Iofi Code of Practice 5th Revision
Iofi Code of Practice 5th Revision
Iofi Code of Practice 5th Revision
Table of Contents
1. LIMITATION OF RESPONSIBILITY .............................................................................................. 6
2. PREFACE ....................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 11
5.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 15
7.7 Packaging............................................................................................................................ 26
8 LABELING .............................................................................................................................. 27
8.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 27
9.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 28
13.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 33
13.4 Biochemical Processes for Natural Flavoring Complexes & Natural Flavoring
Substances...................................................................................................................................... 34
13.5 Other Processes for Natural Flavoring Complexes and Natural Flavoring
Substances...................................................................................................................................... 34
14.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 36
15.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 39
18.1 List of Flavoring Ingredients – Global Reference List of Flavorings (GRL) .............. 50
FLAVORINGS AND RESIDUE LIMITS............................................................................................. 59
The International Organization of the Flavor Industry (IOFI) has established the
IOFI Code of Practice (CoP) in good faith using the most accurate information
available. The IOFI Code of Practice is intended for use as a voluntary best
practices resource document by the entire IOFI membership. It is the
responsibility of the IOFI ordinary company members as well as of individual
company members affiliated to IOFI member associations to determine how they
may best use the information in the IOFI Code of Practice. IOFI and its members,
officers and employees are not responsible for the accuracy of the content of the
Code of Practice, nor are they responsible for any effects of the application and
use or misuse of the content of the Code of Practice.
The International Organization of the Flavor Industry advances the global trade
of safe, responsibly produced flavorings that respect the environment and enrich
the lives of consumers.
2.3.1 Uses and promotes highly reliable, state-of-the-art science to assure the safe use
of flavoring materials.
2.3.3 Builds understanding and trust in flavorings and the flavor industry through
collaboration with member associations and other stakeholders.
2.4.1 The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) was established by the United
Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization
(WHO) to develop international food standards, guidelines and
recommendations to protect the health of consumers and to ensure fair practice
in food trade pursuant to the World Trade Organization (WTO) treaties. The CAC
has the responsibility for developing food standards that may be adopted by
member countries. The science-based standards take into consideration the
2.4.2 IOFI serves as a non-governmental organization (NGO) and has been granted
Observer status with the CAC with a standing invitation to Codex meetings and
meetings of its subsidiary bodies such as the Codex Committee on Food Additives
(CCFA), the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Food (CCCF), and the Codex
Committee on Food Labeling (CCFL). See
codexalimentarius/en/ for more information on the Codex Alimentarius
2.4.3 IOFI has been involved in the development of the Codex Guidelines for the Use of
Flavourings (CAC/GL 66-2008). IOFI supports the Codex Guidelines and recognizes
their value in providing principles for the safe use of components of flavorings
evaluated by JECFA and determined to present no safety concern at estimated
levels of intake.
The IOFI Secretariat maintains a Global Reference List (GRL) that is publicly
available under
The GRL is sub-divided in two parts: Part 1 contains a list of chemically defined
substances (CDS, see also the definition of “flavoring substances”) and Part
2 contains a list of natural complex substances (NCS).
Generally, materials that have been included in the Part 1 of the IOFI GRL have
been reviewed and determined to be safe for flavor use in food by the European
Food Safety Authority (EFSA) 1 , the Council of Europe (CoE), the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA), the Expert Panel of the Flavor and Extract
Manufacturers Association of the United States (FEMA Expert Panel), the Joint
FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) or the Japanese Food
Safety Commission (FSC).
The Scientific Committee on Food (SCF), established in 1974, was the main committee providing the European
Commission with scientific advice on food safety (including flavorings). Its responsibilities have been
transferred to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in 2003.
While the inclusion of a flavoring substance in the Part 1 of the IOFI GRL supports
the conclusion that it can be safely added to food, it does not in and of itself
confer regulatory authority to use in any specific regulatory jurisdiction.
Regulatory authority for the market of intended sale must be separately
Materials of plant or animal origin (i.e., source materials) may be used to produce
flavorings. The constituents derived from these source materials (e.g., essential
oils, essences, extractives, etc.) are referred to as natural complex substances.
On Part 2 of the IOFI GRL, source materials and/or natural complex substances
that have undergone a safety evaluation by the FEMA Expert Panel or have been
recognized as safe by the US FDA and/or the Council of Europe are provided.
While the FEMA Expert Panel has evaluated the safety of numerous natural
complex substances (i.e., products derived from specific source materials), the US
FDA and the Council of Europe have considered only the source materials.
