MyLabX9 AdvancedOperations E R02
MyLabX9 AdvancedOperations E R02
MyLabX9 AdvancedOperations E R02
February 2021
This manual details MyLab operations and describes the available optional
The manual is composed of the following sections:
Section 1: Advanced Features.
Section 2: Image Optimization.
Section 3: Measurements.
Section 4: Archiving.
Advanced tools, like 3D/4D, are described in dedicated and optional
In this manual system controls are indicated using the following graphical
The confirmation button is always indicated throughout the manual as EN TER , the
menu context button as UN DO .
Select/Click means positioning the cursor with the trackball over the desired
option and pressing EN TER to confirm.
Double click means positioning the cursor with the trackball over the desired
option and pressing EN TER twice.
Tap means touching with your finger the desired command on the touch screen.
WARNING In this manual WARNING identifies a risk for the patient and/or the
CAUTION The word CAUTION describes the precautions necessary to protect the
NOTE In this manual NOTE points out information of special interest but not
related to risks for patient, operator or device.
Be sure to understand and observe each of the cautions and warnings.
The MyLab systems have multiple configurations and feature sets. All are
described in this user manual but not every option may apply to your system.
System features are dependent on your system configuration, transducer, and
exam type. Not all the system features are approved in all Countries.
Keep the manual with the equipment for future reference.
All the information included in this manual is relative to the following Esaote
ultrasound equipments: MyLabX9.
In this manual, all the above mentioned systems are referred to as MyLabX9 or
Unless specifically noted, the sections of this manual pertain to all the
Table of Contents
1 Annotations................................................................................... 1-1
Free Text Annotations............................................................................... 1-2
By Sentence / By Word Annotations...................................................... 1-2
Glossary by Word.................................................................................... 1-2
Glossary by Sentence .............................................................................. 1-3
Editing and Relocating Annotations........................................................ 1-4
Annotations Configuration ....................................................................... 1-4
Settings for All Applications.................................................................. 1-5
Settings for a specific Application ........................................................ 1-5
Glossary Configuration ..................................................................... 1-6
Glossary Organization in the Touchscreen.................................... 1-7
2 Bodymarks.................................................................................... 2-1
Bodymark Activation ................................................................................. 2-1
Bodymarks Configuration ......................................................................... 2-3
Settings for a specific Application ........................................................ 2-3
Bodymark Configuration .................................................................. 2-4
Bodymark Organization in the Touchscreen................................. 2-4
5 Remote Service..............................................................................5-1
How to Access to Remote Service ...........................................................5-1
Pre Conditions..........................................................................................5-1
Network Connection...............................................................................5-2
Remote Service Connection ...................................................................5-2
7 QPack............................................................................................7-1
QPack Activation ........................................................................................7-1
QPack analysis on frozen clips ..............................................................7-1
QPack analysis on archived clips ...........................................................7-2
Touchscreen controls in QPack................................................................7-3
Intensity Curve .........................................................................................7-4
QPack deactivation ..................................................................................7-5
9 VPan ..............................................................................................9-1
VPan Acquisition.........................................................................................9-1
10 HyperDoppler..............................................................................10-1
Overview.................................................................................................... 10-1
Activation................................................................................................... 10-1
Procedure for frozen clips.................................................................... 10-1
Procedure for archived clips ................................................................ 10-2
Touchscreen controls in HyperDoppler ............................................... 10-3
HyperDoppler Deactivation ................................................................... 10-5
Appendix.................................................................................................... 10-7
Flux and vorticity................................................................................... 10-7
Shaded functions ................................................................................... 10-7
Steady Streaming.................................................................................... 10-8
1 - Annotations
Annotations function provides the capability to place comments and arrows
on an image to identify anatomical structures and locations.
Annotations can be activated typing a comment of free text by the QWERTY
keyboard (Free Text Annotations) and/or inserting pre-defined comments
from a glossary by pressing ABC (By Sentence or By Word Annotations).
Annotations can be inserted both in real time and in freeze, during
measurements, in Exam review and Archive review.
Annotations appear on all saved images and clips and on prints as well.
When Annotations are activated, the system displays the following
Fig. 1-1: Annotations
and the following controls (it may change depending on the type of selected
DELETE ALL cancels the whole edited text. The same button has to be pressed to cancel
the displayed text.
DELETE LAST WORD cancels the last edited text without exiting.
DELETE LINE cancels the whole row where the cursor is without exiting.
INSERT ARROW when pressed, it displays an arrow; rotating the knob, it rotates the arrow.
Place the arrow using the trackball and confirm the final position by pressing
the EN TER key.
SET HOME sets the default position (HOME) for the annotation cursor based on the
present position.
SCROLL when in By Sentence Annotation, this knob scrolls the list of words.
Glossary by Word
To select a word follow this procedure.
Procedure 1. Press ABC .
2. If necessary select the desired glossary by browsing the
navigation tabs.
Press ACTIO N to change function:
• When the word is yellow with cursor blinking it can be edited.
• When the word is yellow contoured by a frame it can be
placed on the screen moving the trackball.
• When the word is gray it is definitely placed.
6. Edit or place the word, then press Enter to confirm its
final position.
Glossary by Sentence
The sentence is composed of four words. On the touchscreen the system
displays the list of the available words, organized in columns: the first column
lists the available words for the first term of the sentence, the second column
for the second term and so on.
To select the words in the sentence:
Procedure 1. Press ABC .
2. If necessary select the desired glossary by browsing the
navigation tabs.
3. Tap on each word of the sentence to select it: the sentence is
displayed on the screen contoured by a frame. When the
available words are more than the displayable, you can scroll
each column rotating SCROLL.
4. The sentence is displayed on the screen contoured by a frame
(unless FIX is selected as First Cursor Action in the
Annotation Configuration Menu).
5. Move the trackball to place the sentence, then press Enter
to confirm its final position: the sentence is positioned and
the frame disappears.
Annotations Configuration
Refer to the “Getting Press M EN U then A N N O T to enter in the Annotations Configuration Menu. It
Started” manual for is organized in two main areas: the left side shows the list of all saved
information on the annotations, organized by applications, and the right side the glossary
configuration procedure. configuration menu.
Parameter Action
FONT SIZE It sets the font size.
AUTOMATIC WORD It enables the Automatic word recognition.
Moving a Word Select the word with the trackball and by keeping the EN TER key pressed,
move it in the desired position. Release EN TER to confirm.
Deleting a Word Place the cursor on the word to be removed and by keeping the EN TER key
pressed drop it into the waste bin.
2 - Bodymarks
Bodymarks are schematic drawings of anatomical sections. A vector overlays
the mark to indicate the probe position. Active bodymarks with probe
markers are displayed at the bottom left of the screen.
Bodymarks are organized in groups: each application has its specific set of
Bodymark Activation
Bodymarks can be activated both in real time, in Exam review and in Archive
review by pressing M ARK . Once activated, the touchscreen displays the group
of marks associated to the active application and preset while on the
Navigation Bar other anatomical districts are listed when available.
Tap on each tab to browse the marks available for other districts, rotate
APPLICATIONS (i.e. VASCULAR) knob at the bottom-right of the touchscreen
to browse the marks available with other applications.
Procedure 1. Press M ARK .
2. If necessary, change application and/or select the desired
bodymark library.
3. Select the bodymark on the touchscreen: the mark is
displayed on the screen. You can also rotate M ARK to change
4. If in Dual format, use the LEFT or RIGHT button to correctly
match the mark to the corresponding image.
5. Increase/decrease the dimensions of the bodymark rotating
SET HOME once the bodymark is selected to be moved on the image, this key sets the
default position (HOME) for the bodymark based on the current position.
DELETE BODYMARK exits without displaying any bodymark. The same button has to be pressed to
cancel the displayed mark.
Bodymarks can be added on archived images and sequences, but they are not
saved on retrieved images or clips.
Bodymarks Configuration
Refer to the “Getting Press M EN U then B O D Y M A R K S to enter in the Bodymarks Configuration
Started” manual for Menu. It is organized in two main areas: the left side shows the list of all saved
information on the bodymark libraries, organized by applications, and the right side the bodymark
configuration procedure. configuration menu.
NOTE When an application is selected, F A C T O R Y retrieves all factory bodymark
libraries and deletes all user customized bodymarks saved for that
Bodymark Configuration
To create a customized bodymark library, follow this procedure:
Procedure 1. using the trackball scroll the application list displayed on the
right and click on the desired combo to access the single
2. select the desired bodymark from the list on the right;
3. by keeping EN TER pressed, drag and drop the bodymark in the
desired position of the touchscreen;
4. bodymarks can be organized in different levels: select first
the desired P A G E using the trackball and then drag and drop
the bodymark in the desired page. Bodymarks organized in
more pages (or levels) can be scrolled swiping left/right on
the touchscreen.
5. Repeat the procedure to add other bodymarks.
Bodymark Organization in the Touchscreen
Bodymarks can be freely positioned within the touchscreen.
Moving a Bodymark Select the bodymark with the trackball and by keeping the EN TER key pressed
move it in the desired position. Release EN TER to confirm.
Deleting a Place the cursor on the bodymark to be removed and by keeping the EN TER
Bodymark key pressed drop it into the waste bin.
3 - Acquisition Protocols
This chapter explains how to create and configure protocols.
Configuration Menu
A protocol is a sequence of actions that can be defined by the user to support
procedures. A protocol is useful to:
make it easier the usage of the MyLab;
comply with clinical guidelines;
provide standard examination even if performed by different
A protocol is made of several sessions where each session is made of one or
more steps. Each step can be configured to do different actions.
The A C Q U I S I T I O N P R O T O C O L S option of the M EN U allows to access the
Acquisition Protocol Configuration menu.
The menu is organized in two main areas. The left side shows the list of
applications while the right side shows the list of protocols.
All saved protocols are organized by application.
Configuration To create a protocol, follow this procedure:
to create a completely new Acquisition Protocol, select the
desired application from the left list and press the N E W
to create a new Acquisition Protocol starting from an existing
one, select the desired protocol from the left list and press
the C L O N E button. When no protocol is selected, this button
is replaced by the N E W button.
When a protocol is selected, also the following buttons can be pressed:
E D I T to modify the selected protocol. Alternatively position the
cursor on the desired option and press EN TER twice to select it;
REMOVE deletes the selected protocol.
3. place the cursor on the STEP NAME field and using the
alphanumeric keyboard insert the desired step name;
4. select the desired action from the curtain menu. The first
step of every section is always SET ACQUISITION and only its
details can be modified (see next point);
5. press the D E T A I L S button to configure the proper parameters
for the selected action;
6. press the N E W S T E P button to create a new step. One or
more steps can be defined for each session;
7. once all steps and sessions have been defined, press V E R I F Y
P R O T O C O L to validate the protocol consistency from a
syntactic point of view. A feedback dialog will inform the result;
8. place the cursor on the NAME field and using the
alphanumeric keyboard enter the desired name for the
protocol and its description (N O T E S field);
9. press S A V E to save the protocol. Before saving, a protocol
verification is automatically done.
CANCEL exits the menu without saving the new protocol.
NOTE Use short strings both for session and step name since they are shown on
the main display as “Session name - Step name”.
Available Actions
Set Acquisition
This action allows to set the desired acquisition mode and its typical setting.
Fig. 3-2: Set Acquisition Windows
The desired measure can be selected from the list of measures available for
the current application. The measure list is divided in two main branches:
The ADD NEW MEAS ON SAME IMAGE allows to run other measures on the same
When STORE IMAGE and MEASUREMENT are selected, the measured image is
automatically saved in the archive (no click needed).
When completed, press O K to save the changes or C A N C E L to discard them.
Manage Annotations
This action allows to write on the image the selected text.
Fig. 3-4: Manage Annotation Windows
Fill the ANNOTATIONS TO BE ADDED field with the text to be displayed on the
screen. POSITION allows to specify where to add the previously defined
annotation (default is home).
When REMOVE ALL PREVIOUS ANNOTATIONS is selected, the annotations are
removed from the screen.
When completed, press O K to save the changes or C A N C E L to discard them.
Save Clip
This action allows to save a clip in the archive.
Only the SUMMARY field is present. No other controls are available.
When completed, press O K to save the changes or C A N C E L to discard them.
2. Press ETO UCH button;
3. Select the desired protocol on the touchscreen, the protocol
automatically starts.
On the bottom left of the screen are displayed both the actual session and
step (on the first row) and the next session (on the second row).
Pressing EN TER you can go ahead through the steps of the current session
while pressing UN DO you can skip to the next session.
4 - Security
The access to the system, particularly to protect the archive, can be reserved
to authorized users. In this case all users have to enter a password to use the
system and to access the archive data. The access under password allows a
secure management of the archive: its data can be reviewed and modified only
by authorized personnel.
This chapter provides information on the security features offered by MyLab
and how to define the list of the authorized users.
This chapter also describes the precautions implemented on MyLab and
suggested by Esaote to avoid attacks from viruses.
You can assign different accessing profiles to different system configurations.
If the security login described below is not enabled on your MyLab, at every
boot a reminder is displayed on the screen. The message can be disabled
selecting the related check-box avoiding further notifications.
Settings Tab
Only administrators can access this option.
Table 4-1: Settings available in Settings Tab
Field Action
INACTIVITY TIME Sets the inactivity time (in days) after which
DISABLING LOGIN (DAYS) the account automatically expires.
PASSWORD MINIMUM Sets the minimum number of characters for
LENGTH the password (maximum 20).
PASSWORD EXPIRATION Sets the time (in days) after which the
(DAYS) password expires.
LOCKING TIMEOUT Sets the time-out, after which the system is
(MINUTES) locked.
DISABLE EMERGENCY Disables the emergency access when
ACCESS checked.
DISABLE ACCESS Disables the security access when checked.
When security access has been enabled, the user authentication can be local
(LOCAL USER check-box selected) or centralized (LOCAL USER check-box not
For centralized authentication of the users it is mandatory to define a LDAP
(Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) Server: the user password and
permissions can be received from the LDAP server.
Fill the AD SERVER NAME with the desired server name or IP address.
Export Log EXPORT SECURITY LOG button saves on an external medium the security
log files. All configurations (Settings and Users) and the access security log
(see below) in the MYLABUSERMANAGEMENT folder are saved in the USB
medium. This procedure can be used to backup the security configuration, or
to copy it to another MyLab system with a compatible software release.
Users Tab
To access to the configuration menu press:
EDIT to modify the selected user profile;
NEW USER to add a new profile;
REMOVE to delete the selected user profile.
Table 4-2: Settings available in User Tab
Field Action
ENABLED TO MODIFY THE When checked, the user has full capabilities.
A user account is identified by USER NAME, LAST NAME, FIRST NAME and
NOTE The Last Name will be required by the system at the log in.
User Accounts
Two different user’s profiles can be defined:
user with full capabilities (ENABLED TO MODIFY THE
CONFIGURATION field checked);
In the first case the user can change all clinical and system settings; in the
latter case the user can NOT modify the following presets:
clinical settings (P R E S E T MANAGER button is not active);
real time settings (the option REAL TIME PRESETS of the
M EN U key is not displayed);
NORMAL with rights YES Can review and export all the data
to change configuration (EXAM and ARCHIVE REVIEW).
Emergency access allows to perform exams and review saved images in Exam
Review, but won’t allow to access the Archive (ARCHIVE key).
NOTE Emergency exams are automatically saved on the local archive. Only
authorized users can access these exams.
Log Out and Lock LOGOUT button is displayed in the Start Exam window. The system is set in
standby by pressing this key and can be reactivated by inserting user name and
password again.
LOCK button is displayed in real time, Exam Review and Archive Review
allowing to lock the system. The password is required to unlock the system.
User Menu The option CHANGE PASSWORD of the M EN U key allows the user to change
the user account.
Malware Infection
Malware can enter into a computer system when executing a program with a
viral payload. Such a program could be either intentionally or accidentally
executed. Normally MyLab does not allow to intentionally execute other
software programs than the pre-loaded ones: only exception occurs when
installing a printer.
While installing the printer, the MyLab system could require specific printer
drivers, if these are not already present, they should be requested to Esaote.
Besides these operations, MyLab can be considered a closed system. To ensure
the maximum level of security, auto-running software from removable
devices is disabled.
CAUTION Always and only use removable devices (USB, CD or DVD) with a safe
content (media produced and used only on systems protected by malware).
NOTE Any operation different from the ones described in the Operator manuals is
not authorized by Esaote. Any system malfunctioning caused by
unauthorized operations is considered as falling under the user’s
It is anyway advisable to close to the malware any possible access from the
data network: for this reason all unused network ports are closed in the MyLab.
To minimize the exposition to the threats coming from the network, medical
devices based on a networked computer system, like MyLab, should be
connected only to a properly managed data network, i.e. a network that is
carefully isolated from external networks through suitable firewalls and that
is not used to connect extraneous devices (such as laptops coming from
outside the department, etc.)1.
1. Refer for example to the USA Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Device Isola-
tion Architecture Guide, April 30, 2004, available at the HIMSS website: http://
2. Refer for example to Trend Micro Network VirusWall Enforcer or Firebox X Core
Unified Threat Management products or SonicWALL TZ products, or similar.
save a file containing the patient data related to the exported examinations.
This file can then be shared, displayed and modified by other users.
Saving images on removable media at regular intervals from initial use of the
system, enables the user to create a copy of the images produced with the
system and stored in the hard disk database.
NOTE Saving images on removable media can be used as backup but cannot be
considered a long-term archiving procedure, which requires a different
procedure and suitable means.
Wireless network
The integrated WiFi and Bluetooth adapter supports IEEE 802.11 ac/a/b/
g/n dual-band (2.4 and 5 GHz) transmission standards (automatically
selected), with WPA Personal or PSK (TKIP, AES) and WPA2 Personal or
PSK (AES) encryption schemes; Open and WEP networks are allowed but a
disclaimer suggests to use a more secure network, WPA Enterprise (Radius)
is not supported. The Bluetooth capability is not used by the software, and it
is disabled.
Bandwidth: according to the selected transmission standard, up to 300 Mbps.
The integrated WiFi adapter is the Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. QCNFA364A
and follows the China radio regulation, see the enclosed certificate.
Storage media
CD-R and DVD-R can be read;
CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD+RW can be read and written;
USB memory devices can be read and written.
All the formats supported by Windows 10 are admitted.
Storage format
Exam Data are available in the following formats:
DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in
Medicine): international standard for medical images and
related information (ISO 12052)
Esaote proprietary format UAF
The exam data can be exported in the following formats:
• PDF format
• Bitmap (.bmp)
• Portable Network Graphics (.png)
• Joint Photographic Expert (.jpg)
• Audio Video Interleave (.avi)
5 - Remote Service
This chapter describes how to access to the Remote Service offered by
When active, the Service personnel can remotely interact with the user and
with the system looking at the screen and at the files.
Pre Conditions
MyLab can be connected to the Remote Service only when:
the network has been configured (refer to the corresponding
chapter of this section for further information),
the system is connected to the network.
Network Connection
Before contacting the Service personnel, it is recommended to verify the
connection following the procedure below:
Procedure 1. Configure the network.
2. Connect the system to the network.
3. Select the R E M O T E SERVICE option of the M EN U key.
4. Press C H E C K C O N N E C T button. If the connection is
established the system will display the message:
Connection available.
NOTE The PIN numbers have a limited time validity: contact the personnel only
after having connected the system to the network.
2. Enter the two PIN numbers in the two central fields using
the alphanumeric keyboard.
3. Press C O N N E C T .
The system displays the following menu:
This menu allows to chat with the Service personnel: the bottom field can be
used to exchange information with the Service personnel.
Press either D I S C O N N E C T button or place the cursor on the Cross icon and
press EN TER to quit the Remote Service.
WARNING During the Remote Service session, the device MUST NOT BE USED for
diagnoses or for live scanning but for testing purposes only when requested
by the service personnel.
A wide range of Esaote probes can be equipped with optional kits for needle
guided insertion procedures.
WARNING Use only Esaote approved Needle Guides and accessories. Refer to the
“Probes and Consumables” manual for the complete list and for mounting
instructions. Not approved Needle Guides may not properly fit Esaote
probes thus compromising the patient’s safety and resulting in patient
MyLab, through the BIOPSY key, is able to display a guideline on the real-time
ultrasound image that shows the anticipated path of the needle. You can use
these guidelines to ensure that the needle is following the correct path.
BIOPSY is active only in B-Mode, in CFM and if the active probe is compatible
with an attachment kit.
When the probe in use supports a needle guide, BIOPSY key is enabled and
pressing it the biopsy procedure can be activated.
PC Carefully read the “Probe and Consumables” manual for detailed
information on how to properly and safely handle the probes, for
detailed instruction on how to properly and safely mount the Needle
Guide Adaptors and for detailed instruction for reprocessing of Needle
WARNING Biopsy procedures must be performed only on real time images. Do not
perform biopsy procedure if the needle is not visible. Never move the
needle when the image is frozen.
WARNING Mount the adaptor, following the instruction provided by the manufacturer
of the biopsy kit. Before inserting biopsy needle, ensure orientation groove
on bracket is aligned with orientation rib on probe handle.
WARNING Before performing the biopsy procedure, check for the correct assembly
and positioning of the biopsy kit. Also check that the insertion angle is
equal to the angle selected using the user interface software. Needle
insertion into a guide with an insertion angle other than the one of the
selected angle involves risks to the patient’s safety.
WARNING The guideline displayed on the image only provides an indication of the
expected needle path, according to the selected guide. Always watch the
ultrasound live image while inserting the needle into the patient’s body so
that any deviation from the desired path of the needle tip can be corrected.
WARNING Always verify that the whole needle working area, from its insertion point
up to target, doesn’t include anatomical structures that could be touched
and damaged, thus compromising the patient’s safety.
WARNING If the needle is not following the expected path, discontinue the procedure
and contact your Esaote representative.
WARNING Reverberation and tissue artifacts may produce false needle images which
can be mixed-up with the real needle image. Be sure the needle path
follows the guideline and that you are not using a false needle image to
locate the needle.
WARNING At certain scanning depths the needle insertion point or the needle itself
may not be displayed. In Dual formats the area where the needle is not
visible is larger. Always use scanning depths and displaying formats that
make the needle visible.
WARNING When scanning vascularized structures, display the needle guide working
area keeping the CFM mode active so that vessel can be detected and
avoided when inserting the needle. Once identified the optimal zone for
biopsy, turn CFM off to gain the maximum needle visibility.
11. Tap BIOPSY again to set the guide line to off and exit the pro-
12. Remove the needle guide after use.
For linear probes, when displaying the needle guide, REF LINE is available to
display, once tapped, a line in the center of the probe. At the same time the depth
measurement function is enabled.
Needle Length
As soon as the needle biopsy is displayed, the trackball is linked to a yellow
spot displayed in the middle of the needle working area.
The spot position provides the distance from the needle guide exit point to
the spot itself. The distance value is displayed above the image sector, on the
opposite site of the needle insertion point.
The trackball moves the cursor along the forecast needle path and the
distance value is automatically updated.
WARNING The displayed value indicates the distance from the kit exit point and the
spot itself. The kit length has to be added up to this distance to evaluate the
needle length required for biopsy.
the “Probes and Consumables” manual and by the manufacturer and, when
applicable, dispose of the items according to the local regulations.
Procedure 1. Assemble the needle guide on the probe, following the pro-
vided instructions.
2. Connect the probe to the system.
3. Start a new exam setting the image parameters for the opti-
mal view of the examination area and needle path.
4. Immerse the probe to the allowed limit (refer to the “Probe
and Consumables” manual) in a water tank.
