Ijisa V9 N5 8
Ijisa V9 N5 8
Ijisa V9 N5 8
Ramesh Babu. N
School of Electrical Engineering, VIT University, Vellore, India-632014
E-mail: [email protected]
AbstractThis paper proposes an advanced pitch angle and grid integration [2].
control strategy based on neural network (NN) for Based on the wind speed range, the operating regions
variable speed wind turbine. The proposed methodology of WECS are classified in to two operating modes as
uses Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) and Feed- shown in Fig. 1. Below rated wind speed ( Vrated ) region
forward based Back propagation network (BPN) is termed as partial-load region where the turbine speed
algorithm to generate pitch angle. The performance of the of the system is adjusted to the optimal value to extract
proposed control technique is analyzed by comparing the maximum power from the available energy. The region
results with Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) and Proportional where the wind speed is above the rated wind speed is
- Integral (PI) control techniques. The control techniques full-load region where the generator power is controlled
implemented is able to compensate the nonlinear to maintain the optimum power so that the generated
characteristic of wind speed. The wind turbine is power does not exceed the rated capacity of turbine and
smoothly controlled to maintain the generator power and generator 3. In this paper the pitch angle control is used
the mechanical torque to the rated value without any in both the partial-load and full-load region for power
fluctuation during rapid variation in wind speed. The smoothening and power limiting respectively thus
effectiveness of the proposed control strategy is verified maximizing the power in low wind speed region and
using MATLAB/Simulink for 2-MW permanent magnet stabilizing during high wind speed region.
synchronous generator (PMSG) based wind energy The pitch angle is mostly preferred for the full-load
conversion system. region to limit the aerodynamic torque as suggested in the
previous literature [3]. Several methods have been
Index TermsWind energy conversion system, implemented by researchers in the past. The conventional
Permanent magnet synchronous generator, Pitch angle, pitch angle control such as proportional-integral (PI) or
Fuzzy logic, Back propagation, neural network, Radial proportional-integral-derivative (PID) based controller
basis function network. have been most common and preferred for small-WECS
for power stabilization. The major disadvantage of this
controller is its failure to track the non-linearity of the
I. INTRODUCTION rapid change in the wind speed. The response time of the
Recently, the emphasis on demand for clean and system is very slow which affects the performance of the
sustainable energy increases manifold on the WECS since they are based on the operating points of the
development of renewable energy sources. Among the turbine [4].
renewable energy, wind energy is the most viable and The pitch control strategy based on H [5] and sliding
promising source for its recent advancements and mode controller [6] is implemented in previous literature.
remarkable development in past decade [1]. Especially, They provide a good performance of the output power
the enhancements of wind energy conversion system and robustness towards the variation in wind speed.
(WECS) were more focused on the low-cost, high However, the control strategy of these techniques are
efficient and reliable power generation which led to a complex since they purely depend on the parameter of
development of large scale wind turbines. The variable wind turbine and they need to be redesigned when the
speed variable pitch wind turbine is mostly preferred parameter changes. The other robust pitch angle
wind turbine for its reliability and efficient conversion of controller used in the literature is the linear quadratic
wind power to electrical power. Consequently, the Gaussian (LQG) [7]. The performance of LQG method is
advancement in the control techniques of WECS is deteriorated due to nonlinear parameters of wind turbine.
gaining lot of importance in terms of power stabilization The generalized predictive control (GPC) [8] is proposed
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Comparative Analysis of Pitch Angle Controller Strategies for PMSG Based Wind Energy Conversion System 63
to operate in the entire wind speed region. They use the A. Wind Turbine
output power error as the input for the controller, thus
The torque obtained from the wind turbine is expressed
during large output error the controller become unstable.
as [12],
To overcome the above issues, soft computing based
controller is preferred.
1 C p ( , ) 3 2
Tm = R v (1)
Partial-load region Full-load region
Where, is the air density kg m3 , C p is power
Nominal Power
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64 Comparative Analysis of Pitch Angle Controller Strategies for PMSG Based Wind Energy Conversion System
time of the pitch controller is usually between 0.2s to an adverse effect on the performance of the controller
0.25s. Blade angle for typical WECS lies between -2 to [16].
