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TAP Pool’s Amateur Tour, LLC General Rules and Guideline Book for 8-Ball, 9-Ball & 10-Ball

shall govern the conduct

of each match played in all TAP Tournament Events – Nationals and Rally. Due to time constraints, some rule
modifications must be implemented. These additional rules are also in effect for the duration of the Team, Scotch
Doubles and Singles events. Some of these rules are reiterated in this section and formats explained, to provide the
ASSIGNMENTS MAY CHANGE. Please listen to announcements, if we can start match prior to starting time posted, we
will do that.

• This league is about Sportsmanship, Courtesy and Respect towards your fellow players, tournament staff and
referees and the rules. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Penalties can range from a warning, to
ball in hand foul, to forfeiture of games, matches or disqualification. Refs will give one warning, second time
player will be asked to leave. Everyone is expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. Rulings
made by referees will not be made on petty technicalities. All players should win or lose on the table based on
their abilities. TAP will have security on hand, for elevated situations and assistance in escorting persons from
the tournament area should it be deemed necessary and help to enforce management decisions. 3/2014

Time Outs:
• All players receive (1) one-minute time out only per game. If the coach exceeds the one minute time limit, the
opposing Captain, after timing the coach, can challenge for excessive use of time. At this point, the coach has 10
seconds to complete their advice to the shooting player. If there is a controversy, a Referee must be called.
Remember that real time and perceived time are two different things. Don’t be offended if you get called for
taking too much time on a time-out. The match belongs to the players on the table, not the coach.

Putting up Players:
• Only the Captain or a specific member of the team appointed by the Captain can make player selections for each
match. This is to avoid controversy. Please let your opponent know who this will be, prior to your match.
• If two teams face one another and the teams have any common player(s), the player(s) are eligible to play for
both teams without penalty as long as the player(s) meet the following two criteria:
1. The player(s) have met the proper requirements to be eligible to play in the tournament.
2. If the Captain elects to put a player up for a match, the other Captain can never match the player to play
• You have 5 minutes to put up your player for each match. Time starts when the last ball was made in previous
match. The opposing team than has 5 minutes from the time first team puts up their player. 10/2014

• Only the coach or the player can call a time out.
• Neither the coach nor player can refuse a time out. Once a time out has been called or suggested, it must be
• If the coach or player calls a time out when they have already used their time out for that game, one warning
will be given to the team. Any future violations throughout the entire teams matches will result in ball-in-hand
foul to the opponent.
• A second player can consult with the coach, but the coach is the only player who can communicate directly to
the player or approach the table. Only the (2) shooting players and their coaches are allowed in the playing area.
• Only the coach or the player can ask for a third party to watch a close hit. Players are solely responsible for
verifying a frozen ball. Coaches cannot interfere unless a timeout is taken. If another team member asks, one
warning will be given. On the second infraction, ball in hand foul.
• The only communication between the player and the coach is during a time out situation by either team or
between GAMES. The player cannot talk to anyone but the coach of their team while playing their match. To
avoid controversy, the coach should be declared at the beginning of the match by both teams and the player
should attempt to sit away from their team is possible.
• A Player can only switch coaches one time per match. Once you switch you cannot switch back. (New 10/2018)
• The coach CANNOT use any equipment to give instruction to their player. They can only use their finger to point.
First offense is a warning. Then Ball-in-hand Foul.
• When coaching a handicap 2 level player, the coach must declare when they are taking their one official time
out so the opposing player can consult with their coach.
• Handicap (2) players get unlimited coaching assistance within the 45-second shot clock, but the Coach CANNOT
approach the table unless a TIME OUT has been called. The opposing player cannot consult with their coach
during coaching assistance. When coaching a H/C (2) player, if the coach approaches the table it is considered a
time out and a warning should be issued by the opposing Captain or Referee if the TIME OUT was not declared
by the Coach. If it happens a second time after a warning has been issued, it is a Ball-in-hand foul. All coaching
assistance during a non-time-out must occur away from the playing area and coaches should be seated the
entire time during coaching assistance. 3/2014
• If your coach has to play a match on another table, you must pick another coach, to coach you for the remainder
of your match. Please be sure to let the other team know who your new coach will be.
• SIDE LINE INTERFERENCE…The ONLY thing ANY player on the team can say to the shooting player when it is their
turn at the table regarding the match is “mark your pocket” when the shooter is on the 8-Ball. Comments such
as nice shot, let’s go, etc. are allowed. Use common sense. Don’t clap or yell out YES!!!, when the other player
misses. Be quiet and show respect to the shooting players. Excessive outbursts will result in disqualification.
• If any comments are made of any kind that could be considered coaching, by any player on the team, the team
will be given one warning. Any further comments will result in a ball-in-hand foul to the opposing player. This
applies to the remainder of all matches between the two teams, not just the match where the warning was
issued. The match belongs to the players. Let them win or lose on the table, based on their individual skills.
• Any player making comments from the sidelines that is not on either team playing a match will be given one
warning to stop. If it occurs again they will be ejected from the tournament area and the event.