5. Press BIOPSY, then, according to the probe and guide being
used, select, when necessary, the guide tapping the corre-
sponding button with the name of the kit (GUIDE NAME but-
6. When more that one insertion angle is available for the
selected needle guide, the available insertion angles will be
displayed beside the GUIDE NAME button (through ANGLE
DEGREE button indicating the angle values in degrees).
WARNING Before proceeding, be sure the kit has been correctly assembled and the
needle has been inserted into the guide corresponding to the selected
10. Insert the needle into the needle guide groove and move it
down into the water bath until its ultrasound image is visible
on screen.
11. Check that the needle, during insertion, follows the guideline
superimposed on the screen along the entire depth of the
WARNING If the needle is not following the expected path, discontinue the procedure
and contact your Esaote representative.
N° Tap the key to set the entry side of the needle (LEFT or RIGHT) and, according
LEFT/RIGHT with its inclination, rotate the knob to define the related steering angle (10°,
NOTE For the correct algorithm functionality it is mandatory to set the proper side
and angle before the needle insertion. Wrong settings of these parameters
can lead to emphasize anatomical structures and not the needle.
WARNING Please verify that when Needle Enhancement Imaging feature is active, the
anatomical structure and the biopsy target remain visible.
WARNING The enhanced needle algorithm works in a portion of the entire B-mode
image. The needle enhancement is intended to get evidence of the needle
trajectory once in tissue. This does not include the needle tip portion since,
due to different reasons, it can be outside of the enhanced image.
enhanced. Enable and disable the function (overlap control) to verify the
proper structure enhancement.
Biopsy Configuration
Refer to the “Getting Press M EN U then G E N E R A L SETUP then access the B I O P S Y folder.
Started” manual for
The BIOPSY VIEW TYPE curtain menu allows to set the type of needle guide line
information on the
to be superimposed on the image during biopsy procedures. The selection is
configuration procedure.
among a channel (BIOPSY CHANNEL VIEW), a single line (BIOPSY NEEDLE VIEW)
After selection you can confirm and save the settings (S A V E ) or exit the menu
without saving the settings (C A N C E L ).
7 - QPack
QPack (Quantification Curves) provides capabilities to evaluate time/
intensity curves of Doppler or CnTI signals within the organ under
CnTI (Contrast Tuned Imaging) is a technology dedicated to ultrasound
Contrast Media (CA). Refer to the dedicated section of Advanced Operation
manual for further information.
QPack Activation
QPack can be activated both on:
frozen clips,
archived clips saved in raw data format,
dual mode.
the mean signal intensity within the defined ROI for all
frames in the loop.
9. If necessary, repeat points 7 and 8 to add and analyze new
Patient breathing If you want to compensate for the movement of the lesion under
compensation investigation due to patient breathing, you can continue from point 6 of the
previous procedure as follows:
7. Tap MOTION CORRECTION to select the cine-loop you want
to analyze,
8. Define the motion correction ROI on the portion of the
image within which the lesion you want to analyze is assumed
to move due to breathing,
9. Tap PROCESS to start the motion compensation algorithm;
compensation will be applied to the entire clip. If
compensation fails, a message is displayed. In this case,
define the correction ROI again,
10. Define the calculation ROI on the portion of the image to be
analyzed within the correction ROI; you can draw the ROI
by ELLIPSE, by TRACE or by VERTEX, just follow the
instruction on the screen,
11. Tap CALCULATE to start the processing; the system calculates
the mean signal intensity within the defined ROI for all
frames in the loop,
12. If necessary, repeat points 10 and 11 to add and analyze new
LEFT TRIM changes the left and right extremes of the selected loop.
CHANGE LOOP At QPack activation, the clip is automatically segmented in loops each of
them consistent in term of depth, frequency and other image parameters.
Rotate the knob to select the loop you want to analyze.
SESSION Rotate the knob to change session; for each clip till five sessions can be
analyzed. Sessions can be enabled and renamed by accessing the QPack
Configuration Menu pressing M EN U then Q P A C K . Each session has its own
identity when added to the report.
ZOOM changes the scale factor of ultrasound image: ultrasound image only (FULL),
both ultrasound image and intensity curve where ultrasound image size can
be set to LARGE, MEDIUM or SMALL.
PLAY PLAY and STOP share the same key. PLAY shows the sequence of stored
STOP images in cine mode while STOP stops the cine presentation of the clip.
Intensity Curve
When the QPack analysis has been processed, the system displays a curve
representing the mean signal intensity within the defined ROI for all frames
in the loop. X axis represents the elapsed time from previous frame while Y
axis the intensity itself.
Once the ROI has been placed, it can be modified moving the blue arrow cursor
with the trackball and clicking on each anchor point.
On top-left of the screen, information on ROI and intensity curve are displayed, as
well as measurements made automatically on the curve:
AUC Area Under the Curve
TTP Time To Peak
WOT Wash Out Time
A vertical cursor moves on the curve along the X axis by rotating the trackball
indicating the position in time of the frame displayed and its intensity value.
When more than one ROI has been drawn, more than one curve is displayed
and each curve color corresponds to the related ROI. In the same way, the
values displayed on top-left are grouped and identified with the same color.
Press IM AGE to save a screenshoot.
QPack deactivation
Tap QPACK to exit the QPack environment.
The screen content of MyLab can be replicated on external devices to be
shared with observers. Screen sharing can be done:
connecting an external second monitor to MyLab;
streaming the video on any device connected to the same
Also MyLab keyboard can be duplicated on an external device (i.e. a PC or a
tablet) for remote controls purposes.
Second monitor
MyLab systems have a mini display port allowing the connection of a
secondary external HDMI or digital DVI monitor.
NOTE Refer to the safety requirements detailed on Getting Started manual before
connecting any external monitor and any peripheral device.
Physical clone
When the external monitor supports the same resolution of MyLab systems
(1920x1080), the image on the external monitor is displayed exactly as it
appears on MyLab monitor. This means that what you can see on MyLab can
be seen exactly on the external monitor.
Smart clone
If the external monitor supports a resolution different (higher or lower) from
the MyLab systems, the image is adapted to the different resolution. When this
happens, a message on MyLab screen will inform you, and, depending on the
resolution of the external monitor, horizontal and/or vertical black bars
could be added to the image.
NOTE When in smart clone, the pop-up messages displayed on MyLab screen
cannot be displayed on the external monitor.
Streaming video and MyLab Remote settings can be accessed by pressing M EN U
then E P O R T A L where three tabs are available: W E B P O R T A L , S T R E A M I N G
and M Y L A B R E M O T E .
The first two rows show the ADDRESS of MyLab in two ways: as IP address
(first row) and as computer name (second row). At the right side the same
information is displayed as QR code. Use one of them to access the remote
content in your browser both streaming and MyLab Remote.
STREAMING PASSWORD is the password necessary to remotely access the
streaming. It will be required by your browser to start the connection. The
password is randomly generated by each MyLab but it is strongly advised to
modify it on the first access. Keep pressed on the eye on the box to the left
to show the password and edit it. Confirm the password on the box to the
REMOTE PASSWORD is the password necessary to enable remote control of
MyLab through MyLab Remote. The password is randomly generated by each
MyLab but it is strongly advised to modify it on the first access. Keep pressed
on the eye on the box to the left to show the password and edit it. Confirm
the password on the box to the right.
MAX CLIENT NUMBER is the maximum number of connections that can be
established. In order to preserve bandwidth, the maximum available number
is 5, but you can reduce this number if you want.
NOTE A maximum of 5 devices can be connected at the same time to preserve the
Streaming tab
Fig. 8-3: Streaming tab
When ENABLE STREAMING is checked, you can stream what you can see on
MyLab monitor on the network. Be aware that by enabling the streaming, the
video signal will be replicated on the external devices connected to MyLab.
Take care that on these external devices the examination and the patient data
are visible and they could be digitally recorded. To preserve patient’s privacy
you can check the ENFORCE PRIVACY option to avoid that patient data are
When FULL SCREEN STREAMING is checked, both the ultrasound image and
the related information on the screen are streamed, while, when US REGION
STREAMING is checked, only the ultrasound image is streamed.
If your network has a narrow bandwidth, you can decrease the FRAMES PER
SECOND number (15 is the maximum number allowed) and the JPEG QUALITY
to optimize the image flow.
Procedure 1. Check ENABLE STREAMING in Streaming tab,
2. Tap STREAM on the touchscreen, MyLab starts to stream the
ultrasound image,
3. Put the MyLab IP address and the streaming password in the
address bar of the browser of your remote device to begin
the connection.
NOTE Remember that the streaming flow (images and video) can be recorded.
Preserve privacy of the patient.
NOTE When you switch from cabled network to Wi-Fi or vice versa, you have to
access the Web Portal tab to get the updated IP address to be used on your
web browser for streaming purposes.
You can disable MyLab Remote at any time tapping REMOTE again.
WARNING Whenever MyLab Remote does not manage the MyLab unit as desired, use
MyLab unit physical keyboard that must be always accessible.
WARNING Do not use tablet with screen size less than 10”.
WARNING Do not use MyLab Remote if the iPad has been jailbreaked.
NOTE When you switch from cabled network to Wi-Fi or vice versa, you have to
access the Web Portal tab to get the updated IP address to be used on your
web browser for streaming purposes.
WARNING Any incoming call shall disconnect the equipment with the MyLab.
WARNING Use a protective sterile sheath for tablet when in a sterile environment.
In the case tablet is used in sterile environment, a sterile sheath for tablet is
provided by Protek (
WARNING Put your tablet in airplane mode with enabled Wi-Fi when using MyLab
Remote in surgery room or in proximity of lifesaving devices.
WARNING During the use of MyLab Remote, tablet must not be connected nor to its
battery charger nor to USB ports.
Camera streaming
When streaming video or MyLab Remote are active, you can overlap on them
a video live streamed by an optional camera connected to MyLab. The buttons
below are available only when a camera is connected to MyLab.
Tap CAMERA STREAM in the Stream tab to start the camera streaming: the
video camera output is sent over the network and you can see it on an external
computer using a web browser. Tap SHOW INFO to know the IP address and
related information for the connection.
Tap CAMERA PIP in the Stream tab to start the camera streaming: the video
camera output is displayed as Picture-in-Picture (PiP).
Rotate PIP SIZE to change the size of the overlapped image.
The position of the camera is fixed, so we recommend that you check the
default position of body mark, measurements and annotations.
WARNING The streamed video contains pictures of the patient that are not
Tap IMAGE or CLIP to save an image or clip with camera image overlapped.
9 - VPan
VPan allows to acquire B-Mode images on extended surfaces. The final image
is composed of consecutive frames placed side by side so that the whole
surface can be reconstructed.
NOTE Do not use the VPan acquisition in structures having black areas or in
moving structures.
VPan Acquisition
The panoramic acquisition can be activated in real time at any time by tapping
VPAN in the touchscreen tools section. VPan can be used with all the imaging
probes except the phased array and the transesophageal probes.
Procedure 1. Place the probe on one end of the area to be scanned. The
probe lens should be as parallel as possible to the scanning
2. Adjust the B-Mode image.
NOTE Adjust the controls so that the image results “filled” with echo signal,
minimizing the empty space.
CENTERED Both the reconstructed image and the reference frame are shown and the
reference frame is centered on the screen.
CURVED Both the reconstructed image and the reference frame are shown and the
reconstructed image is centered on the screen.
6. Press ACQ UIRE to start the panoramic acquisition. The system
automatically identifies the probe direction (from left to right
or vice versa).
7. During VPan scanning, move the probe slowly and with a
constant velocity along the scanning area.
Fig. 9-1: Probe movement
WARNING During acquisition on a flat surface the probe must be moved along an axis
which is parallel to the surface itself (as shown in the figure above). If the
probe is moved around a curve surface, be sure that the contact between the
probe and the surface always occurs on the terminal end of the probe. If the
contact changes during the acquisition overlaid images could be produced.
At the end of the acquisition the system automatically freezes and displays the
VPan image: you can immediately check if the image has been correctly
reconstructed and if there are distortions or misalignments. Should this be the
case, repeat the acquisition.
Exam End
To exit the VPan acquisition, press again VPAN in the touchscreen tools
FILTER modifies the filter applied to the panoramic image, increasing or decreasing
the smooth. The selected filter setting is stored: it will be automatically used
for next panoramic image reconstruction.
REF FRAME allows to change the screen presentation. Tap it then rotate the FORMAT
knob to select the way of visualization of the reference image among:
DUAL the reference frame is displayed to the right of the VPan
SMALL the reference frame is displayed below the VPan image with
small size.
MEDIUM the reference frame is displayed below the VPan image with
medium size.
FULL only the reference frame is displayed with full size.
Unless in full screen, the whole panoramic image is displayed, reduced by the
factor indicated beside the gray scale, and the single reference frame is
displayed into a box. The trackball moves the yellow line on the panoramic
image and allows to scroll it frame by frame.
ZOOM changes the magnified factor. When the zoomed image exceeds the image
area, a box is displayed beside the zoomed image indicating which part of the
panoramic image is displayed on the screen. The trackball pans the image and
allows to scroll it frame by frame.
Both generic and specific measurements can be performed on a VPan image.
The frame visualization is suggested to perform measurements.
WARNING A poor image quality can considerably twist and degrade the measure
accuracy: it is strongly suggested not to perform measurements on twisted
and misaligned images.
WARNING This symbol is displayed on the screen when in frame visualization. The
symbol indicates that the VPan image may not be optimal for the reporting
10 - HyperDoppler
HyperDoppler is a tool intended for the investigation of the intra-cardiac
flows in humans to provide a better understanding of cardiac physiological or
pathological state.
HyperDoppler is able to derive information related to the intra-cardiac flow
formation by processing Color Doppler (CFM) clips and ECG trace.
WARNING This tool is not intended for diagnostic purposes. Therefore, diagnosis
performed relying only on HyperDoppler findings is not allowed.
Each diagnostic statement must be based on the evaluation of the results that
can be obtained with the standard B-Mode, M-Mode, Doppler (CW / PW)
and CFM methods following the guidelines and the current best clinical
HyperDoppler can be activated on:
frozen clips acquired with the ECG trace,
archived clips acquired with the ECG trace and saved in raw
data format.
5. Press FREEZE;
PLAY PLAY and STOP share the same button.
PLAY shows the sequence of images belonging to the selected cardiac cycle in
cine mode, while STOP stops the cine presentation of the clip.
FIRST FRAME automatically sets the current position at the begin of the sequence.
LAST FRAME automatically sets the current position at the end of the sequence.
CENTER IMAGE when selected, the ultrasound image with superimposed HyperDoppler
analysis is displayed as shown in the picture below.
Fig. 10-1: HyperDoppler analysis - center image selected
PRESSURE GRADIENT when selected, beside the ultrasound image with HyperDoppler analysis,
IMAGE additional maps are displayed:
STEADY IMAGE when selected, the Steady Image is displayed beside the ultrasound image.
STEADY IMAGE MAP selects which map is used for the Steady Image.
SHOW ARROWS when selected, arrows showing blood flow direction and intensity are
displayed on the ultrasound CFM image.
When not selected, the US Image Map is superimposed on the ultrasound
image and two additional touchscreen controls are displayed:
TRANSPARENCY changes the value of transparency for superimposed US
Image Map;
US IMAGE MAP selects which map is superimposed on the ultrasound image.
ARROW LENGTH Rotate the knob to change the length of the arrows displayed on the
ultrasound image. Arrows on ultrasound image show blood flow direction
and intensity improving the perception of blood motion.
DUST MODE ON When on, arrow position moves with the local flow to improve the
DUST MODE OFF perception of blood motion.
SAVE saves a clip of the duration of a cardiac cycle with vortex data necessary for
HYPERDOPPLER processing in external tools.
DENSITY Rotate the knob to change the density of the arrows: the lower is the value,
the higher is the number of arrows displayed.
MODIFY CONTOUR allows to modify the ED border without exiting the HyperDoppler.
VELOCITY FILTER activates/deactivates (ON/OFF) filters on velocity to reduce the noise effect.
HyperDoppler Deactivation
Tap HYPERDOPPLER or press FREEZE to exit the HyperDoppler analysis.
HyperDoppler Configuration
To customize the HyperDoppler, press M EN U , then H Y P E R D O P P L E R on the
System Settings area to access the configuration menu, and then E D I T to
modify the settings.
The tables below list the available settings.
The image on the right gives an image preview of the setting changed.
SAVE saves the settings so that they are immediately active.
Fields Action
Fields Action
DENSITY Here you can set the default value for density. The
value can be changed through the knob during an
HyperDoppler analysis.
ARROW LENGTH Here you can set the default value for arrow length.
The value can be changed through the knob during
an HyperDoppler analysis.
TRANSPARENCY Here you can set the default value for transparency.
The value can be changed through the knob during
an HyperDoppler analysis.
Flux and vorticity
The two-dimensional velocity vector field vx(x,y,t), vy(x,y,t) is evaluated from
Doppler velocity field.
Vorticity (a scalar function) is defined as the curl of velocity ω(x,y,t)= ∂vx/∂y-
∂vy/∂x; it represents the regions of local rotation (in a loose sense the regions
with higher shear stress).
Streamfunction ψ(x,y,t) is the inverse Laplacian of the vorticity, computed by
the solution of , and can be considered as a smoother version of the
2 p x 2 y x
x y ,
Shaded functions
The positive/negative vortex is defined as the compact region about the
vortex center (identified by the point where the streamfunction takes its
maximum/minimum value) where the value is larger than 50% of the
maximum value. Its area is normalized with respect to the LV area, its
strength is the circulation, i.e. the integral of the vorticity inside the vortex,
normalized with the total vorticity.
Steady Streaming
These quantities can also be presented as steady-streaming fields. The steady
streaming (heartbeat average) flow field is computed to evaluate the overall
circulatory pattern in the LV during one heartbeat. This picture can be
considered as a sort of fingerprint of the LV flow.
Every quantity, like the vorticity, for example, can be expressed in time-
Fourier series as
Refer to the system The ECG cable supplied by Esaote are 3-Lead ECG Cable (Black, yellow and
documentation for ECG red colors) and includes leads which are equipped with a pliers terminal.
The ECG cables are compliant to both IEC (International Electrotechnical
Commission) and AHA (American Heart Association) standards.
A pediatric version of ECG cable is also available.
Each button electrode can be used with the ECG cable. Esaote recommends
using disposable Ag/AgCl electrodes. Read the manufacturer’s instructions
carefully for the correct use of the electrodes.
NOTE Esaote recommends to replace the ECG cable if there are breaks or slits.
WARNING Never clean or disinfect the ECG cable when it is still connected to the
Equipment The equipment listed in the following table will be necessary for periodic
maintenance procedures.
Johnson&Johnson Ltd.
Registered brand. Agent Destined for
Solution of mild soap and water Cleaning the ECG cable and leads
CAUTION Do not immerse the ECG cable. The ECG cable is not waterproof. To
disinfect the ECG pliers (that are attached to the electrodes) immerse only
the pliers and a part of the leads (closest to the pliers) in the disinfection
solution. Do not allow the connector of the ECG cable to become wet.
Table of Contents
Basic Controls .......................................................................................... 1-1
Advanced Controls.................................................................................. 1-6
Controls in Freeze ................................................................................. 1-10
EasyMode ............................................................................................... 1-11
Joystick controls..................................................................................... 1-11
Right Joystick .................................................................................... 1-11
Left Joystick ...................................................................................... 1-12
B-Mode Display Optimization ............................................................... 1-12
B-Mode provides two-dimensional images of body organs taken by
ultrasound scan.
Activation of B-Mode
The system automatically enters in B-Mode each time a new exam is started.
B-Mode format can be re-displayed from any other mode using the B key.
Controls in B-Mode
When in real time the touchscreen provides two menu levels: Basic Controls
to manage exam flow and Advanced Controls for an advanced image
management. Swipe left/right to switch from Basic to Advanced level. It is
suggested to use Advanced Controls only if you are aware of their functions.
The lower line of control is associated to six knobs. These knobs are usually
shared by two controls: the blue one is the active one, whose value can be
changed rotating the knob, while the other control can be made active by
tapping it.
As an alternative to those two levels, EASYMODE provides controls to manage
the image parameters in a simplified way.
When in freeze, dedicated controls are displayed on the touchscreen.
Additional controls are associated to the Joysticks.
On the left of the touchscreen are listed the available presets.
Basic Controls
BIOPSY This key is displayed if the active probe supports a needle guide. Refer to the
specific section in this manual for detailed information on a correct use of the
needle guides in biopsy procedures.
CNTI This key is displayed if the CnTI option has been enabled for examinations
with contrast media. Refer to the specific section in this manual for detailed
ESCAN When active, it allows to automatically adjust imaging parameters without the
need to repetitively press AUTO . When ESCAN is enabled AUTO is disabled.
CVX/LIN selects the transducer (linear or convex) to be used when the transrectal probe
is active.
DYN COMPR DYN RANGE and DYN COMPR share the same knob; tap it to toggle between
DYN RANGE the two controls, rotate it to increase/decrease the value of the selected
control (represented in blue).
DYN COMPR controls the Dynamic Compression darkening the
hypoechogenic areas and changing image contrast. The higher the selected
value, the greater the contrast.
DYN RANGE controls the Dynamic Range changing the overall contrast value.
Decreasing Dynamic Range shows more shades of gray onto the same display
scale reducing the overall contrast. Increasing Dynamic Range reduces the
amount of gray displayed increasing the overall contrast.
These commands are mainly subjective and patient-dependent.
SCAN CORRELATION SCAN CORRELATION and SIZE share the same knob; tap it to toggle between
SIZE the two controls, rotate it to increase/decrease the value of the selected
control (represented in blue).
SCAN CORRELATION combines the classic frame averaging algorithm with
advanced beam forming and motion detection algorithms to reduce the
dragging effect and improve the image fluidity. Rotate the knob to change the
value. For certain values of Scan Correlation, IMOTION is active. Advanced
controls are available through SCAN CORREL SETTINGS key in the Advanced
Controls level of touchscreen. When MVIEW is activated the knob changes the
MView values.
SIZE widens or narrows image field of view. Rotate the knob to narrow/
widen the angle. Reduce it as much as possible to maximize frame rate; the
smaller the angle, the greater the number of images per second, providing a
better view of rapidly moving structures, such as valves.
EASY TRACE When active, after LIN E and PW pressure, automatically sets the best sample
volume positioning for the vessel under examination.
FREQ FUNDAMENT and TEI share the same knob; tap it to toggle between the two
FUNDAMENT controls, rotate it to increase/decrease the frequency (FREQ) value of the
TEI selected control (represented in blue).
Change the frequency of the transmitted ultrasound signal to optimize for the
patient under exam. Rotate the knob until the desired frequency value is
selected (PEN for optimal penetration, RES for optimal resolution, GEN for the
best balance between resolution and penetration).
Tissue Enhanced Imaging (TEI) improves the clarity of the image by
reducing the acoustic noise. Because of the non-linear response of tissues to
ultrasound energy, TEI may require higher acoustic emissions
compared with conventional imaging; the use of this mode is
recommended especially for patients with difficult acoustic windows.
MVIEW MView combines three or more images acquired with different steering
angles into a single image. MView is available with Linear and Convex Array
probes. MView enhances contrast resolution with a better tissue
differentiation and a clear visualization of organ borders and structure
margins. Tap the key to activate/deactivate MView. Alternative controls are
available through IMOTION in the Advanced Controls level of the
WARNING MView may generate artifacts on the sector sides, particularly when
scanning cavities. Place the area under exam in the middle of the scanning
NEEDLE ENHANCE This key is displayed when the biopsy has been activated. Refer to the
specific section in this manual for detailed information on a correct use of
the needle guides in biopsy procedures.
