Coordinated Control of Wind Turbine Blade Pitch Angle and Phevs Using Mpcs For Load Frequency Control of Microgrid
Coordinated Control of Wind Turbine Blade Pitch Angle and Phevs Using Mpcs For Load Frequency Control of Microgrid
Coordinated Control of Wind Turbine Blade Pitch Angle and Phevs Using Mpcs For Load Frequency Control of Microgrid
AbstractThis paper proposes coordinated control of blade speed so that the generated power of wind turbine generator
pitch angle of wind turbine generators and plug-in hybrid electric (WTG) fluctuates and may cause a large frequency fluctuation
vehicles (PHEVs) for load frequency control of microgrid using problem [5][7].
model predictive controls (MPCs). The MPC is an effective model-
based predictive control, which calculates future control signals by In order to solve the frequency fluctuation problem, the
optimization method using plant model, current, and past signals control of WTG power generation of wind turbine is proposed
of the system. The MPC-based PHEVs power control can be used in [7][9]. Adjusting blade pitch angle of WTG for smoothing
to reduce frequency fluctuation of microgrid effectively. However, wind power output has been proposed in [10] and [11].
for large system, large number of PHEVs is needed to produce In addition, battery energy storage system (BESS) is a pow-
satisfying frequency deviation. In order to reduce the number
of PHEVs, the smoothing of wind power production by pitch erful tool for storing wind power output to maintain microgrid
angle control using MPC method is proposed and is coordinated frequency deviation [11], [12]. Coordinated control of wind and
with PHEVs control in this paper. The simulation results confirm battery is proposed in [3]. This work shows that controlling
that the coordinated control of pitch angle and PHEVs using WTG inverter is able to maximize wind energy. However, using
MPCs is able to reduce the number of PHEVs and the frequency BESS to suppress wind energy leads to high cost, particularly
fluctuation can be maintained significantly. In addition, the pro-
posed method is robust to the system parameters variation over when applied to a large system.
proportionalintegral derivative controllers. Smoothing wind power output in order to reduce the size of
battery has been proposed in [11]. This work shows that using
Index TermsBlade pitch angle, microgrid, model predictive
control (MPC), plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), wind tur- the appropriate wind power reference, is able to reduce cost of
bine generator (WTG). BESS and loss of benefit from the wind energy.
On the other hand, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs)
are significantly expected to be installed in the customer side
I. I NTRODUCTION [5], [13][17]. With adequate energy stored in the battery of
PHEV, the bidirectional charging/discharging power control of
T HE microgrid concept has been gaining more attention
worldwide, particularly for the distribution system be-
cause microgrid is able to improve system reliability and
PHEV can be applied to alleviate frequency fluctuation [13]
[17]. Effective control of PHEVs can be employed for load
energy management capability [1], [2]. Microgrid consists of frequency control of microgrid with wind farm [5]. However,
multiple distributed generators (DGs) and associated loads [1]. for large system, large number of PHEVs is needed to produce
The penetration of renewable energy sources to the microgrid, satisfying frequency deviation.
particularly the wind power generation, tends to increase sig- In order to reduce both the number of PHEVs and fre-
nificantly because of low impact to environment and infinite quency fluctuation, smoothing of wind power production by
availability [2][4]. Nevertheless, wind speed is intermittent, pitch angle control and PHEV control using a model predictive
and the windmill output is proportional to the cube of wind control (MPC) method is proposed in this paper. The MPC
algorithm calculates future control signals each time instant for
tracking periodic reference signals [18][22]. The applications
of MPC to power systems have been successfully proposed
in the literature such as load frequency control [23], [24],
battery energy storage control [25], and PHEV control [26]. The
Manuscript received October 16, 2013; revised January 12, 2014 and main advantages of MPC over structured proportionalintegral
March 16, 2014; accepted March 24, 2014. This work was supported by
Thailand Research Fund under Grant MRG5680005.
derivative (PID) controllers are its ability to handle constraints,
J. Pahasa is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, School of robustness to model uncertainty, and noise [19].
Engineering, University of Phayao, Phayao 56000, Thailand (e-mail: jpahasa@ The organization of this paper is as follows. First, study
I. Ngamroo is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of system and modeling of microgrid system are explained in
Engineering, King Mongkuts Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok Section II. Next, MPC design for blade pitch angle and PHEV
10520, Thailand (e-mail: [email protected]). controls are described in Section III. Subsequently, the experi-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at mental results are shown in Section IV. Finally, the conclusion
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSYST.2014.2313810 is provided.