• In a ball-in-hand situation, the shooting player can position the cue ball with ANY part of the cue, including the
tip and ferrule. A foul occurs if the shooting player touches the cue ball while in the act of stroking the pool cue
to execute the shot.
• The coach cannot touch any ball on the table, or the cue ball. This is a ball in hand foul. The coach may touch the
table but cannot mark the table in any manner to influence the shooting players shot selection. Marking the
table is an automatic Ball-in Hand Foul. To avoid controversy, DO NOT touch the felt.

Sudden Death:
• Sudden Death will be in effect for the Team event. Matches are set at 4 1/2 hour intervals. We need to adhere
to this time frame as closely as possible to stay on schedule for the week. At 3 hours and 30 minutes, any match
that is currently in progress (defined as the first rack in the match has been broken) will be allowed to play to its
completion. Any additional matches to be played will be determined by one game between the two opponents.
This is referred to as Sudden Death. At 3 Hours and 30 Minutes, the PHONE APP will turn Red/Pink. There is a
timer on the App that starts as soon as you select the Lag winner for the first match. When the app changes
color, you complete that match and any subsequent matches are sudden death. The tournament referee staff
will monitor times; however, it is every team’s responsibility to manage your time wisely. We can on the APP
tell when your match was to go into Sudden Death. Teams that ignore the Sudden Death match and play full
matches, will be penalized. Any matches that are to be in sudden death and played in their entirety will be
forfeits for both teams. Don’t intentionally try to stall matches to ensure sudden death. Play fair and let your
players win or lose on the table. Referees will have paper score sheets, in case you have a problem with the
• On TAP the APP, to enter a sudden death match you Select Winning Players Name, leave losing player on Select
do not select anything and hit win by forfeit. This will be something that will be changed in future events.
(Revised 4/2018)
Listening Devices/Cell Phones:
• NO listening devices of any kind will be allowed during the team or singles events in order to reduce
communication controversies between the two shooting players.
• The use of cell phones, ear buds, Apple Watch, etc. etc. is NOT allowed while a player is involved in a match.

Accidental movement of a ball:

• #1 If the shooting player accidentally moves a ball prior to their shot, the opposing player has the option of
leaving the ball where it was moved “or” returning it to its original position. If the shooting player grabs the
moved ball to replace it, it is not a foul.
• #2 If the shooting player accidentally moves a ball during the execution of their shot, putting the cue ball in
motion and then touches the moved ball while other balls are in motion “or” another ball on the table strikes
the ball that was moved or strikes the cue stick, bridge etc. it is a ball-in-hand foul.
• You may not place your hand over a ball to use as a bridge.
Four-second rule:
• If a ball hangs in a pocket for longer than four (4) seconds, then drops, that ball must be brought out and placed
as close to where it was before it dropped.
Push Shot:
• If the cue ball is frozen to the object ball, pushing through the cue ball is a legal hit.
• If there is separation between the two balls equal to or less than the width of a piece of chalk, the shooter must
make an attempt to keep from double hitting the cue ball. To make a legal hit the shooter must either 1) when
shooting directly into the two balls elevate the back of the cue in an attempt to put draw on the cue ball, or 2)
Shoot at an angle not directly in line with the two balls. As long as an honest attempt at either is made, no foul
can be called. 3) If there is a distance between the object ball and the cue ball greater than the width of a piece
of chalk, any double hit of the cue ball is a ball-in-hand foul. Note: Should the cue ball travel past the object ball
a foul has been committed.
Playing Multiple Events:
• If any player has signed up for any other events and is also playing in the Team event, your match will not be
held up because you are currently playing in another event. Manage your time wisely. Once your match is
called for the Singles or Mini events, you will have 5 minutes to get to the table. For the Team event, the 5
minute rule still applies. The only exception will be in the Semi Finals and Finals, however players must be
actively playing in a match, not coaching or about to play. The Tournament Director will make the final call
in these cases.
• Referees will be provided during the Team portion of the tournament. Referees will be wearing black, grey and
white striped/TAP jerseys. If anyone sees potential for controversy, please stop the match and request a referee.
The referees’ ruling is final. In a controversial situation the referee has the option of referring the matter to the
Head Referee for further review. The Head Referee’s decision on all rulings is final.
• There will be no changes of any kind made to the team rosters or singles fields once the event begins unless a
typo in the program has occurred. All players’ membership status and handicaps have been verified prior to the
start of this event and are not subject to change during the event.
Miscellaneous rules:
• When shooting your shot, be sure to clearly identify the ball & pocket you are calling to avoid controversy.
• You must “MARK THE POCKET” on all 8-Ball shots. Not marking the pocket on a completed 8-Ball shot is loss of
game. TAP supplies pocket markers to every player, they must be used at the Events. Be sure to clearly identify
which pocket you are marking. (Revised 10/2018)
• You are not allowed to call out patch the 9 ball, unless it is the last ball on the table, unless you’re a 2 and it is
only called by the coach.
• All matches are considered final when the Tournament Staff has completed their review and found nothing to
restrict the advancement of the winning team.
• When shooting a defensive shot, be sure to clearly announce your intentions to the opposing player to avoid
• Once a match has ended, each team has 5 minutes maximum to field a player.
• Once either Captain has made their pick for the next match, they cannot change their pick.
• Every player MUST ask for their opponents Photo ID for identification. Any player attempting to misrepresent
their own identity or the identity of another player by giving them his/her tournament badge will be
immediately disqualified from competition and banned from the TAP, Pool Amateur Tour, LLC for a minimum of
(1) year. In addition, the entire team will be disqualified. NO EXCEPTIONS. NEW Rally 2019
• Teams that are leaving a pool table, must make sure all pool balls are accounted for, including the cue ball.
Teams leaving a table and not verifying all balls are there for the next match with the captain of the next team
in, please be aware, if balls are missing the last team on that pool table will be disqualified. (New for 2011)
• Any attempt to break the balls resulting the cue ball not hitting the rack, is a foul. Even if the cue ball does not
cross the head string. (NEW 10/2018)
• In a open table situation, if a legal hit is made, the called ball goes in the called pocket and the cue ball scratches
or is driven off the table, the shooter is now that category of balls. The table is no longer open. THIS IS A TAP
• Once the category of balls has been determined and a player shoots the wrong category of balls, the opponent
must immediately notify the player, that a foul has occurred. Should the opponent not inform the shooting
player and another ball is pocketed, the shooting player now has that category of balls. THIS IS A TAP RULE
• All score keepers should mark defense as they see it to be. All players should call defenses if a defense is being
played and make sure the opposing player and scorekeeper hear you. If the player does not call a defense and
you feel as the score keeper they made no attempt to shoot a legal shot, you should mark as you see it.


Each team will be on a 4-Team board. Each team will play a round robin format with the other (3) teams on their
board. A total of five matches will be played in each match. The total possible points attainable per team are 15. If a
board has a BYE as one of the teams in the round robin, each team that competes against the BYE team, will
automatically be awarded 3 points for that round of play. Starting Rally 2017, 4 Rounds are Scheduled at the event,
each team will play three of the four rounds with a one round break.
The Bracket System is programmed to determine seeding in all round robin boards based upon the performance
displayed in the round robin groups on POOL NET and the PHONE APP. Revised 4/2018

For National Team Events, 32 teams will advance to the Platinum Brackets. The next 32 teams will play in the Gold
Bracket, the next 32 teams will play in the Silver Bracket and the remaining will be in a Bronze Bracket. For RALLY
IN THE VALLEY 2019, there will be 12 Brackets. 6 Brackets of 32 Teams and 5 Brackets of 16 teams. Platinum A & B,
Gold A & B, Silver A & B of 32 teams in each and Bronze A & B, Copper A & B, Nickel A of 16 teams. Nickel B will have
the remaining 12 teams. 9 Ball Platinum of 32 Teams and Gold of 28 Teams. Revised 3/2019

The Team Brackets will be determined by the highest point totals of all teams. When the final spots on the single
elimination brackets are determined by the bracket system, there may be multiple teams tied with the same
number of points, trying for those spots. If the number of tied teams exceeds the number of available spots, those
teams will be seeded by the POOLNet Bracket System, based upon team performance, to determine which teams
will fill the last available spots for all event and all brackets. The seeding formula will be used for team placement on
all brackets. At Rally, POOLNet will seed all 12 Brackets in 8 Ball with Platinum A being the highest team points to
Nickel B which is the very least team points. Revised 3/2019

