L & T 25MM
L & T 25MM
L & T 25MM
Enathur Village & Post, Kancheepuram, 4000188067-08
34t2b?3 lo
Kancheepuram - 631561, lNDIA"
T el:O 44 -27 264323. F ax:444 -27 264392
Pressgre tes! . -
Type. Shell (Hydro) Seat (Air)
Value in bar (g) 30 7
Duration in Seconds 1R 15
Warranty: ltems supplied by L&T Valves Limited a€ warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 18 months from the date of
shipment from our mrks or 12 monlhs frcm lhe dale of commissioning, whichever is earlier. Our tiability under ihis warcnty shall be limited, at our option to repay
ihe purchase price. replac€ orrepair items returned to ourwoaks with our prior consent afler grepaying all charges. The war€nty does not cover anyolher
obligations or liability
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