The safety recognition by US FDA and/or Council of Europe is based on the widely
accepted assumption that substances naturally occurring in food that have a long
history of use can be considered as safe. This principle has been enshrined in the
EU Flavouring Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008 and appears to be applied by
multiple national regulators around the world.
Natural flavoring complexes (as defined under CAC/GL 66-2008, 2.2.2) are
preparations that contain flavouring substances obtained by physical processes
(e.g., distillation and solvent extraction) that may result in unavoidable but
unintentional changes in the chemical structure of the flavouring, or by enzymatic
or microbiological processes, from material of plant or animal origin. Such material
may be unprocessed or processed for human consumption by traditional food-
preparation processes (e.g., drying, torrefaction (roasting) and fermentation).
3.1 Introduction
Definitions and terminology used in the IOFI Code of Practice are, where
applicable, in compliance with definitions and terminology as used in the current
Codex Guidelines for the Use of Flavourings (CAC/GL 66-2008). Key definitions and
Codex references are listed below, together with additional terms for which the
Codex Guidelines do not offer specific guidance or for which additional guidance
is necessary.
Flavour is the sum of those characteristics of any material taken in the mouth,
perceived principally by the senses of taste and smell, and also the general pain
and tactile receptors in the mouth, as received and interpreted by the brain. The
perception of flavour is a property of flavourings.
3.3 Flavorings
3.3.1 Flavorings (CAC/GL 66-2008 item 2.2) are products that are added to food to
impart, modify 2 , or enhance the flavour of food (with the exception of flavour
enhancers considered as food additives under the Codex Class Names and the
International Numbering System for Food Additives - CAC/GL 36-1989).
Flavourings do not include substances that have an exclusively sweet, sour, or
salty taste (e.g. sugar, vinegar, and table salt). Flavourings may consist of
flavouring substances, natural flavouring complexes, thermal process flavourings
or smoke flavourings and mixtures of them and may contain non-flavouring food
ingredients within the conditions as referred to in section 3.5 of the Codex
Guidelines. They are not intended to be consumed as such. Flavoring Substances (CAC/GL 66-2008 item 2.2.1) are chemically defined
substances (CDS) either formed by chemical synthesis, or obtained from materials
of plant or animal origin. (See also section 2.5.1)
Nowadays the demand for foods and beverages with lower sugar, fat or salt content increases. However, often
taste challenges come along with better-for-you products. There are flavoring ingredients with characteristics
that can help improve the consumer’s experience of these ‘lite’ products, for example by decreasing bitterness,
masking off-notes and restoring mouthfeel. They are called Flavorings with Modifying Properties (FMPs) and
they help to make healthier products taste great. They form an integral part of the ingredient group known as
flavorings. Natural flavoring complexes 3 (CAC/GL 66-2008 item 2.2.2) are preparations
that contain flavouring substances obtained by physical processes that may result
in unavoidable but unintentional changes in the chemical structure of the
flavouring (e.g. distillation and solvent extraction), or by enzymatic or
microbiological processes, from material of plant or animal origin. Such material
may be unprocessed, or processed for human consumption by traditional food-
preparation processes (e.g. drying, torrefaction (roasting) and fermentation).
Natural flavouring complexes include the essential oil, essence, or extractive,
protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating, or enzymolysis. Thermal process flavorings (see also Chapter 14 of the CoP) are prepared
for its flavoring properties by heating raw materials that are foodstuffs or
constituents of foodstuffs. This process is analogous to the traditional home
cooking of ingredients of plant and animal origin. Smoke flavorings (CAC/GL 66-2008 item 2.2.3) are complex mixtures of
components of smoke obtained by subjecting untreated wood to pyrolysis in a
limited and controlled amount of air, dry distillation, or superheated steam, then
subjecting the wood smoke to an aqueous extraction system or to distillation,
condensation, and separation for collection of the aqueous phase. The major
flavouring principles of smoke flavourings are carboxylic acids, compounds with
carbonyl groups and phenolic compounds.
3.3.2 Non-flavoring food ingredients (CAC/GL 66-2008 item 2.3) (see also Chapter 5.3 of
the CoP) are food ingredients, such as food additives and foodstuffs that can be
added to flavourings and are necessary for dissolving, dispersing, or diluting
flavourings, or are necessary for the production, storage, handling and use of
Commonly known as “Natural Complex Substances” by the industry – see e.g., under section 2.5.
Chapter 4: Hallagan J.B. and Hall R.L. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 47, 267. 2009.
The flavor of food is the most important attribute to the taste of that food and
plays an important role in its consumption and acceptance. In one form or
another, flavorings have been used since ancient times and are added to foods to
impart or modify their flavor (aroma and taste).