Note: During the Team Semi-Finals & Finals, sudden death will not decide a winner. If the 3rd match has not started
at the (2) hour mark, the 3rd match and subsequent matches must be played on two tables at the same time. At the
3 hour and 45 minute mark, if the 5th match has not started, all remaining matches will be played on two tables at
the same time.
Effective with Rally /Dream Team Events
8 and 9 Ball Platinum/A Bracket Winners for All Rally Dream Team Events.
The 8 player team roster will have to split up for ALL Rally Dream teams’ going forward.
3 Original Players from that teams’ roster can stay together for the next Dream Team event.
This affects only the one team that wins this event in each format. Revised 3/2019


8 Ball & 9 Ball Singles will be broken down into five brackets: 2’s/3’s, 4’s, 5’s, 6’s & 7’s for Nationals and for Rally.
All 8 Ball Boards will be Round Robin to Single Elimination. All 9 Ball, 10 Ball & Scotch Double Boards will be Round
Robin at Nationals, as well. All formats limited to 64 players on bracket unless an increase exception is made.
All matches, times and table assignments will be posted on the Tournament Brackets. It is the player’s responsibility
to get to the assigned table within 5 minutes of the starting time. If the assigned table is still occupied, both players
must come to the Tournament desk and wait there until a different table is available. We will announce for players
who do not show up at their table and they will have an additional 5 minutes to get to the table. At the expiration of
this time a forfeit will be awarded to their opponent.

Players involved in team matches and Singles should advise your team captain of the time for your Singles match.
Matches will not be held up for players shooting in other events.

Scoring must be completed for all singles matches, for all handicaps, in all formats. If scoring is not completed the
winning player will not advance in the bracket. NO Sign Ups will be taken at the event. You must be active and
qualified in the format (8, 9,10 Ball) you are competing in. Example if you play 8 ball but do not play 9 ball, you
cannot sign up for 9 ball singles and vice versa. The Phone APP will be used to keep score for Singles, as well.
Players should login and have their assigned score keeper keep score for them. Both players matches should be
submitted through the phone app. Staff will approve entry into the system as they receive.

TAP reserves the right to add/delete/modify it’s rules at any time without notice. TAP reserves the right to review all
participants in it’s events and adjust participants handicaps and eligibility accordingly.
Disqualification Process
Note: We Do Not Raise Handicaps During the Event

• Reminder: Everyone here is planning to bring their “A” game so don’t be surprised to see some players
shooting 1 to1½ levels higher than their rating simply due to the intensity of this tournament, excessive play
for three days straight and personal focus.
• All team and single match stats will be entered through POOLNET’s Automated Flagging Program by entering
all scoring for all events, except minis. Match scores will be processed as soon as possible after completion of
the match. With the implementation of electronic scoring teams will automatically advance on the
elimination brackets, however, are still subject to review by Tournament Staff for accuracy and DQ’s. No
manual flags will be done by players or teams. Teams will keep score, and Pool Net Auto Flagging Report will
be generated after each round of play. All Players playing two levels over their handicap will be listed on this
report. No one will officially be a winner until data entry done and flagging report ran and points posted in
round robin, or team name advanced on the single elimination brackets. Team Captains and Players will be
notified as quickly as possible if a DQ is to take place. Teams / Players should not leave the tournament area
until the official points or advancement on the bracket has taken place.
• When a player is flagged by POOL-Net and verified by the Tournament Directors, all previous and future
scores will be reviewed by the Tournament Directors for that player. No notification will be given to the
offending player. If a second score is discovered or presented with the same statistical data violation, that
player will be officially disqualified from all events of that game type. The Captain of that players team will be
notified by the Tournament Director and be responsible for delivering the decision to the player in question.
No further discussion will be considered. It is final.
• Once a player has been disqualified from an event, they can no longer participate in any events in that game
type. (8 ball, 9 ball, 10 ball etc.)
• If one player is disqualified, the team remains in the tournament. If a second player on that team is
disqualified, the entire team will be disqualified.
• If a team is disqualified, the players not disqualified on the team can still participate in other events.
• If the team is disqualified before finishing the Round Robin event, all matches will be recorded as a 3-2 win for
teams that would have played the disqualified team.
• Any points won by a disqualified player during the Round Robin event will be reversed for all teams in that
bracket prior to the seeding of the single elimination boards. The same point reversal will occur during single
elimination prior to advancing a team to the next round.
• If Disqualified, no refunds of registration fee.
• Going into Pool Net, Display Standings, Under Event Name, you will be able to see the round robin and single
elimination brackets for each event, throughout the entire event. Also, TAP the APP displays all events and
brackets each player can see as well.
• New for 2016, If a DQ is done on a team a licensee is on, the ENTIRE team gets disqualified.


Revised 10/2019

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