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Series PQ3RS/3 Set – 2

àíZ -nÌ H$moS>
*PQ3RS/3* Q.P. Code 65/3/2
narjmWu àíZ-nÌ H$moS> >H$mo CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$
Roll No. _wI-n¥ð >na Adí` {bIo§ &
Candidates must write the Q.P. Code
on the title page of the answer-book .

· H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _o§ _w{ÐV n¥ð> 23 h¢ &

· H¥$n`m Om±M H$a b| {H$ Bg àíZ-nÌ _| > 38 àíZ h¢ &
· àíZ-nÌ _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE àíZ-nÌ H$moS> H$mo narjmWu CÎma-nwpñVH$m Ho$
_wI-n¥ð> na {bI| &
· H¥$n`m àíZ H$m CÎma {bIZm ewê$ H$aZo go nhbo, CÎma-nwpñVH$m _| àíZ H$m H«$_m§H$
Adí` {bI| &
· Bg àíZ-nÌ H$mo n‹T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h¡ & àíZ-nÌ H$m {dVaU
nydm©• _| 10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>mÌ Ho$db àíZ-nÌ
H$mo n‹T>J| o Am¡a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm¡amZ do CÎma-nwpñVH$m na H$moB© CÎma Zht {bI|Jo &
· Please check that this question paper contains 23 printed pages.
· Please check that this question paper contains 38 questions.
· Q.P. Code given on the right hand side of the question paper should be
written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate.
· Please write down the serial number of the question in the answer-book
before attempting it.
· 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question
paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.,
the students will read the question paper only and will not write any
answer on the answer-book during this period.


{ZYm©[aV g_` : 3 KÊQ>o A{YH$V_ A§H$ : 80

Time allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80

65/3/2-13 Page 1 of 23 P.T.O.

gm_mÝ` {ZX}e :
{ZåZ{b{IV {ZX}em| H$mo ~hþV gmdYmZr go n{‹T>E Am¡a CZH$m g™Vr go nmbZ H$s{OE :
(i) Bg àíZ-nÌ _| 38 àíZ h¢ & g^r àíZ A{Zdm`© h¢ &
(ii) `h àíZ-nÌ nm±M IÊS>m| _| {d^m{OV h¡ – H$, I, J, K Ed§ L> &
(iii) IÊS> H$ _| àíZ g§»`m 1 go 18 VH$ ~hþ{dH$ënr` VWm àíZ g§»`m 19 Ed§ 20 A{^H$WZ
Ed§ VH©$ AmYm[aV 1 A§H$ Ho$ àíZ h¢ &
(iv) IÊS> I _| àíZ g§ »`m 21 go 25 VH$ A{V bKw-CÎmar` (VSA) àH$ma Ho$ 2 A§H$m| Ho$ àíZ h¢ &
(v) IÊS> J _| àíZ g§»`m 26 go 31 VH$ bKw-CÎmar` (SA) àH$ma Ho$ 3 A§H$m| Ho$ àíZ h¢ &
(vi) IÊS> K _| àíZ g§»`m 32 go 35 VH$ XrK© -CÎmar` (LA) àH$ma Ho$ 5 A§H$m| Ho$ àíZ h¢ &
(vii) IÊS> L> _| àíZ g§»`m 36 go 38 àH$aU AÜ``Z AmYm[aV 4 A§H$m| Ho$ àíZ h¢ &
(viii) àíZ-nÌ _| g_J« {dH$ën Zht {X`m J`m h¡ & `Ú{n, IÊS> I Ho$ 2 àíZm| _|, IÊS> J Ho$ 3 àíZm|
_|, IÊS> K Ho$ 2 àíZm| _| VWm IÊS> L> Ho$ 2 àíZm| _| Am§V[aH$ {dH$ën H$m àmdYmZ {X`m J`m
h¡ &
(ix) H¡$ëHw$boQ>a H$m Cn`moJ d{O©V h¡ &
Bg IÊS> _| ~hþ{dH$ënr` àíZ h¢, {OZ_| àË`oH$ àíZ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ &
1 3 1
1. `{X k 0 1 = ! 6 h¡, Vmo k H$m _mZ h¡ :
0 0 1
(A) 2 (B) –2 (C) ±2 (D) "2
2. 5 H$m AdH$bO, ex Ho$ gmnoj, h¡ :
x x
æ5ö 1 æeö 1
(A) çe÷ (B) ç 5 ÷ log 5
è ø log 5 è ø
x x
æ5ö æeö
(C) ç e ÷ log 5 (D) ç 5 ÷ log 5
è ø è ø
® ®
3. `{X | a | = 2 Am¡a – 3 £ k £ 2 h¡, Vmo |k a | Î :
(A) [– 6, 4] (B) [0, 4]
(C) [4, 6] (D) [0, 6]

65/3/2-13 Page 2 of 23
General Instructions :
Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them :
(i) This question paper contains 38 questions. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) This question paper is divided into five Sections – A, B, C, D and E.
(iii) In Section A, Questions no. 1 to 18 are multiple choice questions (MCQs) and
questions number 19 and 20 are Assertion-Reason based questions of 1 mark
(iv) In Section B, Questions no. 21 to 25 are very short answer (VSA) type
questions, carrying 2 marks each.
(v) In Section C, Questions no. 26 to 31 are short answer (SA) type questions,
carrying 3 marks each.
(vi) In Section D, Questions no. 32 to 35 are long answer (LA) type questions
carrying 5 marks each.
(vii) In Section E, Questions no. 36 to 38 are case study based questions carrying
4 marks each.
(viii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in
2 questions in Section B, 3 questions in Section C, 2 questions in Section D and
2 questions in Section E.
(ix) Use of calculators is not allowed.

This section comprises multiple choice questions (MCQs) of 1 mark each.
1 3 1
1. If k 0 1 = ± 6, then the value of k is :
0 0 1
(A) 2 (B) –2 (C) ±2 (D) "2
2. The derivative of 5 x w.r.t. ex is :
x x
æ5ö 1 æeö 1
(A) çe÷ (B) ç 5 ÷ log 5
è ø log 5 è ø
x x
æ5ö æeö
(C) ç e ÷ log 5 (D) ç 5 ÷ log 5
è ø è ø
® ®
3. If | a | = 2 and – 3 £ k £ 2, then | k a | Î :
(A) [– 6, 4] (B) [0, 4]
(C) [4, 6] (D) [0, 6]

65/3/2-13 Page 3 of 23 P.T.O.

4. `{X EH$ aoIm XmoZm| x-Aj Am¡a z-Aj H$s YZmË_H$ {XemAm| _| H$m H$moU ~ZmVr h¡, Vmo
`h aoIm y-Aj H$s YZmË_H$ {Xem _| Omo H$moU ~ZmVr h¡, dh h¡ :
p p
(A) 0 (B) (C) (D) p
4 2
5. ZrMo {XE JE gwg§JV joÌ H$mo, ì`damoYm| H$m {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm g_yh {Zê${nV H$aVm
h¡ ?

