430 - 4 - 3 Maths Basic
430 - 4 - 3 Maths Basic
430 - 4 - 3 Maths Basic
{ZåZ{b{IV {ZX}em| H$mo ~hþV gmdYmZr go n{‹T>E Am¡a CZH$m nmbZ H$s{OE …
1. Bg àíZ-nÌ _| 38 àíZ h¢& g^r àíZ A{Zdm`© h¢&
2. àíZ-nÌ nm±M IÊS>m| _| {d^m{OV h¡ - IÊS> H$, I, J, K VWm ‹S> &
3. IÊS> H$ _| àíZ g§»`m 1 go 18 VH$ ~hþ{dH$ënr` VWm àíZ g§»`m 19 Ed§ 20 A{^H$WZ Ed§ H$maU
AmYm[aV EH$-EH$ A§H$ Ho$ àíZ h¢&
4. IÊS> I _| àíZ g§»`m 21 go 25 VH$ A{V bKw-CÎmar` (VSA) àH$ma Ho$ Xmo-Xmo A§H$mo§ Ho$ àíZ h¢&
5. IÊS> J _| àíZ g§»`m 26 go 31 VH$ bKw-CÎmar` (SA) àH$ma Ho$ VrZ-VrZ A§H$m| Ho$ àíZ h¢&
6. IÊS> K _| àíZ g§»`m 32 go 35 VH$ XrK©-CÎmar` (LA) àH$ma Ho$ nm±M-nm±M A§H$m| Ho$ àíZ h¢&
7. IÊS> ‹S> _| àíZ g§»`m 36 go 38 òmoV/àH$aU BH$mB© AmYm[aV Mma-Mma A§H$m| Ho$ àíZ h¢& Am§V[aH$
{dH$ën Xmo-Xmo A§H$m| Ho$ àíZ _| {X`m J`m h¡&
8. àíZ-nÌ _| g_J« {dH$ën Zht {X`m J`m h¡& `Ú{n, IÊS> I Ho$ 2 àíZm| _|, IÊS> J Ho$ 2 àíZm| _|,
IÊS> K Ho$ 2 àíZm| _| VWm IÊS> ‹S> Ho$ 3 àíZm| _| Am§V[aH$ {dH$ën H$m àmdYmZ {X`m J`m h¡&
9. Ohm§ Amdí`H$ hmo ñdÀN> AmH¥${V`m± ~ZmE§& `{X Amdí`H$ hmo Vmo π = 22/7 b|&
10. H¡$bHw$boQ>a H$m Cn`moJ d{O©V h¡&
IÊS> - H$
IÊS> - H$ _| ~hþ{dH$ënr` àH$ma Ho$ àíZ h¢ Am¡a àË`oH$ àíZ H$m 1 A§H$ h¡&
1. k H$m _mZ {OgHo$ {bE g_rH$aU 3x − y + 8 = 0 Am¡a 6x − ky + 16 = 0 Ûmam {Zê${nV
aoImE± g§nmVr h¢, h¡ : 1
1 1
(a) (b) − (c) 2 (d) − 2
2 2
2. {ÌÁ`m 5.2 go_r. Ho$ EH$ d¥Îm na AB VWm CD Xmo g_mÝVa ñne© aoImE± h¢& BZ ñne© aoImAm|
Ho$ ~rM H$s Xÿar {H$VZr h¡ ? 1
(a) 5.2 go_r. (b) 10.4 go_r.
(c) 20.8 go_r. (d) Xÿar Zht {ZH$mbr Om gH$Vr h¡
5. EH$ {ÛKmV g_rH$aU, {OgH$m EH$ _yb 2 Am¡a _ybm| H$m `moJ eyÝ` h¡, h¡ : 1
(a) x2 + 4 = 0 (b) x2 − 2 = 0 (c) 4x2 − 1 = 0 (d) x2 − 4 = 0
6. {ZåZ _| H$m¡Z, {ÛKmV g_rH$aU Zht h¡ ? 1
2 2 2 2
(a) 2(x −1) = 4x − 2x + 1 (b) 2x −x = x + 5
(c) ( 2 x + 3 )2 + x2 = 3x2 − 5x (d) (x2 +2x)2 = x4 + 3 + 4x3
430/4/3 2
General Instructions :
Read the following instructions carefully and follow them :
1. This question paper contains 38 questions. All questions are compulsory.
2. Question paper is divided into FIVE sections - Section A, B, C, D and E.
3. In section A, question number 1 to 18 are multiple choice questions (MCQs) and
question number 19 and 20 are Assertion - Reason based questions of 1 mark each.
