Attestation D'etalonnage-Ts 06-5
Attestation D'etalonnage-Ts 06-5
Attestation D'etalonnage-Ts 06-5
Alger le 15.08.2018
G. Achour
OutGoing: TS06-5 / V2016.01 / 09 . 08.2018 / 00103-33492-00430-15377-954DO / ToI: V1.0
Date: 09-08-2018 08:07:25 Instrument No.: 1339751
Technician: GAlRAD Customer: KOU-GC
Notes: Outgoing test Test Result: PASS
OutGoing: TS06-5 / V2016.01 / 09.08.2018 / 00103-33492-00430-15377-954DO / ToI: V1.0
Date: 09-08-2018 08:07:25 Instrument No.: 1339751
Technician: GAlRAD Customer: KOU-GC
Notes: Outgoing test Test Resu1t: PASS
MO 000.0006 Ml 000.0007
M2 000.0007 M3 000.0004
MO 000.0006 Ml 000.0005
M2 000.0006 M3 000.0005
Xl 000.0012 X2 000.0011
Diff o cc , 2 cc , 2 cc
Diff M:2 cc
22. Stabi1ity of V collimation
Ml 100.0003
M2 100.0003
Diff o cc
23. Horizontal collimation
Co11imator Face l 166.5326
Collimator Face II 366.5339
Collimation4.6m -000.0008
Collimator Face l 166.5327
Collimator Face II 366.5336
Collim. infinity -000.0006
Collim. Diff. 000.0002
24. Tilting axis error with SW
Collimator Face l 166.5330
Collimator Face II 366.5341
Tilting axis error 000.0001
25. V coarse index, L coarse index, T coarse index
Collimator Face l 097.3943
Collimator Face II 297.3965
V Coarse index -002.6039
L Coarse index 008.2487
T Coarse index -000.8822
26. L factor, T factor
VI 099.9302 LI 000.0705
QI -000.0712
V2 100.0702 L2 -000.0693
Q2 000.0694
FL 1023 FQ 248
27 Factor T on L
LI 000.0002 QI -000.0693
L2 000.0008 Q2 000.0699
FQL 277
28. Factor L on T
LI -000.0694 QI 000.0005
L2 000.0004 Q2 000.0692
L3 000.0692 Q3 -000.0014
L4 -000.0002 Q4 -000.0701
FLQ 101
29. Inspecting tilt sensor
Peak Distance mean 10.90 10-12 Pixel
Max. Peak Difference 0.12 <1. 00/1. 00 pixel
Pixel Amplitude diff. 91. 0 >50 %
P to P Amplitude diff.: 96.9 >50 %
Pixel sharpness 81.1 >50 %
Swamp maximum 611 <2000 AOC
Clean1iness OK
30. Socket and contacts Manual test O.K.
31. Current consumption
Off : 0 mA ANG 220 mA
EDM : 240 mA
32. Monitoring voltage Manual test O.K.
33 . Display test, display illumination Manual test O.K.
34 . Keyboard test Manual test O.K.
35. Touchscreen test
No test necessary for this type of instrument.
36. Plug-in battery Manual test O.K.
37. USB Stick
Inserted Yes
38. IR Transmitter power
Las.Dark : 133
Las.D-RL : 187
IR : 288.0 uW
39. SR Transmitter power
SR 4212.0 uW
40. Frequency difference
Fcalc 100383404 Hz
OutGoing: TS06-5 / V2016.01 / 09.08.2018 / 00103-33492-00430-15377-954DO / Tol: V1.0
Date: 09-08-2018 08:07:25 Instrument No.: 1339751
Technician: GAIRAD Customer: KOU-GC
Notes: Outgoing test Test Resu1t: PASS
Fmeas : 100383400 Hz
Fdiff : 4 Hz
41. Sensitivity IR
SigMax : 519 ADC
42. Sensitivity SR
SigMax : 2.2351m / 1372 ADC
SigMax : 7.0609m / 252 ADC
43. Cal Signal
Cal IR 1826 ADC
Cal SR 2178 ADC
44. Crosstalk
IR 76 uV
SR 203 uV
45. Dynamic test
DIST 01 3.8942 m F/C
DI ST 02 3.8949 m F/C
DIST 03 3.8948 m F/C
DIST 04 3.8950 m F/C
DIST 05 3.8951 m F/C
DIST 06 3.8947 m F/C
DIST 07 3.8949 m F/C
DI ST 08 3.8950 m F/C
DI ST 09 3.8947 m F/C
DI ST 10 3.8949 m F/C
DI ST 11 3.8956 m F/C
DIST 12 3.8950 m F/C
DIST 13 3.8953 m F/C
46. Distance SR
DIST 3.8944 m F/C
DI ST 3.8944 m F/C
DIST 3.8944 m F/C
DIST 3.8943 m F/C
DI ST 3.8946 m F/C
Max Sig.: 1010 ADC
47. Dist after power On
No test necessary for this type of instrument.