(A) x + 2y £ 76, 2x + y ³ 104, x, y ³ 0

(B) x + 2y £ 76, 2x + y £ 104, x, y ³ 0
(C) x + 2y ³ 76, 2x + y £ 104, x, y ³ 0
(D) x + 2y ³ 76, 2x + y ³ 104, x, y ³ 0
é2 0 0ù
6. `{X A = ê0 3 0ú h¡, Vmo A–1 h¡ :
ê ú
êë0 0 5úû
é1 ù é1 ù
ê2 0 0ú ê2 0 0ú
ê 1 ú ê 1 ú
(A) ê0 0ú (B) 30 ê 0 0ú
ê 3 ú ê 3 ú
ê0 1ú ê0 1ú
0 0
êë 5 úû êë 5 úû
é1 ù
ê2 0 0ú
é2 0 0ù
1 ê 1 ê 1 ú
(C) 0 3 0úú (D) ê0 0ú
30 ê 30 ê 3 ú
êë0 0 5úû ê0 1ú
êë 5 úû

65/3/2-13 Page 4 of 23
4. If a line makes an angle of with the positive directions of both x-axis
and z-axis, then the angle which it makes with the positive direction of
y-axis is :
p p
(A) 0 (B) (C) (D) p
4 2
5. Of the following, which group of constraints represents the feasible
region given below ?

(A) x + 2y £ 76, 2x + y ³ 104, x, y ³ 0

(B) x + 2y £ 76, 2x + y £ 104, x, y ³ 0
(C) x + 2y ³ 76, 2x + y £ 104, x, y ³ 0
(D) x + 2y ³ 76, 2x + y ³ 104, x, y ³ 0
é2 0 0ù
6. If A = ê0 3 0ú , then A–1 is :
ê ú
êë0 0 5úû
é1 ù é1 ù
ê2 0 0ú ê2 0 0ú
ê 1 ú ê 1 ú
(A) ê0 0ú (B) 30 ê 0 0ú
ê 3 ú ê 3 ú
ê0 1ú ê0 1ú
0 0
êë 5 úû êë 5 úû
é1 ù
ê2 0 0ú
é2 0 0ù
1 ê 1 ê 1 ú
(C) 0 3 0úú (D) ê0 0ú
30 ê 30 ê 3 ú
êë0 0 5úû ê0 1ú
êë 5 úû
65/3/2-13 Page 5 of 23 P.T.O.
7. {H$gr dJ© Amì`yh A Ho$ {bE, (A – A¢) h_oem
(A) EH$ VËg_H$ Amì`yh hmoVm h¡
(B) EH$ eyÝ` Amì`yh hmoVm h¡
(C) EH$ {df_ g_{_V Amì`yh hmoVm h¡
(D) EH$ g_{_V Amì`yh hmoVm h¡
8. EH$ \$bZ f : R ® A Omo f(x) = x2 + 1 Ûmam n[a^m{fV h¡, AmÀN>mXH$ hmoJm, `{X A h¡ :
(A) (– ¥, ¥) (B) (1, ¥)
(C) [1, ¥) (D) [–1, ¥)

éa b ù
9. _mZm A= ê ú EH$ dJ© Amì`yh h¡ {OgHo$ {bE adj A = A h¡ & V~, (a + b + c + d)
ëc dû
~am~a h¡ :
(A) 2a (B) 2b
(C) 2c (D) 0
10. \$bZ f(x) = |1 – x + |x|| :
(A) Ag§VV h¡ Ho$db x = 1 na (B) Ag§VV h¡ Ho$db x = 0 na
(C) Ag§VV h¡ x = 0, 1 na (D) ha {~ÝXþ na g§VV h¡
11. \$bZ f(x) H$m Z{V n[adV©Z q~Xþ dh q~Xþ hmoVm h¡, {OgHo$ {bE
(A) f ¢(x) = 0 Am¡a q~Xþ Ho$ ~mE± go XmE± OmZo na f ¢(x) H$m {M• YZ go G$U _| n[ad{V©V
hmoVm h¡ &
(B) f ¢(x) = 0 Am¡a q~Xþ Ho$ ~mE± go XmE± OmZo na f ¢(x) H$m {M• G$U go YZ _| n[ad{V©V
hmoVm h¡ &
(C) f ¢(x) = 0 Am¡a q~Xþ Ho$ ~mE± go XmE± OmZo na f ¢(x) H$m {M• n[ad{V©V Zht hmoVm h¡ &
(D) f ¢(x) ¹ 0.
12. `{X g(x) EH$ g§VV \$bZ h¡ {OgHo$ {bE g(– x) = – g(x), Vmo
ò g(x) dx ~am~a h¡ :
(A) 0 (B) 2
ò g(x) dx
a 0
ò g(x) dx (D) –
ò g(x) dx
–a –2a

65/3/2-13 Page 6 of 23
7. For any square matrix A, (A – A¢) is always
(A) an identity matrix
(B) a null matrix
(C) a skew symmetric matrix
(D) a symmetric matrix
8. A function f : R ® A defined as f(x) = x2 + 1 is onto, if A is :
(A) (– ¥, ¥) (B) (1, ¥)
(C) [1, ¥) (D) [–1, ¥)
éa b ù
9. Let A = ê ú be a square matrix such that adj A = A. Then,
ë c d û
(a + b + c + d) is equal to :
(A) 2a (B) 2b
(C) 2c (D) 0
10. A function f(x) = |1 – x + |x|| is :
(A) discontinuous at x = 1 only (B) discontinuous at x = 0 only
(C) discontinuous at x = 0, 1 (D) continuous everywhere
11. The point of inflexion of a function f(x) is the point where
(A) f ¢(x) = 0 and f ¢(x) changes its sign from positive to negative from
left to right of that point.
(B) f ¢(x) = 0 and f ¢(x) changes its sign from negative to positive from
left to right of that point.
(C) f ¢(x) = 0 and f ¢(x) does not change its sign from left to right of that
(D) f ¢(x) ¹ 0.
12. If g(x) is a continuous function satisfying g(– x) = – g(x), then
ò g(x) dx
is equal to :
(A) 0 (B) 2
ò g(x) dx
a 0
ò g(x) dx (D) –
ò g(x) dx
–a –2a

65/3/2-13 Page 7 of 23 P.T.O.

