Purchase Management Certification Course _ Vskills

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Certified Purchase Manager

  Logistics & Supply Chain Management  Certified Purchase Manager

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Test Details  Job Profile Tagging
 Duration: 60 minutes
 No. of questions: 50
 Maximum marks: 50, Passing marks: 25 (50%). ₹3,499 /-
 There is NO negative marking in this module.
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 Description  Table Of Contents  Reviews (11)  Related Products (4)


Materials Management
Objectives of Materials Management
Functions of Materials Management
Organisation of Materials Management
Need, Scope and Functions of Integrated Material Management

Materials Planning
Need of Materials Planning
Factors affecting Materials Planning
Tools of Materials Planning
Principles and Procedure for Materials Planning
Basic concepts of MRP (Material Requirements Planning)
MRP Processing
Computer Application to MRP Process
MRP reports - Database recording and maintenance
Independent and dependent MRP system

Materials Budgeting
Basic concepts of Materials Budgeting
Factors affecting Materials Budget
Materials Budgeting and Accounting

Material Classification, Standardization and Codification

Material classification for variety reduction
Material classification on the basis of Value Analysis
Basic concepts of codification 
Systems of codification
Classification by codification
Objectives and scope of standardization
Simplification/Variety of reduction
Levels of standard

Material Handling
Importance and Objectives of Material Handling
Methods and Practices of Material Handling
Equipments for Material Handling
Waste Management - Surplus and Obsolete
Damage and Pilferage
Cost Analysis

Stores Management and Warehousing

Stores Functions and objectives
Types of Stores – Centralized and decentralized
Functions of stores
Stores Layout, Storage Media and Physical Verification
Factors affecting successful Store-keeping
Warehouse Management System (WMS)
Warehouse operating principles
Strategy for warehousing
Planning Warehouse distribution
Warehouse Layout
Automatic Warehousing
Schemes of Automatic Warehousing

Inventory Management
Types of Inventory
Types of Inventory Costs and factors affecting
Inventory Management Models – Deterministic and Probabilistic Models
Techniques of Inventory Control
Inventory Performance Measurement (Ratio Analysis)

Purchase Management System

Objectives of Purchasing
Functions and responsibilities of Purchase Department
Methods of Purchasing
Purchase Department Organization
JIT Purchasing – Prerequisites and Elements

Vendor Management
System of Vendor evaluation
Parameters for evaluation of Vendors Performance
Social Audit
Total evaluation – Purchasing Performance, Quantitative Objects etc
Guidelines for purchase through tender and negotiation tender committee
Purchase Review

Value Analysis System

Value Analysis – Procedure and Approach
Tools for Value Analysis

Negotiation Skills
Basic approaches for Negotiation
Strategy and Planning for Negotiation
Tactics of effective negotiation

Quality Control
Components and characteristics of quality
Objectives and functions of quality control
Acceptance sampling – Principles and Practices
Double and Multiple Sampling
OC and AOQ Curve

Stock Keeping and Accounting

Maintaining Database system
Preparing reports
Managing Queries

Legal Framework
The Indian Contract Act, 1872
The Sales of Goods Act, 1930
Special Purchase Contracts
Goods Delivery

Material Management
Explains the concept of Material Manageent
Illustrates about the primary and secondary objectives of Material Management
Explains the functions of Material Management such as Material Planning, Scheduling, Inventory Control, Purchasing, Warehousing, Store Management etc
Illustrates the operational aspects of Materials Management
Describes the steps involved in organisation of Materials Management function
Explains the need, scope and functions of Integrated Materials Management
Describes the advantages of integrated Materials Management

Materials Planning
Explains the need for material Planning
Explains the internal and external factors affecting Material Planning
Illustrates the tools of Material Planning such as Bill of Material technique and Past Consumption Analysis Technique
Explains the principles and procedure involved in Material Planning
Explains the process involved in Material Planning
Explains the basic concepts of MRP such as lumpy demand, lead times, input to MRP, master production scheduling etc
Explains the Computer Application to MRP Process and its features
Explains the process involved in Database recording and maintenance in MRP system
Describes Independent and dependent MRP system

Materials Budgeting
Explains the basic concepts and techniques involved in drawing Materials Budget
Explains the factors governing Materials Budget such as past rate of consumption, investment pattern etc

Material Classification, Standardization and Codification

Explains the process of material classification for variety reduction
Explains the process of material classification on the basis of Value Analysis
Explains the basic concepts of codification
Illustrates the advantages and disadvantages of codification
Describes the system of codification such as Arbitrary system, Alphabetic system, Numerical system, Decimal system
Explains the process of marking of stores and process of maintaining store vocabulary
Explains the Classification by codification
Explains the objectives and scope of standardization
Illustrates the advantages and scope of standardization
Explains the different levels of standard such as individual, company, industry, national and international standards
Illustrates the concept of Variety of reduction, steps involved in variety control and different areas of variety reduction

Material Handling
Explains the importance and objectives of Material Handling
Explains the cost involved in material handling
Illustrates the methods and practices involved in Material Handling
Explains the methods involved in material handling
Illustrates types of materials, stages of handling, unloading methods, process of unitized loading
Describes the various equipments for Material Handling and procedure of selection of equipments
Explains the basic concepts of containerizations, types of containers and underlying issues
Explains the process of handling surplus and obsolete material
Describes the techniques of grouping of material and their disposal strategy
Explains the process of reducing damage and pilferage losses
Explains the process of material handling cost analysis involving examination of ratios for material handling labour, direct labour handling loss,
movement/operation, manufacturing cycle efficiency etc.