Flavoring substances are among the most thoroughly evaluated food ingredients
and as such, those that have been subject to a safety evaluation may be regarded
safe under their conditions of intended use. Many flavoring substances are self-
limiting in their use in food, adding larger amounts of the same flavoring
substance does not further improve the flavor of a final food product. The levels
of flavoring substances should be kept to the minimum needed to achieve the
desired flavor effect.
1. Consumer preferences for foods, and the recognition of them as the foods
that they expect, are largely based on the perception of taste.
3. Flavorings can help balance the taste profiles of processed foods. This is
increasingly important as the demand for foods with less sugar, salt and fat
4. Flavorings help maintain desired flavor profiles and balance natural seasonal
or geographical variations in crops. The use of flavorings can compensate for
supply limitations by helping to obtain the desired flavor profile that
consumers will recognize.
5.1 Introduction
The present chapter describes the types of ingredients (as defined under Chapter
3 of the CoP) that may be used in food flavorings.
Based on the Codex Guidelines for the Use of Flavourings (CAC/GL 66-2008, section
3. General Principles for the Use of Flavourings), the following flavoring ingredients
may be used in the manufacture of flavorings:
5.2.1 Flavoring ingredients that are listed on the IOFI GRL (see Chapter 2.5 and Annex I
/ Chapter18.1 of the CoP).
5.2.3 Thermal process flavorings produced in compliance with the guidelines specified
in Chapter 14 of the Code of Practice and/or – if applicable – produced and
approved in accordance with national regulations.
Based on the Codex Guidelines for the Use of Flavourings (CAC/GL 66-2008, section
3. General Principles for the Use of Flavourings), the following groups of non-
flavoring food ingredients may be used in the manufacture of flavorings:
5.3.1 Carriers (including carrier solvents, listed under Annex I, Chapter 18.2.1) are used
to maintain uniformity and dilute concentrated flavorings in order to facilitate
their incorporation and dispersion in food products. Some carriers may also be
used for encapsulating flavorings with a view to protect them against evaporation
5.3.2 Antioxidants (listed under Annex I, Chapter 18.2.2) are indispensable for the
protection of certain essential oils, especially terpene-containing essential oils,
as well as other flavoring substances. To obtain best protection it is common
practice to add authorized antioxidants to most raw materials at the time of their
5.3.3 Sequestrants (listed under Annex I, Chapter 18.2.3) prevent the catalytic action of
certain metal ions and protect the flavoring against oxidation.
5.3.4 Preservatives (listed under Annex I, Chapter 18.2.4) are necessary to prevent
microbial growth in certain flavorings.
5.3.5 Emulsifiers (listed under Annex I, Chapter 18.2.5) and weighting agents (Annex I,
18.2.6) facilitate the homogenization of flavorings, or the incorporation of
flavorings in food products.
5.3.6 Acids, bases and salts (listed under Annex I, Chapter 18.2.7) are used to adjust the
pH of certain flavorings.
5.3.7 Anticaking agents (listed under Annex I, Chapter 18.2.8) may be necessary to keep
powdered flavorings free-flowing.
5.3.8 Extraction solvents (listed under Annex II, Chapter 19) are used for the
manufacturing of certain natural extracts. Only limited amounts of solvent
residues that are technically unavoidable are acceptable in food due to carry-over
unless the solvent is also a permitted carrier.
5.3.9 Any appropriate food (e.g., sugars, fats, oils or food ingredient) may be used to
dilute a flavoring and to facilitate its incorporation and dispersion in a food
6.1.3 The process of creating flavoring formulae is very expensive and time-consuming
and requires significant elements of expertise, innovation and creativity. Each
flavoring formula is proprietary: it is a trade secret and a work of art and, as such,
deserves intellectual property protection.
6.1.5 Trade secret laws in virtually all countries protect any formula, pattern, device, or
compilation of information that provides a business advantage to the owner. A
trade secret, also known as confidential business information, is an item of
confidential information concerning the commercial practices or proprietary
knowledge of a business, which requires the maintenance of strict confidentiality
toward third parties and even within the creating company itself, where only a
limited number of employees have access to the complete formulae.
6.1.6 Intellectual property law is largely civil in nature; therefore, it is up to the owner
of the intellectual property to protect it, and to seek remedies if it is
misappropriated. Trade secrets protection of flavoring formulae thus preserve
the value of the flavoring formula for the trade secret owner.
6.1.8 IOFI members are committed to take all the actions necessary to promote and
encourage the protection, respect and defense of flavoring formulae intellectual
property and to discourage the infringement of flavoring manufacturers’
intellectual property rights.