13. x log x + y = 2 log x EH$ CXmhaU h¡ :
(A) n¥WŠH$aUr` Ma dmbo AdH$b g_rH$aU H$m &
(B) g_KmVr` AdH$b g_rH$aU H$m &
(C) àW_ H$mo{Q> Ho$ a¡{IH$ AdH$b g_rH$aU H$m &
(D) Eogo AdH$b g_rH$aU H$m {OgH$s KmV n[a^m{fV Zht h¡ &
® ^ ^ ® ® ®
14. `{X ^
a = 2i – j + k Am¡a b = ^i + ^j ^
– k h¢, Vmo a Am¡a b h¢ :
(A) gaoI g{Xe Omo {H$ g_m§Va Zht h¢
(B) g_m§Va g{Xe
(C) nañna b§~dV² g{Xe
(D) _mÌH$ g{Xe
15. `{X EH$ aoIm x, y Am¡a z Ajm| H$s YZmË_H$ {Xem Ho$ gmW H«$_e: a, b Am¡a g H$moU ~ZmVr
h¡, Vmo {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z -gm gË` Zht h¡ ?
(A) cos2 a + cos2 b + cos2 g = 1
(B) sin2 a + sin2 b + sin2 g = 2
(C) cos 2a + cos 2b + cos 2g = – 1
(D) cos a + cos b + cos g = 1

16. EH$ a¡{IH$ àmoJ«m_Z g_ñ`m Ho$ CÔoí` \$bZ _| {ZUm©`H$ Mam| na bJo à{V~§Y H$hbmVo h¢ :
(A) gwg§JV hb (B) ì`damoY
(C) BîQ>V_ hb (D) Agwg§JV hb
17. _mZm E Am¡a F Xmo Eogr KQ>ZmE± h¢ {OZHo $ {bE P(E) = 0·1, P(F) = 0·3, P(E 4 F) = 0·4
h¡, Vmo P(F|E) h¡ :
(A) 0·6 (B) 0·4 (C) 0·5 (D) 0

18. `{X A = [aij] EH$ VËg_H$ Amì`yh h¡, Vmo {ZåZ{b{IV _| go H$m¡Z-gm ghr h¡ ?

ì0, `{X i= j
(A) aij = í (B) aij = 1, " i, j
î1, `{X i¹ j

ì0, `{X i¹ j
(C) aij = 0, " i, j (D) aij = í
î1, `{X i= j

65/3/2-13 Page 8 of 23
13. x log x + y = 2 log x is an example of a :
(A) variable separable differential equation.
(B) homogeneous differential equation.
(C) first order linear differential equation.
(D) differential equation whose degree is not defined.

® ^ ^ ^ ® ^ ^ ^ ® ®
14. If a = 2 i – j + k and b = i + j – k , then a and b are :
(A) collinear vectors which are not parallel
(B) parallel vectors
(C) perpendicular vectors
(D) unit vectors

15. If a, b and g are the angles which a line makes with positive directions of
x, y and z axes respectively, then which of the following is not true ?
(A) cos2 a + cos2 b + cos2 g = 1
(B) sin2 a + sin2 b + sin2 g = 2
(C) cos 2a + cos 2b + cos 2g = – 1
(D) cos a + cos b + cos g = 1

16. The restrictions imposed on decision variables involved in an objective

function of a linear programming problem are called :
(A) feasible solutions (B) constraints
(C) optimal solutions (D) infeasible solutions

17. Let E and F be two events such that P(E) = 0·1, P(F) = 0·3, P(E 4 F) = 0·4,
then P(F|E) is :
(A) 0·6 (B) 0·4 (C) 0·5 (D) 0

18. If A = [aij] is an identity matrix, then which of the following is true ?

ì0, if i = j
(A) aij = í (B) aij = 1, " i, j
î1, if i ¹ j
ì0, if i ¹ j
(C) aij = 0, " i, j (D) aij = í
î1, if i = j

65/3/2-13 Page 9 of 23 P.T.O.

àíZ g§»`m 19 Am¡a 20 A{^H$WZ Ed§ VH©$ AmYm[aV àíZ h¢ & Xmo H$WZ {XE JE h¢ {OZ_| EH$ H$mo
A{^H$WZ (A) VWm Xÿgao H$mo VH©$ (R) Ûmam A§{H$V {H$`m J`m h¡ & BZ àíZm| Ho$ ghr CÎma ZrMo {XE
JE H$moS>m| (A), (B), (C) Am¡a (D) _| go MwZH$a Xr{OE &
(A) A{^H$WZ (A) Am¡a VH©$ (R) XmoZm| ghr h¢ Am¡a VH©$ (R), A{^H$WZ (A) H$s ghr
ì¶m»¶m H$aVm h¡ &
(B) A{^H$WZ (A) Am¡a VH©$ (R) XmoZm| ghr h¢, naÝVw VH©$ (R), A{^H$WZ (A) H$s ghr
ì¶m»¶m Zht H$aVm h¡ &
(C) A{^H$WZ (A) ghr h¡, naÝVw VH©$ (R) µJbV h¡ &
(D) A{^H$WZ (A) µJbV h¡, naÝVw VH©$ (R) ghr h¡ &
® ® ®
19. A{^H$WZ (A) : g{Xe a H$m, g{Xe b na àjon CVZm hr hmoVm h¡ {OVZm g{Xe b
H$m, g{Xe a na &
® ®
VH©$ (R) : g§»`mË_H$ Ñ{îQ> go a Am¡a b Ho$ ~rM H$m H$moU CVZm hr hmoVm h¡
® ®
{OVZm b Am¡a a Ho $ ~rM _| &

20. A{^H$WZ (A) : àË`oH$ A{Xe Amì`yh EH$ {dH$U© Amì`yh hmoVm h¡ &
VH©$ (R) : EH$ {dH$U© Amì`yh _|, {dH$U© Ho$ g^r Ad`d eyÝ` hmoVo h¢ &

Bg IÊS> _| A{V bKw-CÎmar` (VSA) àH$ma Ho$ àíZ h¢, {OZ_| àË`oH$ Ho$ 2 A§H$ h¢ &

21. (H$) _mZ kmV H$s{OE :


ò sin 2x cos 3x dx
d 1
(I) {X`m J`m h¡ F(x) = Am¡a F(1) = 0, F(x) kmV H$s{OE &
dx 2x – x 2

65/3/2-13 Page 10 of 23
Questions number 19 and 20 are Assertion and Reason based questions. Two
statements are given, one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason
(R). Select the correct answer from the codes (A), (B), (C) and (D) as given below.

(A) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is the
correct explanation of the Assertion (A).

(B) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not
the correct explanation of the Assertion (A).

(C) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.

(D) Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.

® ® ® ®
19. Assertion (A) : Projection of a on b is same as projection of b on a .
® ®
Reason (R) : Angle between a and b is same as angle between
® ®
b and a numerically.

20. Assertion (A) : Every scalar matrix is a diagonal matrix.

Reason (R) : In a diagonal matrix, all the diagonal elements are 0.


This section comprises very short answer (VSA) type questions of 2 marks each.

21. (a) Evaluate :


ò sin 2x cos 3x dx


d 1
(b) Given F(x) = and F(1) = 0, find F(x).
dx 2x – x 2

65/3/2-13 Page 11 of 23 P.T.O.