48. EDM - Optical axis Manual test O.K.
49. EGL Measuring the diode output
No test necessary for this type of instrument.
50 . EGL Aligning the line of sight
No test necessary for this type of instrument.
51. Reading out Bluetooth
Name TS06-5 - 1339751
Addr 1343015c7a
52. Bluetooth Test
BT Test : 0012f30e8074: O.K.
53 . Set PitStop-Alert
Service Reminder : 09082019
54. Enter TPS condition
Problems in
OutGoing: TS06-5 / V2016.01 / 09.08.2018 / 00103-33492-00430-15377-954DO / ToI: V1.0
Date: 09-08-2018 08:07:25 Instrument No.: 1339751
Technician: GAlRAD Customer: KOU-GC
Notes: Outgoing test Test Resu1t: PASS
Tolerance: TS06-5/ V2016.01 /09.08.2018/00103-33492-00430-15377-95400/ Toi: V1 .0
Date: 09-08-2018 08:07:25 Instrument No.: 1339751
Technician: GAI RAD Customer: KOU -GC
Notes: Outgoing test Test Result: --
Tolerance: TS06-5/ V2016.01/ 09.08.2018/ 00103-33492-00430-15377-954DO / Toi: V1.0
Date: 09-08-2018 08:07:25 Instrument No.: 1339751
Technician: GAIRAD Customer: KOU-GC
Notes: Outgoing test Test Result:-
1"; '>89'
2": '>57'
Other: '>56'
1": '>89'
2": '>57'
Other: '>56'
27 Factor T on L
1": '>90'
2"; '>58'
Other: '>55'
28. Factor L on T
1"; '>74'
2": '>51'
Other: '>43'
29. Inspecting tilt sensor
No error message
30. Socket and contacts
31 . Current consumption
Off; '<2'mA
ANG: '<400'mA
EDM : '<500'mA
32. Monitoring voltage
<12.2V: Low Battery
11.0V: Instrument Off
33. Display test, display illumination
No elements faint
or absent
34. Keyboard test
Ali keys
must react
35. Touchscreen test
Dark: '>50'
40. Frequency difference
41. Sensitivity IR
42. Sensitivity SR
7m '>50'ADC
2m '>22'ADC
7m '>75'ADC
Tolerance: TS06-5/ V2016.01 /09.08.2018/00103-33492-00430-15377-95400/ Toi: V1 .0
Date: 09-08-201808:07:25 Instrument No.: 1339751
Technician: GAI RAD Customer: KOU-GC
Notes: Outgoing test Test Result: ----
2m '>5'AoC
7m '>30'AoC
43. Cal Signal
DR: '>1000'-'<3000'AoC
Ultra/Power: '> 1000'-'<3000'
44. Crosstalk
IR: '<300'uV
SR: '<450'uV
IR/SR '<450'uV
45. oynamic test
Compare distances
F/C --
46. Distance SR
Compare distances
F/C --
47 . oist after power On
No error message
48. EoM - Optical axis
tolerance circle
49. EGL Measuring the diode output
Red: '>200'-'<2500'uW
Yellow: '>140'-'<750'uW
55. Labelling
56. Reading out instrument data
Service Manual
-- Tolerance Adjust Theo--
O. Instrument Reset
oeletes ail Settings
1. Bull's-eye level
Within circle
2. Adjusting the reticle
1 line thickness
of reticle
3. Measure the tilting axis error
4. Saving the correction values trom the label
Identically with
values on sticker
5. Set PitStop-Alert
No error message
6. Adjusting the Hz-collimation error using the reticle
Finefocus: '<0.001'gon
Ergofocus: '<O.OO4'gon
7. Adjusting the V- coarse index, L- & T- coarse index