30 degrees. Thus the variable range in the pitch angle has
v Tr g
Aerodynamic Mechanical
model Model
r Tg
v Pg
Pitch angle
C. PMSG Generator
Tm = (4)
Tip speed ratio
Te = *2 (5) Fig.3. CP vs curve of wind turbine
r n p
Where, Lmd , I fd are the mutual inductance and
Where, Pm , Pe are mechanical and electrical power
magnetizing current in d axis. s is the stator frequency,
obtained respectively. r is the mechanical rotational which is represented as,
speed and n p is the number of pole pair used in PMSG.
In general, the dynamic motion of PMSG generator is s = n pr (9)
given as,
The PMSG generator does not require any drive train
dr and they are used for variable speed variable pitch
Te = J eq + Dr +Tm (6)
dt application [18].
Copyright 2017 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2017, 5, 62-73
Comparative Analysis of Pitch Angle Controller Strategies for PMSG Based Wind Energy Conversion System 65
ref max
Reference power
- 1
turbine and
- +
+ control c generator
Pref = K opt*ropt
ref = (
P g nom
, for full load region (12) (13)
PI controller is generally used for linear system where Where, ropt is the optimum generator speed and K opt
they are subjected to nominal variations. Wind speed is defined as,
being highly non-linear, induces various damping for
different operating points which causes disturbance and * * C p * R 5
instability in system. Thus the power and voltage K opt = (14)
oscillates unpredictably [20]. Moreover, PI controller 2* 3opt
fails to track the rapid and vast variation in wind, which
leads to huge change in power output making the 45
Pg ref
unsuitable for grid integration. +- PI Servo Limiter 0
The fuzzy logic control (FLC) is implemented to Fig.5. PI pitch angle control strategy
overcome the drawbacks of PI based controller. FLC
strategy is employed in both I and II operating regions. The optimal tip speed opt is determined by the power
The FLC strategy is designed using the prior knowledge coefficient C p . The above equations are used to calculate
of the system and human experience [22]. The important
feature of FLC is that the use of linguistic variables Pref during low wind region. In full load region where
instead of numerical variables, which provide imprecise wind speed is higher than that of rated wind speed, Pref
and qualitative communication [23]. The FLC strategy
consists of fuzzification, rule based inference system and is chosen as the rated power of wind turbine. The pitch
defuzzification process [24]. angle reference is calculated using the error in turbine
The main aspect of FLC is to normalize the output power and the rotor speed. The error of generator power
power fluctuation and to limit the turbine torque during and error of rotor speed error is calculated as,
full load region. The reference pitch angle is generated in
order to optimize the generator power and generator P = Pg Pref
speed. The error of generator power and generator speed r = r r ref
is considered as the input variables for the fuzzy control.
The FLC strategies do not require wind turbine parameter
values to estimate the pitch angle of blades. Where, P is the error of the generator power Pg and
The block diagram of FLC based control strategy is r is the error in rotor speed r . The pitch angle
shown in Fig. 6. The reference power Pref for FLC is
reference obtained as the output of fuzzy controller is
expressed as, considered as the pitch input of the wind turbine.
The triangular membership function is used to design
Copyright 2017 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2017, 5, 62-73
66 Comparative Analysis of Pitch Angle Controller Strategies for PMSG Based Wind Energy Conversion System
the input and output fuzzy sets. The linguistic variable is feed-forward network which uses gradient descent based
illustrated as Negative Big (NB), Negative Medium (NM), delta learning rule [22]. The total squared error of the
Negative Small (NS), Null (ZE), Positive Small (PS), output is minimized using computation by net technique.
Positive Medium (PM), and Positive Big (PB) for input Supervised learning method is used to train the network,
membership functions. The output membership function which improves the ability to response correctly to the
has linguistic variables as Extra Small (XS), Small (S), input characters [25]. The BPN follow data normalization
Medium (M), Large (L), Extra Large (XL) and Maximum and early termination method to increase its ability and
Large (MXL). The rules for FLC used in this paper are implement approximation nonlinear function and to
presented in Table. 1. improve the network convergence performance [26].
The grade of membership functions of input variables In this paper, BPN uses wind speed and generator
is calculated using Eqn. (16) [3], speed as the input variable and generates pitch angle
which is fed to turbine in order to obtain desired
z m performance. The BPN is trained with two hidden layers
(z )=1 (16) thus they have four layers: Input layer, hidden layer I,
hidden layer II and output layer. The nodal operation of
BPN is processed in these layers. The modeling of each
layer is described as follows.