22. q~Xþ A Am¡a B, {OZHo$ pñW{V g{Xe H«$_e: ^i + 2 ^j – k^ Am¡a – ^i + ^j + k^ h¢, H$mo
{_bmZo dmbo aoIm-I§S> H$mo 4 : 1 Ho$ AZwnmV go ~mø {d^m{OV H$aZo dmbo q~Xþ C H$m pñW{V
® ®
g{Xe kmV H$s{OE & | AB | : | BC | ^r kmV H$s{OE &
® ® ® ® ® ® ®
23. `{X a , b Am¡a c Eogo VrZ _mÌH$ g{Xe h¢ {OZHo$ {bE a + b – c = 0 , Vmo
® ®
g{Xe a Am¡a c Ho$ ~rM H$m H$moU kmV H$s{OE &

é 2 ì –1 æ 3 öü
sin í
cos ç5÷
è øþ
ý + tan 2
sec –1
} H$m _mZ kmV H$s{OE &

dy log x – 1
25. (H$) `{X x = ex/y h¡, Vmo {gÕ H$s{OE {H$ =
dx (log x )2
ìïx 2 + 1, 0£ x <1
(I) f(x) = í Ho$ x = 1 na AdH$bZr` hmoZo H$s Om±M H$s{OE &
ïî 3 – x, 1£x£2

Bg IÊS> _| bKw-CÎmar` (SA) àH$ma Ho$ àíZ h¢, {OZ_| àË`oH$ Ho$ 3 A§H$ h¢ &
26. kmV H$s{OE :
x –1
ò (log x)2 – 5 log x + 4

27. (H$) kmV H$s{OE :

2 + sin 2x x
ò 1 + cos 2x
e dx

(I) _mZ kmV H$s{OE :
ò0 sin x + cos x

65/3/2-13 Page 12 of 23
22. Find the position vector of point C which divides the line segment joining
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
points A and B having position vectors i + 2 j – k and – i + j + k
® ®
respectively in the ratio 4 : 1 externally. Further, find | AB | : | BC |.
® ® ® ® ® ® ®
23. If a , b and c are three unit vectors such that a + b – c = 0 , find
® ®
the angle between vectors a and c .

é ì æ 3 öü
Find the value of êsin 2 ícos–1 ç ÷ý + tan2 sec –1 (3)
ë î è 5 øþ
{ }ùúû .
dy log x – 1
25. (a) If x = ex/y, prove that =
dx (log x )2

ìïx 2 + 1, 0£ x <1
(b) Check the differentiability of f(x) = í at x = 1.
ïî 3 – x, 1£x£2


This section comprises short answer (SA) type questions of 3 marks each.

26. Find :

x –1
ò (log x)2 – 5 log x + 4

27. (a) Find :

2 + sin 2x x
ò 1 + cos 2x
e dx


(b) Evaluate :
ò0 sin x + cos x

65/3/2-13 Page 13 of 23 P.T.O.

28. {ZåZ{b{IV a¡{IH$ àmoJ«m_Z g_ñ`m H$mo AmboI {d{Y go hb H$s{OE :
{ZåZ ì`damoYm| Ho$ A§VJ©V
x + 2y £ 16
4x + y £ 29
x, y ³ 0
z = 600x + 400y H$m Ý`yZV_rH$aU H$s{OE & $

29. P, Q Am¡a R Ho $ {H$gr H§$nZr Ho$ CEO Ho $ ê$n _| MwZo OmZo H$s g§^mdZmE± H«$_e: 4 : 1 : 2
Ho$ AZwnmV _| h¢ & ZE CEO, P, Q `m R Ho$ VhV H§$nZr Ho$ {nN>bo df© H$s VwbZm _| bm^
~‹T>mZo H$s àm{`H$VmE± H«$_e: 0·3, 0·8 Am¡a 0·5 h¢ & `{X H§$nZr {nN>bo df© go bm^ ~‹T>mVr
h¡, Vmo àm{`H$Vm kmV H$s{OE {H$ `h R H$s CEO Ho$ nX na {Z`w{º$ Ho$ H$maU hþB© h¡ &

30. (H$) `{X x cos (p + y) + cos p sin (p + y) = 0 h¡, Vmo {gÕ H$s{OE {H$
cos p = – cos2 (p + y), Ohm± p pñWam§H$ h¡ &

(I) a Am¡a b Ho$ do _mZ kmV H$s{OE {OZHo$ {bE \$bZ f, Omo n[a^m{fV h¡ :
ì x–2
ï|x – 2| + a, `{X x<2
f(x) = ía + b, `{X x=2
ï x–2
ï + b, `{X x>2
ïî|x – 2|

g§VV \$bZ h¡ &

log x
31. (H$) A§Vamb kmV H$s{OE {OZ_| \$bZ f(x) = {Za§Va dY©_mZ `m {Za§Va õmg_mZ
h¡ &
x 2
(I) A§Vamb [1, 2] _| f(x) = + Ûmam àXÎm \$bZ f Ho$ {Zanoj CƒV_ Am¡a
2 x
{Zanoj {ZåZV_ _mZm| H$mo kmV H$s{OE &

65/3/2-13 Page 14 of 23
28. Solve the following linear programming problem graphically :
Minimize z = 600x + 400y,
subject to the constraints
x + 2y £ 16
4x + y £ 29
x, y ³ 0.

29. The chances of P, Q and R getting selected as CEO of a company are in

the ratio 4 : 1 : 2 respectively. The probabilities for the company to
increase its profits from the previous year under the new CEO, P, Q or R
are 0·3, 0·8 and 0·5 respectively. If the company increased the profits
from the previous year, find the probability that it is due to the
appointment of R as CEO.

30. (a) If x cos (p + y) + cos p sin (p + y) = 0, prove that

cos p = – cos2 (p + y), where p is a constant.


(b) Find the value of a and b so that function f defined as :

ì x–2
ï|x – 2| + a, if x < 2
f(x) = ía + b, if x = 2
ï x–2
ï + b, if x > 2
î|x – 2|
is a continuous function.

log x
31. (a) Find the intervals in which the function f(x) = is strictly
increasing or strictly decreasing.

(b) Find the absolute maximum and absolute minimum values of the
x 2
function f given by f(x) = + , on the interval [1, 2].
2 x

65/3/2-13 Page 15 of 23 P.T.O.

Bg IÊS> _| XrK©-CÎmar` (LA) àH$ma Ho$ àíZ h¢, {OZ_| àË`oH$ Ho$ 5 A§H$ h¢ &

32. (H$) {X`m J`m h¡ {H$ \$bZ f(x) = x4 – 62x2 + ax + 9 ñWmZr` CƒV_ _mZ x = 1 na
àmßV H$aVm h¡ & ‘a’ H$m _mZ kmV H$s{OE, Am¡a g^r AÝ` q~Xþ kmV H$s{OE {OZ
na Bg \$bZ f(x) H$m ñWmZr` CƒV_ `m ñWmZr` {ZåZV_ _mZ àmßV hmoVm h¡ &
(I) EH$ Am`VmH$ma YmVw H$s MmXa H$m n[a_mn 300 cm h¡ & EH$ {gb|S>a ~ZmZo Ho$ {bE
BgH$mo EH$ {H$Zmao go bnoQ>m OmVm h¡ & Am`VmH$ma MmXa H$s {d_mE± kmV H$s{OE
{Oggo ~ZmE JE {gb|S>a H$m Am`VZ A{YH$V_ hmo &