Stores Management and Warehousing

Explains the various stores functions and the objectives of store management
Explains the relationship between stores and other departments
Explains the different types of stores – Centralized and decentralized
Illustrates the various functions of stores and the elements required for store organisation
Explains different types of stores layout, types of stores building, categorization of mediums for storage
Explains the need, purpose and procedure of physical verification of stock
Explains procedure of valuation of material issues
Explains the various factors affecting successful Store-keeping such as situation, layout, management, verification etc
Illustrates about the objectives of Warehouse Management System (WMS)
Explains the principles involved in operating a warehouse such as design criteria, handling technology and storage plans
Describes the integrated strategies for warehousing
Describes the steps involved in planning the warehouse distribution such as site selection, product mix consideration, material handling system etc
Describes the process of designing warehouse layout depending upon the product deterioration and pilferage protection
Explains the objectives and types of automatic warehousing
Describes the pre-condition for automatic material handling
Describes the various schemes of automatic warehousing

Inventory Management
Explains the different types of inventory depending on the type of material, availability and demand
Explains the different types of costs incurred in inventory management such as cost of ordering, inventory carrying cost and cost of shortage
Illustrates the various factors affecting inventory costs such as market characteristics, sales characteristics etc
Explains the various forms of deterministic inventory management models – Classic EOQ Model, EOQ Model with quantity discount, EOQ Model with safety
stocks, EOQ Model with safety stocks and service level and EOQ Model with replenishment system
Explains the various forms of probabilistic inventory management models considering the impact of demand and lead time uncertainties
Illustrates the various techniques of Inventory Control such as ABC analysis, VED analysis, GOLF analysis, HML classification, SDE classification, FSN
classification etc
Explains the dynamics of Inventory Performance Measurement through Ratio Analysis approach
Purchase Management System
Illustrates the fundamental objectives of Purchasing 
Functions and responsibilities of Purchase Department in terms of studying the market and sources of supply
Illustrates the various methods of purchasing such as purchase made strictly by requirement, purchase done for a specified period, market purchasing, contract
purchasing etc
Explains the basic structure and organsation of Purchase Department
Explains the elements of JIT production system such as waste elimination, workers dedication, TQM, parallel processing, e-commerce and JIT purchasing etc
Explains the prerequisites for JIT purchasing system

Vendor Management
Explains system of Vendor performance evaluation
Illustrates the parameters for evaluation of Vendors Performance
Explains the basic concept of Social Audit and internal provisions of Companies Act
Explains the evaluation of organisation climate, saving – Purchasing Performance of an organization in terms of etc
Explains the evaluation of Quantitative Objects in terms of minimization of material cost, maximization of cost reduction, adherence to operational budget etc
Illustrates the guidelines for purchase through tender and negotiation tender committee such as negotiation, delayed tenders, price preferences, price
escalation etc.
Explains the procedure of purchase review and review of purchase order on the basis of value-wise analysis, time analysis, nature of tenders, purchase through
negotiation etc.,

Value Analysis System

Explains the aim and application of value analysis
Explains the procedure and phases of analysis involving information phase, speculative phase, analysis phase, planning phase, summary and execution phase.
Explains the advanced tools used in Value analysis approach

Negotiation Skills
Explains the basics of negotiation such as why and when negotiation takes place
Explains the strategies and the steps involved in negotiation such as assessing the vendor, customer related factors, competitors related factors, company
policies etc
Illustrates the various tactics and guidelines that a negotiator must follow at the time of purchase
Explains the techniques of purchase negotiation

Quality Control
Explains the various components and characteristics of quality in terms design, specification, availability, after sale service etc
Explains the reasons and types of quality losses in terms of tangible and intangible losses
Illustrates the objectives and functions of quality control in terms of specifications, manufacture control, design audit, quality review and quality planning etc
Explains the concepts of acceptance sampling – sampling plans, lot acceptance and acceptance control techniques etc
Explains the procedure of double and multiple Sampling
Illustrates the analysis and interpretation of OC and AOQ Curve

Stock Keeping and Accounting

Explains the procedure of maintaining record in the database system and working of the system
Describes the various types of reports and methods of their preparation
Explains the steps involved in generating computer outputs
Illustrates the process of managing queries

Legal Framework
Defines a contract and requirements of a valid contract
Illustrates the different types of contracts such as oral and written, express and implied contracts, bilateral and unilateral contracts etc
Explains the reasons for termination of contracts such as termination by performance, by release, by impossibility of performance, by mutual agreement, by
novation etc
The Indian Contract Act, 1872
The Sales of Goods Act, 1930
Explains the special purchase contracts such as rate contract, works contract and hire-purchase contract
Explains the process involved in Goods Delivery and consideration made at the time of delivery such as quality of delivery, time of delivery, etc
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