4. In section B, question number 21 to 25 are very short answer (VSA) type questions
of 2 marks each.
5. In section C, question number 26 to 31 are short answer (SA) type questions
carrying 3 marks each.
6. In section D, question number 32 to 35 are long answer (LA) type questions
carrying 5 marks each.
7. In section E, question number 36 to 38 are case based integrated units of
assessment questions carrying 4 marks each. Internal choice is provided in 2
marks question in each case study.
8. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in 2
questions in Section B, 2 questions in Section C, 2 questions in Section D and 3
questions in Section E.
9. Draw neat figures wherever required. Take π = 22/7 wherever required if not
10. Use of calculators is not allowed.
Section - A consists of Multiple Choice type questions of 1 mark each.
1. The value of k for which the equations 3x − y + 8 = 0 and 6x − ky + 16 = 0
represent coincident lines is : 1
1 1
(a) (b) − (c) 2 (d) − 2
2 2
2. A circle of radius 5.2 cm has two tangents AB and CD parallel to each
other. What is the distance between the two tangents ? 1
(a) 5.2 cm (b) 10.4 cm (c) 20.8 cm (d) can’t find
3. The number of polynomials having zeroes − 3 and 4 is : 1
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) more than 3
4. If the perimeter and the area of a circle are numerically equal, then the
radius of the circle is : 1
(a) 2 units (b) π units (c) 4 units (d) 2 π units
5. A quadratic equation whose one root is 2 and the sum of whose roots is
zero, is : 1
(a) x2 + 4 = 0 (b) x2 − 2 = 0 (c) 4x2 − 1 = 0 (d) x2 − 4 = 0
6. Which of the following is not a quadratic equation ? 1
(a) 2(x −1)2 = 4x2 − 2x + 1 (b) 2x − x 2 = x2 + 5
(c) ( 2 x + 3 )2 + x2 = 3x2 − 5x (d) (x2 +2x)2 = x4 + 3 + 4x3
430/4/3 3 [P.T.O.
7. EH$ d¥Îm na pñWV EH$ q~Xþ go d¥Îm na {H$VZr ñne© aoImE± ItMr Om gH$Vr h¢ ? 1
(a) EH$ (b) Xmo (c) AZoH$ (d) eyÝ`
430/4/3 4
7. How many tangents can be drawn to a circle from a point on it ? 1
(a) One (b) Two (c) Infinite (d) Zero
17. What is the length of arc of a circle of radius 7 cm which subtends an angle
of 90o at the centre of the circle ? 1
77 11
(a) 22 cm (b) 11 cm (c) cm (d) cm
2 2
430/4/3 5 [P.T.O.
(A{^H$WZ - VH©$ àH$ma Ho$ àíZ)
àíZ g§»`m 19 VWm 20 _| EH$ A{^H$WZ (A) Ho$ ~mX EH$ VH$©-H$WZ (R) {X`m h¡& {ZåZ _| go
ghr {dH$ën Mw{ZE :
(a) A{^H$WZ (A) VWm VH$© (R) XmoZmo§ gË` h¢& VH$© (R), A{^H$WZ (A) H$s nyar ì`m»`m H$aVm h¡&
(b) A{^H$WZ (A) VWm VH$© (R) XmoZmo§ gË` h¢& VH$© (R), A{^H$WZ (A) H$s ì`m»`m Zht H$aVm h¡&
(c) A{^H$WZ (A) gË` h¡ naÝVw VH$© (R) AgË` h¡&
(d) A{^H$WZ (A) AgË` h¡ O~{H$ VH$© (R) gË` h¡&
19. A{^H$WZ (A) : d¥Îm Ho$ {H$gr q~Xþ na ñne© aoIm ñne© {~§Xþ go OmZo dmbr {ÌÁ`m na b§~
hmoVr h¡&
VH©$ (R) : EH$ d¥Îm Ho$ ~mha pñWV EH$ q~Xþ go Cg na ItMr JB© ñne© aoImAm| H$s bå~mB©
EH$g_mZ hmoVr h¢& 1
20. A{^H$WZ (A) : `{X {ÛKmV g_rH$aU 4x2 − 10x + (k − 4) = 0 H$m EH$ _yb Xÿgao _yb