33. g_mH$bZ H$m à`moJ H$aHo$, aoImAm| x – 2y = 4, x = –1, x = 6 VWm x-Aj Ho$ ~rM {Kao
joÌ H$m joÌ\$b kmV H$s{OE &

x y –1 z–2 x–1 y z–7

34. (H$) aoImAm| = = Am¡a = = Ho$ à{VÀNo>XZ q~Xþ
1 2 3 0 –3 2

go JwµOaZo dmbr Cg aoIm H$m g_rH$aU kmV H$s{OE Omo BZ Xr JB© aoImAm| Ho$
bå~dV² h¡ &


(I) EH$ g_m§Va MVw^w©O ABCD Ho$ Xmo erf©A(–1, 2, 1) Am¡a B(1, – 2, 5) h¢ & `{X
C Am¡a D go JwµOaZo dmbr aoIm H$m g_rH$aU x – 4 = y + 7 = z – 8 h¡, Vmo
1 –2 2

^wOmAm| AB Am¡a CD Ho$ ~rM H$s Xÿar kmV H$s{OE & AV…, g_m§Va MVw^w©O
ABCD H$m joÌ\$b kmV H$s{OE &
35. g_wƒ` A = {x : – 10 £ x £ 10, x Î Z} na EH$ g§~Y§ R n[a^m{fV h¡
R = {(x, y) : (x – y), 5 go {d^m{OV h¡}. Xem©BE {H$ R EH$ Vwë`Vm g§~Y§ h¡ &
Vwë`Vm-dJ© [5] ^r {b{IE &
65/3/2-13 Page 16 of 23

This section comprises long answer (LA) type questions of 5 marks each.

32. (a) It is given that function f(x) = x4 – 62x2 + ax + 9 attains local

maximum value at x = 1. Find the value of ‘a’, hence obtain all
other points where the given function f(x) attains local maximum
or local minimum values.

(b) The perimeter of a rectangular metallic sheet is 300 cm. It is rolled

along one of its sides to form a cylinder. Find the dimensions of the
rectangular sheet so that volume of cylinder so formed is

33. Find the area of the region bounded by the lines x – 2y = 4, x = –1, x = 6
and x-axis, using integration.

34. (a) Find the equation of the line passing through the point of
x y –1 z–2 x–1 y z–7
intersection of the lines = = and = =
1 2 3 0 –3 2
and perpendicular to these given lines.


(b) Two vertices of the parallelogram ABCD are given as A(–1, 2, 1)

and B(1, –2, 5). If the equation of the line passing through C and D
x–4 y +7 z–8
is = = , then find the distance between sides AB
1 –2 2
and CD. Hence, find the area of parallelogram ABCD.

35. A relation R on set A = {x : – 10 £ x £ 10, x Î Z} is defined as

R = {(x, y) : (x – y) is divisible by 5}. Show that R is an equivalence
relation. Also, write the equivalence class [5].
65/3/2-13 Page 17 of 23 P.T.O.

Bg IÊS> _| 3 àH$aU AÜ``Z AmYm[aV àíZ h¢, {OZ_| àË`oH$ Ho$ 4 A§H$ h¢ &
àH$aU AÜ``Z – 1

36. EH$ {ZpíMV g§»`m _| OrdmUwAm| H$m EH$ OrdmUw Z_yZm EH$ {ZpíMV g_` _| MaKmVm§H$s
ê$n go ~‹T>Vm hþAm XoIm J`m h¡ & MaKmVm§H$s d¥{Õ _m°S>b H$m Cn`moJ H$aHo$, OrdmUw Ho$ Bg
Z_yZo H$s d¥{Õ Xa H$s JUZm H$s OmVr h¡ &

OrdmUwAm| H$s d¥{Õ H$mo Xem©Zo dmbm AdH$b g_rH$aU Bg àH$ma {X`m J`m h¡ :
= kP, Ohm± P {H$gr ^r g_` ‘t’ na OrdmUwAm| H$s OZg§»`m h¡ &

Cn`w©º$ gyMZm Ho$ AmYma na, {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE :

(i) {XE JE AdH$b g_rH$aU H$m ì`mnH$ hb kmV H$s{OE Am¡a BgH$mo ‘t’ Ho$
MaKmVm§H$s \$bZ Ho$ ê$n _| ì`º$ H$s{OE & 2

(ii) `{X OrdmUwAm| H$s OZg§»`m t=0 na 1000 Am¡a t=1 na 2000 h¡, Vmo k H$m
_mZ kmV H$s{OE & 2

65/3/2-13 Page 18 of 23

This section comprises 3 case study based questions of 4 marks each.

Case Study – 1

36. A bacteria sample of certain number of bacteria is observed to grow

exponentially in a given amount of time. Using exponential growth
model, the rate of growth of this sample of bacteria is calculated.

The differential equation representing the growth of bacteria is given as :

= kP, where P is the population of bacteria at any time ‘t’.

Based on the above information, answer the following questions :

(i) Obtain the general solution of the given differential equation and

express it as an exponential function of ‘t’. 2

(ii) If population of bacteria is 1000 at t = 0, and 2000 at t = 1, find the

value of k. 2

65/3/2-13 Page 19 of 23 P.T.O.

àH$aU AÜ``Z – 2
37. N>mÌd¥{Îm EH$ N>mÌ H$mo {ejm Ho$ {bE ^wJVmZ H$aZo _| _XX H$aZo Ho$ {bE àXmZ H$s OmZo
dmbr YZam{e h¡ & Hw$N> N>mÌm| H$mo CZH$s e¡j{UH$ CnbpãY`m| Ho$ AmYma na N>mÌd¥{Îm Xr
OmVr h¡, O~{H$ AÝ` H$mo CZH$s {dÎmr` Amdí`H$VmAm| Ho$ AmYma na nwañH¥$V {H$`m OmVm
h¡ &

ha df© EH$ ñHy$b Hw$N> _mZX§S>m| Ho$ AmYma na ~m{bH$mAm| Am¡a _oYmdr CnbpãY hm{gb
H$aZo dmbm| H$mo N>mÌd¥{Îm àXmZ H$aVm h¡ & gÌ 2022 – 23 _|, ñHy$b Zo Hw$N> N>mÌmAm| H$mo
< 3,000 àË`oH$ H$s _m{gH$ N>mÌd¥{Îm Am¡a e¡j{UH$ Am¡ a gmW hr Iob _| _oYmdr CnbpãY
hm{gb H$aZo dmbm| H$mo <4,000 àË`oH$ H$s _m{gH$ N>mÌd¥{Îm H$s noeH$e H$s &
Hw$b {_bmH$a, 50 N>mÌm| H$mo N>mÌd¥{Îm àXmZ H$s JB© Am¡a ñHy$b Ûmam N>mÌd¥{Îm`m| na
< 1,80,000 _m{gH$ IM© {H$`m J`m &
Cn`w©º$ gyMZm Ho$ AmYma na, {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE :
(i) Xr JB© gyMZm H$mo Amì`yhm| H$m Cn`moJ H$aVo hþE, ~rOJ{UVr` ê$n _| ì`º$ H$s{OE & 1
(ii) Om±M H$s{OE {H$ Š`m àmßV hþAm Amì`yh g_rH$aU {ZH$m` g§JV h¡ `m Zht & 1