POWER changes the transmitted power. Tap the key to open the following sub-menu:
FACTORY resets the transmitted power at the default value.
HALF sets the transmitted power at 50% of the maximum value.
MAX sets the transmitted power at maximum.
POWER% Rotate this knob clockwise/counterclockwise to increase/
decrease the transmitted power by steps of 10%.
BACK goes back to main menu keeping the modifications.
WARNING Use the minimum power compatible with a diagnostic level of the images.
If there is insufficient sensitivity, make sure the gain, focal point and probe
frequency have been correctly set before increasing the power.
TPVIEW On selected Convex, Linear Array and Phased Array probes, tapping this key
activates the trapezoidal view, providing a larger field of view in the far field.
NOTE TPView is available only if the selected probe manages the trapezoidal
When TPView is selected with the Phased Array probe, the Continuous
Wave Doppler (CW key) cannot be activated. Deselect the TPView mode to
activate the CW analysis.
WARNING The probe’s field of view is enlarged by steering the ultrasound beam. The
steering might cause some artifacts.
TVM When the cardiac application is active, this key enables Tissue Velocity
Mapping to display heart walls motion. This modality is available with specific
probes. Refer to “Color Doppler Controls and Optimization” chapter further
in this section.
XVIEW The XView algorithm reduces the unwanted effect of speckle in the
ultrasound image due to noise and movement artifacts. Rotate the knob to
activate the XView algorithm and change its value from off (--) to C# values
and then to +# for XView+ values.
Advanced customization is available in the Advanced Controls level of
Also available in Freeze.
XFLOW Refer to “Color Doppler Controls and Optimization” chapter further in this
section for detailed information on use.
Advanced Controls
B-STEER steers the sector. Available with Linear Array probes only.
AUTOADJUST opens a sub-menu where you can enable ESCAN or change the optimization
SETTINGS analysis type rotating AUTOGAIN OFFSET.
AVF makes the focus positioning automatic, improving the focus management.
When pressed, all controls related to focus management are disabled.
CLIP SETTINGS When this key is pressed, the system displays the following sub-menu keys:
Available also in Freeze.
CLIP SEC This knob allows to change the clip duration in real time.
When the duration of the clip is set to unlimited, its
acquisition ends when CLIP is pressed.
CLIP CYCLE When ECG is ON, it allows to change the clip trigger
method into seconds instead of cycles.
BACK goes back to main menu keeping the modifications.
COLORIZE This knob changes the gamma of color for the gray scale to enhance the
discrimination capabilities for B-Mode and M-Mode images or Doppler
Rotate the knob to change its value.
Available also in Freeze.
DENSITY This knob optimizes lateral resolution for the best possible image quality.
ENHANCEMENT This knob enhances the edges of boundaries to emphasize tissues interface.
ESPEED Ultrasound devices assume that sound waves travel at a speed of 1540 m/sec
through the tissue. In realty, the speed of sound is affected by the density and
the elasticity of the medium through which it is traveling and these factors are
not constant for human tissues.
This knob, available with selected probes and applications, changes on-the-
fly the speed of sound providing a better focusing when ultrasound
FOCUSES # This knob changes the number of active focuses in transmission, increasing
resolution for a specific area. Rotate the knob clockwise/counterclockwise
to increase/decrease the number of focal zones. A graphic caret
corresponding to the focal zone position(s) is displayed on the side of the
image. The frame rate decreases if more than one focal point is active.
NOTE Several transmitting focuses can be activated; in this case, the relative
distance between focuses is pre-established.
GRAY MAP # offers different gray scales for the B-Mode image presentation, ranging from
minimum to maximum contrast. Rotate the knob to change gray map. Define
the gray map before changing other parameters.
Also available in Freeze.
Tapping this key the system displays the following controls:
GRAY M This knob selects the desired post-processing curve: the
number corresponds to the active curve.
CENTER This knob moves the center of the curve to the left or to the
REJECT This knob reduces the noise in the image modifying the
rejection factor that is the level below which echoes will not
be amplified.
SATURATION This knob modifies saturation.
SLOPE This knob changes the curve slope.
PEAK This knob increases or decreases the curve peak.
BACK goes back to main menu keeping the modifications.
LVO This key activates the Left Ventricular Opacification (LVO) that is an
optional license available in Cardiac application with Phased Array probes.
LVO enhances Ventricle Structures exploiting the presence of Intravenous
Contrast Agents.
PHYSIO When the ECG is available, this key allows to display the ECG trace and/or
the EDR trace.
ECG trace has no diagnostic purposes but it is used to identify certain points,
such as diastole and systole, where to take measurements. In addition, the R
wave of the ECG QRS complex is used as reference for the 2D and/or
2D+CFM trigger clip acquisition of entire cardiac cycles. On the ECG trace
displayed on the screen, the point where the system identifies the R wave is
pointed with a marker. MyLab can be set to acquire in a perspective or
retrospective way. ECG synchronism is necessary for stress-echo clip
acquisition and XStrain processing.
EDR is a special algorithm retrieving information about patient breathing
detected by the ECG electrodes on minor movements during the inspiration/
expiration phases.
NOTE MyLab displays on the screen one of the peripheral leads (I, II, III). The
ECG trace is not intended for diagnostic purposes but it is provided as
temporal reference for the physician or as an automatic synchronization to
acquire clips gated on the ECG’s R wave.
After PHYSIO tapping, ECG and EDR related keys are managed in two
different tabs, PHYSIO and PHYSIO EDR, where the following controls are
ECG ON/OFF enables/disables the ECG trace visualization on the screen
and the related additional controls.
EDR ON/OFF enables/disables the breathing trace visualization on the
screen and the related additional controls.
GAIN This knob modifies the amplitude of the signal. Available
both for ECG and EDR.
HEIGHT This knob changes the height of the area to display the trace.
Available both for ECG and EDR.
POSITION This knob moves the trace on the screen. Available both for
ECG and EDR.
INVERT ECG flips the ECG trace up/down.
LEAD This knob exchanges the ECG limb lead electrodes.
BACK goes back to the real time menu.
WARNING Do not use the physiological trace displayed on the screen for diagnosis or
NOTE The breathing trace is not available with ElaXto, Stress-echo, CMM,
QIMT, and 3D/4D.
SCAN CORREL Tap the key to open the menu for dynamic imaging and MView:
MVIEW enables/disables MView.
NUMBERS Each key selects a different dynamic imaging or MView
value when MVIEW is activated.
BACK goes back to main menu keeping the modifications.
XVIEW Tapping this key opens the menu for XView advanced settings.The menu
displays on the right side of the touchscreen the following controls:
XVIEW+ changes the menu on the center of the touchscreen
showing the XView+ settings.
XVIEWC changes the menu on the center of the touchscreen
showing the XView settings.
OFF disables the active XView
Controls for XView+ XVIEW knob changes the XView filter applied.
+# selects the XView alghorithm to be set.
DEFAULT knob restores the default values
Controls for XViewC XVIEW knob changes the XView filter applied.
Controls in Freeze
FRAME FRAME and SPEED share the same knob and are only available in Freeze; tap
SPEED it to toggle between the two controls.
Rotate FRAME to scroll the sequence frame by frame.
Rotate SPEED to increase/decrease the velocity for reviewing the sequence.
FIRST FRAME automatically sets the current position at the begin of the sequence. Only
available in Freeze.
LAST FRAME automatically sets the current position at the end of the sequence. Only
available in Freeze.
PLAY PLAY and STOP share the same button and are only available in Freeze.
PLAY shows the sequence of stored images in cine mode while STOP stops the
cine presentation of the clip.
EasyMode provides an easy way to optimize image parameters by quickly
operating with three simple sliders.
Tapping EASYMODE opens a menu with three sliders, each of them changes
different image settings that act in opposite manner on the image:
Resolution Vs Penetration. Changing the level increases/
decreases the resolution affecting the penetration. It manages
many parameters automatically, mainly the frequencies and
the enhancement.
Contrast Vs Soft. Changing the level increases/decreases the
contrast of the image. It manages many parameters
automatically, mainly the image dynamics.
Smooth Vs Sharp. Changing the level increases/reduces the
level of homogeneity of the image. It manages many
parameters automatically, mainly the XView algorithm.
Slide directly the cursor on the touchscreen or rotate the corresponding knob
to change value.
In EasyMode environment tap TEI to enable/disable TEI mode. Sliders can
be set independently when in Fundamental and TEI.
Joystick controls
Each Joystick provides multiple controls to optimize image.
Right Joystick
Moving RIGHT JO YSTICK up and down moves the focal zone(s) increasing the
resolution and sensitivity of a specific area of the 2D.
Focus position can be also moved by trackball.
Rotate RIGHT JO YSTICK clockwise to increase the scanning depth and visualize
deeper structures. Rotate it counterclockwise to decrease the scanning depth
and not display useless part of the image at the bottom.
When in freeze, rotating RIGHT JO YSTICK scrolls the sequence frame by frame
Left Joystick
Rotate clockwise LEFT JO YSTICK to enlarge the B-Mode Area. For the first two
steps the enlarged image is entirely displayed on the screen, than, due to the
zoom factor, the image is crop; now the image is contoured by a frame and
you can use the trackball to pan the image inside the displaying area. Rotate
counterclockwise LEFT JO YSTICK to decrease zoom factor.
Press LEFT JO YSTICK to activate High Definition Zoom (HD Zoom) that
offers a superior definition of the image to be enlarged.
HD Zoom 1. Position the HD Zoom ROI.
2. To change the size of the ROI, press ACTIO N . Change the size
using the trackball.
3. Rotate clockwise LEFT JO YSTICK to enlarge the area inside the
When the zoom is activated, a zoom navigation window can be displayed on
the screen.
The yellow box in the zoom navigation window represents where the part of
the displayed zoomed image is positioned inside the whole image and its
Zoom navigation window can be enabled checking SHOW ZOOM REFERENCE
WINDOW in the Application Preset tab within the General Setup of M EN U .
Pressing it automatically adjusts both the overall gain and TGC distribution
improving the contrast resolution of the image. The activation is indicated on
the screen by the corresponding icon and it is labeled as “AG”.
AUTOADJUST OFF deactivates the automatic adjustment while AUTOADJUST
SETTINGS allows to change the optimization analysis type.
NOTE Acoustic parameters and gain interact with each other; it may be necessary
to review the adjustment of gain when an acoustic parameter changes.
M-Mode provides information concerning tissue motion occurring over time
along a single vector.
Activation of M-Mode
1. Starting from B-Mode, press LIN E UPDATE to view the M-
Mode cursor.
2. Place the cursor with the trackball on the corresponding B-
Mode line.
3. Press M to activate M-Mode analysis.
4. Press B to return to B-Mode.
During the exam pressing LIN E UPDATE freezes the trace acquisition and the
reference B-Mode image is temporarily re-activated.
Controls in M-Mode
After M-Mode activation, beside the B-MODE tab on the Navigation Bar of
the touchscreen, the M-MODE tab containing additional controls dedicated to
M-Mode is displayed.
When in real time the touchscreen provides two menu levels: Basic Controls
to manage exam flow and Advanced Controls for an advanced image
management. Swipe left/right to switch from Basic to Advanced level. It is
suggested to use Advanced Controls only if you are aware of their functions.
The lower line of control is associated to six knobs. These knobs are usually
shared by two controls: the blue one is the active one whose value can be
changed rotating the knob while the other control can be made active by
tapping it.
When in freeze, dedicated controls are displayed on the touchscreen.
Additional controls are associated to the Joysticks.
Basic Controls
CMM Compass M-Mode (CMM) generates a special M-Mode display allowing the
free positioning of the cursor line. This modality is available for every
application with every probe.
Press CMM to activate Compass M-Mode. Once pressed, the trackball allows
to move the scanning line within the sector and additional controls are displayed:
FREE When pressed, it allows to independently move each line on
the screen. When this button is not pressed, the lines are
locked together in their middle position, indicated by the
circle. In this case the trackball acts on all locked lines.
ANGLE allows to freely orient the active scanning line within the
sector. The corresponding trace is displayed in real time.
LINES changes the number of active scanning lines: the
corresponding traces are displayed in real time on the screen.
MyLab allows to display up to three different lines and traces.
The scanning lines are displayed with different colors and
the ACTIO N key switches among the lines.
PLEX activates and updates the reference B-Mode, while keeping the trace in real
Advanced Controls
FORMAT opens a sub-menu allowing to change the real time display format:
B-REF SMALL splits the screen horizontally, with a small B-Mode reference
image on the upper part.
B-REF MEDIUM splits the screen horizontally, with a medium sized B-Mode
reference image on the upper part.
B-REF LARGE splits the screen horizontally, with a large B-Mode reference
image on the upper part.
DUAL splits the screen vertically, with the B-Mode reference image
on the left and the M-Mode trace on the right.
BACK goes back to main menu keeping the modifications.
SWEEP changes the speed at which the timeline is swept. Rotate the knob to increase/
decrease the value.
Joystick controls
Each Joystick provides multiple controls to optimize image.
Left Joystick
When the probe allows the cursor orientation, it orients the line.
PW (Pulsed Wave) and CW (Continuous Wave) Doppler provide
information concerning the velocity of moving tissues and flows.
In CW Doppler information is sampled along a line through the body, and all
velocities detected at each time point are presented (on a time line).
In PW Doppler information is sampled from only a small region, called
sample volume, defined in 2D image and presented on a timeline.
Controls in Doppler
After PW or CW activation, beside the B-MODE tab on the touchscreen the
DOPPLER tab containing additional controls dedicated to Doppler is
When in real time the touchscreen provides two menu levels: Basic Controls
to manage exam flow and Advanced Controls for an advanced image
management. Swipe left/right to switch from Basic to Advanced level. It is
suggested to use Advanced Controls only if you are aware of their functions.
The lower line of control is associated to six knobs. These knobs are usually
shared by two controls: the blue one is the active one whose value can be
changed rotating the knob while the other control can be made active by
tapping it.
When in freeze, dedicated controls are displayed on the touchscreen.
Additional controls are associated to the Joysticks.
On the left of the touchscreen the available presets are listed.
Refer to previous chapter to get more information on the controls not
described here.
Basic Controls
ANGLE FINE ADJ and ANGLE share the same knob; tap it to toggle between the two
FINE ADJ controls, rotate it to increase/decrease the value of the selected control
(represented in blue).
ANGLE aligns the angle vector with the flow direction; it changes the angle
with step of 60°.
FINE ADJ provides a fine adjustment: it changes the angle with step of 1°.
AUDIO AUDIO and AUDIO MUTE share the same knob. Rotate it to increase/decrease
AUDIO MUTE the volume. Tap AUDIO MUTE to sets the volume to zero.
BASELINE Rotate this knob to move the baseline up or down to overcome aliasing
EASY TRACE When active, after LIN E and PW pressure, automatically sets the best sample
volume positioning for the vessel under examination.
FREQUENCY changes the Doppler frequency: lower frequency increases penetration and,
based on Doppler formula, increases the maximum measurable speed.
HPRF activates the Doppler HPRF (High Pulse Repetition Frequency), allowing to
increase the available maximum PRF value to measure higher velocities by
using more sample volumes.
When the HPRF control is activated, by increasing the PRF (SCALE control)
the user displays more sample volumes on the screen. These volumes have to
be positioned so that the resulting Doppler trace is not corrupted.
NOTE Position the sample volumes so that only one of them finds itself in
correspondence of the flow under exam and the other ones on the fixed
structures so that the Doppler signal is not ambiguous.
REVERSE TRACE reverses the velocity scale without affecting the baseline to display receding
flows above the baseline. It vertically inverts the spectral trace without
affecting the baseline position. The plus and minus signs on the velocity scale
reverse when the spectrum is inverted. Positive velocities display below the
SMART DOPPLER Active only with Linear Array probe, when pressed it acts:
by inverting the Doppler steering with reference to the
vertical line,
by inverting the Doppler scale,
by inverting the color scale when triplex is enabled,
by keeping constant the inclination of the angle correction
TV activates Tissue Velocity mode for heart walls motion display. Tissue Velocity
mode is available with specific probes.
Advanced Controls
ADM SETTINGS provides a setting menu for Automatic Doppler Measurements: refer to
“Measurements” section in this manual for further details.
NOTE All factory calculation packages are based on velocity measured in cm/s.
When velocity is measured in kHz, no derived parameter is automatically
calculated. Custom measurements and formulas have to be added to
calculate the derived parameters from velocity in kHz.
FFT RESOLUTION affects the trace reconstruction: the higher the value, the more precise and
accurate the reconstruction.
WARNING The Doppler analysis of some pathologies could require low FFT
RESOLUTION values. Set the FFT RESOLUTION on the highest value
compatible with the diagnostic level of the image.
FILTER increases/decreases the wall filter values thus reducing/increasing the noise
level. Use low filter to display low flow velocity.
SWEEP changes the scanning speed: the time scale of the trace changes accordingly.
Joystick controls
Each Joystick provides multiple controls to optimize image.
Left Joystick
When the probe allows the cursor orientation, it orients the Doppler line.
WARNING When the steering is set to the maximum step, some artifacts might occur
showing color dots. In this case, reduce the steering by one step.
As the same touchscreen key, it changes the velocity scale and consequently
Color Flow Mapping (CFM) and Power Doppler (PD) are Doppler Modes
providing information concerning the relative velocity and direction of fluid
motion presented as a color-coded overlay on top of a B-mode image.
NOTE The width of the CFM ROI and the B-Mode angle (SIZE button in B-MODE
menu) must be as small as possible in order to maximize the CFM frame
When in real time the touchscreen provides two menu levels: Basic Controls
to manage exam flow and Advanced Controls for an advanced image
management. Swipe left/right to switch from Basic to Advanced level. It is
suggested to use Advanced Controls only if you are aware of their functions.
The lower line of control is associated to six knobs. These knobs are usually
shared by two controls: the blue one is the active one whose value can be
changed rotating the knob while the other control can be made active by
tapping it.
As an alternative to those two levels, EASYMODE provides controls to manage
the image parameters in a simplified way.
When in freeze, dedicated controls are displayed on the touchscreen.
Additional controls are associated to the Joysticks.
On the left of the touchscreen the available presets are listed.
For the controls not described here refer to previous chapters.
Basic Controls
DUAL CFM activates multiple views with B-Mode real time on the left side of the screen
and CFM real time image on the right.
FREQUENCY changes the CFM frequency: higher frequencies help to show low speeds.
NOTE Reverse inverts the color map, NOT the color scale.
XFLOW activates/deactivates a set of more sensible and less saturated color maps.
Advanced Controls
COLOR MAP opens a sub-menu allowing the selection of a different Color Map:
COLOR MAP selects the threshold above which the velocity is displayed.
This command is available only with specific color maps.
VEL VIS THRES selects the threshold above which the velocity is displayed.
This command is available only with specific color maps.
WR PRIOR (Write Priority) assigns priority to the color codification and
B/W scale.
COLOR PRIORITY enables or disables transparency between color and B/W.
This command is available only with specific color maps.
BACK goes back to main menu keeping the modifications.
DENSITY changes the line density that is the number of image lines in the ultrasound
image. It affects color “filling”.
HD-CFM # HD-CFM # and SENSITIVITY share the same knob; tap it to toggle between the
SENSITIVITY two controls, rotate it to increase/decrease the value of the selected control
(represented in blue).
HD-CFM # adjusts the color spatial resolution.
SENSIT adjusts color sensitivity. Available with specific applications.
PERSISTENCE changes the persistence level. Higher level increase the image perception and
decrease the discrimination of moving structures.
TVM When the cardiac application is active, this key enables Tissue Velocity
Mapping to display heart walls motion. This modality is available with specific
Controls in Freeze
HIDE CFM enables or disables the Color presentation displaying only B-Mode reference
EasyMode provides an easy way to optimize image settings by quickly
operating with three simple sliders.
Tapping EASYMODE opens a menu with three sliders, each of them manages
automatically many image parameters:
Superficial Vs Deep. Move the slider to optimize
visualization for superficial or deep vessels.
Fast Vs Slow. Move the slider to optimize visualization for
fast or slow flows.
Large Vs Small. Move the slider to optimize visualization for
large or small vessels.
Slide directly the cursor on the touchscreen or rotate the corresponding knob
to change value.
Joystick controls
Each Joystick provides multiple controls to optimize image.
Left Joystick
When the probe allows the cursor orientation, it changes the steering of the
color box.
WARNING When the steering is set to the maximum step, some artifacts might occur
showing color dots. In this case, reduce the steering by one step.
NOTE Only one transmitting focal point is active in CFM, regardless of the B-
Mode settings, and it is automatically positioned at the center of the ROI
Adjust the color gain rotating CFM GAIN (the knob around C key) to obtain the
most useful signal level.
Optimize then other parameters so that an appropriate color flow image is
Depending on the selection in AUTO BUTTON SETUP option (in M EN U -
G E N E R A L S E T U P - A P P L I C A T I O N P R E S E T folder), at AUTO pressure you
can obtain the following actions:
when AUTOADJUST has been selected, it automatically adjusts
the color to the system default value,
when EDOPPLER has been selected, it exploits the Color
Doppler Signal to estimate the vessel position and
orientation to automatically set:
• Color Doppler best centering;
• Sample gate vertical position;
• Color Doppler beamline steering angle;
• Doppler correction angle.
NOTE When more modes are active, the navigation tab M-MODE allows you to
access the M-Mode controls menu.
Table of Contents
Additional Controls during measurements.......................................... 1-3
How to Take the Measurements .............................................................. 1-3
Distance .................................................................................................... 1-3
Vertex ........................................................................................................ 1-4
Trace .......................................................................................................... 1-4
Ellipse........................................................................................................ 1-4
Time........................................................................................................... 1-4
Velocity ..................................................................................................... 1-5
Caliper ....................................................................................................... 1-5
Profile ........................................................................................................ 1-5
Manual Measurement ........................................................................ 1-6
By Cycle Measurement...................................................................... 1-6
Automatic Measurement................................................................... 1-7
ADM - Automatic Doppler Measurements............................................ 1-7
Activation of Automatic Doppler......................................................... 1-7
Controls in Automatic Doppler Measurements............................ 1-8
Freeze and Archive.................................................................................. 1-9
Measurement taken on two modes .......................................................... 1-9
Multi-Modality Measurements.................................................................. 1-9
Measurement on Clip of Trace............................................................... 1-10
Generic Measurements ............................................................................ 1-10
Advanced Measurements......................................................................... 1-13
Application Data.................................................................................... 1-14
Advanced Measurements Organization ............................................. 1-14
Diagnosis Based on Measurements ....................................................... 1-14
3 Accuracy........................................................................................3-1
Measurement Accuracy ..............................................................................3-1
Derived Data................................................................................................3-2
5 Abdominal Measurements............................................................5-1
Abdominal Advanced Measurements in B-Mode ..................................5-1
Organ .........................................................................................................5-3
Abdominal Advanced Measurements in Doppler..................................5-5
6 Breast Measurements....................................................................6-1
Breast Advanced Measurements in B-Mode...........................................6-1
Breast Mass ...............................................................................................6-1
Breast Worksheet Organization ................................................................6-1
Structure Evaluation ................................................................................6-1
Breast Measurement Set Up ......................................................................6-4
Advanced Folder......................................................................................6-4
Gynecologic Advanced Measurements in B-Mode ............................... 9-2
Gynecologic Advanced Measurements in Doppler............................... 9-2
Gynecology Worksheet Organization ..................................................... 9-3
Structure Evaluation ............................................................................... 9-3
Left Ventricle/Right Ventricle Area Fractional Shortening ......... A-12
Diameter Fractional Shortening ........................................................ A-12
Ejection Fraction (Left Ventricle) ..................................................... A-13
Left Ventricle Mass ............................................................................. A-13
Outflow Tract Area ............................................................................. A-14
Aortic Area ........................................................................................... A-14
Left Atrium/Aorta Ratio .................................................................... A-14
Right Ventricle Volume ...................................................................... A-15
Pulmonary Artery/RVOT Area ........................................................ A-15
Left Atrium Volume ........................................................................... A-15
Indexed IVC Size ................................................................................ A-16
IVC Collapsibility Index ..................................................................... A-16
Relative Wall Thickness ...................................................................... A-17
1 - Measurements
Measurements can be taken in all modes and applications both in real time on
frozen images and in archive review.