H$m ì`wËH«$_ h¡, Vmo k H$m _mZ 8 hmoJm&
VH©$ (R) : {ÛKmV g_rH$aU x2 − x + 1 = 0 Ho$ _yb dmñV{dH$ h¢& 1
IÊS> - I
IÊS> - I _| A{V bKw-CÎma (VSA) àH$ma Ho$ àíZ h¢ Am¡a àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ 2 A§H$ h¢&
21. (A) {ÛKmV g_rH$aU 3x2 − 2x + =0 H$m {d{dº$H$a kmV H$s{OE Am¡a {\$a BgHo$ _ybm|
H$s àH¥${V kmV H$s{OE& 2
(B) {ÛKmV g_rH$aU x − x − 2 = 0 Ho$ _yb kmV H$s{OE& 2
22. ~Jb _| ~Zr AmH¥${V _| H«$_e: OP, OQ Am¡a OR na pñWV
{~ÝXþ A, B Am¡a C Bg àH$ma h¢ {H$ AB||PQ Am¡a AC||PR h¡&
Xem©BE {H$ BC||QR h¡& 2
23. ~Jb _| ~Zr AmH¥${V _|, H|$Ð O> dmbo EH$ d¥Îm na pñWV
q~Xþ T na, PT EH$ ñne© aoIm h¡& `{X ∠TPO = 30o
h¡, Vmo x H$m _mZ kmV H$s{OE& 2
430/4/3 6
(Assertion - Reason type questions)
In question numbers 19 and 20, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a
statement of Reason (R). Choose the correct option :
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) gives the
correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) does not give
the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false but Reason (R) is true.
19. Assertion (A) : A tangent to a circle is perpendicular to the radius through
the point of contact.
Reason (R) : The lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a
circle are equal. 1
20. Assertion (A) : If one root of the quadratic equation 4x2 − 10x + (k − 4) = 0
is reciprocal of the other, then value of k is 8.
Reason (R) : Roots of the quadratic equation x2 − x + 1 = 0 are real. 1
Section - B comprises of Very Short Answer (VSA) questions of 2 marks each.
21. (A) Find the discriminant of the quadratic equation 3x2 − 2x + = 0 and
hence find the nature of its roots. 2
(B) Find the roots of the quadratic equation x2 − x − 2 = 0. 2
430/4/3 7 [P.T.O.
24. (A) Cg {~§Xþ Ho$ {ZX}em§H$ kmV H$s{OE Omo q~XþAm| A (−1, 7) Am¡a B (4, −3) H$mo Omo‹S>Zo
dmbo aoImI§S> H$mo Am§V[aH$ ê$n go 2 : 3 Ho$ AZwnmV _| {d^m{OV H$aVm h¡& 2
(B) `{X q~Xþ A (2, 3), B (−5, 6), C (6, 7) Am¡a D (p, 4) EH$ g_m§Va MVw^w©O
ABCD Ho$ erf© hm|, Vmo p H$m _mZ kmV H$s{OE& 2
25. EH$ g_H$moU {Ì^wO PQR, Omo Q na g_H$moU h¡, _| `{X
tanP = 3 h¡, Vmo 2 sinP cosP H$m _mZ kmV H$s{OE& 2
IÊS> - J
IÊS> - J _| bKw-CÎma (SA) àH$ma Ho$ àíZ h¢ Am¡a àË`oH$ àíZ Ho$ 3 A§H$ h¢&
1 + sec θ sin 2 θ
26. {gÕ H$s{OE {H$ = 3
sec θ 1 − cos θ
27. EH$ {Zînj {g¸$m Xmo ~ma CN>mbm OmVm h¡& àm{`H$Vm kmV H$s{OE : 3
(a) H$_ go H$_ EH$ {MV àmá H$aZo H$s &
(b) Ho$db EH$ nQ> àmá H$aZo H$s &
(c) A{YH$ go A{YH$ EH$ {MV àmá H$aZo H$s &
28. {ÛKmV g_rH$aU x2 + 6x + 8 Ho$ eyÝ`H$m| H$mo kmV H$s{OE Am¡a eyÝ`H$m| VWm JwUm§H$m| Ho$
~rM Ho$ g§~§Y H$s gË`Vm H$s Om±M H$s{OE& 3
29. {ÌÁ`m 7 go_r. dmbo EH$ d¥Îm Ho$ {ÌÁ`I§S> H$m joÌ\$b kmV H$s{OE, {OgH$m H|$Ðr` H$moU
90o h¡& gmW hr, g§JV XrK© {ÌÁ`I§S> H$m joÌ\$b ^r kmV H$s{OE& 3
30. (A) {gÕ H$s{OE {H$ ~mø q~Xþ go d¥Îm na ItMr JB© ñne© aoImAm| H$s bå~mB© ~am~a
hmoVr h¡& 3
(B) H|$Ð O Ho$ Xmo g§H|$Ðr` d¥Îmm| H$s {ÌÁ`mE± 3 go_r. Am¡a 5 go_r.
