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AP Stats 3.2

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2: Least Squares
Section 3.2
Least-Squares Regression
After this section, you should be able to…

✓ INTERPRET a regression line

✓ CALCULATE the equation of the least-squares regression
✓ CALCULATE residuals
✓ CONSTRUCT and INTERPRET residual plots
✓ DETERMINE how well a line fits observed data
✓ INTERPRET computer regression output
Regression Lines
A regression line summarizes the relationship
between two variables, but only in settings where one
of the variables helps explain or predict the other.
A regression line is a line
that describes how a
response variable y changes
as an explanatory variable x
We often use a regression
line to predict the value of y
for a given value of x.
Regression Lines
Regression lines are used to conduct analysis.
• Colleges use student’s SAT and GPAs to predict
college success
• Professional sports teams use player’s vital stats
(40 yard dash, height, weight) to predict success
• The Federal Reserve uses economic data (GDP,
unemployment, etc.) to predict future economic
• Macy’s uses shipping, sales and inventory data
predict future sales.
Regression Line Equation
Suppose that y is a response variable (plotted on the
vertical axis) and x is an explanatory variable (plotted on
the horizontal axis).
A regression line relating y to x has an equation of the
ŷ = ax + b
In this equation,
•ŷ (read “y hat”) is the predicted value of the response
variable y for a given value of the explanatory variable x.
•a is the slope, the amount by which y is predicted to
change when x increases by one unit.
•b is the y intercept, the predicted value of y when x = 0.
Regression Line Equation
Format of Regression Lines
Format 1:
𝑦ො = 0.0908x + 16.3
𝑦ො = predicted back pack weight
x= student’s weight

Format 2:
Predicted back pack weight= 16.3 +
0.0908(student’s weight)
Interpreting Linear Regression
• Y-intercept: A student weighing zero pounds is predicted
to have a backpack weight of 16.3 pounds (no practical
• Slope: For each additional pound that the student
weighs, it is predicted that their backpack will weigh an
additional 0.0908 pounds more, on average.
Interpreting Linear Regression
Interpret the y-intercept and slope values in
context. Is there any practical interpretation?

ෝ = 37x + 270
x= Hours Studied for the SAT
𝑦ො =Predicted SAT Math Score
Interpreting Linear Regression
ෝ = 37x + 270
Y-intercept: If a student studies for zero hours,
then the student’s predicted SAT score is 270
points. This makes sense.
Slope: For each additional hour the student
studies, his/her score is predicted to increase
37 points, on average. This makes sense.
Predicted Value
What is the predicted SAT Math score for a student who
studies 12 hours?

ෝ = 37x + 270
Hours Studied for the SAT (x)
Predicted SAT Math Score (y)
Predicted Value
What is the predicted SAT Math score for a student who
studies 12 hours?

ෝ = 37x + 270
Hours Studied for the SAT (x)
Predicted SAT Math Score (y)

ෝ = 37(12) + 270
Predicted Score: 714 points
Self Check Quiz!
Self Check Quiz: Calculate the Regression

A crazy professor believes that a child with IQ 100 should

have a reading test score of 50, and that reading score should
increase by 1 point for every additional point of IQ. What is
the equation of the professor’s regression line for predicting
reading score from IQ? Be sure to identify all variables used.
Self Check Quiz: Calculate the Regression

A crazy professor believes that a child with IQ 100 should

have a reading test score of 50, and that reading score should
increase by 1 point for every additional point of IQ. What is
the equation of the professor’s regression line for predicting
reading score from IQ? Be sure to identify all variables used.

𝑦ො = 50 + x
𝑦ො = predicted reading score
x = number of IQ points above 100
Self Check Quiz: Interpreting Regression Lines &
Predicted Value
Data on the IQ test scores and reading test scores for a
group of fifth-grade children resulted in the following
regression line:
predicted reading score = −33.4 + 0.882(IQ score)

(a) What’s the slope of this line? Interpret this value in

(b) What’s the y-intercept? Explain why the value of the
intercept is not statistically meaningful.
(c) Find the predicted reading scores for two children
with IQ scores of 90 and 130, respectively.
predicted reading score = −33.4 + 0.882(IQ score)

(a) Slope = 0.882. For each 1 point increase of IQ

score, the reading score is predicted to increase
0.882 points, on average.

(b) Y-intercept= -33.4. If the student has an IQ of

zero, which is essential impossible (would not be
able to hold a pencil to take the exam), the score
would be -33.4. This has no practical interpretation.