MyLab provides two types of measurements:
Generic Measurements, set of measurement related to the
operating mode. Press +… + to activate them;
Advanced Measurements, set of measurement related to the
active application. Press M EASURE to activate them.
Once activated, the available measurements are displayed on the touchscreen
and listed on the left of the screen. Messages displayed on the screen, guide
you through the different phases, and assist in taking the measurement. The
results are displayed in a box on the screen.
A measurement can include several pieces of measurement data, for example
to calculate a volume you need to measure width, length and height.
You can customize both the Generic Measurement package and the
Advanced Measurement package to adapt them to your work-flow: refer to
the chapter “Measurement Configurations” further on in this section for
detailed information.
WARNING This symbol is displayed on the screen when the image features, compared
to the original one, may not be optimal for the reporting functions.
Ensure that you follow current medical practices when selecting views and
positioning cursors on the image during measurements.
If possible, use the full screen formats for M-Mode and Doppler
The value being measured is displayed in a box that can be dragged anywhere
within the image.
The measurements taken are marked with the symbol.
UN DO closes the session, erasing all done measurements.
The table below describes the labels and abbreviation used for measurements while
taking them and on Worksheet and Report. This explanation can be used as
reference for the description in the following of this manual.
This column This column This column lists each For each single This column lists all the
contains a contains the single measurements measurement in performed measurements
description of measurement you have to perform to the column to and calculations.
the measurement name as it appears get the final results and the left, here is Calculation results are
to be taken on the (in brackets the label described the automatically computed by
touchscreen and used to identify it in the type of the system once all the
(in brackets its result box, if different) procedure to Input Measurements have
abbreviation used follow in order to been completed.
in the result box as take the related Calculation values are
title) measurement indicated with bold text
and the formula used for
calculation is described at
the end of the related table
ADD TO REPORT At the end of measure, it adds the Generic Measurement to the exam
worksheet and report. After this key is pressed, the system asks to rename the
measurement. The renamed measurement will be then available both in the
worksheet (under a dedicated sub-folder) and in the report.
BACK In case of profile measurements, it clears the dotted trace point by point.
SWAP/SWAP AXIS respectively swaps the caliper or the axis linked to the trackball. Alternatively,
the ACTIO N key can be used to swap start/end calipers when measuring
distances or the axis when drawing an ellipse.
These measurements require to trace a line on a B-Mode image.
Procedure 1. Using the trackball, place the caliper on the initial point and
press EN TER to confirm.
2. Place now the caliper on the final point and press EN TER to
This measurement requires to place vertices on a B-Mode image: the result of
the measurement is obtained connecting all vertices.
Procedure 1. Using the trackball, place the caliper on the first vertex and
press EN TER to confirm.
2. Place the cursor on the second vertex and press EN TER to
3. Place all required vertices. The result is automatically calcu-
lated by pressing EN TER twice on the last vertex.
This measurement requires to trace a contour on a B-Mode image:
Procedure 1. Using the trackball, place the caliper on the initial point and
press EN TER to confirm.
2. Draw the contour with the trackball. Moving back, the traced
contour is deleted.
3. Press EN TER to place the end point and confirm.
These measurements require to trace an ellipse by placing the first axis and
then the second axis on a B-Mode image:
Procedure 1. Using the trackball, place the caliper on the first point and
press EN TER to confirm.
2. Move the trackball to draw the axis: the system displays the
ellipse that can be adjusted with the trackball.
3. Place the end point of the axis by pressing EN TER .
4. Move the trackball to change the dimension of the ellipse and
press EN TER to confirm.
These measurements require to trace a line on an M-Mode or a Doppler trace.
Procedure 1. Using the trackball, place the caliper on the initial point and
press EN TER to confirm.
2. Place now the caliper on the final point and press EN TER to
These measurements require to trace a line on an M-Mode trace.
Procedure 1. Using the trackball, place the caliper on the initial point and
press EN TER to confirm.
2. Place now the caliper on the final point and press EN TER to
This measurement requires to place a point on a Doppler trace.
Procedure 1. Using the trackball, place the caliper on the velocity to be
measured and press EN TER to confirm.
Profile can be drawn on a Doppler trace in three different ways: manual, by
cycle and auto (ADM).
When a profile measurement has to be performed, the system displays the
controls to select which modality use to draw the profile: METHOD MANUAL/
BY CYCLE that allows you to select between the two modalities and ADM for
activation of Automatic Doppler Measurements.
At the end of the measurement, regardless of the modality chosen, beside the
measured VTI, the following additional parameters will be calculated by the
system. The number of these parameters changes depending on the type of
measurement, the application and customizations.
Table 1-2: Parameters calculated in Generic Doppler Measurements
RI Resistive index
PI Pulsatility index
Acc Acceleration
NOTE Press T R A C E to change the modality to detect the Doppler spectrum (for
example positive or negative flow).
Manual Measurement
The MANUAL measurement requires to trace the envelope of the velocity
profile on a Doppler trace:
Procedure 1. Using the trackball, place the caliper on the initial point and
press EN TER to confirm.
2. Draw the profile envelope with the trackball. Moving back,
the traced contour is deleted.
3. Press EN TER to place the end point and confirm.
By Cycle Measurement
When BY CYCLE is selected, MyLab automatically detects the envelope of the
velocity profile during a cardiac cycle on a Doppler trace displaying it in
yellow and overlaid on the spectrum itself.
The measurement allows to better define the starting and ending points:
Procedure 1. Using the trackball move the bar on the first point of the
cycle and press EN TER to confirm.
2. Using the trackball move the bar on the end point of the
cycle and press EN TER to confirm.
The selected cycle of the Doppler spectrum is labeled and displayed in white.
Automatic Measurement
For ADM, refer to the next paragraph “Automatic Doppler Measurements”.
WARNING The determination of the envelope curve requires a clear and low-noise
recording of the Doppler spectrum. Otherwise, the reliability of the
displayed measurement results may not be ensured.
Activation Automatic Doppler tracings can be activated in real time both in PW and CW
Doppler and in Freeze.
ADM activates the automatic Doppler detection. Once activated, the Doppler
profile is displayed in yellow, overlaid on the spectrum itself.
For additional information, While in automatic Doppler measurement, the system keys and controls are
please refer to the “Image available to optimize the profile display (B-MODE, DOPPLER tabs).
Optimization” section.
NOTE Use the controls (such as BASELINE, SCALE) to display the whole profile and
spectrum within the Doppler trace so that aliasing does not occur.
ALL When INVERT CFM SCALE WITH STEERING is not enabled, these keys
ADM POSITIVE respectively select whether to detect the whole velocity profile, the positive
ADM NEGATIVE velocities only or the negative velocities only.
PEAK MEAN respectively set whether to detect the profile on peak or on mean frequency
ARTERIAL/VENOUS selects the type of flow under analysis. In the first case the period of analysis
for each measurement corresponds to the detected heart cycle; in the other
case the value of the toggle sets the period of analysis for each measurement.
THRESHOLD sets the minimum level of signal to be used for the profile detection.
Make sure that the profile of the automatically detected Doppler flow
(yellow line) corresponds to the real profile.
references in appendix
In Freeze the Doppler sequence can be seen by scrolling the frames: the
marker on the automatic Doppler profile moves accordingly. The displayed
parameters values refer to the period/heart cycle selected with the marker.
ANGLE FINE ADJ toggles change the angle vector: the measured values are automatically re-
Automatic Doppler tracing and measurements are automatically saved with
the image (IM AGE key).
NOTE Automatic Doppler measurements are not available in exam review and
archive review.
Multi-Modality Measurements
Multi-modality measurements (for example B-Mode and Doppler) can be
performed on Dual and Split formats. On a dual format with linear probes,
measurements can be taken on both images, for example a distance
measurement can be activated by positioning the first cursor on one image
and the last cursor on the other image. This measurement can be performed
only when images are acquired at the same depth, with the same orientation,
without steering and zoom.
WARNING Any measurement that is based on time interval (such as slope, flow and
flow integral, time interval) has to be taken only on continuous time
interval. This kind of measurement has to be performed without crossing
the vertical black line.
Generic Measurements
Once +… + is pressed, Generic Measurements are activated and, depending on
the active mode, a specific list of measurement is displayed.
Refer to the following tables for the list of Generic Measurements available
in each mode.
Refer to Appendixes for formulas and bibliographic references.
Distance Distance Distance (D) Distance D#
Diastolic velocity (S/D) b Caliper EDV
Ratio S/D
Advanced Measurements
Once M EASURE is pressed, Advanced Measurements are activated and,
depending on the active application, a specific list of measurement is
Advanced Measurements are organized in groups corresponding to specific
anatomic structures, the touchscreen displays the available measurements of
the selected group and the other available groups as tab on the Navigation
bar. If you want to select a different group, tap on the related tab.
Refer to the following chapters for the Advance Measurements available in
each application.
Application Data
To correctly perform Advanced Measurements some applications need
additional patient information that can be inserted in the Patient ID page.
Refer to next chapters for information on specific data to be entered in
Cardiac, Vascular, Gynecology, OB-Fetal and Pediatric cardiac applications.
NOTE The user is the only responsible for customized measurements and
WARNING Clips are compressed for digital storage. Compressed files involve a
minimal loss of information. Be careful while diagnosing over lossy
compressed images.
2 - Measurement Configuration
Accessing to the Configuration Menu
To access the measurement configuration menu press M EN U then select
M E A S U R E , the list of configurable items will be displayed on the left of the
Fig. 2-1: List of configurable items
When a Measurement Folder is selected you can change its position by the up
and down arrow of the keyboard.
Measurement Folder will be displayed as tab on the touchscreen after
Advanced Measurements activation.
GS You can assign specific measurement configurations to a preset (or clinical
setting). Refer to the “Getting Started” manual for further information on
clinical settings.
Check ENABLE APPLICATION AVERAGE to activate the average for all
application measurements (except generic measurements).
Check ENABLE ABSOLUTE VELOCITIES to activate the display of the absolute
velocities values in Doppler measurements. When absolute velocities are
velocity and acceleration measurements are always positive,
regardless the position of the cursor on the trace (up or
below the baseline),
derived parameters, such as Resistive Index and Pulsatility
Index, are not affected by this setting,
averaged measurements are evaluated using the positive
The box on the right lists all groups available for the selected application
grouped in F A C T O R Y and C U S T O M folders.
A group can be selected either by scrolling the right list or by entering
searching criteria in the SEARCH field.
Once a group is selected, its own customization is displayed in the center of
the screen. You can enable/disable the group selecting ON/OFF respectively
in the column MODE beside the group name. When enabled, the group is
available at M EASURE pressure.
For each single measure belonging to the group your can define the activation
NOTE AUTO for a derived parameter (that is not calculated but derived from a
formula) means that this parameter will automatically be calculated and
updated on the report page as soon as basic measurements have been
“WS” and “PL” boxes The group and the each single measurement are included in the worksheet
and can be printed when the corresponding boxes (WS and PL) are checked.
Procedure 1. Select the desired mode by clicking on the corresponding tab:
the list of available measurements on the right is updated;
2. To add a measurement on the touchscreen, drag and drop it
from the list on the right to an empty box on the touchscreen
layout. All measurements already moved to the touchscreen
are displayed in gray in the right list;
3. To change position within the touchscreen, drag and drop
from current position to the new one;
4. To remove a measurement from the touchscreen, drag and
drop it in the trash bin.
By DEFAULT MEASURE you can decide which measurement will be active at
+...+ pressure. If NONE is chosen, no measurement will be automatically active.
Checking ENABLE AUTO-REPEAT enables the automatic repetition of distance
measurement in B-Mode and of velocity measurement when in Doppler.
Advanced Folder
In this folder you can set the printing configuration of the report (REPORT
PRINT) selecting the desired option from the drop-down menu.
press N E W to create a completely new folder, otherwise
select an existing Measurement Folder and press C L O N E to
create a new folder starting from an existing one,
2. fill the NAME field with the desired name for the new
Measurement Folder and add an optional description in the
NOTES field,
NOTE When a group is bilateral, it is shown with the right (R) suffix: when
selected, it will be automatically activated also for the left side.
WARNING The user is the only responsible when using customized measurements
and formulas.
Field Action
Once all the fields have been set, press O K ; the system displays the following
The configuration menu shows:
on the left the list of the available generic measurements in
each mode. For Cardiac application two tabs are displayed
allowing the selection of both generic and advanced
on the bottom left side the buttons to add a new
measurement and a new formula,
in the center the menu to configure the custom group.
The group can be composed of up to twenty different measurements
(indicated by the counter displayed on the upper right side) that can be chosen
from the list of available generic measurements by A D D M E A S U R E M E N T or
created using a custom formula by A D D F O R M U L A .
Modality Action
NOTE The custom group will be available for measurements only after it has been
added in a Measurement Folder (refer to previous chapter for information
on how to configure a Measurement Folder).
3. Assign a name, an abbreviation and a label to any item
composing the custom measurement.
4. Press E D I T F O R M U L A to access the page to enter the
desired formula.
Operator Action
EXP en
e Euler number
BACK and DEL Respectively delete what is before or after the cursor.
NOTE Digit and mathematical operator can be added to the formula only through
the numeric and mathematical operator keyboard.
6. If required, select the desired custom measurement from the
list and either press A D D M E A S U R E M E N T button or press
EN TER twice to display it on the FORMULA field.
3 - Accuracy
This chapter is intended to provide information to evaluate the error that
should be considered when performing both Generic and Advanced
Measurements with MyLab.
Please be advised that measurements in ultrasound are dependent upon the
propagation velocity of sound through tissue. The propagation velocity
usually varies with the type of tissue, but an average velocity of 1540 m/s is
assumed, so the accuracy of the system is based on this assumption.
MyLab is designed for an assumed average velocity of 1540 m/s and the
accuracy statements listed below are based on this value.
The accuracy of measurements is not only affected by the system accuracy but
errors may result from improper use of techniques and protocols. To reduce
as much as possible the potential operator errors, it is advised to follow
measurement instructions and refer to the formulas and methods behind the
measurements to prevent possible limitations of them.
In any case measurements on ultrasound images are intended as supplement
to information coming from other clinical procedures.
Measurement Accuracy
The table below reports each measurement accuracy as function of scales
(column “Accuracy”) and the worst case values (column “%”).
Table 3-1: Measurement Accuracy
Perimeter mm ±[6%Depth(mm)+1]mm ±5
Time s ±[1%Time(s)+0.005]s ±3
Time s ±[1%Time(s)+0.005]s ±3
Time s ±[1%Time(s)+0.005]s ±3
Time s ±[1%Time(s)+0.005]s ±3
Derived Data
Derived data can be calculated through the law of error propagation; worst
case accuracy, based on the above mentioned assumptions, is reported
together with the formulas.
To minimize the measurement uncertainty:
1. select the optimal probe for the active application,
2. optimize image quality,
3. whenever possible, use the zoom function for maximum res-
4. optimize the probe alignment with the Doppler flow,
5. position the measurement markers as much accurate as pos-
MyLab Worksheet
The WORKSHEET button can be pressed at any time to display all performed
measurements both generic and advanced.
Fig. 4-1: MyLab Worksheet
The worksheet is organized in pages, one page for each application indicated
by the corresponding tab.
Each application page is then organized in sub-folders, corresponding to the
measured modes and groups, identified by corresponding sub-tabs.
To navigate through modes (for example from Doppler calculations to
Cardiac application) or through groups of measurements (for example within
the Vascular application) select the corresponding tab. Alternatively tap the
related buttons on the touchscreen.
Measurements can be scrolled by the lateral bar: place the cursor on the bar
or on the up/down arrows to scroll the worksheet.
Measurements can be selectively deleted clicking on the red cross displayed
beside the group or the single parameter.
MyLab Report
REPORT can be pressed at any time to display the report print preview containing the
patient data and all measurements performed during the exam.
If the average is enabled, the report contains the average value.
The touchscreen menu displays the following controls:
ZOOM increases or decreases the report print preview zoom factor by rotating it
clockwise/counterclockwise respectively.
PREVIOUS REPORTS allows to review the previous reports: once pressed, MyLab displays the closed
reports that can be browsed one by one through the upper combo box.
If the system is configured with a PC printer, use the printer key to print the
report. The report can be printed by 1, 2, 3, 4 when associated to a printer.
Press UN DO to display the list of the available observations for
this field. With the trackball select the desired one and press
EN TER to confirm. Refer to the “Observations
Configuration” paragraph further on this chapter to know
how to add fields and sentences for observations.
To exit the report, press REPORT again or E X I T .
Report Configuration
Report Configuration allows to customize the report style, changing its sections,
fonts and colors.
Press M EN U then R E P O R T to enter in the Report Configuration page where:
on the left side are listed all the configured profiles; only
Factory profile is listed if no new profiles have been configured;
in the center the Report Styles for the profile selected on the
left list;
on the right side the main sections of the Report Styles with
the controls to change each single item;
Once a profile has been selected from the list on the left, here you can modify
it (pressing E D I T ), delete it (R E M O V E ) or create a new profile starting from
it (C L O N E ).
Once pressed E D I T or C L O N E , the system displays the configuration page
where you can edit each single item on the right and see the modifications
effect on the main windows.
This window allows to the assignment of the desired font to each report field, the
preferred size and color. For each section, the desired background and text
alignment can be chosen.
Place the cursor in the NAME field and using the alphanumeric keyboard enter the
desired name and description (NOTES field) for the profile.
Enter in editing mode selecting the item to be modified on the list on the left
and pressing E D I T (or N E W if none).
When in edit mode, on the right are listed all the report elements that can be
Observations Configuration
Observations Configuration allows to create groups of words and sentences to
be used in the report for each application.
Press M EN U then O B S E R V A T I O N S to enter in the Observation
Configuration page where:
on the left side are listed the customized groups; only Factory
groups is listed if no new groups have been created;
on the right side the observations available for the group and
application selected on the left list.
Fig. 4-4: Observations Configuration Page
Once an application is selected inside a group, from the list on the left, you
can modify the related list of observation (pressing E D I T ) adding Fields and
Once E D I T is pressed, the following is displayed:
in the first column the list of the fields for the selected
in the second column the list of words and sentences for the
selected field;
on the right the buttons to add a new field in the application
report (A D D F I E L D ) and to A D D S E N T E N C E in each field.
NOTE The ALL APPLICATIONS option contains the list of the observations available
for the default “Conclusions” field, that is present in the report of all
applications. This option is modifiable, as the other options, following the
procedure below.
NOTE Each added field corresponds to a new part in the Observation section of
the report having the same name.
NOTE Each added sentence will be listed when the UN DO key is pressed by
entering comments in the corresponding field.
Moving fields and Drag and drop up or down any sentence to change its position in the list.
Deleting fields and Drag and drop the field or sentence to be removed it into the waste bin.
Changing field name Select the field or sentence to be modified and type the text inside the box
and sentence with the keyboard.
5 - Abdominal Measurements
This chapter lists all the Advanced Measurements available for the
Abdominal application.
The listed measurements are organized in groups. You can customize the
Advanced Measurements package to adapt it to your work-flow: the
touchscreen will display only the set measurements.
Measurement Displayed
Measurement Description Measurement Input Type
(Abbreviation) Results
Urinary Bladder Wall Urinary Bladder Wall Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Urinary Bladder Calculi Urinary Bladder Calc# Diameter (Diam) Distance Diam
Prostate Right Lobe Transverse Prostate Right Lobe Transv Height (H) Distance H
(Prostate R Lobe Trnsv) Width (W) Distance W
Prostate Left Lobe Transverse Prostate Left Lobe Transv Height (H) Distance H
(Prostate L Lobe Trnsv) Width (W) Distance W
Table 5-2: Renal Advanced Measurements group in B-Mode
Righta Kidney Cyst Volume Right Kidn Cyst # Length (L) Distance L
(R Kidn Cyst #) Height (H) Distance H
Width (W) Distance W
Righta Kidney Calculi Right Kidn Calculi # Diameter (Diam) Distance Diam
(R Kidn Calc #)
Righta Adrenal Cranial Pole Right Adrenal Cranial Pole Length (L) Distance L
(R Adr Cran Pole) Height (H) Distance H
Width (W) Distance W
Righta Adrenal Gland Mass Right Ad Gland Mass# Length (L) Distance L
(R Ad Gland M#) Height (H) Distance H
Width (W) Distance W
Pancreas Body Pancreas Body Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Pancreas Right Lobe Pancreas Right Lobe Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Pancreas Left Lobe Pancreas Left Lobe Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Right Pancreas Duct Right Panc Duct Diameter (Diam) Distance Diam
(R Pancr Duct)
Left Pancreas Duct Left Panc Duct Diameter (Diam) Distance Diam
(L Pancr Duct)
Common Bile Duct Common Bile Duct Diameter (Diam) Distance Diam
Measurement Input Measurement Displayed
Measurement Description Input Type
(Abbreviation) (Label) Results
Proximal Inferior Vena Cava Prox Inf Vena Cava PSVa Caliper PSV
(Prox IVC) Caliper EDV
Distal Inferior Vena Cava Dist Inf Vena Cava PSVa Caliper PSV
(Dist IVC) Caliper EDV
6 - Breast Measurements
This chapter lists all the Advanced Measurements available for the Breast
The listed measurements are organized in groups. You can customize the
Advanced Measurements package to adapt it to your work-flow: the
touchscreen will display only the set measurements.
Measurement Displayed
Measurement Description Measurement Input Type
(Abbreviation) Results
a. The measurement is bilateral. Till six lesions can be calculated both left and right side.
Structure Evaluation
The worksheet, besides displaying the single measurements, also allows the
insertion of an evaluation of the structures under exam. The following
evaluations are available with the measurements.
Parameter Evaluation
Parameter Evaluation
Parameter Evaluation
Edema: Yes, No
Vascularity: Absent, Internal Vascularity, Vessels
in Rim
Category 1; Negative
Category 2; Benign
Category 4; Suspicious
NOTE This product incorporates the Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System
(BI-RADS®) ATLAS of the American College of Radiology, Copyright
1992, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2003, and 2013. The developer of this product is
independently owned and operated, and is not an affiliate of the American
College of Radiology. The American College of Radiology is not
responsible for the contents or operation of this product or its associated
software, and expressly disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities,
expressed or implied, in connection therewith.
Advanced Folder
Here you can set the parameters described in the table below.
Table 6-5: Advanced fields
Field Action
7 - Adult Cephalic
This chapter lists all the Advanced Measurements available for the Adult
Cephalic application.
The listed measurements are organized in groups. You can customize the
Advanced Measurements package to adapt it to your work-flow: the
touchscreen will display only the set measurements.
