min. load with Max. Generation from proposed PV system.
4. Scenario “4”: Max. load with Min. Generation from PV system.

In this scenario the following PV system will be connected as the following:

Table 14: Connection of large scale PV system

No. System Name BSP connection

1- AL-Mansy 1 0.999 Qelqes- Yatta

2- Next Era Energy Co. No.1 0.999 Qelqes- Yatta

3- Next Era Energy Co. No.2 0.999 Qelqes- Yatta

4- AL-Mansy 2 0.50 Qelqes- Yatta

The below table summarizes the results obtained for the above scenarios:

Table 15: Load flow study cases analysis with existing of the proposed PV system
Scenario "1" Scenario "2" Scenario "3" Scenario "4"
Variable Unit PETL Yatta PETL Yatta PETL Yatta PETL Yatta
Fawwar Qelqes Fawwar Qelqes Fawwar Qelqes Fawwar Qelqes

P total MVA 4.64 18.17 3.79 10.91 2.08 5.49 4.63 18.16
MW 0.99 5.2 0.99 5.2 0.99 5.2 0 4.7
MW ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Q Mvar 1.361 5.97 0.59 3.59 0.52 1.91 1.36 5.69
PF % 97.21 95.30 97.92 96.5 99.9 99.98 98.2 96.22
Ploss % 1.16% 2.15% 0.93% 1.47% 0.59% 1.63% 1.34% 2.17%
max. S.C kA 4.54 4.98 4.54 4.98 4.54 4.98 4.54 4.98
Max. SC Al Mansy 2
at PCC
kA ** 3.324 ** 3.324 ** 3.324 ** 3.32
Bus 102
Al Mansy 2
V at PCC % ** 98.75 ** 99.68 ** 100.2 ** 98.66
Bus 102

In the above analysis, the most dominant scenarios were discussed as previously mentioned. In
summary, PV systems improving voltage profile of the system mainly at remote nodes, and
reducing total system losses. In addition, it is noticed from the above table that no reverse power
will return back to the source. Thus the positive impact of the system.

Regarding S.C currents, PV’s contribution to the short circuit current is not substantial, So that,
according to the aforementioned limits that are set for protection devices on such voltage level, the
protection device still have the ability to withstand such fault currents without any problems.

In order to check the short circuit current contribution of PV power plant the SC analysis run
assuming PV system is injecting its maximum power to the network. The PV system should be
equipped with equipment (mainly switchgear) with SC rating comply with the IEC requirements
and the values stated in Table 8. In extreme cases, depending system size, location, and total
penetration level, the SC current of the PV system will not be more that the nominal current of the
PV station at the upstream level.
In our analysis even the SC current was slightly increase but still in the safety margin of protective
devices in which the system can withstand with the fault currents (16 kA for 33 kV voltage level)

3- System analysis assuming existing of all PV systems including the proposed one (Al-
Mansy 2) and all the system is supplied from Qelges ( PETEL off).

In this scenario all Yatta networks is supplied from Qelges BSP due to disconnection of PETEL
BSP, the following loading condition were tested

1. Scenario “1”: Max. load with Max. Generation from proposed PV system.
2. Scenario “2”: Avg. load with Max. Generation from proposed PV system.
3. Scenario “3”: Min. load with Max. Generation from proposed PV system.
4. Scenario “4”: Max. load with Min. Generation form proposed PV system.

The below table summarizes the results obtained for the above scenarios:

Table 16: Load flow study cases analysis with existing of the proposed PV
system assuming the whole system is supplied from Qelges BSP

scenario "1" scenario "2" scenario "3" scenario "4"

Variable Unit Yatta - Yatta -
Yatta -Qelqes Yatta -Qelqes
Qelqes Qelqes
P total MVA 18.17 10.91 5.49 18.16
P generated MW 5.2 5.2 5.2 4.7
MW ** ** ** **
Q Mvar 5.97 3.59 1.91 5.69
PF % 95.30 96.5 99.98 96.22
Ploss % 2.15% 1.47% 1.63% 2.17%
max. S.C kA 4.98 4.98 4.98 18.16
Max. SC at Al Mansy 2 Bus
kA 3.324 3.324 3.324 3.324
PCC 102
Al Mansy 2 Bus
V at PCC % 98.75 98.75 98.75 98.75

From the above results, it can be concluded that the impact of connecting the new proposed PV
system will positively affect the system in terms of loss reduction and voltage profile improvement.
In addition, there will be no reverse power going back toward BSP even during minimum loading
conditions. it has been noticed increasing in SC level but also still within acceptable limits.