The input signal given to the BPN is denoted as x and y
as the targeted output. Then the matrix of the input and
Defuzzification output signal is represented as,
Fuzzy Output
x=[x1 x2 x3 ......xn ] (17)
Inference system Control rules
Fuzzy Inputs
y=[y1 y2 y3 ......yn ] (18)
Fuzzification The samples of the matrix of input signal are taken as
820 by 2, and output signal as 820 by 1.
The input signals of the system are processed in this
Pg Pref r r ref layer. This layer calculates the value z which is fed in to
next layer. This layer finds out minimum and maximum
Fig.6. Fuzzy logic based pitch angle control strategy values of x and y.
Table 1. Rules for fuzzy logic controller
z x xmin k ymin (19)
P /
r where, k is the gain which is given by,
NM ZE ZE ZE XS XS S M y max y min
k= (20)
NS ZE ZE XS XS S S M xmax xmin
PS XS XS S S M M L The output of input layer z is given as input in this
PM XS S S M M L XL layer. The weight w1 and bias b1 is calculated in the
PB S S M M L L MXL training period. The output of hidden layer I h1 is given
Where, z is the numerical data of input variable, m is
the coordinate point where the grade is 1, and is the h1 = (zw1 +b1 )log sigmoid (21)
width. The fuzzy control inputs and output which are
related to the membership function are shown in Fig. 7. This control strategy is designed for 3 neurons, thus the
The control rules are formulated using the input dataset dimension of weight matrix is 820 by 3. And the bias
through previous knowledge and experience of pitch matrix is calculated as 2 by 3.
based control system. Takagi-Sugeno type inference
The output of hidden layer h1 is given as the input for
system is used in this paper to set the rules for obtaining
precise pitch angle. hidden layer II. The weight and bias of this layer is
considered as w2 and b2 respectively. The output of
C. Feed forward back propagation
hidden layer II h2 is given as,
Feed forward neural network is most significant and
widely used artificial neural network. The most preferred h2 = (h1 w2 +b2 )log sigmoid (22)
type of feed-forward neural network type is back
propagation neural network (BPN). BPN is a multilayer
Copyright 2017 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2017, 5, 62-73
Comparative Analysis of Pitch Angle Controller Strategies for PMSG Based Wind Energy Conversion System 67
The output layer of BPN determines the desired pitch process of the RBFN network is carried in two stages. In
angle of the system. The input of this layer h2 is first stage the unsupervised method is implemented where
subjected to reverse mapping to achieve the desired the parameter are governed by the radial basis function.
In the second stage, supervised training method in
output. The output of this layer p is processed to fed as employed to train the weights [28]. The supervised
the input to the wind turbine. training method is same as back propagation algorithm
p = (h2 ymin )k + xmin (23) In this paper, RBFN controller is implemented to
control the turbine of the wind energy conversion system
Thus, from this layer the optimised and desired pitch by alternating the pitch angle based on the wind speed.
angle output is achieved. The proposed RBFN controller consists of three layers:
an input layer, a hidden layer with nonlinear RBF
D. Radial basis function network activation function and a linear output layer [30] as
RBFN is a type of feed forward neural network which shown in Fig. 8. Wind speed and generator speed are fed
uses radial basis network as an activation function [25]. to the input neurons of the RBFN which is used to
The radial basis network is determined by the distance compute the pitch angle as the output neuron.
between the input and the prototype vector. The training
Pg Pref pu
-1.2 -9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9 1.2
(a) r rref
-5 0 5 10 15 20 27 35 45
Fig.7. Membership functions of Fuzzy logic control (a) Input error of generator power in pu. (b) Input error of generator speed in rad/s.
(c) Output Pitch angle in degree.