Righta middle cerebral artery R MCA 1st Segm R MCA 1 Depth (Depth) Distance Depth
depth - segment 1
Righta middle cerebral artery R MCA 2nd Segm R MCA 2 Depth (Depth) Distance Depth
depth - segment 2
Righta anterior cerebral artery R Ant Cerebral A R ACA Depth (Depth) Distance Depth
Righta posterior cerebral R PCA 1st Segm R PCA 1 Depth (Depth) Distance Depth
artery depth - segment 1
Righta posterior cerebral R PCA 2nd Segm R PCA 2 Depth (Depth) Distance Depth
artery depth - segment 2
Anterior communicant artery Ant Communic A ACoA Depth (Depth) Distance Depth
Righta terminal internal R Terminal ICA R Term ICA Depth (Depth) Distance Depth
cerebral artery depth
Righta vertebral artery depth R Vertebral A R Vert A Depth (Depth) Distance Depth
Righta internal carotid artery R Dist ICA R Dist ICA Depth (Depth) Distance Depth
distal depth
Righta middle cerebral artery R MCA 1st Segm VTIb Profile VTI
depth - segment 1 VTI
Righta middle cerebral artery R MCA 2nd Segm VTIb Profile VTI
depth - segment 2 VTI
Righta posterior cerebral artery R PCA 1st Segm VTIb Profile VTI
depth - segment 1 VTI
Righta posterior cerebral artery R PCA 2nd Segm VTIb Profile VTI
depth - segment 2 VTI
Adult Cephalic Worksheet Organization
Here are described the additional fields dedicated to the Adult Cephalic
Flow Directions
The worksheet, beside displaying the single measurements, also allows the
insertion of an evaluation and notes of any performed measurement of flow.
Field Evaluation
Free text can be edited in the blank field using the alphanumeric keyboard:
place the cursor on the field and press EN TER to activate the editing session.
This chapter lists all the Advanced Measurements available for the Cardiac
and Pediatric Cardiac applications.
The listed measurements are organized in groups. You can customize the
Advanced Measurements package to adapt it to your work-flow: the
touchscreen will display only the set measurements.
Table 8-1: Available Factory Groups for Cardiac and Pediatric Cardiac
Cardiac Groups
Volume (LVEF)
LV Dimensions
Aortic Valve
Tricuspid Valve
Pulmonic Valve
Pulmonary Vein
Event Timing
Acronym Meaning
EF Ejection fraction
CI Cardiac index
CO Cardiac output
HR Heart rate
SI Stroke index
SV Stroke volume
d Diastole
s Systole
LV Left Ventricle
Application Data
Fig. 8-1: Cardiac Patient ID page
Table 8-3: Additional data in Cardiac Patient ID page
Pediatric BSA
0 3964 0 5378
H W 242 65
BSA Pediatric Cardiac = ---------------------------------------------------------------
NOTE Any change both on height and on weight parameters does not affect the
customized BSA.
Ejection Fraction EF Biplane Diastolic area 4C (LVAd A4C) Trace + Distance LVAd4C
(Simpson-Biplane) Systolic area 4C (LVAs A4C) Trace + Distance LVAs4C
Diastolic area 2C (LVAd A2C) Trace + Distance LVAd2C
Systolic area 4C (LVAs A2C) Trace + Distance LVAs2C
LVVs i
Ejection Fraction EF SP (Simpson) Diastolic area 4C (LVAd A4C) Trace + Distance LVAd4C
(Simpson-Single Systolic area 4C (LVAs A4C) Trace + Distance LVAs4C
Plane) LVVd4C
LVV di 4
LVV si 4
SV i 4C
Ejection Fraction EF MOD (Simpson) Diastolic area 4C (LVAd A4C) Trace + Distance LVAd4C
(Simpson)a Systolic area 4C (LVAs A4C) Trace + Distance Ad i 4C
Diastolic area 2C (LVAd A2C) Trace + Distance LVAs4C
Systolic area 4C (LVAs A2C) Trace + Distance LVAd2C
Ad i 2C
LVVd bi
LVVs bi
LVVdi 4
LVVdi b
SV Bipl
SV i 4C
SV i 2C
SI Bipl
LVESV index
LVESV index
Ejection Fraction EF (A-L) Diastolic area 4C (LVAd A4C) Trace + Distance LVAd4C
(Area-Lenght) Systolic area 4C (LVAs A4C) Trace + Distance LVAs4C
LVVs i
Left Ventricle Mass Left Ventricle Inteventricular septum - Diastole (IVSd) Distance IVSd
(LV) LV diameter - Diastole (LVIDd) Distance LVIDd
Posterior wall - Diastole (LVPWd) Distance LVPWd
LV Diameter - Systole (LVIDs) Distance LVIDs
Mitral valve tenting area (MV Tent Area) Trace MVTA
Mitral valve coaptation depth (MV Coapt Depth) Distance MVCDp
Left Ventricle Mass LV Mass (A-L) LVAd sax Endo Trace LVAend
(A-L) LVAd sax Epi Trace LVAepi
LVLd Apical Distance LVLd Al
LVm a-l
Left Ventricle LVOT LV outflow tract diameter (LVOT Diam) Distance LVOT D
Outflow Tract LVOT A
Right Ventricle Right Ventricle Basal RVb diameter - Diastole (RV Diam basal d) Distance RVDbd
(RV) Medium RV diameter - Diastole (RV Diam mid d) Distance RVDmd
Maximum RV axis in 4 AC - Diastole (RV L Axis d) Distance RVlaxd
RV area - Diastole (RV Area d) Trace RVAd
RV area - Systole (RV Area s) Trace RVAs
RV diameter - Diastole (RVIDd) Distance RVIDd
RV area (RV Area) Trace RVarea
RV long axis (RV Length) Distance RV lgth
% RVfac
RV Vol
RVOT and RVOT/PA Pulmonary artery diameter (PA Diam) Distance PAdiam
Pulmonary Artery Pulmonary valve annulus diameter (PV Ann Diam) Distance PVanD
Diameter RVOT diameter (RVOT Diam) Distance RVOTD
Mitral Valve Area MVA (VTI) Refer to Cardiac Advanced Measurements in Doppler - -
Left Atrium Volume LA Volume (BP) Left atrium area - 4AC (LA Area A4C) Trace LAA4C
(Simpson - Biplane) (LA Vol (BP)) Left atrium area - A2C (LA Area A2C) Trace LAA2C
Left atrium length (LA Length) Distance LA Lng
LA Vol
LA Maj
LA Min
Left Atrium Volume LA Volume (SP) Left atrium area - 4AC (LA Area A4C) Trace LAA4C
(Simpson - Single (LA Vol (SP)) Left atrium length (LA Length) Distance LA Lng
Biplane) LA Vol
LAsV i
LA Maj
LA Min
Inferior Vena Cava IVC Inferior vena cava - Maximum diameter (IVC max Diam) Distance IVCmax
Inferior vena cava - Minimum diameter (IVC min Diam) Distance IVCmin
Right Atrium RA Volume (SP) Right atrium area (RAA (SP)) Trace RAA sp
(Simpson - Single (RA Vol (SP)) Right atrium length (RAL (SP)) Distance RAL sp
Plane) RAV sp
Right Atrium (Area- RA Volume (A-L) Right atrium area (RA Area AL) Trace RAA AL
Lenght) (RA Vol (A-L)) Right atrium length (RA Leng AL) Distance RAL AL
Relative Wall Relative Wall Interventricular septum - Diastole (IVSd) Distance IVSd
Thickness Thickness LV diameter - Diastole (LVIDd) Distance LVIDd
(RWT) Posterior wall - Diastole (LVPWd) Distance LVPWd
Left Atrium Volume LA Volume MOD Left atrium area - 4AC (LAAreaA4C) Trace LAA4C
(Simpson - Biplane BP Left atrium area - A2C (LAAreaA2C) Trace LAA2C
MOD) (LAV BP) Left atrium major axis (LA Major Ax) Distance LA Maj
Left atrium minor axis (LA Minor Ax) Distance LA Min
LA Length
LA i A4C
LA i A2C
LA Vol 4C
LA Vol 2C
LA Vol i 4C
LA Vol i 2C
LA Vol i BP
a. On the contrary of the Simpson Biplane and Simpson Single Plane methods, the results are calculated gradually when the measurements are
taken for each cardiac view without the need to complete all measurements.
b. RV: Right Ventricle
Left Ventricle Left Ventricle RVa Diameter - Diastole (RVIDd) Distance RVIDd
(LV) Distance IVSd
IVb Septum - Diastole (IVSd)
Distance LVIDd
LVc Diameter - Diastole (LVIDd) Distance LVPWd
Post wall - Diastole (LVPWd) Distance IVSs
IV Septum - Systole (IVSs) Distance LVIDs
LV Diameter - Systole (LVIDs) Distance LVPWs
Post wall - Systole (LVPWs) Distance S-PWD
Septum-Posterior Wall delay (Sept-PW Delay) Velocity FloPrV
Flow Propagation Velocity (Flow Prop Vel) Time EF
HR ecg
Inferior Vena IVC IVC max Diam (IVC max Diam) Distance IVCmax
Cava IVC min Diam (IVC min Diam) Distance IVCmin
Valve Event Event timing Mitral valve - Opening (MV Open) Distance MV Op
Markers Mitral valve - Closure (MV Close) Distance MV Cls
Aortic valve - Opening (AV Open) Distance AV Op
Aortic valve- Closure (AV Close) Distance AV Cls
Measurement Measurement Input Measurement Displayed
Input Type
Description (Abbreviation) (Label) Results
Mitral PISA MR Mitral aliasing velocity (MR Alias Vel) Distance MRalsV
Regurgitation Mitral regurgitations radius (MR Radius) Distance MR rad
(PISA) Regurgitation profile (MR VTI) Profile MR VTI
MR ero
MR Vol
Mitral Annulus Mitral Annulus Lateral S’ Wave (s’ Lat) Caliper s’ Lat
Tissue Doppler TDI Lateral E’ Wave (e’ Lat) Caliper e’ Lat
Lateral A’ Wave (a’ Lat) Caliper a’ Lat
Septal S’ Wave (s’ Sept) Caliper s’ Sept
Septal E’ Wave (e’ Sept) Caliper e’ Sept
Septal A’ Wave (a’ Sept) Caliper a’ Sept
Mitral isovolumetric relaxation time (IVRT_tdi) Time IVRTtdi
Mitral isovolumetric contraction time (IVCT_tdi) Time IVCTtdi
LVET flow profile (LVET_tdi) Time LVETtdi
Time to peak – 4AC septum (T to Peak A4C-S) Time TP4-lw
Time to peak – 4AC lateral wall (T to Peak A4C-LW) Time TP4C-S
Time to peak – 2AC anterior wall (T to Peak A2C-AW) Time TP2AW
Time to peak – 2AC Inferior wall (T to Peak A2C-IW) Time TP2IW
e’/a’ lat
E/e’ Lat
E/e’ spt
e’/a’ Se
e’ Avg
a’ Avg
e’/a’ Av
E/e’ Av
Mitral Valve Area MVA (VTI) Mitral Valve flow profile (MV VTI) Profile LVOT D
LVOT flow profile (LVOT VTI) Profile MV VTI
LVOT diameter (LVOT Diam) Distance LVotVTI
MV Pe i
MVA vti
MVA i m
Aortic Effective AVA (VTI) Aortic flow profile (AV VTI) Profile AV VTI
Valve Area Aortic peak velocity (AV Vmax) Caliper AV Vp
LVOT flow profile (LVOT VTI) Profile LVotVTI
LVOT peak velocity (LVOT Vmax) Caliper LVotVp
LVOT diameter (LVOT Diam) Distance LVOT D
Ao Pe i
AVA vti
AVAi vt
AVAi m
Descending Ao desc Descending aorta systolic peak velocity (Ao desc Vmax) Caliper AoDVp
Aorta Patent ductus artery (Pat Duct A) Caliper PDA
PISA (Aorta) PISA AR Aorta aliasing velocity (AR Aliass Vel) - ARalsV
Aorta regurgitation radius (AR Flow) Distance ARflow
Aorta regurgitation profile (AR VTI) Profile AR VTI
AR Rad
AR ero
AR Vol
LVOT VTI LVOT VTI LVOT peak velocity (LVOT Vmax) Profile LVotVp
LVOT flow profile (LVOT VTI) Caliper LVotVTI
Pulmonary Vein Pulmonary Vein Pulmonary veins systolic velocity (PVein S Vel) Caliper PVe Vs
(P Vein) Pulmonary veins diastolic velocity (PVein D Vel) Caliper PVe Vd
Pulmonary veins atrial velocity (PVe Atrial V) Caliper PVe Vat
A wave duration (A Duration) Time A Dur
PVe s/d
Cardiac Output - CO (LVOT) LVOT flow profile (LVOT VTI) Profile LVotVTI
LVOT R-R interval (R-R) Time R-R
LVOT diameter (LVOT Diam) Distance LVOT D
Cardiac Output - CO (Ao) Aortic flow profile (AV VTI) Profile AV VTI
Aorta R-R interval (R-R) Time R-R
AO diameter (Ao Diam) Distance Ao D
Cardiac Output - CO (Pulm flow) Pulmonary flow profile (PA VTI) Profile PA VTI
Pulmonary R-R interval (R-R) Time R-R
Pulmonary diameter (PA Diam) Distance PAdiam
Valve Event Event timing Mitral valve opening (MV Open) Time MV Op
Markers Mitral valve closure (MV Close) Time MV Cls
Aortic valve opening (AV Open) Time AV Op
Aortic valve closure (AV Close) Time AV Cls
Coronary Cardiac Coronary Proximal left anterior descending coronary artery - Rest Distance RLADP
Cardiac (Rest LAD Prox)
(Cor Card) Medial left anterior descending coronary artery - Rest (Rest Distance RLADM
LAD Mid)
Distal left anterior descending coronary artery - Rest (Rest Distance RLADD
LAD Dist)
Proximal left anterior descending coronary artery - Post Distance PLADP
(Post LAD Prox)
Medial left anterior descending coronary artery - Post (Post Distance PLADM
LAD Mid)
Distal left anterior descending coronary artery - Post (Post Distance PLADD
LAD Dist)
PISA Tricuspid PISA TR Tricuspid Regurgitation Alias Velocity (TR Alias Vel) Caliper TRalsV
Regurgitation Tricuspid Regurgitation Radius (TR Radius) Distance TR Rad
Tricuspid Regurgitation profile (TR VTI) Profile TR VTI
TR Vol
Pulmonary PCWP Mitral peak velocity - E wave (MV E Vel) Caliper MVEVp
Capillary Wedge Lateral E’ Wave (e’ Lat) Caliper e’ Lat
Pressure PCWP
Mitral Annulus Mitral Annulus Lateral S’ Wave (s’ Lat) Caliper s’ Lat
Tissue Doppler TDI Lateral E’ Wave (e’ Lat) Caliper e’ Lat
Lateral A’ Wave (a’ Lat) Caliper a’ Lat
Septal S’ Wave (s’ Sept) Caliper s’ Sept
Septal E’ Wave (e’ Sept) Caliper e’ Sept
Septal A’ Wave (a’ Sept) Caliper a’ Sept
Mitral isovolumetric relaxation time (IVRT_tdi) Time IVRTtdi
Mitral isovolumetric contraction time (IVCT_tdi) Time IVCTtdi
LVET flow profile (LVET_tdi) Time LVEtdi
Time to peak – 4AC septum (T to Peak A4C-S) Time TP4-lw
Time to peak – 4AC lateral wall (T to Peak A4C-LW) Time TP4-S
Time to peak – 2AC anterior wall (T to Peak A2C-AW) Time TP2AW
Time to peak – 2AC Inferior wall (T to Peak A2C-IW) Time TP2IW
e’/a’ lat
E/e’ Lat
E/e’ spt
e’/a’ Se
e’ Avg
a’ Avg
s’ Avg
e’/a’ Av
E/e’ Av
a. The group requires to enter the pressure gradient (5, 10 or 15): refer further in this section for the formula of pres-
* means that the measurement is not directly measured, but it is derived from RVPs measurement performed in Tri-
cuspid Regurgitation group.
NOTE During imaging acquisition make sure to avoid plane positioning errors,
which can lead to chamber foreshortening.
Auto EF calculation on frozen clips
Procedure 1. Acquire a Cardiac image with ECG trace;
2. Press FREEZE;
3. Select the desired cardiac cycle;
4. Press M EASURE;
5. Select the tab VOLUME (LVEF) on the touchscreen;
6. Select AUTO EF - BIPLANE as measurement;
7. Tap A4C or A2C to select the correct projection;
8. After a short processing time the Automatic Ejection
Fraction calculation is done. Refer to the paragraph “After
Calculation” for information on how to correctly manage the
Auto EF calculation on archived clips
Procedure 1. Select from the archive a clip acquired with the ECG trace
and saved in raw data format (those clips are identified as
thumbnails with green counter and heart superimposed);
2. Select the desired cardiac cycle;
3. Press EDIT;
4. Press M EASURE;
5. Select the tab VOLUME (LVEF) on the touchscreen;
6. Select AUTO EF - BIPLANE as measurement;
7. Tap A4C or A2C to select the correct projection;
8. After a short processing time the Automatic Ejection
Fraction calculation is done. Refer to the paragraph “After
Calculation” for information on how to correctly manage the
After Calculation
When the Ejection Fraction has been automatically calculated, the results are
displayed on the left side of the screen, the End Diastolic frame automatically
contoured is also displayed and the touchscreen provides the following
NOTE The End Diastolic frame has to be selected carefully before activating Auto
EF. An inadequate selection of the End Diastolic frame can lead to
underestimation of End Diastolic volumes and EF.
NOTE Carefully verify the endocardial border tracking and make sure that
papillary muscles are excluded from the cavity in the tracing. In case of
incorrect or suboptimal endocardial border tracking, adjust the tracking
point and process again the data.
A4C Tap the key to update the calculation for apical four chamber (A4C) or two
A2C chamber (A2C) views.
MODIFY CONTOUR- If the contour automatically traced by the system for End Diastolic and End
ED Systolic is not satisfying, you can modify it. Tap ED to move to the End
MODIFY CONTOUR- Diastolic frame then tap MODIFY CONTOUR-ED to modify the End Diastolic
contour. Tap ES to move to the End Systolic frame then tap MODIFY
CONTOUR-ES to modify the End Systolic contour. With the trackball as
pointer select an anchor point on the edge of the wall (small squares) and drag
it in the new position. Calculation is immediately updated.
MODIFY FRAME-ED If the frames automatically selected by the system for End Diastolic and End
MODIFY FRAME-ES Systolic are not satisfying, you can change them. Tap ED then move to the
End Diastolic frame you want to select and tap MODIFY FRAME-ED to set it
as End Diastolic. Tap ES then move to the End Systolic frame you want to
select and tap MODIFY FRAME-ES to set it as End Systolic. Calculation is
updated in real-time discharging frames not included in the new defined clip.
Tap A4C or A2C to repeat the calculation including them again.
DUAL displays both End Diastolic and End Systolic frames side by side.
PLAY PLAY and STOP share the same button. PLAY shows the sequence of stored
STOP images in cine mode while STOP stops the cine presentation of the clip.
FRAME Rotate the knob to move the clips frame by frame. You can scroll the frame
with the trackball.
APPROVE exits the calculation attaching the calculated parameters to the report.
9 - Gynecologic
This chapter lists all the Advanced Measurements available for the
Gynecology application.
The listed measurements are organized in groups. You can customize the
Advanced Measurements package to adapt it to your work-flow: the
touchscreen will display only the set measurements.
Application Data
Fig. 9-1: Gynecology Patient ID Page
Field Description
Table 9-3: Gynecologic Advanced Measurements for the lower limbs in Doppler
Peak Velocity Velocity EDV
Structure Evaluation
The worksheet, besides displaying the single measurements, also allows the
insertion of an evaluation of the structures under exam. The following
evaluations are available with the measurements.
Table 9-4: Evaluations in Gynecology
10 - Obstetric
This chapter lists all the Advanced Measurements available for the Obstetric
The listed measurements are organized in groups. You can customize the
Advanced Measurements package to adapt it to your work-flow: the
touchscreen will display only the set measurements.
Refer to “Obstetrics and Gynecology Section” for tables and formula used in
Obstetric advanced measurements.
Application Data
Fig. 10-1: Obstetrics Patient ID Page
From DOC EDD = DOC (date) + 280 days (or 290 days depending on the setting) - 14
GA = Exam date - DOC (date) + 14 days
Table 10-2: FG and FA Table bibliography for B-Mode measurements
FG Table FA Table
Bibliography Bibliography
HC Chitty Hadlock 84
Head Circumference Hadlock84 Hansmann
CFEF Chitty
Jeanty Merz
AC Hadlock84 Hadlock 84
Abdominal Circumf CFEF Hansmann
Jeanty JSUM 2001
Chitty Merz
JSUM 2001
FL Hadlock84 Hadlock 84
Femur Length CFEF Jeanty
Jeanty Hansmann
Nicolaides Chitty
Chitty JSUM 2001
JSUM 2001 Osaka U
Osaka U Merz
FG Table FA Table
Bibliography Bibliography
GS Rempen Hansmann
Gest Sac Diam Rempen
HL Jeanty Jeanty
Humerus Length Osaka U Osaka U
UL Jeanty Jeanty
Ulna Length Merz
TL Jeanty Jeanty
Tibia Length Merz
FG Table
Measurement Parameter
PI Bahlmann
Mid Cerebral A JSUM
Middle Cerebral Artery
RI Bahlmann
JSUM 2001
PI Merz
JSUM 2001
Umbilical A Ebbing
Umbilical Artery
RI JSUM 2001
FG Table
Measurement Parameter
PI Merz
Uterine Gomez
Uterine Artery
RI Merz
Estimated Fetal Weight and Growth
Fetal Weight can be automatically estimated by the system when at least two
parameters are measured.
The table below lists the parameters that can be used for the estimation of the
fetal weight and the corresponding bibliographic reference
Parameter Bibliography
AC, FL Hadlock 1
Anterior Posterior Trunk Ant Post Trunk Diam APTD Distance APTD
Diameter (APTD)
a. The input can be automatic or manual, refer to the Obstetric Measurement Set Up paragraph further in this chapter
Ratios Both in fetal age and in fetal growth MyLab automatically calculates the
following ratios, if the required parameters have been previously measured.
Amniotic Fluid In fetal growth MyLab allows the user to calculate the Amniotic Fluid Index
Index (AFI) that requires four quadrants to be measured. The system provides the
following reference:
Parameter Bibliography
AFI Moore
APxT If both APTD and TTD distances are performed, the APxT is calculated
using the following formula:
Nuchal Both in fetal age and in fetal growth MyLab allows to measure the Nuchal
Translucency Translucency (NT) both in manual and automatic way.
While manual NT is a simple measure of distance, the Automatic Nuchal
Translucency (Auto NT) measurement is a semi-automated algorithm able to
detect, in real time, the Nuchal Borders lying inside a Region of Interest (ROI)
and calculate the most suitable maximum vertical distance.
Detected NT borders are highlighted with an orange overlay only when the
system evaluates a good level of confidence in terms of shape (regular,...).
If the automatic detection is good, the measurement can be added to the
report pressing EN TER .
If the automatic detection is difficult, you can switch to the manual NT
measurement pressing MANUAL.
In manual NT measurement two different calipers can be used: +...+ caliper
or >...< caliper. You can select your preference in the advanced section of the
OB measure editor.
