Abstract- This paper presents a Model Reference Adaptive link capacitor and provides a direct AC/AC conversion.
Control (MRAC) approach for a Wind Energy Conversion Thus, it is a good candidate for WECS applications. The
System (WECS) to track the maximum power point. This matrix converter can control the magnitude, frequency and
WECS includes a permanent magnet synchronous generator phase angle of the output voltage as well as the input power
(PMSG) fed by a matrix converter. Since the mechanical factor. Despite the attractive features of the matrix
power generated by the wind turbine is a function of its shaft
speed at a given wind velocity, the proposed controller
converter, the matrix converter suffers from some problems
provides the desired voltage at the output of the matrix such as low voltage gain, complicated control, bi-directional
converter so as to control the generator speed. This controller switches and lack of ride-through capability [6-7]. However,
is based on the model reference adaptive control approach to there are many papers that are reporting solutions to
track the optimum speed. In addition, the controller is robust mitigate these difficulties.
against system uncertainties and high frequency disturbances. Due to the erratic nature of wind-based energy systems,
Theoretical analysis verifies the global stability and there are so many uncertainties in WECSs. Thus, the control
performance of the proposed approach. Simulation results are system of the WECS should accommodate for the effects of
included which show that the proposed approach has a uncertainties and keep the system stable against large
superior performance compared to the conventional PI
parameter variations. The conventional PI-based controllers
can not fully satisfy stability and performance requirements.
Index term- Wind Energy, PMSG, Matrix Converter, On the other hand the system is highly nonlinear and has a
Maximum Power Point Tracking, Model Reference Adaptive wide range of operating points; therefore linearization can
Controller. not be used to design the controller. Adaptive control
methods can be employed to effectively solve this issue [11-
14]. In this paper, a model reference adaptive control
I-Introduction approach is used to design the controller.
This paper is organized as follows. First, the proposed wind
Nowadays, renewable energies are becoming increasingly energy system is presented in section II. In section III, the
important as alternative energy sources. Many factors such wind turbine aerodynamic model is given. Maximum power
as diminishing fossil-fuel resources, energy security point tracking is explained in section IV. In section V, the
concerns, and global warming increase the need for proposed controller is introduced. In section VI, the stability
renewable energies. Their main advantages are the analysis of the proposed controller is investigated. The
elimination of harmful emissions and inexhaustibility while matrix converter structure used to connect the generator to
the main drawbacks are the cost and uncontrollability [1-4]. the grid is given in section VII. Finally, the simulation
Wind is one of the most abundant energy sources, which can results are presented in section VIII.
be harnessed by wind turbines and converted to electricity
by generators. Thus, a wind energy conversion system
(WECS) consists of a wind turbine, an electric generator II-Proposed Wind Energy Conversion System
and a power converter [5].
Different configurations of WECSs have been reported in Fig.1 illustrates the WECS block diagram. The mechanical
the literature [8]. The most commonly used generators are energy is converted to electricity by a generator and a
Doubly-Fed Induction Generators (DFIG), Squirrel Cage matrix converter is the interface between the generator and
Induction Generators (SCIG), and Permanent Magnet the utility grid. The adaptive controller provides proper
Synchronous Generators (PMSG). switching signals for the matrix converter to extract the
The conventional back-to-back voltage source converters maximum power from the wind turbine. It also
are widely used to connect the generator to the grid. In this accommodates for the system uncertainties through an
structure, DC-link capacitors are applied to decouple the adaptive algorithm.