h¢& ~‹S>o d¥Îm H$s Ordm AB, Omo N>moQ>o d¥Îm H$mo q~Xþ P na ñne©
H$aVr h¡, H$s bå~mB© kmV H$s{OE& 3
430/4/3 8
24. (A) Find the coordinates of the point which divides the join of
A (−1, 7) and B (4, −3) in the ratio 2 : 3. 2
(B) If the points A (2, 3), B (−5, 6), C (6, 7) and D (p, 4) are the vertices
of a parallelogram ABCD, find the value of p. 2
Section - C comprises of Short Answer (SA) type questions of 3 marks each.
1 + sec θ sin 2 θ
26. Prove that = 3
sec θ 1 − cos θ
28. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x2 + 6x + 8 and verify the
relationship between the zeroes and the coefficients. 3
29. Find the area of the sector of a circle of radius 7 cm and of central angle
90o. Also, find the area of corresponding major sector. 3
30. (A) Prove that the lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a
circle are equal. 3
(B) Two concentric circles with centre O are of
radii 3 cm and 5 cm. Find the length of chord
AB of the larger circle which touches the
smaller circle at P. 3
430/4/3 9 [P.T.O.
31. (A) {H$amE na nwñVH|$ XoZo dmbo {H$gr nwñVH$mb` H$m àW_ VrZ {XZm| H$m EH$ {Z`V {H$am`m
h¡ Am¡a CgHo$ ~mX àË`oH$ A{V[aº$ {XZ H$m AbJ {H$am`m h¡& [a{VH$ Zo gmV {XZm| VH$
EH$ nwñVH$ aIZo Ho$ {bE ` 27 AXm {H$E, O~{H$ _Z_mohZ Zo EH$ nwñVH$ nm±M {XZm|
VH$ aIZo Ho$ {bE ` 21 AXm {H$E& {Z`V {H$am`m VWm àË`oH$ A{V[aº$ {XZ H$m
{H$am`m kmV H$s{OE& 3
(B) ‘a’ Am¡a ‘b’ Ho$ _mZ kmV H$s{OE, {OZHo$ {bE {ZåZ a¡{IH$ g_rH$aUm| Ho$ `w½_ Ho$
An[a{_V ê$n go AZoH$ hb hm|Jo : 3
3x + 4y = 12, (a + b) x + 2 (a − b) y = 24
IÊS> - K
IÊS>> - K _| XrK©-CÎma (LA) àH$ma Ho$ àíZ h¢ Am¡a àË`oH$ àíZ 5 A§H$ H$m h¡&
32. EH$ Vmn {dÚwV g§`§Ì _| nmZr O_m H$aZo Am¡a ~mX _| Bggo ^mn
~ZmZo Ho$ {bE ~m°`ba bJo h¢& Eogo EH$ ~m°`ba Ho$ ~rM H$m
{hñgm ~obZmH$ma Am¡a XmoZm| {gam| H$m {hñgm AY©JmobmH$ma h¡&
~obZmH$ma ^mJ H$s bå~mB© 7 _r. Am¡a BgH$s {ÌÁ`m _r. h¡&
~m°`ba H$m Hw$b n¥ð>r` joÌ\$b VWm Am`VZ kmV H$s{OE&
~obZmH$ma {hñgo Ho$ Am`VZ H$m, EH$ AY©JmobmH$ma {hñgo Ho$
Am`VZ go AZwnmV ^r kmV H$s{OE& 5
33. ZrMo {X`m J`m ~§Q>Z 100 n[admam| H$s$ _m{gH$ {~Obr H$s InV H$mo Xem©Vm h¡ :
_m{gH$ InV
130-140 140-150 150-160 160-170 170-180 180-190 190-200
(`y{ZQ>m| _|)
n[admam| H$s
5 9 17 28 24 10 7
Cnamoº$ Am±H$‹S>m| H$m _mÜ`H$ kmV H$s{OE& 5
34. (A) EH$ A.P. H$m nhbm nX − 5 Am¡a ApÝV_ nX 45 h¡& `{X A.P. Ho$ g^r nXm| H$m
`moJ 120 h¡, Vmo nXm| H$s g§»`m Am¡a gmd© AÝVa kmV H$s{OE& 5
(B) `{X EH$ A.P. Ho$ nhbo 7 nXm| H$m `moJ 49 Am¡a nhbo 17 nXm| H$m `moJ 289 h¡, Vmo
nhbo n nXm| H$m `moJ kmV H$s{OE& 5
430/4/3 10
31. (A) A lending library has a fixed charge for first three days and an
additional charge for each day thereafter. Rittik paid ` 27 for a book
kept for 7 days and Manmohan paid ` 21 for a book kept for 5 days.