6.1.9 IOFI and its members support legislative, regulatory or other appropriate actions
taken to reinforce, expand and protect the intellectual property of flavoring
formulae against third party infringement or misappropriation.
6.2.1 Many industrialized nations have laws and regulations covering the safe use and
labeling of flavoring substances. Except for a few specialized areas, such as
pharmaceutical products, none of these laws or regulations requires the
disclosure of complete flavoring formulae to authorities or customers. However,
there may be situations where disclosing certain parts of a flavoring formula to a
customer or to a government official may be required.
6.2.2 Because of the large number of individual flavoring substances used to create
flavorings, and the demonstrated safety of these substances, regulators do not
require that consumer products bear labeling identifying each individual
flavoring substance. Regulators around the world have generally adopted the
“class naming” approach to identifying flavorings in consumer products.
6.2.3 Companies wish to protect the confidentiality of their formulae, both from third
parties and often within the creating company itself, where only a limited number
of employees have access to the complete formula. Therefore, the flavoring
manufacturer operates in an environment of competing pressures: an internal
priority on protection of confidential formulae to maintain legal rights to trade
secret protection versus external requests and demands from end users,
consumers and government officials for disclosure. This section of the Code of
Practice provides guidance on balancing these competing pressures.
The first step in responding to a request for some type of formula disclosure is to
establish the authority behind the request. Who is requesting the disclosure and
what position do they hold with the requesting organization? This is a sensitive
analysis that may require input from senior management or the company’s local
representative in a particular country, or others with special expertise or
While individual flavor companies, and by extension the global flavor industry,
have legitimate reasons to protect their intellectual property, there are several
approaches to consider when responding to requests for disclosure. They
• Providing a basis for not disclosing formulae because of reliable safety
• Entering into nondisclosure agreements with requesting parties
• Exploring limited disclosure options
• Providing certificates of composition
• Identifying chemical family or class data as an alternative to full disclosure
• Using “does not contain” statements to comply with disclosure requests
There are two general types of limited disclosure: quantitative and qualitative.
Quantitative disclosures relate to the quantity, amount or concentration of
ingredients in a flavoring formula. Companies may be able to limit the scope of
the disclosure, for example, by providing quantitative ranges of certain
ingredients or groups of ingredients rather than exact percentages of each
A limited disclosure using chemical classes could be offered in the same manner
as a chemical family disclosure with the use of class names, such as: aliphatic
saturated acids; aromatic ketones; and other esters. Once again, if additional
information is requested, one could consider providing a percent range for each
particular chemical class together with safety data on the class such as published
JECFA and FEXPAN group summaries.
6.4.3 Pharmaceuticals
6.5 Conclusion
The examples directly above represent some of the legal frameworks under which
flavor formula disclosure may be justified. They are meant to demonstrate that
there are legal reasons why customers may need to sometimes ask about certain
contents of an otherwise confidential trade secret flavoring formula. However, it
is important to carefully consider the legal basis of any disclosure request, as in
many circumstances, disclosure can still be appropriately limited.
7.1 Background
Flavoring substances and flavorings are food ingredients and shall be treated as
such. Flavorings should be prepared and handled in accordance with the
appropriate sections of the Recommended International Code of Practice-
General Principles of Food Hygiene (CXC 1-1969 Rev.4 - 2003).
7.2.1 Employers are obligated to comply with all applicable workplace safety
regulations and are encouraged to explore and address aspects of flavoring
manufacturing that may not be explicitly covered by workplace safety regulations
but which may further foster a safe workplace for employees.
7.3 Employees
7.3.2 All employees active in the departments of the manufacture and packaging of
flavorings shall be adequately and appropriately dressed, comply with all
personal hygiene requirements and avoid working if exhibiting symptoms of
illness or disease that create risk of spreading illness to colleagues or
contaminating the food supply.
7.4.1 All manufacturing areas shall be clean, orderly and well-ventilated. Instructions
shall be issued indicating the areas to be cleaned, cleaning frequency, cleaning
procedures and personnel responsible for cleaning operations. Appropriate
cleaning equipment and cleaning materials shall be available.
7.4.2 Consumption of food and/or drinks, smoking and other unhygienic practices
shall not be allowed in manufacturing areas.
7.4.3 Sufficiently clean and well-ventilated sanitary facilities, including facilities for
hand washing and changing of clothes shall be available near the working areas
7.5.1 Ingredients and raw materials used in the manufacture of flavorings should
comply with appropriate national law and shall be examined as to their fitness for
intended use by appropriately qualified personnel.
7.5.2 Ingredients and raw materials shall be stored under conditions that will maintain
their fitness for use.