(iii) (H$) Amì`yhm| H$m à`moJ H$aHo$, ñHy$b Ûmam àË`oH$ àH$ma H$s Xr JB© N>mÌd¥{Îm`m|
H$s g§»`m kmV H$s{OE & 2
(iii) (I) `{X N>mÌd¥{Îm H$s YZam{e`m±, Omo EH$ ~m{bH$m H$mo Am¡a EH$ _oYmdr N>mÌ
H$mo àXmZ H$s JB© h¢, H$mo nañna ~Xb {X`m OmE, Vmo ñHy$b H$m _m{gH$ IM©
Š`m hmoJm ? 2

65/3/2-13 Page 20 of 23
Case Study – 2

37. A scholarship is a sum of money provided to a student to help him or her

pay for education. Some students are granted scholarships based on their
academic achievements, while others are rewarded based on their
financial needs.

Every year a school offers scholarships to girl children and meritorious

achievers based on certain criteria. In the session 2022 – 23, the school
offered monthly scholarship of < 3,000 each to some girl students and
< 4,000 each to meritorious achievers in academics as well as sports.
In all, 50 students were given the scholarships and monthly expenditure
incurred by the school on scholarships was < 1,80,000.

Based on the above information, answer the following questions :

(i) Express the given information algebraically using matrices. 1

(ii) Check whether the system of matrix equations so obtained is
consistent or not. 1
(iii) (a) Find the number of scholarships of each kind given by the
school, using matrices. 2

(iii) (b) Had the amount of scholarship given to each girl child and
meritorious student been interchanged, what would be the
monthly expenditure incurred by the school ? 2

65/3/2-13 Page 21 of 23 P.T.O.

àH$aU AÜ``Z – 3

38. ñd-AÜ``Z N>mÌm| H$mo grIZo _| AmË_{dídmg n¡Xm H$aZo _| _XX H$aVm h¡ & Bggo N>mÌm| H$m
AmË_ -gå_mZ ~‹T>Vm h¡ & hmb Ho$ gd}jUm| go nVm Mbm h¡ {H$ bJ^J 50% N>mÌm| Zo B§Q>aZoQ>
g§gmYZm| H$m Cn`moJ H$aHo$ ñd`§ {ejm àmßV H$s Am¡a IwX H$mo Hw$eb ~Zm`m &


EH$ N>mÌ ñd`§ Ho$ H$m¡eb H$mo ~‹T>mZo _| EH$ {XZ _| 1 K§Q>o go 6 K§Q>o VH$ H$m g_` ì`VrV H$a
gH$Vm h¡ & EH$ N>mÌ Ûmam ì`VrV {H$E JE K§Q>m| H$s g§»`m H$m àm{`H$Vm ~§Q>Z ZrMo {X`m
J`m h¡ :
ìkx 2 , x = 1, 2, 3Ho$ {bE
P(X = x) = í2kx, x = 4, 5, 6 Ho$ {bE
ï0, AÝ`Wm
Ohm± x K§Q>m| H$s g§»`m H$mo àXÎm H$aVm h¡ &
Cn`wº© $ gyMZm Ho$ AmYma na, {ZåZ{b{IV àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE :
(i) D$na {XE JE àm{`H$Vm ~§Q>Z H$mo àm{`H$Vm ~§Q>Z Vm{bH$m Ho$ ê$n _| ì`º$ H$s{OE & 1
(ii) k H$m _mZ kmV H$s{OE & 1

(iii) (H$) N>mÌ Ûmam ì`VrV {H$E JE K§Q>m| H$s g§»`m H$m _mÜ` kmV H$s{OE & 2
(iii) (I) P(1 < X < 6) kmV H$s{OE & 2

65/3/2-13 Page 22 of 23

Case Study – 3

38. Self-study helps students to build confidence in learning. It boosts the

self-esteem of the learners. Recent surveys suggested that close to 50%
learners were self-taught using internet resources and upskilled


A student may spend 1 hour to 6 hours in a day in upskilling self. The

probability distribution of the number of hours spent by a student is
given below :

ìkx 2 , for x = 1, 2, 3
P(X = x) = í2kx, for x = 4, 5, 6
ï0, otherwise
where x denotes the number of hours.

Based on the above information, answer the following questions :

(i) Express the probability distribution given above in the form of a
probability distribution table. 1
(ii) Find the value of k. 1
(iii) (a) Find the mean number of hours spent by the student. 2


(iii) (b) Find P(1 < X < 6). 2

65/3/2-13 Page 23 of 23 P.T.O.

Marking Scheme
Strictly Confidential
(For Internal and Restricted use only)
Senior School Certificate Examination, 2024
General Instructions:
1 You are aware that evaluation is the most important process in the actual and correct
assessment of the candidates. A small mistake in evaluation may lead to serious problems
which may affect the future of the candidates, education system and teaching profession. To
avoid mistakes, it is requested that before starting evaluation, you must read and understand
the spot evaluation guidelines carefully.
2 “Evaluation policy is a confidential policy as it is related to the confidentiality of the
examinations conducted, Evaluation done and several other aspects. Its’ leakage to
public in any manner could lead to derailment of the examination system and affect the
life and future of millions of candidates. Sharing this policy/document to anyone,
publishing in any magazine and printing in News Paper/Website etc may invite action
under various rules of the Board and IPC.”
3 Evaluation is to be done as per instructions provided in the Marking Scheme. It should not
be done according to one’s own interpretation or any other consideration. Marking Scheme
should be strictly adhered to and religiously followed. However, while evaluating, answers
which are based on latest information or knowledge and/or are innovative, they may be
assessed for their correctness otherwise and due marks be awarded to them.
4 The Marking scheme carries only suggested value points for the answers.
These are Guidelines only and do not constitute the complete answer. The students can have
their own expression and if the expression is correct, the due marks should be awarded
5 The Head-Examiner must go through the first five answer books evaluated by each evaluator
on the first day, to ensure that evaluation has been carried out as per the instructions given
in the Marking Scheme. If there is any variation, the same should be zero after delibration
and discussion. The remaining answer books meant for evaluation shall be given only after
ensuring that there is no significant variation in the marking of individual evaluators.
6 Evaluators will mark (√ ) wherever answer is correct. For wrong answer CROSS ‘X” be
marked. Evaluators will not put right (✓) while evaluating which gives an impression that
answer is correct and no marks are awarded. This is most common mistake which
evaluators are committing.
7 If a question has parts, please award marks on the right-hand side for each part. Marks
awarded for different parts of the question should then be totaled up and written in the left-
hand margin and encircled. This may be followed strictly.
8 If a question does not have any parts, marks must be awarded in the left-hand margin and
encircled. This may also be followed strictly.
9 In Q1-Q20, if a candidate attempts the question more than once (without canceling
the previous attempt), marks shall be awarded for the first attempt only and the other
answer scored out with a note “Extra Question”.