(c) Predicted Value: 90: -33.4 + 0.882(90) = 45.98

130: -33.4 + 0.882(130) = 81.26 points.
Least-Squares Regression Line
Different regression lines produce different residuals. The
regression line we use in AP Stats is Least-Squares
The least-squares regression line of y on x is the line that
makes the sum of the squared residuals as small as possible.
AP Exam common error
Many students lose credit for not
stating that the slope is the predicted
change in the y-variable for each unit
increase in the x-variable.
You will need to display
understanding between the actual
data and the equation we are using
to model the data
Check Your Understanding, page 167:
• 1. The slope is 40. We predict that a rat will
gain 40 grams of weight per week.
• 2. The y-intercept is 100. This suggests that we
expect a rat at birth to be 100 grams.
• 3. After 16 weeks, we predict the rat’s weight
to be yˆ = 100 + (40*16)= 740grams.
CYU cont’d
• 4. The time is measured in weeks for this
equation, so 2 years becomes 104 weeks. We
then predict the
• rat’s weight to be yˆ = 100 + (40*104)= 4260
grams which is equivalent to 9.4 pounds
(about the weight of
• a large newborn human). This is unreasonable
and is the result of extrapolation.
A residual is the difference between an observed value
of the response variable and the value predicted by the
regression line. That is,
residual = observed y – predicted y

residual = y - ŷ Positive residuals

(above line)


Negative residuals
(below line)
How to Calculate the
1. Calculate the predicted value, by
plugging in x to the LSRE.
2. Determine the observed/actual value.
3. Subtract.
Calculate the Residual
1. If a student weighs 170 pounds and their backpack weighs
35 pounds, what is the value of the residual?

2. If a student weighs 105 pounds and their backpack weighs

24 pounds, what is the value of the residual?
Calculate the Residual
1. If a student weighs 170 pounds and their backpack
weighs 35 pounds, what is the value of the residual?

Predicted: ŷ = 16.3 + 0.0908 (170) = 31.736

Observed: 35
Residual: 35 - 31.736 = 3.264 pounds
The student’s backpack weighs 3.264 pounds more
than predicted.
Calculate the Residual
2. If a student weighs 105 pounds and their backpack
weighs 24 pounds, what is the value of the residual?

Predicted: ŷ = 16.3 + 0.0908 (105) = 25.834

Observed: 24
Residual: 24 – 25.834= -1.834
The student’s backpack weighs 1.834 pounds less
than predicted
Residual Plots
A residual plot is a scatterplot of the residuals against the
explanatory variable. Residual plots help us assess how well
a regression line fits the data.
TI-NSpire: Residual Plots
1. Press MENU, 4: Analyze
2. Option 6: Residual, Option 2: Show Residual Plot
Interpreting Residual Plots
A residual plot magnifies the deviations of the points from
the line, making it easier to see unusual observations and
1) The residual plot should show no obvious patterns
2) The residuals should be relatively small in size.
A valid residual plot should look like the “night sky” with
approximately equal amounts of positive and negative

Pattern in residuals
Linear model not
Should You Use LSRL?

Interpreting Computer Regression
Be sure you can locate: the slope, the y intercept and
determine the equation of the LSRL.

ෝ = -0.0034415x + 3.5051
ෝ = predicted....
x = explanatory variable
r Coefficient of Determination
r 2 tells us how much better the LSRL does at predicting values of y
than simply guessing the mean y for each value in the dataset.

In this example, r2 equals 60.6%.

60.6% of the variation in pack

weight is explained by the linear
relationship with bodyweight.

(Insert r2)% of the variation in y is

explained by the linear
relationship with x.
Interpret r 2

Interpret in a sentence (how much variation is

accounted for?)
1. r2 = 0.875, x= hours studied, y= SAT score
2. r2 = 0.523, x= hours slept, y= alertness score
Interpret r 2

1. 87.5% of the variation in SAT score is
explained by the linear relationship with the
number of hours studied.

2. 52.3% of the variation in alertness score is

explained by the linear relationship with the
number of hours slept.
More on r^2
• (Insert r2)% of the variation in y is explained by
the linear relationship with x.

• From this interpretation, the “variation in y” is

measured by the sum of squared residuals.
• If you are given r-squared and asked to find
the correlation, you have to consider the
direction of the association. Why?
• The direction of the association determines if
r is positive or negative

• Also remember that correlation measures

direction and strength, but not form. Knowing
the r = .816 does not tell us anything about
the form of the association.
S: Standard Deviation of the

1. Identify and interpret the standard deviation of the

Standard Deviation of Residuals
• Is measured in the units of the response
• The correlation measures scatter on a
standardized scale of -1 to 1.
• The standard deviation measures how much
scatter there is around the LSRL
S: Standard Deviation of the

S= 0.740
Interpretation: On average, the model under predicts fat
gain by 0.740 kilograms using the least-squares regression
S: Standard Deviation of the
If we use a least-squares regression line to predict the
values of a response variable y from an explanatory variable
x, the standard deviation of the residuals (s) is given by

 residuals2

(y i − ˆ
y ) 2

n −2 n −2
S represents the typical or average error (residual).