7.5.3 Ingredients and raw materials deemed to be unfit for use shall be identified as
such and stored away from materials that are fit for use.
7.5.4 Ingredients and raw materials which are found to have a reasonable probability
to cause serious adverse health consequences (i.e., pathogen contamination,
presence of toxic contaminants) should be handled in accordance with local laws
and regulations regarding either regulatory reporting, recall and/or disposal.
7.6.2 Appropriate cleaning instructions shall be issued for all equipment in use, and the
personnel responsible for executing these instructions and verifying the
cleanliness of equipment shall be designated.
7.6.5 Weighing and measuring equipment used in production and quality control shall
be calibrated and checked for accuracy at suitable intervals by appropriate
7.6.6 All vessels and containers holding raw materials, intermediates or finished
products shall bear suitable means of identifying their contents.
7.6.8 Each batch of manufactured material shall be examined as to its fitness for use
by appropriately qualified personnel.
7.6.9 All batch manufacturing records shall be retained for at least one year in such a
way that proper tracking and tracing systems are in place.
7.7 Packaging
7.7.1 In selecting, handling and control of all packaging materials, proper attention
shall be given to their condition, cleanliness and suitability for the product they
7.7.2 All packages and containers of finished products shall be identified by labels
mentioning the name, code and batch number of the product, its weight or
volume, and any special storage and handling instructions as well as any
directions for use, warnings and precautions which may be required.
7.7.3 All packaging material should comply with appropriate national law.
7.8.1 The Globally Harmonized System (GHS) defines and classifies the hazards of
chemical products and communicates health and safety information on labels
and safety data sheets.
7.8.2 IOFI Members are encouraged to follow the IOFI/IFRA Labeling Manual. The
Labeling Manual provides guidance to the global membership in order to ensure
a consistent hazard classification and labeling for flavor and fragrance
8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 Where the term “labeling” is used, it shall include the transmission of information
on relevant trade documents such as in Safety Data Sheets (SDS) or Product
Specifications Data Sheets.
8.1.2 The name and address of the flavoring manufacturer or the distributor, as well as
the name or the product code and the quantity shall be shown on the label.
8.1.3 Labeling of flavorings should comply with local regulations. Flavor labels on bulk
packaging sold and shipped to downstream customer companies must include
accurate and sufficient labeling information such that the downstream customer
company can comply with the legal requirements for the labeling of their
products. Particular attention should be paid to the labeling of non-flavoring food
ingredients in flavorings as these may be subject to different regulatory
requirements in different countries, especially in how such materials must be
labeled on food products.
8.2.1 Additional guidance on labeling can be found in the Codex Alimentarius General
Standards for the Labeling of Food Additives When Sold As Such (CODEX STAN 107-
9.1 Introduction
9.1.1 Specifically, flavoring manufacturers shall abstain from making any claim by way
of statement or representation with a view to promoting the sale of a flavoring
which implies or suggests that it possesses particular characteristics relating to
its nature, properties, composition, quantity, durability, origin or provenance,
method of manufacture or production which is untrue or misleading or which,
when such a claim relates to a measurable or objective characteristic, cannot be
9.1.2 For many decades the flavor industry has successfully worked through
associations to fund a strong scientific program to support the safety of our
industry’s products. Any claims that attempt to malign competitive products or
differentiate products based on safety should be discouraged as this practice
would suggest that our products are not, in fact, safe.
10.1.2 The Quality Assurance department should maintain adequate records regarding
the specification and test results of each batch on file in paper copy or electronic
data for a suitable amount of time to comply with local regulation.
10.2.1 Companies should compile a flow diagram for the production process that
monitors, ensures and documents the production of flavorings and flavoring
ingredients under consideration of general hygiene rules and, if needed, special
requirements on all steps. The process should prevent or minimize any hazards.
10.2.2 Flavour companies are requested to identify the food quality-relevant critical
points in the process operations and also establish, conduct, comply with and
monitor safety measures based on HACCP principles in accordance with the
annex of CXS 1-1969 (Rev.4 – 2003). Companies must also otherwise comply with
all local and/or regional laws and regulations pertaining to food safety.
11.1.1 A Quality Control department directed by a qualified person should monitor and
control predefined properties of all ingredients and finished products. This
department should operate according to defined procedures, with the
responsibility and authority to approve or reject the evaluated materials. During
the period between the arrival from the supplier or from the production center
and its use in flavor compounding or shipment to the customer, all ingredients
and finished products should be stored under conditions compatible with their
physical and chemical properties.