MS_XII_Mathematics_041_65/3/2_2023-24 Page 1
10 In Q21-Q38, if a student has attempted an extra question, answer of the question
deserving more marks should be retained and the other answer scored out with a
note “Extra Question”.
11 No marks to be deducted for the cumulative effect of an error. It should be penalized only
12 A full scale of marks (example 0 to 80/70/60/50/40/30 marks as given in
Question Paper) has to be used. Please do not hesitate to award full marks if the answer
deserves it.
13 Every examiner has to necessarily do evaluation work for full working hours i.e., 8 hours
every day and evaluate 20 answer books per day in main subjects and 25 answer books per
day in other subjects (Details are given in Spot Guidelines).This is in view of the reduced
syllabus and number of questions in question paper.
14 Ensure that you do not make the following common types of errors committed by the
Examiner in the past:-
● Leaving answer or part thereof unassessed in an answer book.
● Giving more marks for an answer than assigned to it.
● Wrong totaling of marks awarded on an answer.
● Wrong transfer of marks from the inside pages of the answer book to the title page.
● Wrong question wise totaling on the title page.
● Wrong totaling of marks of the two columns on the title page.
● Wrong grand total.
● Marks in words and figures not tallying/not same.
● Wrong transfer of marks from the answer book to online award list.
● Answers marked as correct, but marks not awarded. (Ensure that the right tick mark is
correctly and clearly indicated. It should merely be a line. Same is with the X for
incorrect answer.)
● Half or a part of answer marked correct and the rest as wrong, but no marks awarded.
15 While evaluating the answer books if the answer is found to be totally incorrect, it should be
marked as cross (X) and awarded zero (0)Marks.
16 Any un assessed portion, non-carrying over of marks to the title page, or totaling error
detected by the candidate shall damage the prestige of all the personnel engaged in the
evaluation work as also of the Board. Hence, in order to uphold the prestige of all concerned,
it is again reiterated that the instructions be followed meticulously and judiciously.
17 The Examiners should acquaint themselves with the guidelines given in the “Guidelines for
spot Evaluation” before starting the actual evaluation.
18 Every Examiner shall also ensure that all the answers are evaluated, marks carried over to
the title page, correctly totaled and written in figures and words.
19 The candidates are entitled to obtain photocopy of the Answer Book on request on payment
of the prescribed processing fee. All Examiners/Additional Head Examiners/Head
Examiners are once again reminded that they must ensure that evaluation is carried out
strictly as per value points for each answer as given in the Marking Scheme.

MS_XII_Mathematics_041_65/3/2_2023-24 Page 2
Questions no. 1 to 18 are multiple choice questions (MCQs) of 1 mark each.


Ans 1




Ans 1



MS_XII_Mathematics_041_65/3/2_2023-24 Page 3

Ans 1



MS_XII_Mathematics_041_65/3/2_2023-24 Page 4

Ans 1


Ans 1


Ans 1


Ans 1



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Ans 1


Ans 1


Ans 1

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Ans 1


Ans 1




Ans 1

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Ans 1

Questions no. 21 to 25 are very short answer (VSA) type questions, carrying 2 marks each.


Ans 
I =  sin 2 x cos 3 x dx

=  ( sin 5 x − sin x ) dx 1

1 1 2
=  − cos 5 x + cos x  ½
2 5 0
=− ½

Ans 1
F ( x) =  dx
2 x − x2
= dx ½
1 − ( x − 1)

= sin −1 ( x − 1) + c ½
when x = 1, y = 0 gives c = 0 ½
F ( x ) = sin −1 ( x − 1) ½


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Ans 4b − a
Position vector of C = r =
i.e. r =
(−5iˆ + 2 ˆj + 5kˆ ) 1
−→ −→
Now, AB = − 2iˆ − ˆj + 2kˆ  AB = 3

( )
−→ 1 ˆ ˆ −→
BC = − 2i + j − 2kˆ  BC =1 1
−→ −→
AB : BC = 3 :1


Ans Given a = b = c = 1
Now a − c = − b
( a − c ) .( a − c ) = ( − b ) .( − b ) ½
 a + c − 2a.c = b
2 2 2
1 + 1 − 2 a c cos  =1
 2 − 2 (1)(1) cos  = 1 ½
1 
 cos  =   = ½
2 3


Ans   3 
Required value = 1 − cos 2  cos −1   + sec2 ( sec −1 3) − 1 1
  5 
 9 
= 1 –  + (9 – 1) ½
 25 
216 ½

Ans x
x x
x = e  log x =
 y= 1
y log x

( log x )(1) − x 

=  x  = log x − 1 1
( log x ) ( log x )
2 2

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Ans LHD at x = 1

f (1 − h ) − f (1) (1 − h )2 + 1 − 2
= lim = lim   =2 1
h →0 −h h →0 −h
RHD at x = 1
f (1 + h ) − f (1) 3 − (1 + h )  − 2
= lim = lim  = −1 ½
h →0 h h →0 h
as LHD  RHD,so f ( x ) is not differentiable at x = 1
Questions no. 26 to 31 are short answer (SA) type questions, carrying 3 marks each.


1 ½
Let log x = t; dx = dt

Given integral = 2
t – 5t + 4

= 2 2
 5 3 1
t –  –  
 2 2

1 t –4
= log +C
3 t –1 1
1 log x – 4
= log +C ½
3 log x – 1

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Ans 2 + sin 2 x x
I = e dx
1 + cos 2 x
2 + 2sin x cos x x
= e dx 1
2 cos 2 x
=  ( sec2 x + tan x ) e x dx 1

= e x .tan x + c 1

Ans 
I = dx
sin x + cos x

1 4 1
= 
2 0 cos  sin x + sin  cos x
dx 1
4 4
 

1 4
1 1 4  
= 
2 0 sin  x +  
dx = = 
cos ec  x +  dx
 4
 
 4

1       4
= log cos ec  x +  − cot  x +  
2  4  4  0 1

log 2 + 1 or − ) 1
log 2 − 1 ( ) 1

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For correct
1½ marks

Corner Point Value of

z = 600 x + 400 y
A ( 7,1) 4600
For correct
B ( 6,5) 5600 table
C ( 0,8 ) 3200 1 mark

zmin = 3200 when x = 0, y = 8 ½


Ans Let E1 : P is appointed as CEO ,

E2 : Q is appointed as CEO,
E3 : R is appointed as CEO
A :company increase profits from previous year
4 1 2
here, P ( E1 ) = , P ( E3 ) = , P ( E1 ) = 1
7 7 7
P ( A | E1 ) = 0.3, P ( A | E2 ) = 0.8, P ( A | E3 ) = 0.5
P ( E3 ) P ( A | E3 )
P ( E3 | A ) =
P ( E1 ) P ( A | E1 ) + P ( E2 ) P ( A | E2 ) + P ( E3 ) P ( A | E3 )
 0.5
= 7 1
4 1 2
 0.3 +  0.8 +  0.5
7 7 7
= ½