Find the fixed charges and the charge for each extra day. 3
(B) Find the values of ‘a’ and ‘b’ for which the system of linear equations
3x + 4y = 12, (a + b) x + 2 (a − b) y = 24
has infinite number of solutions. 3
Section - D comprises of Long Answer (LA) type questions of 5 marks each.
33. The following table gives the monthly consumption of electricity of 100
families :
Consumption 130-140 140-150 150-160 160-170 170-180 180-190 190-200
(in units)
Number of
5 9 17 28 24 10 7
Find the median of the above data. 5
34. (A) The first term of an A.P. is − 5 and the last term is 45. If the sum of all
the terms of the A.P. is 120, find the number of terms and the common
difference. 5
(B) If the sum of first 7 terms of an A.P. is 49 and that of first 17 terms is
289, find the sum of first n terms. 5
430/4/3 11 [P.T.O.
35. (A) g_wÐ-Vb go 75 _r. D±$Mo bmBQ> hmCg Ho$ {eIa go XoIZo na Xmo g_wÐr OhmOm| Ho$
o o
AdZ_Z H$moU 30 Am¡a 45 h¡ & `{X bmBQ> hmCg Ho$ EH$ hr Amoa EH$ OhmO Xÿgao
OhmO Ho$ R>rH$ nrN>o hmo, Vmo OhmOm| Ho$ ~rM H$s Xÿar kmV H$s{OE &
(`hm± Amn 3 = 1.73 bo gH$Vo h¢) 5
(B) ^y{_ Ho$ EH$ q~Xþ P go EH$ 10 _r. D±$Mo ^dZ Ho$ {eIa H$m CÞ`Z H$moU 30 h¡& ^dZ
Ho$ {eIa na EH$ ÜdO H$mo bham`m J`m h¡ Am¡a P go ÜdO Ho$ {eIa H$m CÞ`Z H$moU
45 h¡& ÜdOX§S> H$s bå~mB© Am¡a q~Xþ P go ^dZ H$s Xÿar kmV H$s{OE&
(`hm± Amn 3 = 1.73 bo gH$Vo h¢) 5
IÊS> - ‹S>
IÊS >- ‹S> _| 3 àH$aU AÜ``Z / n[aÀN>oX AmYm[aV àíZ h¢ {OZ_| àË`oH$ Ho$ 4 A§H$ h¢&
36. Iwer AnZo OÝ_{XZ H$s nmQ>u H$m Am`moOZ H$aZm
MmhVr h¡& ñdmñÏ` Ho$ à{V OmJê$H$ hmoZo Ho$
H$maU, dh nmQ>u _| Ho$db \$b hr namogZo H$m
\¡$gbm H$aVr h¡& dh 36 go~ Am¡a 60 Ho$bo
IarXVr h¡ Am¡a g~H$mo EH$g_mZ _mÌm _| \$b XoZo
H$m {ZU©` boVr h¡&
Cnamoº$ OmZH$mar Ho$ AmYma na, {ZåZ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE :
(i) A{YH$V_ {H$VZo A{V{W, Iwer Am_§{ÌV H$a gH$Vr h¡ ? 1
(ii) àË`oH$ A{V{W H$mo {H$VZo go~ Am¡a Ho$bo àmá hmo§Jo ? 1
(iii) (a) `{X Iwer 42 Am_ Am¡a Omo‹S>Zm Mmh|, Vmo A{YH$V_ {H$VZo A{V{W dh Am_§{ÌV
H$a gH$Vr h¡ ? 2
(b) `{X 1 XO©Z Ho$bm| H$m _yë` 60 é., 1 go~ H$m _yë` 15 é. Am¡a 1 Am_ H$m
_yë` 20 é. h¡, Vmo 60 Ho$bo, 36 go~ Am¡a 42 Am_ IarXZo Ho$ {bE {H$VZr am{e
IM© H$aZr hmoJr ? 2
37. ZrMo ~Zo {MÌm| VWm AmH¥${V`m| H$mo Ü`mZnyd©H$ Xo{IE Am¡a àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OE :
{MÌ H$
H$ (i) H$ (ii)
430/4/3 12
35. (A) As observed from the top of a 75 m high light house from the sea-
level, the angles of depression of two ships are 30o and 45o. If one ship
is exactly behind the other on the same side of the light house, find the
distance between the two ships. (use 3 = 1.73) 5
(B) From a point P on the ground, the angle of elevation of the top of a
10 m tall building is 30o. A flag is hoisted at the top of the building and
the angle of elevation of the top of the flagstaff from P is 45 . Find the
length of the flagstaff and the distance of the building from the point P.