11.1.2 The laboratory facilities for Quality Control purposes should be staffed and
equipped commensurate with the requirements of effective quality control.
11.1.3 QC samples should be uniquely labeled, with reference to the date and batch
number for all ingredients and finished products. Records should be kept
permitting identification of the batch, the production history or origin, and
defining dates for the various control steps, including release by the Quality
Assurance department.
11.2.1 Samples for external reference of a product in commerce should be stored under
suitable conditions for future reference for at least one year after manufacture or
as long as shelf life defines.
11.2.2 All ingredients to be used in flavor compounding and finished products should
be properly sampled, tested for compliance with organoleptic and analytical
specifications and released by the Quality Control department via defined
11.2.3 Ingredients and finished products that have been rejected for any reason should
be designated accordingly, quarantined physically and treated in accordance
with the nature of the rejection.
12.1.1 The shelf life of flavorings is defined as the period from the date of production
during which the flavoring remains suitable for further use. This shelf life will be
indicated by an appropriate label description that indicates minimum durability
under appropriate storage conditions.
12.2 Re-Testing
12.2.1 Flavor manufacturers may engage in the common practice of re-testing flavorings
at regular intervals.
12.2.2 Instead of allocating one single extended shelf life, the intention of re-testing is to
ensure that the quality is checked at designated intervals and that the optimum
quality is maintained during storage and subsequent transportation to the
customer, and at the customer’s warehouse prior to final use. Typically, this
practice consists of managing a QA/QC program based on regular sensory,
physical, chemical and, if appropriate, microbiological analyses for determining
continued conformance with the product specifications.
12.2.4 Test procedures and frequency of testing may vary from company to company.
Frequency of testing shall be based on the anticipated shelf life of the flavorings
and shall be indicated by label descriptions such as ‘best before [date]’, ‘re-
analyze by [date]’, ‘re-test by [date]’,‘expiry [date]’ or any other appropriate
12.2.5 Within the shelf life period, the quality of the flavoring should be in compliance
with sensory, physical, chemical and, if appropriate, microbiological
specifications established by the manufacturer. However, unused product can be
re-analyzed before or at the specified date to establish that the product is still in
compliance with the product specifications.
12.2.6 Descriptions such as ‘best before’, ‘re-analyze by’, ‘re-test by’ or ‘expiry date’
indicate a point in time at which the product should be re-analyzed against the
product specifications before it can be further used in flavor formulation and/or
food production. When the product is found in compliance the product will
receive a new ‘best before[date]’, ‘re-analyze by[date]’, ‘re-test by[date]’ or
13.1 Introduction
The sections below provide a general overview of the relevant factors when
considering whether a flavor could be considered natural. Again, companies
must consider the local or regional regulatory rules regarding the determination
and labeling of natural flavor.
Source materials used as the starting material for natural flavorings, should be
materials of animal, plant or microbiological origin. Sources for natural flavoring
complexes and natural flavoring substances are the essential oils, oleoresins,
extractives, distillates, or products of roasting, heating or enzymatic
transformations of spices, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible
yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry,
eggs and other animal products, dairy products, or fermentation products
Physical processes may be used for the production of natural flavoring complexes
or natural flavoring substances. pH adjustment may be used for the isolation of
acidic and basic materials.
13.4 Biochemical Processes for Natural Flavoring Complexes and Natural Flavoring
13.4.2 Substrates
Materials added to the substrate necessary for the growth and function of the
organism(s) such as co-factors, minerals, nutrients, vitamins, hormones, pH
adjusting agents and electromagnetic radiation are not restricted in origin, but
they may not exceed the levels required for the purpose of maintaining the
growth and function of the organism(s) or parts thereof.
13.5 Other Processes for Natural Flavoring Complexes and Natural Flavoring
Absorption Filtration
Adsorption Grinding
Crystallization Heating
Cutting Mixing
Distillation Osmoses
Drying (spray-drying, freeze-drying etc.) Precipitation
Emulsification Roasting
Encapsulation Squeezing
Extraction Sublimation
Extrusion Ultrasonic treatment
The use of singlet oxygen or ozone is not allowed during processing of natural
Salts of natural flavoring substances with the following cations NH4+, Na+, K+, Ca2+
and Fe3+, or the anions Cl-, SO42- and CO32- are classified as natural flavoring
14.1 Introduction
The Codex Alimentarius Guidelines (CAC/GL 66-2008) states that flavorings may
consist of flavoring substances, natural flavoring complexes, smoke flavorings or
thermal process flavorings. The purpose of this section is to provide guidance on
the production and use of thermal process flavorings in countries that have no
regulatory provisions covering this type of product. National regulations, if in
existence and even if they do not use a special term to define thermal process
flavorings, will always take precedence over these Guidelines.