Voltage profile analysis:

This section is to examine the impact of the proposed PV system on Yatta’s MV network, such as
Maximum daily load profile, minimum daily load profile, and other various loading conditions. In
this study, voltage profile is considered as measured parameter for the evaluation purpose.

Injection of PV power in the network should contribute to improve the voltage profile. Therefore,
the voltage profile in every simulation of various scenarios had been analyzed. He below Figures
shows the impact of the Proposed PV system on voltage profile.

Analysis of the impact of the proposed system assuming connection to AL- Fawwar BSP
during peak , Avg, and Min loading conditions:

Voltage profile during max loading condition


Bus 37
Bus 38
Bus 34

Bus 30

Bus 24

Bus 21




before connecting propsoed PV system After connecting proposed PV system

Fig.6 Voltage profile of AL-Fawwar BSP considering the proposed PV system

during max. Loading conditions

Voltage profile during Avg. loading condition







Bus 37

Bus 34

Bus 32

Bus 21
Bus 18

before connecting proposed PV system After connecting proposed PV system

Fig.7 Voltage profile of AL-Fawwar BSP considering the proposed PV system

during Avg. Loading conditions

Voltae profile during min. loading conditions
Bus 44

Bus 37

Bus 28
Bus 32

Bus 26

Bus 24

Bus 16





Before connecting proposed PV system After connecting proposed PV system

Fig.8 Voltage profile of AL-Fawwar BSP considering the proposed PV system

during Min. Loading conditions

The results clearly indicate that proper active power generation in PV systems can improve voltage
profiles and reduce network losses. All the buses operate at voltage values within the acceptable
range of voltage. No overvoltage nor voltage violations were observed even during min. loading

Power factor and reactive power analysis

From the load flow results, The PV inverters are operated at unity power factor as can be observed
in the below Fig.9 the power factor decreases during PV system operation. When PV system
operates with high power values closes to rated ones, most active power demanded by the
customers is supplied by the PV plant, reducing the demand of active power from the grid.
However reactive power demand is the same, but it causes a low power factor measured at the
some parts of the network. In general, when PV operates at unity power factor the total power
factor of the network is reduced by 0.9 % and this impact increase with the increase of operating
PV systems at unity power factor causing reduction of total network PF to unacceptable limits.


40 %PF after
20 %PF before
Bus 16
Bus 21
Bus 26
Bus 30
Bus 36
Bus 40
Bus 44

Bus ID

Fig.9 Pf analysis with the impact of proposed PV system operating at unity power factor

A PV plant at its full load, should not operate at unity power factor and should be be capable of
adjusting power factor for volt-var control. And the inverters should be able to regulate the voltage
at this point to a “desired” set-point should be within +/-0.5 %.

Ride-through of consecutive voltage disturbances

As previously discussed, Ride through is defined as Ability to withstand voltage or frequency
disturbances inside defined limits and to continue operating as specified. The low voltage ride
through (LVRT) represents the capability of the PV system to stay connected in short periods of
lower electric network voltage (cf. voltage sag). It is needed at distribution level to prevent a short
circuit at HV or EHV level from causing a widespread loss of generation. In all other cases, the
ride-through requirements shall apply until 160 ms or 1% of the prescribed tripping time,
whichever is greater, prior to the prescribed tripping time.
Below is transient analysis assuming sudden disconnection of PV station due to transient event.
The results show how source bus is affected due to this event. The voltage reduces to around 85%
of its nominal value and the voltage at the buses closest to the PV station will be almost =0

Fig.10 Source buses and bus close to PV system voltage due to S.C on PCC

Regarding the frequency disturbances, no violation were observed.