The basic nodes of operation are characterized into Input Hidden Output
three layers [31], layer layer layer
i j k
The inputs of two neurons in this layer are transmitted
directly to the next layer. The net input and output are
represented as, yi1
v x11 wj
net i1 = xi1 ( N )
( )
yi1 ( N ) = f i1 net i1 ( N ) = net i1 ( N ) yk3
i =1,2
y 2j
1 1 g x 21
Where, xi is the input layer which consists of x1 as
1 1
the wind speed and x2 as the generator speed. The net i x i1 .
represents the net sum of nodes of input layer and y i is Radial Basis Function
the output of input layer which is fetched to hidden layer
with respect to node i.
Fig.8. Architecture of RBFN
Copyright 2017 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2017, 5, 62-73
68 Comparative Analysis of Pitch Angle Controller Strategies for PMSG Based Wind Energy Conversion System
The neurons in the hidden layer perform Gaussian The number of neuron in each layer is determined by
function which is used as the membership function in taking average for consecutive five trials. The least
RBFN. The net input and output of hidden layer are square error is achieved while using two layer three
represented as, neurons in layer 1. The sampling time for fuzzy logic
controller is 1ms in order to track the non-linearity of
net 2j ( N ) = (X Mj ) (X M )
wind speed.
y 2j ( N ) = f j2 (net 2
(N )) = exp (net (N ))
j =1,2 ,...,800
Table 2. Parameters of Wind Turbine.
The output layer computes single neuron which is Table 3. Parameters of PMSG Generator
determined by node k. The pitch angle control signal is
generated in this layer by summing the all the incoming Rated power 2 MW
signals with linear activation function. Stator resistance 0.00856
Stator inductance 3.75 mH
net k3 = w j y 2j ( N ) Friction factor 0.001189 Nms
j Pole pair 32
y k3 (N ) = f ki3 (net k3 (N )) = net k3 (N ) = ref Generator inertia 48 000 kg.m2
Copyright 2017 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2017, 5, 62-73
Comparative Analysis of Pitch Angle Controller Strategies for PMSG Based Wind Energy Conversion System 69
mechanical torque as shown in Fig. 13(b) and Fig. 13(c) it complex. The power conversion coefficient with the
respectively. However, these spikes can be reduced by FLC control is shown in Fig. 13(d). The FLC control
further decreasing the sampling time and using an strategy explicit the topology for small WECS with more
eminent strategy for FLC rules but this may increase the efficiency and where there is no huge variation in wind
computational time of the overall system and thus making speed rapidly.
Ti me (s)
Fig.10. Input pattern of Wind speed in (m/s) Fig.11. Simulation results for PI controller (a) Generated output power
in MW. (b) Rotor speed in (rad/s). (c) Mechanical Torque in NM. (d)
Power conversion coefficient of wind turbine
Generator Power
Time (s)
Time (s)
Fig.12. Input for Fuzzy logic controller (a) Error of generated power in
pu. (b) Error in rotor speed in rad/s.
Mechanical Torque
Generator Power
Ti me (s)
Time (s)
Copyright 2017 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2017, 5, 62-73
70 Comparative Analysis of Pitch Angle Controller Strategies for PMSG Based Wind Energy Conversion System
Rotor speed
Rotor speed
Time (s)
Time (s)
Mechanical torque
Mechanical torque
Time (s)
Time (s)
Power coefficient
Power coefficient
Time (s)
Time (s)
Fig.13. Simulation results for fuzzy logic controller (a) Generated (d)
output power in MW. (b) Rotor speed in (rad/s). (c) Mechanical Torque
in NM. (d) Power conversion coefficient of wind turbine Fig.14. Simulation results for Feed-forward back propagation controller
(a) Generated output power in MW. (b) Rotor speed in (rad/s). (c)
Mechanical Torque in NM. (d) Power conversion coefficient of wind
The results of feed-forward back propagation neural turbine
network based pitch angle control strategy are shown in
Fig. 14. Wind speed and the generator speed are used as The performance of proposed pitch angle controller
the input for the BPN control strategy. The generator which consists of RBFN topology is shown in Fig. 15.
power obtained with BPN strategy is almost kept at rated The generator output power with high quality and without
value as shown in Fig. 14(a). The BPN shows better any distortion is obtained in this strategy as shown in Fig.