14.2 Scope
14.2.1 These Guidelines deal with thermal process flavorings only. They do not apply to
foods, natural flavoring complexes, chemically defined flavoring substances or
mixtures of flavoring substances.
14.2.2 These Guidelines define those raw materials and process conditions which are
similar to the cooking of food and used to produce thermal process flavorings.
14.3 Definition
14.4.1 The requirements laid down in Chapter 7 of the IOFI Code of Practice are also
applicable to thermal process flavorings.
14.4.2 Thermal process flavorings shall be prepared in accordance with the Codex
Alimentarius General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev.4-2003)
Raw materials for thermal process flavorings shall consist of one or more of the
14.6.2 Suitable non-flavoring food ingredients as defined by CAC/GL 66-2008. Please see
also the non-flavoring food ingredients listed in Annex I / Chapter 18.
14.7.1 The product temperature during processing shall not exceed 180°C.
14.7.2 The processing time shall not exceed ¼ hour at 180°C, with correspondingly
longer times at lower temperatures, i.e., a doubling of the heating time for each
decrease of temperature by 10°C.
14.7.4 Additional flavorings (see Chapter 14.6.1) and non-flavoring food ingredients (see
Foodstuffs, herbs, spices, their extracts and flavoring substances identified therein.
Thiamine and its hydrochloric acid salt
Ascorbic acid
Citric acid
Lactic acid
Fumaric acid
Malic acid
Succinic acid
Tartaric acid
The sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and ammonium salts of the above acids
Guanylic acid and inosinic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts
Sodium, potassium- and ammonium sulfides, hydrosulfides and polysulfides
Acids, bases and salts as pH, regulators:
• Acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid
• Sodium, potassium, calcium and ammonium hydroxide
The salts of the above acids and bases
Polymethylsiloxane as antifoaming agent (not participating in the process)
15.1 Introduction
The Codex Alimentarius Guidelines (CAC/GL 66-2008) states that flavorings may
consist of flavoring substances, natural flavoring complexes, smoke flavorings or
thermal process flavorings. The purpose of this section is to provide guidance on
the production and use of smoke flavorings in countries that have no regulatory
provisions covering this type of product. National regulations, if in existence and
even if they do not use a special term to define smoke flavorings, will always take
precedence over these Guidelines.
15.2 Scope
These guidelines deal with flavorings used for the purpose of imparting a smoke-
type flavor to foodstuffs. These guidelines do not apply to foods, flavorings
extracted from smoked foodstuffs or to flavorings obtained by compounding
chemically defined flavoring substances. National regulations, if in existence, will
always take precedence over these Guidelines. This includes the existence of
specific definitions, rulings and officially condoned practices.
15.3 Definition
15.4.1 The requirements laid down in Chapter 7 of the IOFI Code of Practice are also
applicable to smoke flavorings.
15.4.2 Smoke flavorings shall be prepared in accordance with the Codex Alimentarius
General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev.4-2003).
Untreated wood, bark and twigs of the following non-exhaustive list of species
are used for the generation of smoke.
Herbs and spices may also be added as well as twigs of Juniper (Juniper
communis) and twigs, needles and cones of Pine species.
15.6.2 Then by applying further isolation techniques to the fractions obtained under
15.6.1 in order to retain only the flavor-important fractions or components.
15.6.3 The temperature during dry distillation is between 200°C and 600°C, and the
treatment with superheated steam is between 300°C and 600°C
15.6.4 The solvents used for extraction and their residues are listed in Chapter 19, Annex
II of this Code.
16.1 Scope
These Guidelines deal with enzymatic and microbiological processes used for the
production of flavorings. These Guidelines do not apply to flavoring substances
(as defined under Chapter 3) that are produced by these methods, provided that
they are safe for the intended use as flavoring (see Chapter 5) and comply with
existing purity requirements (e.g., as reported in JECFA specifications) and are
devoid of detectable residual enzymatic or microbiological activity. National and
regional regulations always take precedence over these Guidelines. This includes
the existence of specific definitions, rulings and officially accepted practices.
16.2 Definition
16.3.1 The requirements laid down in Chapter 7 of the IOFI Code of Practice are also
applicable to flavorings produced by enzymatic or microbiological processes.
16.4.1 Substrates
These include source materials (both food source and non-food source
materials) and isolated constituents of source materials (both food and non-
Note: Materials added to the substrate necessary for the growth and function of
the organism(s) such as co-factors, minerals, nutrients, vitamins, hormones, pH
adjusting agents and electromagnetic radiation are not restricted in origin, but
they may not exceed the levels required for the purpose of maintaining the
growth and function of the organism(s) or parts thereof.