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x cos ( p + y ) + cos p sin ( p + y ) = 0


− cos p sin ( p + y )
x =  x = − cos p.tan ( p + y )
cos ( p + y ) 1
 = − cos p.sec 2 ( p + y )
dy 1
dy −1
 =
dx cos p.sec 2 ( p + y ) ½
 cos p = − cos 2 ( p + y ) ½

 x−2
 − ( x − 2) + a ; x  2
 −1 + a ; x  2

f ( x) =  a+b ; x = 2  f ( x) =  a + b ; x = 2
 x−2  1+ b ; x  2
 +b ;x  2 
 ( x − 2 )
lim f ( x ) = − 1 + a , lim+ f ( x ) =1 + b and f ( 2 ) = a + b 1
x → 2− x →2

as f is continous at x = 2  − 1 + a =1 + b = a + b 1
 a = 1, b = −1 ½+½

Ans log x 1 − log x

f ( x) =  f ( x) = ;x 0 1
x x2
for strictly increasing/decreasing , put f  ( x ) = 0  x = e 1
for strictly increasing, x  ( 0, e ) and for strictly decreasing x ( e,  ) ½+½

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Ans x 2
f ( x ) = + ; x 1, 2
2 x
1 2
 f ( x) = − 2 1
2 x
for absolute maximum / minimum, put f  ( x ) = 0
 x2 = 4  x = 2 ½
Now, f (1) = and f ( 2 ) = 2 ½+½
absolute maximum value = and absolute minimum value = 2
2 ½
Questions no. 32 to 35 are long answer (LA) type questions carrying 5 marks each.


f ( x ) = x 4 − 62 x 2 + ax + 9  f  ( x ) = 4 x 3 − 124 x + a ½
as at x = 1, f attains local maximum value, f  (1) = 0  a = 120 1
now, f  ( x ) = 4 x3 − 124 x + 120 = 4 ( x − 1) ( x 2 + x − 30 ) = 4 ( x − 1)( x − 5 )( x + 6 ) 1
Critical points are x = − 6,1, 5 1
f  ( x ) =12 x 2 − 124
f  ( −6 )  0, f  (1)  0 , f  ( 5 )  0 ½
so f attains local maximum value at x = 1and local minimum value at x = − 6, 5 1


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Let length of rectangle be x cm and breadth be (150 − x ) cm.
Let r be the radius of cylinder  2 r = x  r = 1
 x2  75 x 2 x 3
V =  r h =   2  (150 − x ) =
− 1
 4  2 4
dV 150 x 3x 2
= − 1
dx 2 4
= 0  x =100 cm 1
d 2V 75
= −  0  V is maximum when x = 100 cm. ½
dx x =100 cm 
Length of rectangleis100 cm and breadth of rectangleis 50 cm. ½


For correct
1 mark

 
 x – 4 x – 4
Required area =  
2 
 dx + 2 
 dx 2

( x − 4)
 2 6
( x – 4)  1
=  + 
4  4 4

25 29 1
= +1=
4 4

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Ans x y −1 z − 2 x −1 y z − 7
l1 : = = =  ; l2 : = = =
1 2 3 0 −3 2
any point on l1 is (  , 2 + 1,3 + 2 ) & any point on l2 is (1, −3 , 2  + 7 ) 1
If l1 and l2 intersect,
 = 1, 2 + 1 = − 3 and 3 + 2 = 2  + 7   = 1and  = −1 1
Point of intersection of l1 and l2 is (1,3,5 ) . 1
Let d.r.'s of required line be  a, b, c  .Then,
a b c
a + 2b + 3c = 0 and − 3b + 2c = 0  = =
13 −2 −3 1
x −1 y − 3 z − 5
Required equation of lineis = = 1
13 −2 −3


d.r’s of CD are < 1, – 2, 2 >

 d.r’s of AB are < 1, – 2, 2 > ½

x +1 y–2 z–1
 Equation of AB is = = ½
1 –2 2

x–4 y +7 z–8
 Equation of CD is = =
1 –2 2

→ ^ ^ ^ → ^ ^ ^ → ^ ^ ^
Let a 1 = – i + 2 j + k , a 2 = 4 i – 7 j + 8 k & b = i – 2 j + 2 k
→ → ^ ^ ^
Now, a 2 – a 1 = 5 i – 9 j + 7 k

^ ^j ^
i k
→ → → ^ ^ ^ 1
(a 2 – a1 )  b = 5 –9 7 =– 4i –3 j – k
1 –2 2

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( a2 − a1 )  b
Distance between AB and CD is given by d =
16 + 9 + 1 26
d= = ½
1+4+4 3

CD = 22 + (– 4)2 + (4)2 = 6 1
Area of parallelogram ABCD = b  h = 6  = 2 26

For reflexive relation

To prove (x, x)  R, x – x = 0 which is divisible by 5 1

 (x, x)  R  R is reflexive

For symmetric relation

Let (x, y)  R  x – y is divisible by 5

 x – y = 5m  y – x = 5(– m)
 y – x is divisible by 5

 (y, x)  R  R is symmetric

For transitive relation

Let (x, y)  R and (y, z)  R

x – y is divisible by 5 x–y=5m

y – z is divisible by 5 y–z=5n
 x – y + y – z = 5(m – n)  x – z = 5(m – n)

 x – z is divisible by 5

 (x, z)  R R is transitive.

R is an equivalence relation.

[5] = {– 10, – 5, 0, 5, 10} 1

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Questions no. 36 to 38 are case study based questions carrying 4 marks each.

dP dP 1
= kP  
P 
= k dt

 log P = kt + C or P = e kt +C 1

Ans(ii) log P = kt + C
when t = 0, P = 1000  C = log1000 ½
when t = 1, P = 2000  log 2000 = k + log1000 ½
 k = log 2 1

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Let No. of girl child scholarships = x

No. of meritorious achievers = y

x + y = 50

3000x + 4000y = 180000 or 3x + 4y = 180

1 1   x   50 
3 4  y  = 180 1
    
1 1
=1  0
3 4
 system is consistent. 1

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(iii)(a) 1 1 x   50 
Let A = 
4  y  , B = 180 
3    

AX = B  X = A–1B
 4 – 1   50  20 
X= 
1  180  30 
= 1
– 3
 x = 20, y = 30 ½
Ans Required expenditure = ₹ [30(3000) + 20(4000)] 1
= ₹ 1,70,000 1


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Ans(i) X 1 2 3 4 5 6 1
P(X) k 4k 9k 8k 10k 12k

k + 4k + 9k + 8k + 10k + 12k = 1
k = 1

 x p = k + 8k + 27k + 32k + 50k + 72k
(iii) (a)
Mean = i i

= 190k
190 95 1
= or
44 22

(iii)(b) P(1 < X < 6) = 4k + 9k + 8k + 10k
= 31k
44 1

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