LP 1
LP 1
LP 1
Duration: 55 minutes
Strategies: The direct instruction strategy, the indirect instruction strategy, the
independent learning strategy and the experiential learning strategy.
Objective: At the end of this lesson, learners should be able to report what
someone else has said .
Reference books : The student’s book, the teaching guide, the study
programme , Sunshine, English for BEPC, English dictionary.
Procedure :
Brainstorming: (2min)
How many types of speech do you know?
How can we also call the reported speech?
I-Presentation :
Questions :
1) Which sentences are in direct speech and which ones are in indirect
2) Compare these sentences and say what you notice about the direct
speech sentences and the ones in indirect speech?
3) Match the sentences in reported speech to their suitable types such as :
statement,imperatives(orders), questions.
4) Draw the tables of the different changes you notice in the reported
speech sentences.
Expected answers :
A-Change in Tenses
II- Practice :
5) “The earth revolves around the sun”, the Geography teacher said.
Expected answers :
1)Daouda said that he had fetched drinking water the day before.
5)The Geography teacher said that the earth revolves around the sun.
III- Production
Activity3 :Make two sentences in direct speech and turn them into indirect
speech(IW→3 ; CW→3)
Assessment : (2min)
Homework :
Write five sentences in direct speech and turn them into indirect speech.