The following are the rules to obtain a good Auto NT measurement:
Procedure Follow AIUM/FMF guidelines: sagittal section, fetus spine
on the far field, NT borders perpendicular to Ultrasound
Try to eliminate gray artifacts in the NT liquid (that must be
as dark as possible).
Position the ROI only on areas where the NT borders are
well displayed.
Compensate the effect of noise on border detection by
and it can be performed following two methods that can be selected at the
start of measurement:
inner - inner
inner - middle.
WARNING Auto NT measurement results are intend as a suggestion and should not be
considered sufficient to make a diagnosis.
Intracranial Both in fetal age and in fetal growth MyLab allows to measure the Intracranial
Translucency Translucency (IT) both in manual and automatic way.
The manual IT is a simple measure of the distance between the anterior and
posterior echogenic borders of the fourth cerebral ventricle.
The Automatic Intracranial Translucency (Auto IT) measurement is a semi-
automated algorithm able to detect, in real time, the Intracranial Borders lying
inside a Region of Interest (ROI) and calculate the most suitable maximum
vertical distance.
Detected IT borders are highlighted with an orange overlay only when the
system evaluates a good level of confidence in terms of shape (regular,...).
If the automatic detection is good, the measurement can be added to the
report pressing EN TER .
If the automatic detection is difficult, you can switch to the manual IT
measurement pressing MANUAL.
In manual IT measurement two different calipers can be used: +...+ caliper
or >...< caliper. You can select your preference in the advanced section of the
OB measure editor.
The following are the rules to obtain a good Auto IT measurement:
Procedure Take an image in mid-sagittal plane with fetus perpendicular
to Ultrasound insonation.
Try to eliminate gray artifacts in the IT liquid (that must be as
dark as possible).
Position the ROI only on areas where the IT borders are well
Compensate the effect of noise on border detection by
Mother Measurements
Refer to the chapter on Gynecological Advanced Measurements for further
information about these measurements.
Fetal Biometry / First Trim
MyLab allows to measure the fetal heart rate, averaging it on more cycles that
can be set. The calculation is available both in fetal age and in fetal growth.
Table 10-5: Obstetric Advanced Measurements in M-Mode
Fetal Heart Rate Fetal Heart Rate (Fetal Fetal Heart Rate (Fet HR) Point Fet HR
Fetal Heart Rate Fetal Heart Rate (Fet HR) Distance Fet HR
(Fetal HR)
Mother Measures
Measurements belonging to this group are described in the “Gynecologic
Measurements” chapter.
Measure Folder
The Measure Folder contains the performed measurements and it is
organized in different sub-folders: B-Mode, M-Mode and Doppler (both fetal
and mother) sub-folders, the calculations sub-folder and the mother
measurements sub-folders.
B-Mode The Patient ID data are displayed in the first row followed by the estimated
fetal weight, when available.
Subsequently the worksheet reports the list of measured parameters and the
corresponding measurements. The last columns display the gestational age
with its range of applicability and its reference and the percentage rank values
with their reference.
When crossed, the AUA (Average Ultrasound Age) column includes the
parameter for the computation of the average ultrasound age. The expected
delivery date estimated from the AUA is displayed in the first row. The AUA
value is displayed in the gestational age graph, available in the Graphics folder.
Calculations The parameter ratios are displayed in this folder.
Graphics Folder
The performed measurements are displayed on graphs.
The left upper list indicates which parameters can be displayed and their
bibliographic references both for gestational age and for fetal growth; you can
select the desired one. The graphics of the selected parameter and the
corresponding values, displayed below the list, are automatically updated.
The tabs displayed above the graphs allow the user to select the desired
graphic, whether in gestational age or in fetal growth.
The weeks are displayed in the X axis and the selected parameter is in the Y
axis. The continuous line indicates the reference average value, the dotted
lines the standard deviation (or the centiles when in fetal growth).
The dotted vertical line represents the gestational age and the continuous
vertical line represents the average ultrasound age, as indicated in the legenda
shown in the lower right part of the screen. The gestational age is calculated
starting from the set parameter (LMP or FDGA).
Fetal Charts can also be displayed on the touchscreen immediately after a
measurement has been performed tapping OB GRAPH without the need to
access the worksheet.
Fetal Trend
Fetal Trend is a graphic representation of the fetal growing along the whole
gestational period by using measurements performed on different
Press TREND to activate Fetal Trend, the examinations used for trend and
belonging to the same patient are loaded and displayed to the bottom left of
the screen in the SELECTION box.
The examinations are listed below with the following parameters:
Patient name,
Exam Date,
LMP Date,
EDD Date.
Each exam reference can be eliminated from the graph deselecting the related
The X axis displays the weeks while the Y axis the parameter selected in the
upper left part of the screen.
The continuous line indicates the reference average value, the dotted lines the
standard deviation (or the percentiles when in fetal growth). The dotted
vertical line represents the gestational age also displayed at the bottom-right;
the gestational age is calculated starting from the set parameter (LMP or
Survey Folder
The Survey Folder contains a list of predefined observations for both fetuses
and mother:
Fetal Heart,
Fetal Abdomen,
Fetal Head Anatomy,
Fetal Description,
Maternal Anatomy.
Fig. 10-3: OB Fetal Survey
NOTE When AUTO is selected, the measure is not closed till you have confirmed it
pressing EN TER .
Adding and Editing OB custom tables
When any B-Mode measurement based on table is selected, you can edit
custom tables both in Fetal Growth and in Fetal Age pressing A D D / E D I T .
Once one of the buttons has been pressed, the system displays the following
menu that allows to create a custom table:
Field Action
Field Values
RANGE SD1, SD2, SD3, 3%-50%-97%, 5%-150%-
95% OR 10%-50%-90%
NOTE The custom table will be available for the measurement only after having
set a bibliographic reference into the corresponding parameter.
Advanced Folder
Here you can set the parameters described in the table below.
Table 10-7: Advanced fields
Field Action
Field Action
NOTE HC* is calculated starting from BPD and OFD parameters; AC* is
calculated starting from APAD and TAD. In both cases the circumference
is drawn on an ellipse having the two measured parameters as axes: for this
reason the two parameters have to be orthogonal.
In the Multiple Fetuses area you can select the Sections to be included in the
Worksheet/Report Compare page when measurements from different
fetuses have been taken.
Field Action
Field Action
INCLUDE FETAL MASS SECTION Includes the related section in the report.
INCLUDE RATIO GRAPHS Includes the related section in the report.
GRAPHICS Sets the Graphs Compare Section in the Report.
When SKIP COMPARAT GRAPHS is selected,
the graphs are separated per fetus (each fetus
will have his graph with the measurement
reference), while when PRINT ONLY COMPAR
GRAPHS is selected the same measurement for
different fetus is reported on the same graph.
Field Action
Measurement Area
When measurements are performed, the value under measure is displayed on
the left side of the image (screen measurement area).
In Obstetrics application the first two rows of the screen measurement area
can be set to display specific parameters. The parameters that can be displayed
GA(LMP): gestational age based on LMP,
GA(AUA): gestational age based on AUA,
GA(DGA): gestational age based on DGA,
GA(LMP/DGA): gestational age based on LMP/DGA,
ESTIM FETAL WEIGHT: Estimated fetal weight,
11 - Thyroid Measurements
This chapter lists all the Advanced Measurements available for the Thyroid
The listed measurements are organized in groups. You can customize the
Advanced Measurements package to adapt it to your work-flow: the
touchscreen will display only the set measurements.
Structure Evaluation
The worksheet, besides displaying the single measurements, also allows the
insertion of an evaluation of the structures under exam. The following
evaluations are available with the measurements.
Table 11-2: Evaluations in Thyroid
Location VI, VII, III, IV, VA, VB, IA, IB, IIA, IIB
Evaluations can also be added from Measurement environment tapping
EVALUATE and then selecting the group.
Advanced Folder
Here you can set the parameters described in the table below.
Table 11-3: Advanced fields
Field Action
12 - Urologic
This chapter lists all Advanced Measurements available for the Urologic
The listed measurements are organized in groups. You can customize the
Advanced Measurements package to adapt it to your work-flow: the
touchscreen will display only the set measurements.
Application Data
Fig. 12-1: Urologic Patient ID page
Whole Gland Volume Whole Gland Volume Diameter 1 (WG D1) Distance WG D1
Diameter 2 (WG D2) Distance WG D2
Diameter 3 (WG D3) Distance WG D3
Transitional Zone Trans Zone Prost Volume Diameter 1 (TZD1) Distance TZD1
Prostate Volume (Trans Zone Prost Vol) Diameter 2 (TZD2) Distance TZD2
Diameter 3 (TZD3) Distance TZD3
Measurement Input Measurement Displayed
Measurement Description Input Type
(Abbreviation) (Label) Results
Distal Cavernous Arterial VTI Dist Cavernous A VTI VTIc Profile VTI
Middle Cavernous Arterial VTI Mid Cavernous A VTI VTIc Profile VTI
Structure Evaluation
The worksheet, besides displaying the single measurements, also allows the
insertion of an evaluation of the structures under exam. The following
evaluations are available with the measurements.
Capsule Continuous, Discontinuous Swollen,
Discontinuous Extra Invasion,
Discontinuous Hyperdense Echos
4 - Pedunculated
6 - Subtrigonal
7 - Other combinations
Calcification Yes, No
Contour Yes, No
Advanced Folder
Here you can set the parameters described in the table below.
Table 12-7: Advanced fields
Field Action
PSA CORRECTION Sets the correction factor for the PSA predicted
FACTOR - WG level by whole gland volume.
PSA CORRECTION Sets the correction factor for the PSA predicted
FACTOR - TZ level by transitional zone volume.
INCLUDE CALCULATED Includes the calculated values in the report, when
13 - Vascular
This chapter lists all the Advanced Measurements available for the Vascular
The listed measurements are organized in groups. You can customize the
Advanced Measurements package to adapt it to your work-flow: the
touchscreen will display only the set measurements.
Application Data
Fig. 13-1: Vascular Patient ID page
Righta Common Carotid R CCA Stenosis Diam True Diameter (True D) Distance True D
Artery stenosis diameter Residual Diameter (Res D) Distance Res D
% Sten
Righta Internal Carotid R ICA Stenosis Diam True Diameter (True D) Distance True D
Artery stenosis diameter Residual Diameter (Res D) Distance Res D
% Sten
Righta External Carotid R ECA Stenosis Diam True Diameter (True D) Distance True D
Artery stenosis diameter Residual Diameter (Res D) Distance Res D
% Sten
Righta Common Carotid R CCA Stenosis Area True Area (True A) Contour True A
Artery stenosis area Residual Area (Res A) Contour Res AD
% Sten
Righta Internal Carotid R ICA Stenosis Area True Area (True A) Contour True A
Artery stenosis area Residual Area (Res A) Contour Res AD
% Sten
Righta External Artery R ECA Stenosis Area True Area (True A) Contour True A
stenosis area Residual Area (Res A) Contour Res AD
% Sten
Aorta proximal Prox Aorta Diam Systolic Diameter (Syst D) Distance Syst D
diameter Diastolic Diameter (Diast D) Distance Diast D
Aorta distal diameter Dist Aorta Diam Systolic Diameter (Syst D) Distance Syst D
Diastolic Diameter (Diast D) Distance Diast D
Aorta dilatation Ao Dil Segm Length Aorta dilatation segment length (L) Distance L
segment length
Aorta dilatation Ao Dil Segm Width Aorta dilatation segment width (W) Distance W
segment width
Measurement Input Measurement Input Displayed
Measurement Description
(Abbreviation) (Label) Type Results
Righta proximal common carotid VTI R Prox CCA VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta middle common carotid VTI R Mid CCA VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta distal common carotid VTI R Dist CCA VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta proximal internal carotid VTI R Prox ICA VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta middle internal carotid VTI R Mid ICA VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta distal internal carotid velocities R Dist ICA PSVb Caliper PSV
Caliper EDV
Righta distal internal carotid VTI R Dist ICA VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta Vein Cava reflux R V Cava Reflux Time Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
time Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Width (W) Distance W
Righta Common iliac vein R Com Iliac V Reflux T Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
reflux time Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Width (W) Distance W
Righta External iliac vein R Ext Iliac V Reflux T Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
reflux time Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Width (W) Distance W
Righta internal iliac vein R Int Iliac V Hypogartric Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
reflux time - Hypogastric Reflux T (R Int Iliac V Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Hypog RT) Width (W) Distance W
Righta common femoral R Com Femoral V Reflux Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
vein reflux time T (R Com Femoral V Refl Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
T) Width (W) Distance W
Righta superficial femoral R Sup Femoral V Reflux T Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
vein reflux time (R Sup Femoral V Refl T) Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Width (W) Distance W
Righta profunda femoral R Prof Femoris V Reflux T Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
vein reflux time (R Prof Femoris V Refl T) Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Width (W) Distance W
Righta popliteal vein R Popliteal V Reflux T Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
reflux time Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Width (W) Distance W
Righta gemellary vein R Gemellary V Reflux T Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
reflux time Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Width (W) Distance W
Righta anterior tribal vein R Ant Tibial V Reflux T Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
reflux time Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Width (W) Distance W
Righta posterior tribal R Post Tibial V Reflux T Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
vein reflux time Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Width (W) Distance W
Righta saphenous-femoral R Saf-Fem Junct Reflux T Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
anastomosis reflux time (R Saf-Fem Junct Refl T) Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Width (W) Distance W
Righta saphenous- R Saf-Popl Junct Reflux T Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
popliteal anastomosis (R Saf-Popl Junct Refl T) Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
reflux time Width (W) Distance W
Righta great saphenous R Great Saphenous V Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
vein reflux time Reflux T (R Great Saphen Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
V Refl T) Width (W) Distance W
Righta short saphenous R Small Saphenous V Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
vein reflux time Reflux T (R Small Saphen Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
V Refl T) Width (W) Distance W
Righta Hunterian vein R Hunterian Reflux T Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
reflux time Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Width (W) Distance W
Righta Boyd vein reflux R Boyd Reflux T Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
time Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Width (W) Distance W
Righta Cockett vein reflux R Cockett Reflux T Reflux Time (Refl T) Time Refl T
time Thickness (Thickn) Distance Thickn
Width (W) Distance W
Righta proximal common iliac R Prox Com Iliac A PSVb Caliper PSV
velocities Caliper EDV
Righta proximal common iliac R Prox Com Iliac A VTId Profile VTI
Righta middle common iliac R Mid Com Iliac A PSVb Caliper PSV
velocities Caliper EDV
Righta middle common iliac VTI R Mid Com Iliac A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta distal common iliac R Dist Com Iliac A PSVb Caliper PSV
velocities Caliper EDV
Righta distal common iliac VTI R Dist Com Iliac A VTId Profile VTI
Righta proximal external iliac R Prox Ext Iliac A PSVb Caliper PSV
velocities Caliper EDV
Righta proximal external iliac R Prox Ext Iliac A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta middle external iliac R Mid Ext Iliac A PSVb Caliper PSV
velocities Caliper EDV
Righta middle external iliac VTI R Mid Ext Iliac A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta distal external iliac R Dist Ext Iliac A PSVb Caliper PSV
velocities Caliper EDV
Righta distal external iliac VTI R Dist Ext Iliac A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta iliac artery bifurcation R Iliac A Bif VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta proximal internal iliac R Prox Int Iliac A PSVb Caliper PSV
artery velocities Caliper EDV
Righta proximal internal iliac R Prox Int Iliac A VTI VTId Profile VTI
artery VTI
Righta middlw common femoral R Mid Com Femoral A PSVb Caliper PSV
artery velocities (R Mid Com Femor A) Caliper EDV
Righta middle common femoral R Mid Com Femoral A VTId Profile VTI
artery VTI VTI
(R Mid Com Femor A
Righta distal common femoral R Dist Com Femoral A PSVb Caliper PSV
artery velocities Caliper EDV
Righta distal common femoral R Dist Com Femoral A VTId Profile VTI
artery VTI VTI
(R Dist Com Femor A
Righta profunda femoral artery R Prof Femoral A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta middle superficial femoral R Mid Sup Femoral A PSVb Caliper PSV
artery velocities Caliper EDV
Righta middle superficial femoral R Mid Sup Femoral A VTId Profile VTI
artery VTI VTI
(R Mid Sup Femor A
Righta distal superficial femoral R Dist Sup Femoral A PSVb Caliper PSV
artery velocities Caliper EDV
Righta distal superficial femoral R Dist Sup Femoral A VTId Profile VTI
artery VTI VTI
(R Dist Sup Femor A
Righta below knee popliteal R Below Knee Popliteal PSVb Caliper PSV
artery velocities A Caliper EDV
(R Below Knee Poplit
Righta below knee popliteal R Below Knee Popliteal VTId Profile VTI
artery VTI A VTI
(R Below Knee Poplit
Righta proximal posterior tibial R Prox Post Tibial A PSVb Caliper PSV
artery velocities (R Prox PTA) Caliper EDV
Righta proximal posterior tibial R Prox Post Tibial A VTId Profile VTI
artery VTI VTI
Righta middle posterior tibial R Mid Post Tibial A PSVb Caliper PSV
artery velocities Caliper EDV
Righta middle posterior tibial RMid Post Tibial A VTId Profile VTI
artery VTI VTI
Righta distal posterior tibial R Dist Post Tibial A PSVb Caliper PSV
artery velocities Caliper EDV
Righta distal posterior tibial R Dist Post Tibial A VTId Profile VTI
artery VTI VTI
Righta proximal anterior tibial R Prox Ant Tibial A PSVb Caliper PSV
artery velocities Caliper EDV
Righta proximal anterior tibial R Prox Ant Tibial A VTId Profile VTI
artery VTI VTI
Righta middle anterior artery R Mid Ant Tibial A PSVb Caliper PSV
velocities Caliper EDV
Righta middle anterior tibial R Mid Ant Tibial A VTId Profile VTI
artery VTI VTI
Righta distal anterior tibial artery R Dist Ant Tibial A PSVb Caliper PSV
velocities Caliper EDV
Righta distal anterior tibial artery R Dist Ant Tibial A VTId Profile VTI
Righta peroneal artery VTI R Prox Peroneal A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta middle peroneal artery R Mid Peroneal A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta distal peroneal artery VTI R Dist Peroneal A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta dorsalis pedis artery VTI R Dors Pedis A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta middle superior cerebella R Mid Sup Cerebr A PSVb Caliper PSV
artery velocities Caliper EDV
Righta middle superior cerebella R Mid Sup Cerebr A VTId Profile VTI
artery VTI VTI
Righta distal superior cerebella R Dist Sup Cerebr A PSVb Caliper PSV
artery velocities Caliper EDV
Righta distal superior cerebella R Dist Sup Cerebr A VTId Profile VTI
artery VTI VTI
Righta proximal brachial artery R Prox Brachial A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta middle brachial artery R Mid Brachial A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta distal brachial artery VTI R Dist Brachial A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta proximal radial artery VTI R Prox Radial A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta middle radial artery VTI R Mid Radial A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta distal radial artery VTI R Dist Radial A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta proximal ulnar artery VTI R Prox Ulnar A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta distal ulnar artery VTI R Dist Ulnar A VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta palmar artery VTI R Palmar Arch VTI VTId Profile VTI
Post prandial celiac artery Post Prandial Celiac PSVa Caliper PSV
velocities Caliper EDV
Post prandial celiac artery VTI Post Prandial Celiac VTIc Profile VTI
Distal superior mesenteric artery Dist Sup Mesenteric A PSVa Caliper PSV
velocities Caliper EDV
Distal superior mesenteric artery Dist Sup Mesenteric A VTIc Profile VTI
VTI VTI (Dist Sup Mesent
Celiac tripod artery VTI Celiac Tripod VTI VTIc Profile VTI
Inferior mesenteric artery VTI Inf Mesenteric A VTI VTIc Profile VTI
Proximal splenic artery VTI Prox Splenic A VTI VTIc Profile VTI
(Prox Splenic A VTI)
Middle splenic artery VTI Mid Splenic A VTI VTIc Profile VTI
(Mid Splenic A VTI)
Distal splenic artery VTI Dist Splenic A VTI VTIc Profile VTI
(Dist Splenic A VTI)
Righta inflow arterial vessel VTI R Art Vessel VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta proximal arterial R Prox Art Anast VTI VTId Profile VTI
anastomosis VTI
Righta proximal graft VTI R Prox Graft VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta middle graft VTI R Mid Graft VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta distal graft VTI R Dist Graft VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta distal arterial anastomosis R Dist A Art Anast PSVb Caliper PSV
velocities Caliper EDV
Righta distal arterial anastomosis R Dist Art Anast VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta inflow arterial vessel VTI R Art Vessel VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta proximal arterial R Prox Art Anast VTI VTId Profile VTI
anastomosis VTI
Righta proximal graft VTI R Prox Graft VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta middle graft VTI R Mid Graft VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta distal graft VTI R Dist Graft VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta distal arterial anastomosis R Dist D Art Anast PSVb Caliper PSV
velocities Caliper EDV
Righta distal arterial anastomosis R Dist Art Anast VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta puncture 3 velocities R Puncture 3 PSVb Caliper PSV
Caliper EDV
Righta venous vessel VTI R Ven Vessel VTI VTId Profile VTI
Righta venous junction VTI R Venous Junction VTI VTId Profile VTI
Rightd renal artery ostium VTI R Renal A Ost VTI VTIc Profile VTI
Rightd proximal renal artery VTI R Prox Renal A VTI VTIc Profile VTI
Rightd middle renal artery VTI R Mid Renal A VTI VTIc Profile VTI
Rightd distal renal artery VTI R Dist Renal A VTI VTIc Profile VTI
Rightd upper arterial segment 1 R Segm1 Upper P VTI VTIc Profile VTI
Rightd upper arterial segment 2 R Segm2 Upper P VTI VTIc Profile VTI
Rightd lower arterial segment 1 R Segm1 Lower P VTI VTIc Profile VTI
Rightd lower arterial segment 2 R Segm2 Lower P VTI VTIc Profile VTI
Rightd hilar acceleration time R Hilar Acc Time Acceleration Time (R Time R HilAT
Status Evaluation
Status Evaluation
Vascular Measurement Set Up
To access the Vascular Measurement configuration menu press M EN U then
select M E A S U R E , and then V A S C U L A R . The A P P L I C A T I O N
M E A S U R E M E N T S and A D V A N C E D tabs provide specific options for the
selected application.
Advanced Folder
Here you can set the parameters described in the table below.
Table 13-13: Advanced fields
Field Action
In both cases when the AUTO MAX field is checked, the ratio is calculated using
the maximum velocities values among all performed measurements of the
same parameters.
Volume in abdominal and breast
Volume [ml] or [cm3]
4 L H W
Vol = --- --- ---- -----
3 2 2 2
Volume in thyroid
Volume [ml] or [cm3]
Vol = --- AP Transv Sag
Diameter Reduction
%ST =
100 1 – ------1
Accuracy ±10%
Length by Vertex
Area Reduction
%ST =
100 1 – -----1-
Accuracy ±16%
Volume by Ellipse
4--- 2
0 85 ------
A: Area
D: Diameter
Bi-Plane Volume
--- D 1 D 2 D 3
Vol (cm3) =
4--- L H W
--- ---- -----
3 2 2 2
L: Length
H: Height
W: Width
Accuracy ±15%
Bladder Volume
Accuracy ±15%
Reference Griffiths, et al., “Measuring Bladder Volume and Residual Urine” In: The
Journal of Urology, Vol. 136, 808-812, 1986
Volume (cm3) =
D 0 D 1 D 2 ---
Accuracy ±15%
Volume (cm3) =
4--- D0 D1 D2
------ ------ ------
3 2 2 2
Accuracy ±15%
Volume (cm3) =
---- D 0 D 1
when D0<D1
Volume (cm3) =
---- D 1 D 0
when D1<D0
Accuracy ±15%
A: Volume
B: Correction factor
Accuracy ±15%
Reference Fred Lee, M.D., et al., “Predicted Prostate Specific Antigen Results Using
Transrectal Ultrasound Gland Volume” In: Cancer Supplement, Vol. 70, No. 1,
July 1992.