(use 3 = 1.73) 5
Section - E comprises of 3 Case Study / Passage Based questions of 4 marks
37. Observe the figures given below carefully and answer the questions :
Figure A
A (i) A (ii)
430/4/3 13 [P.T.O.
{MÌ I$
$I (iii) $I (iv)
J$ (v) J$ (vi)
(i) dh {MÌ ~VmBE {Og_| XmoZm| AmH¥${V`m± nañna g_ê$n h¢& 1
(ii) dh {MÌ ~VmBE {Og_| XmoZm| AmH¥${V`m± gdmªJg_ h¢& 1
(iii) (a) {gÕ H$s{OE {H$ gdmªJg_ {Ì^wO g_ê$n ^r hmoVo h¢ naÝVw {dnarV Zht& 2
(b) Xmo g_ê$n {Ì^wOm| H$mo gdmªJg_ hmoZo Ho$ {bE H$_ go H$_ Š`m Am¡a {X`m hmoZm
Mm{hE ? 2
38. bJmVma H$B© K§Q>m| VH$ _mo~mBb ñH«$sZ H$m BñVo_mb H$aZo go Am±Im| H$s amoeZr H$_Omoa Am¡a
{ga XX© hmoZo bJVm h¡& ~ƒo {OZH$mo ""PUBG'' IobZo H$s bV bJ OmVr h¡, OëXr hr
VZmdJ«ñV hmo OmVo h¢& PUBG IobZo Ho$ Xþîn[aUm_m|
Ho$ ~mao _| gm_m{OH$ OmJê$H$Vm ~‹T>mZo Ho$ {bE, EH$
{dÚmb` ‘BAN PUBG’ A{^`mZ ewê$ H$aZo H$m
\¡$gbm H$aVm h¡, {Og_| ~ƒm| H$mo Am`VmH$ma A{^`mZ
V»Vr ~ZmZo H$mo H$hVm h¡& H$jm X Ho$ EH$ {dÚmWu
Ûmam ~ZmB© JB© A{^`mZ V»Vr {MÌ _| {XImB© JB© h¡&
Cnamoº$ OmZH$mar Ho$ AmYma na, {ZåZ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma
Xr{OE :
(i) {dH$U© AC VWm BD Ho$ à{VÀN>oXZ {~ÝXþ Ho$ {ZX}em§H$ kmV H$s{OE& 1
(ii) {dH$U© AC H$s bå~mB© kmV H$s{OE& 1
(iii) (a) A{^`mZ V»Vr ABCD H$m joÌ\$b kmV H$s{OE& 2
(b) ^wOm AB H$s bå~mB© H$m AZwnmV, {dH$U© AC H$s bå~mB© go, kmV H$s{OE& 2
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Figure B
B (iii) B (iv)
Figure C
C (v) C (vi)
(i) Name the figure(s) wherein two figures are similar. 1
(ii) Name the figure(s) wherein the figures are congruent. 1
(iii) (a) Prove that congruent triangles are also similar but not the converse. 2
(b) What more is least needed for two similar triangles to be
congruent ? 2
38. Use of mobile screen for long hours
makes your eye sight weak and give you
headaches. Children who are addicted to
play “PUBG’’ can get easily stressed out.
To raise social awareness about ill effects
of playing PUBG, a school decided to
start ‘BAN PUBG’ campaign, in which
students are asked to prepare campaign
board in the shape of a rectangle. One
such campaign board made by class X student of the school is shown in the
Based on the above information, answer the following questions :
(i) Find the coordinates of the point of intersection of diagonals AC and
BD. 1
(ii) Find the length of the diagonal AC. 1
(iii) (a) Find the area of the campaign Board ABCD. 2
(b) Find the ratio of the length of side AB to the length of the
diagonal AC. 2
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