performance in the transition period when compared to 15(a). The ripple and overshoot content in the generator
FLC and PI controller. The adaptation rate in BPN speed and the mechanical torque is also minimised to
control strategy is very fast in transition period. The BPN greater extent in this proposed control strategy as shown
is pre-trained in the transition network range to overcome in Fig. 15(b) and Fig. 15(c) respectively. The power
the overshoot issue which exists in FLC strategy. The conversion coefficient of wind turbine is also smoothened
generator speed and mechanical torque of wind system in this strategy as shown in Fig. 15(d). The generator
with BPN as pitch control technique is shown in Fig. 14(b) speed is kept around the rated speed of 17 rad/s and rated
and Fig. 14 (c). The overshoot in transition region is torque of 1500 Nm. The variation in the amplitude of
almost minimized. The power conversion coefficient these parameters is less than the BPN, FLC and PI
obtained with this control strategy is also similar to FLC controller.
except during the transition period as shown in Fig. 14(d).
Generator Power
Generator power
Time (s)
Time (s) (a)
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Comparative Analysis of Pitch Angle Controller Strategies for PMSG Based Wind Energy Conversion System 71
Copyright 2017 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2017, 5, 62-73
72 Comparative Analysis of Pitch Angle Controller Strategies for PMSG Based Wind Energy Conversion System
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Authors Profiles
[15] V. Akhmatov, "Analysis of dynamic behaviour of electric
power systems with large amount of wind power," Ph.D.
Ramji Tiwari received his Bachelors
dissertation (Denmark: Technical University, 2003).
degree in Electrical and Electronics
[16] Y. Zhang, Z. Chen and M. Cheng, "Proportional resonant
Engineering in the year 2012 from Kathir
individual pitch control for mitigation of wind turbines
College of Engineering, Coimbatore and
loads," IET Renewable Power Gener. 7, 191-200 (2013).
Masters Degree in Power Electronics and
[17] A. Beddar, H. Bouzekri, B. Babes and H. Afghoul,
Drives from Sri Krishna College of
"Experimental enhancement of fuzzy fractional order PI+ I
Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore
controller of grid connected variable speed wind energy
in the Year 2014. He is currently working
conversion system," Energy Convers. Manag. 123, 569-80
towards his Ph.D degree at VIT University, Vellore. His
research includes Renewable energy, Power Electronics and
[18] S. M. Muyeen, R. Takahashi, T. Murata and J. Tamura,
Control Optimization techniques for renewable energy.
"A variable speed wind turbine control strategy to meet
wind farm grid code requirements," IEEE Trans. Power
Syst. 25, 331-40 (2010).
Dr. N. Ramesh Babu is a Associate
[19] Y. Ren, L. Li, J. Brindley and L. Jiang, "Nonlinear PI
Professor and Head in Department of
control for variable pitch wind turbine. Control Eng.
Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering
Practice 50, 84-94 (2016).
at VIT University, Vellore. He completed
[20] R. M. Kamel, A. Chaouachi, K. Nagasaka, "Enhancement
his B.E. degree in Electrical and Electronics
of micro-grid performance during islanding mode using
Engineering from Bharathiyar University
storage batteries and new fuzzy logic pitch angle controller.
and M.E. degree in Applied Electronics
Energy Convers. Manag. 52, 2204-16 (2011).
from Anna University. He completed his
[21] V. S. Raviraj and P. C. Sen, "Comparative study of
Ph.D degree from VIT University. He has authored and
proportional-integral, sliding mode, and fuzzy logic
coauthored more than 40 publications in reputed International
controllers for power converters," IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl.
Journal. His research area includes Wind speed forecasting,
33, 518-24 (1997).
optimal control of wind energy conversion system, solar energy,
[22] A. S. Yilmaz and Z. zer, "Pitch angle control in wind
Power Electronics, and Application of Soft Computing
turbines above the rated wind speed by multi-layer
techniques in Electrical Engineering. He is an Associate Editor
perceptron and radial basis function neural networks,
of IEEE Access Journal and editorial board member of three
Expert Syst. Appl. 36, 9767-75 (2009).
other journals.
[23] H. Sefidgar and S. A. Gholamian, Fuzzy logic control of
wind turbine system connection to PM synchronous
generator for maximum power point tracking, Int. J. Intel.
Copyright 2017 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2017, 5, 62-73
Comparative Analysis of Pitch Angle Controller Strategies for PMSG Based Wind Energy Conversion System 73
Copyright 2017 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2017, 5, 62-73