Fig.11 Source bus frequency due to S.C on PCC

In the below is transient analysis, it has been assumed that sudden disconnection of the source bus
was occurred due to any unexpected disturbance. The results show how source bus is affected due
to this event. The voltage reduces to around 0% of its nominal value.

Fig.12 PCC and source bus voltage due to S.C on the source bus

Fig.13 Source bus frequency due to S.C on source bus

To overcome this issue it is important to achieve the grid requirements as previously discussed in
terms of voltage and reactive power control as well FRT requirements.

Harmonic analysis
The impact of the proposed PV system on the harmonic content at the PCC is investigated by
harmonics analysis. The harmonic voltages inside the PV system and at PCC is based on the
recommendations listed in IEC 61000-3-6 Standard by measuring the Total Harmonic Distortions
(THD). In practical considerations, the THD limit in MV and HV networks are usually lowered to
respectively 5% and 2.5%, as required in the IEEE 519 Standard.
For harmonic analysis in this study, the external M.V network will be modeled as equivalent
impedance behind a voltage source at the PCC. Its value has been determined from the 3-phase
short-circuit powers. This is a usual practice adopted in IEC Standards for such studies.. knowing
that the measurements of harmonic levels in Yatta’s distribution network are missing. Thus, the
harmonic analysis is just assuming the impact of the PV itself by determining the THD levels that
expected to be generated from the proposed system as shown below. In addition, the PV system is
modeled as current source and then the harmonic contribution from the PV system is calculated
using the simulator. The results obtained from harmonic spectrum in addition to the waveform
including harmonics are shown below.

Fig.14 harmonic analysis for the proposed PV system

a) Harmonic spectrum b) applied waveform

And as previously mentioned, because not all information are available mainly measurements of
the network harmonics as well the detailed information about PV inverters. These results are
therefore only indicative.

Conclusion and recommendations
- The findings presented in this study emphasize the positive impact of proposed PV system
integration on Yatta’s MV network. By adding new PV system the system voltage profile
will be improved, and total system loasses will be reduced as well increasing system
reliability and efficiency by diversifying sources of supply and reducing dependence on
the Israeli supplier.
- PV generation for variability loading conditions of the network has been utilized for
network impact assessment, particularly on network losses and voltage profiles..
- The analysis discussed various loading scenarios in order to test system capability and
reliability to absorb the injected power generated from the proposed PV system without
harming system components as well avoiding the negative impacts on supplying quality
even under worst loading conditions.
- Based on the available data and information, and due to technical issues, it is not
recommended to increase system capacity for more than 500 kWp or add new other PV
projects. Increase penetration level may leads to reverse power flow at the source bus as
well as overvoltage at some nodes of the network and thus leads to overvoltage at customer
side mainly during minimum loading condition with maximum penetration of PV.
- In this context, it is important to indicate that the sever conditions that was discussed in
this study and mainly ( Min. Loading with Max. Generation from PV systems) does not
necessarily practically occur, and the probability of its occurrence are very low, in which
the production of PV plants has its maximum values and the actual network load is at its
min. value. The aim of testing such scenarios is just to ensure that the system reliability
and stability will not really affected under any unexpected and transient conditions.
- The results clearly indicate that the proposed PV systems can improve voltage profiles and
reduce network losses. Furthermore, the results show that no reverse power will return to
the source even under minimum loading conditions.
- In addition, although the SC current will slightly increase if severe three phase fault occur
with existing of PV system, but the equipment can withstand this level without harming
system components.
- Under any situation, it is important to guarantee that all PV inverters should not be operated
at unity power factor in order to enhance and support voltage profile of the system. When
PV system works with high power values, most active power consumed by the loads is
supplied by the PV plant. Reducing the demand of active power from the grid, while
reactive power demand is the same, result in low power factor at the whole network.

- For PF adjustment, M.V capacitors may require depending on loading type and behaviour
for the whole system under operation of PV systems. Further and deep analysis for Volt-
Var control can be performed when having complete design for the systems. It is
recommended to have a control on PV system inversters for controlling reactive power as
well PF.
- For transient stability of the system including Fault Ride through (FRT) capabilities,
Harmonics analysis, Power factor (PF) and reverse power control. These can be determined
and analyzed based on detailed information about proposed systems capacity and its exact
locations on the grid.


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