Rules and Policies Msabl2019

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 Each team shall be composed of at least ten (10) players and a maximum of fifteen (15)
players on their roster at any time.
 Each team must have matching colored shirts and or unique jersey number to
 Players must be a bona fide students, alumni, and staff of the Ateneo de Zamboanga
University (ADZU) and members of the *Muslim Students' Association.


 Attend the mandatory captain's meeting and receive league rules and regulations,
building policies, any other information, and pass that information on to team members.
 Is the only player allowed to discuss or dispute calls to the officials.
 Is responsible for the sportsmanship of all his team members and fans/spectators.
 Responsible for notifying team members of any schedule changes.
 Informing team players that they must have valid IDs (ADZU) or Official IDs (from staff)
when checking in with the scorekeepers for each game.


 Refer to the eligibility - policy number 1.
 Teams must refrain from changing of players once the season has started.

 Teams are responsible for providing their own jersey and have contrasting colors
available in the event that the two teams playing have the same color.
 Two (2) or more players on the same team cannot have the same number.
 Wear knee protectors or jogging pants to cover your knees otherwise YOU CANNOT

 The first half of the game (1st and 2nd quarter) will be running time, while the second half
will run normally. Each team will be given 2 timeouts per quarter.
 Scoring errors must be brought to the officials’ attention immediately in order to correct.
 Teams do not have the choice of referees to work or not work with for their games.
 When a game ends in a tie score, an overtime with a period of five (5) minutes will be
played. In the event, each team will be given 1 timeout only.

 The MSA Basketball League observes a NO TOLERANCE policy. Players, coaches and
spectators are expected to act in a sportsman-like manner toward other players,
officials, spectators and the MSA Basketball League staff. Players, coaches and
spectators who fail to abide by the policy will be asked to leave the facility.


 When a player is assessed with his 5th personal foul, he is considered fouled-out.
 Substitutions will only be allowed on dead ball situations. The substitute must report to
the scorer's table and may only enter the court when called by the referees.
 For the safety of all participants, players must remove all jewelry prior to the start of the
 Bring your own tumblers for drinking.
 Participants from the staff team must be at least a Muslim to qualify in the league. Refer
to the eligibility - policy number 3

 Players should be in the venue 15 minutes before the game. A team who is not
complete to play after 15 minutes, the opposing team will automatically win by default.
 No foul words, technical 1 free throw will be given and he will have only 3 technical
fouls, if more than that, he will be automatically be out of the game.
 Respect the referee’s calls (No complaining/arguing/shouting). If the player or captain is
caught discussing with the referee, will be given a technical foul then the second
technical foul, the player is forced not to play for the particular game.
 Observe cleanliness at all times.

Players must refrain from doing the following during the league:
(1) Clapping with the intention of insulting the
opposing team (2) Shouting discriminative tribal
insults or racial slurs (3) Smoking within the
premises of the venue (4) Swearing & (5) Taunting
One member of the team must provide a short Naseehah (Sincere Advice) or a reminder to
share with the other teams. He should prepare to give it in a minimum of 5 minutes and a
maximum of 10 minutes of Naseehah. The reminder will be conducted during the second half of
the game.

 Avoid bringing a non-mahram inside the venue.

 Players should refrain from offensive taunts that may lead into fistfights. Refer to policy
number 7.

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