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Name : Ms SWAPNA SANTUYA Visit No : 202435801
Age/Gender : 24-Year's/Female Registred On : 30-08-2024 15:27:28
Patient ID : UJB-35207 Collected On : 30-08-2024 15:52:00
C.Code : RSKP-RAIDIGHI Reported On : 30-08-2024 22:22:47
Ref.Doctor : R.R.H
Neutrophil 54 % 40-80
Lymphocyte 29 % 20-40
Monocytes 04 % 02-10
Eosinophils 13 % 01-06
Basophils 00 % <2
Absolute Neutrophil Count 4.7 Thousand/mm3 2.0-7.0
Absolute Lymphocyte Count 2.5 Thousand/mm3 1.0-3.0
Absolute Monocytes Count 0.3 Thousand/cu.mm 0.2-1.0
Absolute Eosinophils Count 1.1 Thousand/mm3 0.02-0.5
Absolute Basophil Count 0.0 Thousand/mm3 0.01-0.1
Platelet count 1.76 Lakhs / cmm 1.5-4.5
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