 Positive = UNDER predicts

Negative = OVER predicts
Self Check Quiz!
The data is a random sample of 10 trains comparing number of
cars on the train and fuel consumption in pounds of coal.
• What is the regression equation? Be sure to define all variables.
• What is r2 telling you?
• Define and interpret the slope in context. Does it have a
practical interpretation?
• Define and interpret the y-intercept in context.
• What is s telling you?
1. ŷ = 2.1495x+ 10.667
ŷ = predicted fuel consumption in pounds of coal
x = number of rail cars
2. 96.7 % of the varation is fuel consumption is explained by the
linear realtionship with the number of rail cars.
3. Slope = 2.1495. With each additional car, the fuel consuption
increased by 2.1495 pounds of coal, on average. This makes
practical sense.
4. Y-interpect = 10.667. When there are no cars attached to the
train the fuel consuption is 10.667 pounds of coal. This has no
practical intrepretation beacuse there is always at least one car,
the engine.
5. S= 4.361. On average, the model under predicts fuel
consumption by 4.361 pounds of coal using the least-squares
regression line.
We can use a regression line to predict the response ŷ for a
specific value of the explanatory variable x. The accuracy of
the prediction depends on how much the data scatter
about the line. Exercise caution in making predictions
outside the observed values of x.

Extrapolation is the use of a regression line for prediction

far outside the interval of values of the explanatory
variable x used to obtain the line. Such predictions are
often not accurate.
Outliers and Influential
• An outlier is an observation that lies outside the overall
pattern of the other observations.
• An observation is influential for a statistical calculation if
removing it would markedly change the result of the
• Points that are outliers in the x direction of a scatterplot
are often influential for the least-squares regression line.
• Note: Not all influential points are outliers, nor are all
outliers influential points.
Outliers and Influential

The left graph is perfectly linear. In the right graph, the last value was
changed from (5, 5) to (8, 5)…clearly influential, because it changed
the graph significantly. However, the residual is very small.
Correlation and
Regression Limitations
The distinction between explanatory and
response variables is important in regression.
Correlation and
Regression Limitations
Correlation and regression lines describe
only linear relationships.

Correlation and Regression
Correlation and least-squares regression
lines are not resistant.
Correlation and Regression
Association Does Not Imply Causation
An association between an explanatory variable x and a
response variable y, even if it is very strong, is not by itself
good evidence that changes in x actually cause changes in y.

A serious study once found that people

with two cars live longer than people
who only own one car. Owning three
cars is even better, and so on. There is a
substantial positive correlation
between number of cars x and length of
life y. Why?
Additional Calculations
& Proofs
Least-Squares Regression Line
We can use technology to find the equation of the least-
squares regression line. We can also write it in terms of the
means and standard deviations of the two variables and their

Equation of the least-squares regression line

We have data on an explanatory variable x and a response
variable y for n individuals. From the data, calculate the
means and standard deviations of the two variables and
their correlation. The least squares regression line is the line
ŷ = a + bx with
slope b=r and y intercept a = y − bx
Calculate the Least Squares Regression Line
Some people think that the behavior of the stock market in
January predicts its behavior for the rest of the year. Take the
explanatory variable x to be the percent change in a stock
market index in January and the response variable y to be the
change in the index for the entire year. We expect a positive
correlation between x and y because the change during
January contributes to the full year’s change. Calculation from
data for an 18-year period gives
Mean x =1.75 % Sx= 5.36% Mean y = 9.07%
Sy = 15.35% r = 0.596
Find the equation of the least-squares line for predicting
full-year change from January change. Show your work.
The Role of r 2 in Regression
The standard deviation of the residuals gives us a numerical
estimate of the average size of our prediction errors.

The coefficient of determination r2 is the fraction of the

variation in the values of y that is accounted for by the least-
squares regression line of y on x. We can calculate r2 using the
following formula:
r = 1−

SSE =  residual 2 SST =  ( yi − y ) 2

In practicality,
 just square the correlation r.
Accounted for Error
1 – SSE/SST = 1 –
r2 = 0.632
63.2 % of the
variation in
backpack weight is
accounted for by
the linear model
relating pack
weight to body
If we use the LSRL to make our predictions,
the sum of the squared residuals is 30.90.
SSE = 30.90
Unaccounted for Error
SSE/SST = 0.368

Therefore, 36.8% of
the variation in pack
weight is
unaccounted for by
the least-squares
regression line.
If we use the mean backpack weight as
our prediction, the sum of the squared
residuals is 83.87.
SST = 83.87
Interpreting a Regression Line
Consider the regression line from the example (pg. 164)
“Does Fidgeting Keep You Slim?” Identify the slope and
y-intercept and interpret each value in context.
fatgain = 3.505 - 0.00344(NEA change)

The slope b = -0.00344 tells

us that the amount of fat
 gained is predicted to go down
by 0.00344 kg for each added
calorie of NEA.

The y-intercept a = 3.505 kg is

the fat gain estimated by this
model if NEA does not change
when a person overeats.

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