Mitchell C. Benson, et al., “Prostate Specific Antigen Density: A means of
Distinguishing Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy and Prostate Cancer” In: The
Journal of Urology, Vol. 147, 815-816, March 1992.
Mitchell C. Benson, et al., “The Use of Prostate Specific Antigen Density to
Enhance the Predictive Value of Intermediate Levels of Serum Prostate
Specific Antigen” In: The Journal of Urology, Vol. 147, 817-821, March 1992.
A: PSA serum
B: Volume
Reference Fred Lee, M.D., et al., “Predicted Prostate Specific Antigen Results Using
Transrectal Ultrasound Gland Volume” In: Cancer Supplement, Vol. 70, No. 1,
July 1992.
Mitchell C. Benson, et al., “Prostate Specific Antigen Density: A means of
Distinguishing Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy and Prostate Cancer” In: The
Journal of Urology, Vol. 147, 815-816, March 1992.
Mitchell C. Benson, et al., “The Use of Prostate Specific Antigen Density to
Enhance the Predictive Value of Intermediate Levels of Serum Prostate
Specific Antigen” In: The Journal of Urology, Vol. 147, 817-821, March 1992.
Stenosis Diameter
%ST =
100 1 – ------1
Accuracy ±10%
Stenosis Area
%ST =
100 1 – -----1-
Accuracy ±16%
Left Ventricle Simpson Volume - Biplane
Volume (ml) =
--- ----- d D
4 20 1 – 20 h h
h: Long axis
Accuracy ±15%
Volume (ml) =
h- 2
--- ----- D
4 20 1 – 20
h: Long axis
Accuracy ±15%
Volume (ml) =
8A -
A: Area
D: Long axis
Accuracy ±21%
Index =
A – B 100-
A: Diastolic volume
B: Systolic volume
Accuracy ±42%
Reference Feigenbaum H., Echocardiography, 4th Ed., Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia,
1986, pp. 153-155
Stroke Volume
SV (ml) =
A: Diastolic volume
B: Systolic volume
Accuracy ±42%
Reference Weyman A., Principles and Practice of Echocardiography, Lea & Febiger,
1994, p. 605
Stroke Index
A: Stroke volume
Cardiac Output
CO (l/min) =
A – B HR
A: Diastolic volume
B: Systolic volume
Accuracy ±45%
Reference Weyman A., Principles and Practice of Echocardiography, Lea & Febiger,
1994, p. 605
Cardiac Index
A: Cardiac Output
A – B 100-
Accuracy ±16%
A – B 100-
A: Diastolic diameter
B: Systolic diameter
Accuracy ±10%
Derived Parameter
EF= A:
A – B 100- 7D -
------------------------------ ------------------
A 2 4 + D
D: Diameter in diastole
7D -
2 4 + D
D: Diameter in systole
LVM (g) =
3 3
0 8 1 04 A + B + C – A + 0 6
Accuracy ±15%
OTA (cm2) =
D 2
Aortic Area
AOA (cm2) =
D 2
D: Aortic diameter
Ratio =
B: Aortic diameter
Volume (ml) =
A D ---
A: Area
B: Long axis
Accuracy ±21%
Area (cm2) =
D 2
Volume (ml) =
85 A B-
A: Area in 4AC
B: Area in 2AC
C: Length
Accuracy ±24%
Size =
Index =
A – B 100-
Accuracy ±16%
LVPWd: LV Posterior wall - Diastole
Left Ventricle Ejection Fraction
Derived Parameter
EF= A:
A – B 100- 7D
A 2 4 + D
D: Diameter in diastole
7D -
2 4 + D
D: Diameter in systole
Accuracy ±30%
Volume (ml) =
7D -
2 4 + D
Accuracy ±15%
Stroke Volume
SV (ml) =
A: Diastolic volume
B: Systolic volume
Accuracy ±42%
Stroke Index
A: Stroke volume
Cardiac Output
CO (l/min) =
A – B HR
A: Diastolic volume
B: Systolic volume
Accuracy ±45%
Cardiac Index
A: Cardiac Output
A – B 100-
A: Diastolic diameter
B: Systolic diameter
Accuracy ±10%
Reference Feigenbaum H., Echocardiography, 4th Ed., Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia,
1986, pp. 153-155
Septum Thickening
A – B 100-
Accuracy ±10%
Reference Feigenbaum H., Echocardiography, 4th Ed., Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia,
1986, pp. 153-155
A – B 100-
Accuracy ±10%
Reference Feigenbaum H., Echocardiography, 4th Ed., Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia,
1986, pp. 153-155
LVM (g) =
3 3
1 04 A + B + C – B – 13 6
A: Intraventricular septum in diastole
B: Diameter in diastole
Accuracy ±15%
Index =
Accuracy ±15%
Ratio =
B: Aortic diameter
Accuracy ±10%
Excentricity Index
Index =
A: Aortic diameter
Accuracy ±10%
G (mmHg) =
V: Velocity
Accuracy ±16%
Peak Gradient
Gradient (mmHg) =
V: Peak velocity
Accuracy ±16%
Reference Weyman A., Principles and Practice of Echocardiography, Lea & Febiger,
1994, p. 605
VTI (cm) =
V i T
Accuracy ±8%
Mean Velocity
Vmn (m/s) =
t: Flow duration
Accuracy: ±11%
Mean Gradient
Gmn (mmHg) =
2 2 2
4 V 1 + V 2 + + V n
Accuracy: ±11%
Pulsatility Index
PI =
V p – V TD
V mn
PI =
V p – V rev
V mn
Applicable where the flow goes through the
Accuracy ±27%
Resistive Index
RI =
V p – V TD
RI =
V P – V rev
Applicable where the flow goes through the
Accuracy ±16%
Flow (ml/s) =
TAV: Time average velocity
Flow by Diameter
FS (ml/s)= A=
Accuracy ±21%
Reference Nichols W., O'Rourke M., McDonald's, “Blood Flow in Arteries”, Edward
Arnold London, p. 204
Pressure Half-Time
PHT (ms) =
V Max 1 – 0,707
Accuracy ±28%
Area (cm2) =
Accuracy ±28%
Reference Weyman A., Principles and Practice of Echocardiography, Lea & Febiger,
1994, p. 605
E Wave/A Wave
E/A =
A: E wave peak velocity
Accuracy ±10%
Index =
A + B-
A: Isovolumetric contraction time
C: Ejection time
Accuracy ±6%
dP/dt Ratio
Ratio =
t: time elapsed between -1m/s to -3m/s velocity
Accuracy ±3%
Reference Bargiggia GS, Bertucci C. et al. “A new method for estimating left ventricular
dP/dt by continuous wave Doppler echocardiography. Validation studies at
cardiac catheterisation” In: Circulation 1989; 80; 1287-1292
Flow (ml/s)=
628 R V
R: Radius
V: Aliasing velocity
Accuracy ±14%
Reference Bargiggia G.S., Tronconi L., Sahn D.J. et al. “A New Method for Quantitation
of Mitral Regurgitation Based on Color Flow Doppler Imaging of Flow
Convergence Proximal to Regurgitant Orifice” In: Circulation, 1991, 84: pp.
O (ml)=
628 R V 1
R: Radius
Accuracy ±22%
Volume (ml)=
28 R V
3 25
R: Radius
V: Aliasing velocity
Accuracy ±14%
Reference Rossi A., Dujardin K.S. et al. “Rapid Estimation of Regurgitant Volume by
the Proximal Isolvelocity Surface Area Method in Mitral Regurgitation: Can
Continuous-Wave Doppler Echocardiography Be Omitted?” In: Journal of the
American Society of Echocardiography. Volume 11, Number 2, pp. 138-148
Volume (ml)=
6 28 R V 1 VTI
R: Radius
Accuracy ±30%
Reference Shiota T., Jones M., Yamada I. et al. “Effective Regurgitant orifice Area by
the Color Doppler Flow Convergence Method for Evaluating the Severity of
Chronic Aortic Regurgitation. An Animal Study” In: Circulation, 1996; 93; pp.
E’ Wave/A’ Wave
E’/A’ =
Accuracy ±16%
E Wave/E’ Wave
E/E’ =
Accuracy ±16%
IMD (ms) =
A: Aorta pre-ejection time
Accuracy ±9%
Area (cm2)= A=
-------------------- 2
Accuracy ±28
Area (cm2)= A=
A V1
D 2
Accuracy ±22%
Systolic Pressure
Pressure (mmHg)=
4 V + Set pressure gradient
V: Regurge velocity
Accuracy ±16%
A: Systolic velocity
B: Diastolic velocity
Accuracy ±10%
Heart Rate
HR (bpm) =
T: R-R interval
Accuracy ±3%
Stroke Volume
SV (ml)= A=
Accuracy ±19%
Stroke Index
SI =
A: Stroke volume
Accuracy ±19%
Cardiac Output
CO (l/min)= A=
Accuracy ±21%
Cardiac Index
CI =
A: Cardiac output
Accuracy ±19%
Qp/Qs =
A: Pulmonary artery stroke volume
Accuracy ±42%
Reference Sanders S.P. et al. “Measurement of Systemic and Pulmonary Blood Flow and
Qp/Qs Ratio using Doppler and Two-Dimensional Echocardiography” In:
Am. J. Cardiol. 1983, 51, p.952
Coronary Reserve
Reserve =
A: Post LAD prox/mid/distal
Accuracy ±10%
Reference P. Guarini, G Scognamiglio et al. “La valutazione non invasiva della riserva di
flusso coronarico mediante ecocardiografia transtoracica: fisiopatologia,
metodologia e valenza clinica” In: Ital Heart J supp Vol 4 Marzo 2003
F. Rigo et al. “Transthoracic echocardiography imaging of coronary arteries:
tipps, traps, pittsfull” In: Cardivascular Ultrasound 2008, 6:7
VTI (cm) =
V i T
Accuracy ±8%
Vmn (m/s) =
t: Flow duration
Accuracy: ±11%
Table of Contents
Multimedia Export .................................................................................. 1-6
Clip Quality ......................................................................................... 1-6
Image Quality...................................................................................... 1-7
7 Network Configuration.................................................................7-1
Special Cautions When Connecting MyLab to a Network ...................7-1
Network Characteristics..........................................................................7-1
How to Configure the Network................................................................7-2
AUTOCONN Button....................................................................... 7-6
1 - Digital Archiving
MyLab is equipped with an internal hard disk (local archive) where exams can
be archived.
During the exam, acquired still images and clips are temporarily saved into the
local archive and listed as thumbnails at the right side of the screen.
At the end of the exam, when EN D EXAM is pressed, they can be definitively
stored both on the local archive itself and on external memories (DVDs,
CDs, USB devices, or sent over a network to an archive server).
At the end of the exam, unless AUTO SAVE is enabled (see further in this
chapter), at EN D EXAM pressure the following screen is displayed.
Fig. 1-1: End Exam Screen
NOTE The above screen is displayed also when the system is switched on if the
machine was switched off without first closing the exam underway.
Here you can select the destination(s) where data will be stored: LOCAL
ARCHIVE to save in the system internal hard disk, USB to save into an external
USB device, CD/DVD to burn a removable disk and BROWSE to send over a
network to a selected destination. As alternative you can tap the related
buttons on the touchscreen.
Beside each destination the TIME field shows the estimated time for the
operation while the SIZE field shows the estimated size of data.
The exam can be:
archived in native format in the local archive and on an
external medium (NATIVE area),
exported in multimedia formats on an external medium
exported in DICOM format on an external medium (DICOM
Still images can be exported on external media with full (BMP format) or
compressed resolution (PNG and JPEG formats); clips are compressed. The
system menu allows to set the clip duration.
Data can be archived both in native format, in DICOM format (for systems
equipped with a DICOM license) and exported as single frames and AVI files
(refer to the “Getting Started” manual for information on supported images
and clip formats). Exported data cannot be reviewed by the system.
The corresponding report can be simultaneously saved on an external
medium in pdf format.
The following media can be selected for archiving and exporting operations:
Table 1-1: Archiving Media
Native Other
Medium Notes
Format Formats
DICOM Storage Server No Yes Data are saved in DICOM format only
Selection can be made either by checking the desired destinations in the End
Exam screen using the trackball or by pressing the buttons in the touchscreen.
MyLab allows to manage many USB media devices; you can select the
destination you prefer in the combo box. Different USB devices can be
selected for saving in Native, Multimedia or DICOM format.
When the exam is archived on CD or DVD in DICOM format, the DVLite1
viewer is automatically stored in the medium, allowing the user to review the
exams on any PC.
Before archiving, you can also select ANONYMIZE, to made anonymous the
patient’s data.
NOTE The native format of the exam can not be made anonymous.
NOTE If no option is selected in the End Exam screen, all stored data are deleted.
When the free disk space is lower than 10GB, the system displays a warning
message to alert the user. In this case, back the archive up and then delete
exams from the internal data base.
Exported exams are organized in folders: each exam is included in a specific
folder with its images, clips and report.
Archive Icons
The icons identifying archiving media are displayed on the left of the footer
Fig. 1-2: Archive Icons
The icon marked with a red “X” indicates that there are problems in the
management of that specific archiving medium. When this occurs, check the
“OPERATIONS” menu (see next chapters for further information).
NOTE During burning procedures, the burner icon turns yellow to inform the
operator that the system might be slowed down during the burning initial
phase. This phase lasts a few seconds.
Refer to next chapters for When clicking on the icon, MyLab displays the status of the operations.
further details on how to
check each operation status.
NOTE Do not switch the system off or remove the archiving medium while saving;
this could cause damages to data or to the hard disk.
Before removing the archiving medium, check that the remaining time is
Press M EN U then S A V I N G O P T I O N S to enter in the Saving Options
configuration procedure.
Configuration Menu. It is organized in two main areas: the left side shows the
list of all saved saving data profiles and the right side the system configuration
Here you can create a new profile (N E W or C L O N E ), modify (E D I T ) or delete
(C A N C E L ) an existing one.
Table 1-2: Saving Options
Parameter Action
NOTE When more than one USB media is connected, you can select the desired
one in the combo box.
2. fill the NAME field with the desired name for the saving
option and add an optional description in the NOTES field,
3. SAVE or C A N C E L .
Multimedia Export
Refer to the “Getting These options allow to set the compression format of single images and clips. The
Started” manual for defined formats will be used each time images and clips are exported.
information on the
You can assign specific export configurations to different system configurations:
configuration procedure.
refer to the “Getting Started” manual and within this section for further
information on system configuration.
Press M EN U then M U L T I M E D I A to enter in the Multimedia Export
Configuration Menu. It is organized in two main areas: on the left side the list
of configured export profiles and on the right side the configuration menu.
Here you can create a new profile (N E W or C L O N E ), modify (E D I T ) or delete
(C A N C E L ) an existing one.
Procedure 1. Select the desired Clip and Image Quality that are the com-
pression characteristics that can be set both for clips and sin-
gle images.
Fig. 1-3: Export Configuration Menu
Clip Quality
The following formats are available:
Image Quality
The following formats are available:
LOW (LOSSY JPEG), with low image quality.
Access to the Archive
Archived data can be accessed by pressing ARCHIVE.
Once the button is pressed the system displays the screen below and at the
same time the touchscreen displays dedicated key for Archive controls.
Fig. 2-1: Main Archive Menu
2 3
Basic Controls
DEL EXAMS deletes the selected exams from the archive.
EXPORT saves the selected exams both in native and in other formats (BMP, PNG or
JPEG for single frames and AVI for clips in Multimedia option and in
DICOM format) on external media. Media can be selected directly on the
touchscreen or by checking the desired boxes on the screen with the trackball
and the EN TER key. Data can be made anonymous in both formats.
Before exporting the selected exams, MyLab estimates the files size and the
time necessary for the transfer. The displayed estimation allows the user to
check whether there is enough space on the destination medium. Exam
reports are exported in pdf format.
IMPORT DICOM DB imports exams from the DICOM Database. Refer to the related paragraph
for further information.
ITEM If the list is longer than one page this knob scrolls down exam by exam.
LATEST DICOM DB opens the more recently accessed DICOM Database. Refer to the related
paragraph for further information.
OPEN automatically displays the selected exam(s). Refer to the paragraph “How to
Review Archived Exams” for further information.
PAGE If the list is longer than one page this knob scroll down the entire page.
QUERY allows the user to selectively review the exams by setting search criteria such
as patient’s name or date of birth. Use the trackball and the alphanumeric
keyboard to enter search criteria in the fields and press EN TER to activate the
search. A list of exams satisfying the set criteria appears on the screen at the
end of the search.
SELECT ALL EXAMS selects all the exams included in the archive.
SELECT INTERVAL selects more than one exam: using the trackball position the cursor on the
first exam and press EN TER . Place then the cursor on the last exam and press
EN TER again. Alternatively, if possible, move the cursor using the trackball,
press Shift and EN TER key simultaneously.
Advanced Controls
EVENT VIEWER opens a dedicated menu where the operations done on the exams, saved in
the local archive, can be sorted according to advanced searching criteria.
The viewer menu is organized with internal folders, selectable either using the
tabs displayed on the top/left of the screen or by pressing the corresponding
buttons on the touchscreen.
Press either ARCHIVE or BACK TO EXAM LIST to exit from the viewer menu.
All Events Folder This folder displays the list of all the exams where at least one operation (for
ALL EVENTS instance modifying the report or printing an image) has been done.
The exams are listed with additional information compared with main archive
menu. Information on the type of operation, the status and the final
destination are added. These parameters offer additional searching criteria as
listed in the table below.
Set the searching criteria in the corresponding field; multiple criteria can be
used for the exams selection.
History of Selected The history of the exams, selected in the main archive menu, is displayed in
Exams Folder this folder.
Back Up Reminder This folder displays the list of all the exams where no operation has been done
BACK UP REMINDER according to the set searching criteria.
Set the searching criteria in the corresponding field; multiple criteria can be
used for the exams selection.
EXAMS NOT shows the list of exams that have been performed and not archived into the
ARCHIVED local database. From this window, the user can select the exams to be saved
on the local hard disk (R E S T O R E button) and delete not saved exams.
NOTE The available memory size for the exams which have not been archived
depends upon the archive size. When the memory is full, the list is updated
by deleting the oldest exams. Typically, about 100 exams can be kept on
this list.
REBUILD ARCH IDX allows rebuilding the index of the archive, if the archive is corrupted. The
archive index can be rebuilt both for the internal and for external archive,
such as external USB hard disk.
WARNING Do not switch the unit off while performing this procedure. The hard disk
could be permanently damaged.
Selection of Single Exams Place the cursor on the exam and press ACTIO N . Move the cursor on the next
exam to be selected and press ACTIO N again. Repeat the operation to select all
the desired exams.
Alternatively, if possible, move the cursor using the trackball, press the Ctrl
and EN TER key simultaneously to select single exams.
Selection of Groups of Place the cursor on the first exam and press ACTIO N . By keeping this key
Exams pressed, move the cursor on the last exam of the interval and release then the
ACTIO N key: all the exams located between the first and the last one will be
automatically selected.
Alternatively, if possible, move the cursor using the trackball, press the
Shift and EN TER key simultaneously to select groups of exams.
Advanced When the EXAM DESCRIPTION field in the Patient ID page has been filled,
Searching Criteria MyLab offers a quick search criteria for the corresponding exams: by typing
the first description letters, MyLab automatically lists all the exams matching
the criteria.
One of selected destinations is CD/DVD;
during CD/DVD operations, the user interaction
will be stopped.
Do you want to continue?
The duration of the burning procedure corresponds to the estimated time for
the selected CD/DVD operation.
Press NO to end the procedure.
The burning procedure starts as soon as the YES button is pressed. The
system displays a waiting icon and the following message:
The procedure can be stopped at any time by pressing the CANCEL button.
In this case the CD/DVD is unusable.
NOTE Before importing exams archived on other MyLab systems, verify that
DICOM data have been exported with specific DICOM settings (header
and report) from Esaote systems. Contact Esaote personnel for all
information on compatible Esaote systems and on how to correctly import
these databases.
NOTE Imported DICOM exams can be reviewed and XStrain analyzed (contact
Esaote personnel for more information on the Esaote systems that are
compatible with the Strain analysis). A cross is displayed in the exam list to
indicate that the corresponding exam has been DICOM imported.
The image quality of the imported DICOM data is strictly correlated to the
compression level set on MyLab Esaote systems. Esaote recommends to use
at least high-level quality and, for XStrain processing, mandatory
QUERY allows the user to selectively review the exams by setting search criteria such
as patient’s name, date of birth or modality. Use the trackball and the
alphanumeric keyboard to enter search criteria in the fields and press QUERY
to activate the search. A list of exams satisfying the set criteria appears on the
screen at the end of the search. Select an exam from the list to view its details.
It will be displayed in two tabs S T U D Y D E T A I L S and S E R I E S D E T A I L S to
the right of search result box.
RETRIEVE SERIES loads the selected exam into the MyLab local archive from PACS.
At the end of the copy, CANCEL has to be pressed in order to exit from
NOTE Only ultrasound images can be downloaded from PACS and it is not
possible to perform measurements on them.
WARNING This symbol is displayed on the screen when the loaded image size is
slightly bigger than the display area, for this reason part of the original
image is not shown. Use the P A N key to display the missing part.
See the “Measurements” Measures can be done on the archived images and sequences. The performed
section for information on measurements are saved on the report, they are not stored on the image itself.
taking measurements.
Review Touchscreen
The REVIEW menu includes the controls described below.
ATTACH attaches the selected image to the report; in this case this icon is displayed in
the footer area of the screen, whenever the user reviews an image attached to
the report.
BACK TO exits from revision displaying a frozen image of the current exam.
EDIT enables post processing operations. Refer to the paragraph “Image Post
Processing” for further information.
FIRST FRAME positions the scroll memory cursor at the begin of the selected sequence.
FOLLOW UP shows the selected multi-modality image in the main screen with the
ultrasound image live for real time comparison. Multi-modality follow-up
includes US, CT, MRI, RX, PET/CT.
The multi-modality archived image can be displayed on the touchscreen
instead of the main screen, allowing you to have even more detail while
performing the ultrasound exam. Swipe down on the blue arrow on top
center of the touchscreen to access this layout. Swipe left/right to scroll the
images. Swipe up to close.
LAST FRAME positions the scroll memory cursor at the end of the selected sequence.
OPENED EXAMS shows the buttons to scroll the opened exams: each button is named with the
patient name and exam date.
PAGE scrolls the thumbnails if the selected exam has more than 16 stored images or
clips: when pressing this button, the system skips to the next 16 thumbnails.
Alternatively, the trackball can be used.
STOP de-activates the playing presentation and allows the sequence to be scrolled
image-by-image, using the trackball.
When in archive review, both still frames and clips can be saved following the
same procedures used in real time and Freeze.
NOTE When an image/clip has been saved from an archived image/clip, the date
for this saved image/clip starts with * to identify it from the original one.
Multiple Selection To speed up exporting and deleting operations, MyLab allows the multiple
of Images and Clips selection of images and clips using the same procedures described for
multiple selection of exams in Archive Review.