1932-8184 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
3V 2 s(1 + s)R2
Pg = (4)
(R2 sR1 )2 + s2 (X1 + X2 )2
Kmax f, (0 < Kmax f Pmax ) where y(k) is the vector of manipulated moves at time instance
PV1G = Pmax , (Pmax < Kmax f ) (7) k, u(k) is the input at time instance k, nT is the number of
impulse response coefficients employed to model the system,
0, (Kmax f < 0).
A is the interaction matrix, and i is the coefficient number and
Fig. 6 shows PHEV power control using MPC. In the V2G can be defined as
model, the first-order transfer function with the time delay
TPHEV is used and is set as 1 [28] in this paper. i = gi+1 gi , i = 0, . . . , nT (9)
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
where gi is the scalar such that gi A is the ith impulse response In addition, the moving average may be used for smoothing
coefficient matrix. The MPC problem is to compute u(k) as the wind power output. However, the control of the pitch angle is
solution to the quadratic program (QP), which is defined as [21] not very easy because system behavior is both highly nonlinear
and quite uncertain [30]. MPC is more appropriate because the
smoothing wind power is adjusted by blade pith angle. The
min [y(k + j) r(k + j)]T Wy [y(k + j) r(k + j)]
MPC is used here for adjusting blade pith angle to produce
smoothing wind power output to reference value, based on wind
+ [u(k) u(k 1)]T Wu [u(k) u(k 1)]
speed and feedback control signal of wind power generation.
Subject to y(k + 1) = y(k) + A i u(k i) Since the blade pitch angle is controlled through the hy-
i=0 draulic servo system, there are constraints on the blade pitch
umax + u(k 1) u(k) umax + u(k 1) (10) angle , and its rate of change d /dt can be expressed as
where r(k + j) is the desired profile, Wy and Wu are the 10[deg] 30[deg] (11)
positive semidefinite weighting matrices, and M is the control |d/dt| 10[deg /s]. (12)
horizon. Each weight (Wy , Wu ) is assumed to be a constant
multiplied by the identity matrix, which is appropriate for WTG For MPC method, the WTG can be represented by its finite
blade pitch angle and PHEV control. In particular, Wu is often impulse response as
selected large enough that rate constraints are satisfied.
Although, MPC allows design of interactive and multi- PWTG (k + 1) = PWTG (k) + AWTG i (k i) (13)
inputmulti-output systems [20]. However, in this paper, the i=0
properties of pitch angle and PHEV controls are different. Pitch
angle control objective is to smooth wind power output with where (k) is the vector of manipulated moves (blade pitch
power generation and set point as manipulate and reference angle) at time instance k, PWTG (k) is the WTG power gener-
signals. In contrast, PHEV control objective is to reduce system ation at time instance k, nT is the number of impulse response
frequency fluctuation with system frequency and reference coefficients employed to model the system, and AWTG is the
frequency as manipulate and reference signals. Here, PHEV interaction matrix of WTG. In this paper, since the windmill
control is more complicated and needs more precise control and generator of the WTG system are represented by a mathe-
action than pitch angle control. Pitch angle control needs faster matical model as in (5), the mapping from inputs to outputs is
response to wind speed, whereas PHEV control responds to assumed to be linear over the operating region, which is a good
system frequency deviation. assumption in practice so that AWTG can be defined as 1 [22]
Moreover, the smoothing wind power controlled by MPC- for WTG system.
based pitch angle control is resulted to frequency deviation.
