Design, Fabrication and Implementation of Microcontroller Controlled Static Var Compensator
Design, Fabrication and Implementation of Microcontroller Controlled Static Var Compensator
Design, Fabrication and Implementation of Microcontroller Controlled Static Var Compensator
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 81 – No 19, November 2013
The power factor of an AC electric power system is defined as
the ratio of the real power to the apparent power, and is a
number ranging between 0 to 1 inclusive. Real power is the
capacity the circuit performance in a given time. Apparent
power equals to the product of the current and voltage of the
circuit used. Energy when stored in the load and returned to
the source or due to a non-linear load that distorts the wave of
the current drawn from the source, the apparent power equals
to or greater than the real power. Low power factor increases
losses in a power distribution system and thus resulting in
increased cost for electrical energy use.
In purely resistive AC circuit, voltage and current waveforms
are in step, changing the polarity in every cycle. In circuits
having reactive loads, containing capacitors or inductors, the
energy is stored and hence resulting in a difference between
voltage and current waveforms. The stored is not used for
load as it returns to source. When a circuit has a low power Fig 2: Power factor measurement circuit
factor it has higher currents to transfer at a given quantity of
power than a circuit having higher power factor. From the shown Fig 2, the voltage transducer is used to step
down the mains supply voltage to low voltage level. The
Circuits containing only heating elements like filament lamps, voltage level is from 230V AC to 6V AC. Then the output of
strip heaters and cooking stoves etc. have a power factor of the voltage transducer is given to Zero Crossing Detector. The
unity. Circuits containing inductive or capacitive elements current consumed by the load is measured with the help of a
such as lamp ballasts and motors etc. often have a power current transducer. The current transducer will convert the
factor below 1.0. The significance of power factor lies in the load current in to lower values that current output will be
fact that utility companies supplies customers with volt- converted in to voltage with the help of the shunt resistor.
amperes, but in real they bill them for watts. The circuits Then the corresponding the AC voltage is given to zero
having power factors less than unity require a utility to crossing detector. The Zero Crossing Detector is used to
generate more than the minimum volt-amperes necessary to convert the sine wave to square wave signal.
supply the real power (watts). This increases generation and
transmission costs. Good power factor is which is greater than The zero crossing detectors are constructed by the operational
0.85 or 85%. Utilities may charge additional costs to amplifier LM 741. The inverting and non-inverting input
customers who have a power factor below some limit. terminals are connected to the potential transformer and
current transformer terminals respectively. So the input sine
A power factor of 1 or "unity power factor" is the goal of any wave signal is converted in to square wave signals. The
electric utility company since if the power factor is below 1, it square signal is in the range of +12v to -12v level. Then the
has to supply more current to the user for a given amount of square wave signal is given to base of the BC 547 switching
power usage. In doing so, they have more line losses. They transistor in order to convert the TTL voltage 0 to 5v level.
should have larger capacity equipment in place than would be Then the both ZCD’s outputs as in Fig 4 shown are given to
necessary. Resulting in the industrial facility to be charged a logical XOR gate 74LS86 to find the phase angle difference
penalty if its power factor is much varying from unity. between the voltage and current. The XOR gate output is
Industrial facilities mostly have lagging power factor, where given to microcontroller or PC and calculates the power factor
the current lags voltage as in inductor. This primarily results with help of software.
having a lot of electric induction motors - the windings of
motors act as inductors as seen by power supply. Capacitors
have opposite effect and can compensate the inductive
windings. A very few industrial sites have large banks of
capacitors strictly for the purpose of correcting the power
factor back toward one to save on utility company charges.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 81 – No 19, November 2013
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 81 – No 19, November 2013
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 81 – No 19, November 2013
2.9.2 DRIVER CIRCUIT DESIGN voltage waveform and then immediately record the state of
the current waveform. By comparing the waveform states, the
PIC can determine whether the current is leading or lagging
the voltage. To detect a zero crossing, the PIC continuously
polls a waveform watching for its value to flip. For example,
if the PIC read a HIGH for the voltage, then a loop
continuously polling the voltage would detect when the
voltage input flipped to a LOW. When that occurs, the PIC
has detected a zero crossing. If the voltage waveform was
recorded as HIGH after the zero crossing, and the current
waveform was recorded as LOW, then it is determined that
the current is lagging the voltage. Likewise, if the voltage was
recorded as HIGH, and the current was already HIGH, then
the current would be considered leading the voltage. Because
a voltage zero crossing is needed for synchronization, the PIC
needs half a cycle to determine whether the current waveform
Fig 11: Triac Switching Circuit is leading or lagging. Table 3.1 shows all of the possible
combinations of the current waveform leading or lagging
In the shown Fig 11 the on/off pulses are given from the logic. Note that the voltage waveform is the first waveform to
microcontroller to transistor BC557. This transistor will be polled after the zero-crossing is detected.
conduct only if the pulses received from the microcontroller if Table 12: Logic to find whether current is
it the pulses are received then the signal are given to the Lagging/Leading Voltage [1]
BC547 which acts as a switch and then the pulses are given to
the optocoupler in which the led blinks so that the Current HIGH Current LOW
phototransistor conducts. Due to this the signal, is transferred
to the triac gate so mt1 and mt2 terminal gets shorted so that Voltage HIGH LEADING LAGGING
we get constant output voltage such as 230V in the load. The
threshold gate voltage for the triac is 1.5V.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 81 – No 19, November 2013
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 81 – No 19, November 2013
In this paper, microcontroller controlled SVC is designed,
fabricated, tested manually and controlled automatically to get
unity power factor by supplying variable reactive power to the
system shown in Fig 15, Fig 16. The hardware and software
of this SVC control system is developed based on
Microcontroller PIC 16f877A chip, one of the low cost
industrial controller. The power circuit of single phase
2KVAR TSC-TCR type SVC have been design and tested
experimentally using a test system.
Fig 15 : Functional Block Diagram of Microcontroller [1] The future scope of this project is to design filter to reduce the
harmonics in the system, control the SVC through LABVIEW
and the values like voltage, current, power factor and reactive
power can transmit wirelessly through ZIG-BEE or using
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