generators and grid. However, they are bulky and have a
limited life time. The matrix converter does not use the DC-
torque as follows: [9]
Γw = Γw ( β , v, ωT ) (1)
where β is the rotor blade pitch angle, v is the wind Fig.3 MPPT block diagram
velocity and ωT is the shaft angular speed. The torque Fig. 3 shows the proposed maximum power point tracker for
model is given by [24] the WECS. The approach is based on the calculation of the
P 1 power gradient. Since the power curve is convex, there is no
Γw = w = .π .ρ .v 2 .R 3 .CΓ (λ ) (2)
ωT 2 local maximum and thus, the algorithm can find the
maximum point based on the power gradient. The search
where CΓ = C p / λ is the torque coefficient, R is the blade
algorithm provides the reference value (for the shaft
length of the wind turbine, ρ is the air density and rotational speed) which is the command signal for the
λ = RωT / v is the tip speed ratio of the wind turbine. C p is adaptive model reference controller. This controller
produces the desired voltage vector for the matrix converter.
a function of tip speed ratio and blade pith angle and is
usually found by curve fitting [9] IV- Model Reference Adaptive Controller
− c5
c2 λi
C p (λ , θ ) = c1 ( − c3 β − c4 )e + c6λ (3) Fig. 4 shows the proposed controller block diagram. In this
diagram, the reference value for the speed is provided by the
1 1 0.035 search algorithm and is applied to the nonlinear controller.
= − 3 (4) The nonlinear controller produces the reference voltage
λi λ + 0.08β β + 1
vector for the matrix converter so as to get the optimum
where c1=0.5176, c2=116, c3=0.4, c4=5, c5=21 and shaft speed. The coefficients of this controller are adaptively
c6=0.50068. changed based on the error between the output of the
Typical curves of wind output power and torque versus the reference model and the output of the WECS. Thus, it can
shaft angular speed is illustrated in Fig.1. accommodate for the effects of parameter uncertainties and
0.25 is robust against parameter variations.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Fig.2 Wind Turbine Power versus Shaft Angular Speed Fig.4 Model Reference Adaptive Controller
III- Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)
A- Nonlinear Controller Design for WECS
a&ˆ 2 = μ 2 (− ed ud − equq )
VIII- Matrix Converter
aˆ&3 = μ3 (ω eq )
The matrix converter is an array of semiconductors which
⎛ aˆ k ⎞
a&ˆ4 = μ 4 ⎜⎜ − eiq + 5 eqiq − 1 eqiq ⎟⎟ interfaces between two multi-phase systems with different
⎝ aˆ 4 aˆ 4 ⎠ frequencies. Fig. 5 shows a three-phase-to-three-phase
matrix converter with 9 bi-directional switches. The
⎛ aˆ k ⎞
a&ˆ5 = μ5 ⎜⎜ eω − 5 ω eq + 1 ω eq ⎟⎟ operating principles of the matrix converter and its
⎝ aˆ 4 aˆ 4 ⎠ modulation schemes are comprehensively explained in [4-
⎛ aˆ k ⎞ 5]. According to Fig. 5, the output voltage reference
a&ˆ6 = μ6 ⎜⎜ e − 5 eq + 1 eq ⎟⎟ (22) vector and input current reference vector are applied by the
⎝ aˆ4 aˆ4 ⎠ MPPT to the matrix converter controller. The matrix
Substituting (19) and (20) into (18), the Lyapanov function converter produces a set of voltages to control the PMSG
derivative is given by angular speed.
V& = − k e~ 2 − k e~ 2 − k e~ 2
1 1 2 2 3 3 (23)
VII-Stability Analysis
∫ V& dt = −∫ ( )
t t Fig.5 Matrix Converter
k e~12 + k 2 e~22 + k3e~32 dt
0 0 114 4424443
E (T )
Fig. 7 shows the simulated WECS. This system is simulated Fig.8-2 Line Voltages
in PSIM.
S ij VAB
ω Vref
Fig. 8-1 and 8-2, illustrate the output line and phase voltages
and Fig. 9 shows the line voltage frequency spectrum. Fig. 9
and Fig. 10 illustrate the shaft speed tracking for a step
change in the wind speed with the proposed controller and Fig. 11 Shaft speed response with PI controller
the conventional PI controller respectively. The proposed
controller is much faster than the conventional PI one. The
MPPT is shown in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 for step and
sinusoidal changes in the wind speed profile respectively.
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