However, pitch angle control depends on WTG power genera- C. MPC for PHEV Control
tion and wind speed, which are not related to part of MPC-based
PHEV control. In addition, the control of pitch angle and some The control loop of PHEV using MPC2 controller is shown
part of WTG are modeled by mathematic equation, whereas in Fig. 2. The state space of the PHEV control loop can be
PHEV is modeled by first-order transfer function with time lag defined as
TPHEV . Consequently, the two single MPCs are appropriately PPHEV 1/TPHEV 0 PPHEV
employed to control pitch angle and PHEV power output in this =
f 1/M D/M f
In addition, two simple PI or fuzzy controllers may be + uMPC (14)
sufficient for pitch angle and PHEV output control. However,
using a PI controller is not adequate when pitch angle is held PPHEV
[y] = [0 1] + [0]UMPC (15)
constant, which may occur when wind speed is lower than set f
point for a long time. In addition, when using a fuzzy controller, where PPHEV is the charging power of PHEV, f is the
it is not easy to set a fuzzy rule for a specific problem [29]. change of system frequency, uMPC is the change of control
signal produced by MPC, TPHEV is the time constant of PHEV,
B. MPC for WTG Blade Pitch Angle Control and M and D are the inertia constant and damping coefficient
of the microgrid system, respectively. This state space is used
Control loop of WTG blade pitch angle control using MPC1 as model in the MPC calculations. Therefore, the MPC method
is shown in Fig. 2. Input of MPC consists of the difference applied to PHEV control can be defined as
of WTG output power PWTG and reference PWTG,ref . Blade
pitch angle is controlled using these inputs. Here, generator x(k + 1) = APHEV x(k) + BPHEV u(k) (16)
torque can be used as a crucial feedback control signal in y(k) = CPHEV x(k) + DPHEV u(k) (17)
maximizing the output power of WTG and can be used as input
for smoothing wind power output. Nevertheless, using power 1/TPHEV 0 1/TPHEV
where APHEV = , BPHEV = ,
generation as a feedback control signal is more adequate for 1/M D/M 0
smoothing wind power output [11]. CPHEV = [ 0 1 ], and D = [0].
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
where Wyi is the input weight of the ith MPC; Wui is the output
weight of the ith MPC; Wyi,min and Wyi,max are the minimum
and maximum input weights of the ith MPC, respectively;
Wui,min and Wui,max are the minimum and maximum output
weights of the ith MPC, respectively; and i = 1, 2 for MPC1
(pitch angle control) and MPC2 (PHEV control), respectively.
Fig. 14. Time simulation results of case 3: (a) frequency deviation; (b) wind Fig. 16. Frequency deviation: (a) case 1; (b) case 2; and (c) case 3.
power output; and (c) PHEV power output.
wind power generation deviates from the set point. As a result,
the optimal PID controllers are obtained as follows:
PID-WTG : Kp = 0.5034, Ki = 0.0027, Kd = 0
PID-PHEV : Kp = 0.2644, Ki = 0.0065, Kd = 0
where Kp , Ki , and Kd are the proportional, integral, and
derivative gains of the PID controller, respectively.
Fig. 16 shows the comparison of frequency deviation be-
tween the proposed MPC and PID. The MPC is able to produce
better frequency deviation than the PID controller.
In order to confirm the robustness of the control method
against system parameter uncertainty and the absolute maxi-
mum frequency deviation when system parameters (i.e., M and
D) are changed from nominal operating condition to 50%, M
is changed from 9.02 to 4.52 and D is changed from 2 to 1 [5],
[28], as shown in Fig. 17. Clearly, the MPC is robust to system
parameter variation over the PID controller.
The simulation results of the three case studies clearly con-
firm that the coordinated control of the MPC-Pitch-PHEVs is
better than the MPC-Pitch and MPC-PHEVs. The frequency
fluctuation of the system can be reduced by the MPC-PHEVs.
In addition, the number of PHEVs can be reduced by smooth-
ing wind power output-based MPC blade pitch angle control.
Fig. 15. Blade pitch angle of the case studies: (a) case 1; (b) case 2; and
Therefore, using both the MPC-Pitch and MPC-PHEV methods
(c) case 3. not only reduces frequency fluctuation but also reduces the
number of PHEVs. Additionally, the MPC is robust to system
much during the simulation time, which are consistent with the parameter variation over PID controller.
physically limited WTG provided in [30].
Additionally, in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the V. C ONCLUSION
proposed method, comparison of the MPC and PID controller Coordinated control of blade pitch angle and PHEV power
is investigated. The PID parameters are tuned by PSO [31]. output using MPCs in order to reduce fluctuation of frequency
The objective function of the optimization is defined based on in microgrid system has been proposed in this paper. The MPC
minimization of the IAE [5] of the frequency deviation, and for blade pitch angle control is employed for smoothing wind
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
The wind speed model [32], [33] is shown in Fig. 19. The
wind speed standard deviation is multiplied by a random output
fluctuation derived from the white noise block with a low-pass
filter in MATLAB/SIMULINK in order to evaluate the random
wind speed fluctuation.
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