Selection of Single Place the cursor on the first thumbnail and press ACTIO N . Move the cursor on
Thumbnails the next thumbnail to be selected and press ACTIO N again. Repeat the
operation to select all the desired thumbnails.
Alternatively, if possible, move the cursor using the trackball, press the Ctrl
and EN TER key simultaneously to select single thumbnails.
Selection of Groups of Place the cursor on the first thumbnail and press ACTIO N . By keeping this key
Thumbnails pressed, move the cursor on the last thumbnail in the interval and the release
the ACTIO N key: all images located between the first and the last thumbnail will
be automatically selected.
Alternatively move the cursor using the trackball, press the Shift and EN TER
key simultaneously to select groups of thumbnails.
NOTE Raw Data from Archive is an optional feature requiring a specific licence
that allows to save clips/images in raw data format.
Clips acquired in retrospective mode, clips of trace and single images can
be post processed only if acquired in systems with the installed Raw Data
from Archive licence.
The thumbnails of the clips/images saved in raw data format are identified by
the green counter, displayed on the right bottom side of the thumbnail. All
the other thumbnails have a white counter.
EDIT, active only when a clip/image saved in raw data has been selected,
enables post-processing operations that are related to the mode in which the
image/clip has been saved (B-Mode, CFM or Doppler).
3 - Visual Comparison
This chapter explains how to compare archived exams.
Display Organization
In Visual Comparison the screen is divided in two (Dual format) or four
(Quad format) boxes. The boxes are organized in clockwise order: in Dual
format the left box is in the first; in the Quad format the upper left box is the
The box of the selected image or clip is highlighted by a yellow frame. The
related patient data are displayed at the top of each box.
1X2 and 2X2 buttons respectively select to the Dual or the Quad displaying
Depending on the selected displaying format, additional tabs are added to the
Visual Comparison touchscreen (VIS COMP tab). The first tab (indicated as 1)
selects the first box and so on.
Fig. 3-1: Touchscreen Organization
To select the desired image or clip, press the relevant tab or, alternatively,
place the cursor on the image and press EN TER .
Images and clips of In this case the images and clips to be compared have to be opened before
the different activating the Visual Comparison modality.
1. Press ARCHIVE.
2. Select the exams to be compared and open them.
3. Press COMPARE to activate the Visual Comparison modality.
4. If necessary, select the desired displaying format.
5. Scroll the thumbnail columns to select the desired exam.
6. Scroll the thumbnails.
7. Select the desired image or clip.
8. Place the cursor on the desired box in the image area and
press EN TER to confirm.
9. Repeat the operation.
The thumbnails of the displayed images and clips are contoured by an orange
frame and are marked with the corresponding tab number.
The selected image/clip on the main display is contoured by a yellow frame.
BEST SIZE acts on both panned and zoomed image/clip canceling all modifications.
PLAY ALL respectively display in cine mode and stop all clips shown on the screen.
ZOOM activates the zoom function on the selected image: use the trackball to adjust
the enlargement factor.
Refer to the previous paragraphs for information on all other controls.
Right clicking on the Archive Media (Devices) icons displayed in the footer
area gives access to contextual menus with the following controls:
Retry failed operations,
Delete temporary directories,
Show IP address info,
Erase device,
Erase CD/DVD,
Export log file to USB.
Select the desired controls to open the related menu.
The following media can be selected for archiving and exporting operations:
Table 4-1: Menu available on Archiving Media
Eject - - Yes - -
NOTE When more than one USB media is connected, right clicking on the USB
icon you can select the desired USB media and the controls listed will act
only on the selected USB media.
Operations Menu
The Operations menu can be directly displayed by positioning the pointer on
the icon and by pressing EN TER .
The dialogue window displays the list of exams (in the EXAM DESCRIPTION
column), the type of operation, the destination, the operation status
(completed, in progress or failed) and the date and time of the operation.
The operations can be sorted by checking the different criteria boxes:
DETAILS gives information on the error of the operation selected with the trackball.
EXCLUDE DONE displays all operations, except the ones already completed. Also available on
TASKS screen.
TO BE COMPLETED selects operations which still have to be completed. Also available on screen.
TIME LEFT indicates the time necessary to complete all pending operations.
DONE indicates the percentage of completed operations.
If one or more operations have failed, the icon is marked with a red “X”.
Select the failed operation(s) and either retry it or delete it; the cross will
disappear when no failed operation is listed.
This option shows the free space available in the internal hard disk, the whole
disk space and the used system memory.
For USB devices, it indicates the size of the inserted medium and the amount
of still free space on it.
For CD/DVD, it shows the properties of the disk inserted into the burner.
NOTE When the free space is between 20 and 60% and, in any case, when it is
lower than 20%, make a copy of the archive and then delete all copied
exams to free space on the hard disk.
NOTE To avoid dealing with a slow archive, make periodical copies of it and free
some space in the internal hard disk by deleting the copied exams.
Erase Device
This option is used to delete all data stored on the USB medium. Insert the
USB medium, select the option from the menu, place the cursor on field Yes
and press EN TER to begin the erasing procedure.
Erase CD/DVD
This option is used to delete all data stored on rewritable CD/DVDs. Insert
the CD/DVD in the burner, select the option from the menu, place the
cursor on Yes field and press EN TER to begin the erasing procedure.
This option is used to eject CD/DVD from the burner.
For all the other options apply the same instructions as the ones given for the
hard disk.
5 - MyLabDesk Evo
MyLabDesk Evo is a viewer with the intended use of displaying the ultrasound
studies stored within the MyLab device. The Software is provided “AS IS”.
Fig. 5-1: MyLabDesk Evo Display
WARNING MyLabDesk Evo has not to be used in order to take a medical decision,
including the interpretation for diagnostic purposes of any image, image
detail or image/data resulting from a post-processing elaboration of the
original image.
Refer to the End User Licence Agreement, enclosed with the software, for
further details.
WARNING Image and video compression methods or insufficient graphic board and
PC display performances might affect image quality: no diagnosis can be
based on measurements performed with MyLabDesk Evo. Always compare
the values obtained with measurements directly performed on the structure
under exam with a MyLab system.
NOTE The PC mouse works as a cursor in MyLabDesk Evo. The left and right keys
are named EN TER and UN DO , as in the MyLab manuals.
WARNING Do not place the PC with MyLabDesk Evo within the patient’s area (1.5 m
distance - 2.5 m height).
NOTE PISA - MIT and PISA - AO groups (Cardiac applications) are not available
on MyLabDesk.
NOTE The DICOM Media class is supported only for USB media and network
Operating Systems
The supported operating systems are:
Windows 7 SP1,
Windows 10.
Minimum PC Requirements
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 2.33 GHZ,
RAM: 2 GB,
Graphic Card: 512 MB, supporting 1366x768 pixels
resolution and 32 bit color depth; OpenGL 3.0 support,
Available hard-disk space: 10GB,
Display: at least 1366x768 pixels.
Recommended PC Requirements
CPU: Intel Core i7-2700K 3.5 GHz,
RAM: 8 GB,
Graphic Card: 2048 MB, supporting 1920x1080 pixels
resolution and 32 bit color depth; OpenGL 4.1 support,
Available hard-disk space: 50GB,
Display: 1920x1080 pixels.
NOTE Read carefully the EULA (End User Licence Agreement) before
proceeding with the installation.
NOTE You are allowed to install only one copy of the software for each owned
ultrasound device.
Licence Agreement Before starting with the installation, the acceptance of the licence agreement
is required. The following software conditions are covered by the agreement
Warranty Disclaimer,
Limitation of Liability,
The PC requirements are displayed soon after the agreement has been
accepted. The installation is guided by a wizard: follow the given instructions
to successfully complete the installation. At the end of the installation the PC
is automatically re-started.
Once the installation is over, the desktop will include the MyLabDesk Evo icon.
CAUTION Esaote is not responsible for data loss if other software is installed on the
Viruses, malware and harmful software may damage MyLabDesk Evo. The
operator is responsible for continuously updating the PC antivirus software
and security patches.
NOTE MyLabDesk Evo controls are indicated in this chapter using the same
graphical conventions of the manual.
When the PC video resolution has the minimum requirements, place the
cursor on the lateral arrow (displayed at the far right of the screen) to display
the thumbnails of the selected exams and press EN TER to confirm: MyLabDesk
Evo shows the thumbnail column. Press the lateral arrow again to display the
Exam Management area.
NOTE Always use the MyLabDesk Evo at full screen size, without window resizing.
WARNING If the PC video resolution is lower than the minimum requirements, the
image could not be consistent with the original one on the system. If this is
the case the image can not be used for diagnostic purposes.
Complex Measurements
Some measurements of the cardiac calculations package require the selection
of a different view or a different modality. Before starting complex
measurements, make sure that the available images allow to complete them.
Measurements are system guided: operating instructions are given on the
lower part of the screen.
Procedure 1. Select the desired image.
2. Press the M EASURE key and select the group.
3. Follow the instructions to perform the first set of
4. When requested, select the next image.
5. Press M EASURE again to proceed with measurements.
Menu Options
The M EN U key displays the MyLabDesk Evo configuration menu that contains
most of the features of the MyLab menu.
DICOM Configuration
The menu includes three folders: General, Quality and Report. The first
folder allows to assign the AE Title and set the forwarding modalities of
Stress Eco views. Images characteristics and report forwarding modalities are
defined in the other two folders.
NOTE DICOM connection requires a hardware key to be connected to the PC.
Refer to Esaote personnel for further information.
General Configuration
The menu allows the user to set date and time format, height and weight
format the clip presentation and the application preset. The same menu
allows the user to set the default language.
System Info
The menu shows the current installed software version and build. The menu
allows the user to export the log file on a USB medium and to read the PC
requirements and the licence agreement.
All MyLabDesk Evo features are available both on local exams and on the ones
archived on external media. Select the pertaining icon to access the remote
6 - DICOM Configuration
Refer to the “Getting Press M EN U then D I C O M to enter in the DICOM Configuration Menu. It is
Started” manual for organized in two main areas: the left side shows the list of all saved DICOM
information on the profiles and the right side the DICOM configuration menu.
configuration procedure.
Here you can create a new profile (N E W or C L O N E ), modify (E D I T ) or delete
(C A N C E L ) an existing one.
NOTE Refer to the site for the supported DICOM classes.
General Folder
This option sets the LOCAL AE TITLE for MyLab. The factory setting is
The TCP LISTEN PORT field relates to the SC DICOM class and defines the
port used by MyLab for Storage Commitment.
When the option ENABLE STORE SCP SERVER is checked, MyLab can receive
unsolicited DICOM exams. Those images are saved in a temporary storage
and can be imported though IMPORT DICOM DB; once taken they are deleted
from the temporary storage.
Pressing E M P T Y T E M P O R A R Y AREA, the entire content of the temporary
storage is deleted.
This option allows the user to set the configuration DESCRIPTION, its AE TITLE,
the HOST NAME (or IP ADDRESS), the number of the port used to
communicate with MyLab (PORT NUMBER).
The set DICOM class is used only when the ENABLED field is selected.
Selecting TLS ENABLED enables encrypted and authenticated transmission.
For the correct configuration the PACS administrator has to supply three
configuration files (for certificate, private key and server certificate) and the
password to fill the field in the configuration windows displayed after
pressing C O N F I G U R E . File can be loaded with a USB drive.
TLS can be enabled for each single host.
VERIFICATION checks the connection status.
Storage Folder
In this folder it is possible to enable the sending of DICOM image/clip
during the exam and to configure the Storage Commitment.
When the field SEND IMAGE AS SOON AS ACQUIRED is checked, both in real
time and in Exam Review any saved image and clip (respectively by pressing
IM AGE and CLIP) are sent to the set DICOM Storage Server as soon as they are
NOTE When the sending of DICOM image/clip during the exam has been
enabled, it is not possible:
- to modify the patient data during the exam;
- to modify the bodymark and the annotations on the saved image/clip in
Exam Review.
The report and the saved images and clips of Stress echo protocol are sent at
the end of the exam.
STC SERVER button opens the menu where the configuration description,
the AE Title, the Host name (or IP address), the number of the port used to
communicate have to be set together with the Response Time (in minutes).
When the MPPS DICOM class is enabled, MyLab displays a warning message
whenever an exam is started without any patient data inserted.
ABANDONED PROCEDURE button is added to the End Exam window.
When this button is pressed, the exam is abandoned.
How to Delete a DICOM Configuration
To delete a DICOM configuration, follow this procedure:
1. select the desired class with the trackball;
2. select the DICOM configuration to be deleted and press
Worklist Folder
The configuration menu of the Worklist class allows the user to set the
configuration description, its AE Title, the Host name (or IP address), the
number of the port used to communicate with MyLab.
The Worklist class is used only when the ENABLED field is selected.
The same configuration menu allows to configure query parameters for the
Field Action
eventual modifications.
AUTOMATIC QUERY MyLab automatically executes the last run query
whenever the W O R K L I S T button is pressed from
the Start Exam page.
ENABLE The configured query is automatically run every set
BACKGROUND QUERY refresh period.
FORCE DETAILS When checked MyLab verifies that at least one among
Patient Last Name, Patient ID and Accession number
in the worklist panel contains a string. In case all these
three attributes are empty, an error message appears
and the query is not done.
REFRESH PERIOD Sets the refresh period. To change the period, place
the cursor on the field, press EN TER and set the
desired value.
Field Action
THIS ONE The query searches the exams having the same AETitle.
Field Action
The PATIENT, EXAM and PERFORMING PHYS sections of the menu allow to
configure and change the search criteria for the query.
The system displays the following controls:
Quality Folder
Here for each archiving media (USB, CD, DVD, mapped network
directories...) you can set different options. Select on the Device box on the
left the media you want, then set its option on the boxes on the right.
Clip Quality The following quality values can be set for clips:
HIGH (LOSSY JPEG), when this option is selected, the clip
quality is affected by a minimum compression;
MEDIUM (LOSSY JPEG), when this option is selected, the clip
quality is affected by a medium compression;
LOW (LOSSY JPEG), when this option is selected, the clip
quality is affected by a maximum compression;
MAX (UNCOMPRESSED), clips can be left uncompressed but
this option has to be set only when the Esaote compression
algorithm is not compatible with other DICOM
environments, as explained in the following warning,
displayed on the screen.
The MATRIX SIZE option allows to resize the clip frames selecting the size from
small to full.
When the option SKIP CLIP is checked, every DICOM clip exporting
operation is disabled.
WARNING When this option is selected, every DICOM exporting operation is disabled
both on PACS and on CD, DVD and USB media.
Image Quality The following quality values can be set for images:
HIGH (UNCOMPRESSED), when this option is selected the
image is not compressed;
MEDIUM (LOSSLESS RLE), when this option is selected the
image quality is compressed without loss of information;
Report The report can be set as:
STRUCTURED REPORT, when this option is enabled, the ADD
MEASUREMENTS FILE field allows to send measurements file
to SuiteEstensa1;
Printers Folder
The configuration menu of the DICOM printer shows:
on the top the combos allowing to associate the printers to
the dedicated panel keys (PRINTER MODEL field) and to set the
printing layout (PROFILE field); additional options allow the
automatic printing while saving images (AUTOMATIC PRINTING
OF ACQUIRED IMAGES) and automatic saving of all printed
images (STORE PRINTING IMAGE); BUTTON 1 configures the
printer controlled by button 1, BUTTON 2 the one controlled
by button 2 and so on;
NOTE The same printer key can manage both an USB and a DICOM printer at
the same time. When both printers are configured on the same key, the
system will print two printings each time this key is pressed.
NOTE If the DICOM printer model to be configured is not listed, select the option
“Generic_Printer” and verify that the configuration is working. If not,
please contact the Esaote personnel.
Printing Profile
Each DICOM printer can have different printing profiles.
Highlight the desired printer and press S H O W PROFILES: the menu lists the
set printer profiles.
To create a printing profile follow this procedure:
1. press the A D D button to add a new profile;
2. to change an existing profile, select the desired configuration
using the trackball and press E D I T ;
3. the figure below shows the printing profile menu:
Field Action
When the QUERY/RETRIEVE DICOM class is configured, MyLab archive
is able to retrieve data from a PACS.
This option allows the user to set the configuration description, its AE Title,
the Host name (or IP address), the number of the port used to communicate
with MyLab.
The set DICOM class is used only when the ENABLED field is selected.
VERIFICATION checks the connection status.
MyLabTablet Folder
MyLabTablet allows to remotely access the MyLab archive to review images and
clips. Data transfer uses a DICOM protocol. The MyLabTablet application
communicates with the Web server to fetch and represent images on your
mobile device.
From this folder you can enable MyLabTablet.
NOTE MyLabTablet requires a dedicated App to be installed on your tablet +
Page Preview
This option shows the print preview.
UP and D O W N buttons respectively allow to move up and down the selected
REMOVE button deletes the selected image.
OK saves the modifications and C A N C E L exits the menu without saving.
Print Now
To print before formatting is complete, select the PRINT NOW option to start
Reset Page
The option cancels all images sent to be printed: the printing counter is
automatically reset.
Print Operations
The dialogue window displays the list of exams (in the DESCRIPTION column),
the type of operation, the destination, the operation status (completed, in
progress or failed) and the date and time of the operation.
The operations can be sorted by checking the different criteria boxes:
ALL displays all operations;
FAILED selects failed operations;
TO BE COMPLETED selects operations which still have to
be completed;
ABORT interrupts the operation selected with the trackball.
DETAILS gives information about the error of the operation selected with the trackball.
7 - Network Configuration
Refer to the “Getting Press M EN U then N E T W O R K to enter in the Network Configuration Menu. It
Started” manual for is organized in two main areas: the left side shows the list of configured
information on the network profiles and the right side the network configuration menu.
configuration procedure.
Here you can create a new profile (N E W or C L O N E ), modify (E D I T ) or delete
(C A N C E L ) an existing one.
NOTE The user is responsible for the protection of the network from malware.
WARNING Connection of the system for data exchanging to a network including other
devices could result in previously unidentified risks to patients or operators.
The operator should identify, analyze, evaluate and control these risks.
Subsequent changes to the network might introduce new risks and require
additional analysis. Subsequent changes include:
Network Characteristics
MyLab should be connected only to a carefully managed data network.
The system can be connected both to a Local Area Network (LAN) using the
connector placed in the rear panel and to a Wi.Fi network using the native
wireless capabilities.
IP Configuration Folder
The menu allows the user to set, for both the LAN and the wireless networks,
a dynamic (DHCP box checked) or static (MANUAL CONFIG box checked)
NOTE The wireless address can be set only after the wireless connectivity has been
enabled (box available in the WIRELESS folder).
Wireless Folder
The wireless configuration menu shows:
on the top the box to activate the wireless connectivity;
in the center the list of all available, configured and
connected wireless networks;
Data ought to be exchanged through wireless network only when the Signal
Strength level is higher than 80%: the operation could fail when the signal
level is below this threshold.
MyLab is compatible with WPA Personal or PSK (TKIP, AES) and WPA2
Personal or PSK (AES); Open and WEP networks are not allowed for
security reasons, WPA Enterprise (Radius server, 802.1x) is not supported.
Field Action
Depending on the network configuration this field displays the following
CONNECTED, when MyLab is connected to this network.
Any device (printer, network directory.) connected to this
network can be used;
AVAILABLE, when the network is available;
NOT AVAILABLE, when the network is not detectable and
it is configured on MyLab.
When pressed, MyLab displays the menu allowing to enter the network key
and to enable the auto-connection.
When enabled, MyLab automatically connects to the wireless network as soon
as it is available.
If more wireless connections have been configured with auto-connection,
MyLab connects to the network listed in the upper position.
UP and D O W N buttons allow the user to change the network priority for
8 - Printer Management
Printer Management allows to set remote control for printers and to set the
printing profiles.
Refer to the “Getting Press M EN U then P R I N T E R S to enter in the Printer Management Menu. Here
Started” manual for you can create a new profile (N E W or C L O N E ), modify (E D I T ) or delete
information on the (R E M O V E ) an existing one.
configuration procedure.
NOTE Remote control can be configured only for printers which are already
MyLab manages a wide range of printers, visit the Esaote website or contact
your Esaote sales representative to know the supported models.
6. fill the NAME field with the desired name and description
(NOTES field) for the profile;
7. press S A V E to save and activate the configuration or
C A N C E L to exit without saving.
NOTE The same printer key can manage both an USB and a DICOM printer at
the same time. When both printers are configured on the same key, the
system will print two printings each time the key is pressed.
When at least one button is configured, the icon of the set printer is displayed
on the bottom of the screen.
The icon provides a counter where:
the left number counts the images sent to the printer. This
number is updated as images are sent;
the right number indicates the number of images set in each
Printing takes place when the left number matches the right number unless
PREVIEW BEFORE PRINTING has been selected in the configuration menu. In
this latter case to start the printing you have to access the preview right
clicking on the icon, check the preview, then click P R I N T N O W .
Printing Profiles
For each printer which can be remote-controlled, different printing profiles
can be set.
You can create a new profile pressing A D D or you can change an existing
profile, selecting it from the list and pressing E D I T.
Fig. 8-2: Printer Profile Menu
Field Action
Field Action
OK saves and activates the settings and CANCEL exits the menu without
saving the new settings.
Configure printer
Press C O N F I G U R E PRINTER to set printing preferences or to install new
After pressure the following menu is displayed.
Select a printer from the list of AVAILABLE PRINTERS, then press:
PROPERTIES to set the printers properties like paper type, format and so
DELETE PRINTER to delete the selected printer.
REFRESH PRINTER to refresh the list of available printers.
PREFERENCES to set the printing preferences entering in the printers
internal menu.
RENAME PRINTER to rename the selected printer.
PRINT TEST PAGE after changes to verify the correct working.
CLOSE to exit the menu.
If the printer is not listed you can install it pressing A D D P R I N T E R ; refer to
the Printer Installation paragraph further in this chapter for additional
Printer Installation
You can connect to your MyLab both USB and Network printers.
NOTE For the supported printers, visit the Esaote website or contact your Esaote
sales representative.
FOR USB) from the drop-down menu. Press N E X T to
13. When the system asks to install the printer driver, select
18. Press F I N I S H to install the printer.
The printer is now listed among the available printers. Select it, then press
P R O P E R T I E S to correctly configure the printer settings, correct paper type,
format and so on...
Press P R I N T TEST PAGE to verify the correct working.
NOTE The printer has to be set with a fix IP address: DHCP configuration can not
be set.
1. Press M EN U .
2. Select P R I N T E R S , then E D I T .
3. Press C O N F I G U R E PRINTER.
from the drop-down menu. Press N E X T to continue.
13. Insert the previously configured IP address of the printer in
will be filled automatically; if you want, you can change the
description for this port. Leave checked the field QUERY THE
Press N E X T to continue.
14. The system detects the TCP/IP port. The system could ask
additional information, if it happens press N E X T to continue.
15. The system detects the driver model.
16. When the system asks to install the printer driver, select
Management of Remote-Controlled
Positioning the trackball pointer on the printer icons displayed in the footer
area and pressing UN DO give access to a contextual menu with the following
Page Preview,
Print now,
Reset added images,
Select the desired controls and press EN TER to open the menu.
Page Preview
This option shows the print preview.
UP and D O W N buttons respectively allow to move up and down the selected
REMOVE button deletes the selected image.
OK saves the modifications and C A N C E L exits the menu without saving.
Print Now
To print before formatting is complete, select the PRINT NOW option to start
Layout Options
This option allows to change the printing layout during the exam. MyLab
shows all available printing layouts. Using the trackball select the desired
format and press EN TER to confirm.