16.4.2 Enzymes Enzymes obtained from source materials that are normally considered
as foods, traditionally accepted constituents of food, or normally used in the
preparation of food.
16.4.3 Micro-organisms The substrates (16.5.1) (see also 14.4) may be processed in the presence
of enzymes (16.5.2) or micro-organisms (16.5.3). Non-flavoring food ingredients
(16.5.4) may be present provided that they are added subsequent to enzymatic or
microbiological processing, or provided that they are not modified in any way by
such processing in accordance with the relevant requirements. Micro-organisms shall not be used under conditions where they lead to
products containing toxins or antibiotics. It is the responsibility of the
manufacturer/producer to analyze the final flavoring and confirm the absence of
any (myco-)toxins or antibiotic residues.
The safety in use of flavorings produced with the following materials and
processes should be adequately established:
16.6 Labeling
17.1.1 These Guidelines shall apply to the manufacture and handling of all flavorings
and raw materials used for their production, including storage, production and
plant design, in the flavor industry.
17.1.2 These Guidelines may require revision if future developments in the industry
make it necessary.
17.1.3 The application of these Guidelines does not exempt individual manufacturers
from the obligation to comply with all national or international regulations which
are relevant to their operations.
The protection of health in the workplace and the protection of the environment
are of primary concern to the flavor industry. These Guidelines express a desire
by the flavor industry to prioritize occupational safety and the environment by
advancing measures which may be additional to those required to comply with
national or international regulations.
17.3 Definitions
17.3.2 Environment: Water, air and soil and their inter-relationship as well as
relationship between them and any living organisms.
17.3.3 Waste: Any unavoidable material, resulting from an industrial process, which
must be disposed of.
17.4.1 All personnel involved in the manufacture and handling of flavorings and raw
materials used for their production shall have appropriate training and notice of
and access to personal protective equipment where necessary to be protected
from recognized health hazards (e.g., skin irritants, respiratory toxins, irritants and
sensitizers, etc.), physical hazards (e.g., noise, radiation, vibration) and chemical
and detrimental health effects of gases, vapors or dusts, etc., in accordance with
all relevant regulations. Employers have a legal duty to provide safe workplaces
for their employees.
17.4.2 Companies shall make their best efforts to eliminate or minimize exposure to
health and physical hazards by taking those precautions which are necessary
under the prevailing regulations.
17.4.6 Companies should periodically audit their workplaces that have potential health
and physical hazards. If necessary, exposure-monitoring surveys should be
carried out.
17.4.7 In all cases, recommendations on safe storage and handling should be provided
to both employees and the employees of downstream customers who will handle
17.5.2 Emissions that can have an adverse effect on the environment should be
identified, assessed and, if feasible, reduced.
17.5.3 Provision should be made to avoid accidental discharges into the environment
that could pose a risk to health of personnel or the general public, or that could
adversely affect the environment.
17.6.1 Technical and administrative measures should be taken to make sure that
discharged wastewater complies with the legal requirements relevant to the
receiver (water stream, public or private sewer, or treatment plant).
17.6.2 Provision should be made to avoid discharging polluting materials into surface
water drains.
17.7.1 The emission of inorganic or organic materials into the atmosphere must be kept
within the levels specified in national or local regulations, whichever are most
17.7.2 Technical and administrative measures should be taken to avoid the accidental
discharge into the atmosphere of quantities of materials hazardous to health or
to the environment.
17.8.1 The soil shall be protected from adverse contamination by inorganic or organic
17.9.1 Priority should be given to reducing the quantity of waste material produced.
Efforts should be made to recycle waste where practical as feedstock, to use it for
energy production or for other purposes.
17.9.3 The most appropriate disposal methods should be selected for each waste so as
to ensure adequate protection of the public and the environment.
For further explanations, please refer to Chapter 2.5 and Chapter 5.3.
Note on Isomers
For definitions and further explanations regarding the various types of non-
flavoring food ingredients listed under this chapter, please refer to Chapter 5.3.
1. The following lists of non-flavoring ingredients are non-exhaustive, and
they shall not be the only source of information for the IOFI members in
this regard.
2. IOFI members must perform their own due diligence to confirm the
regulatory authority of the listed ingredient for the intended use in
flavorings and food within the appropriate jurisdiction.
3. The INS numbers indicated in the following lists refer to those identified
in the Codex Class Names and the International Numbering System (INS)
for Food Additives (CAC/GL 36-1989). If a certain INS number listed here is
not in line with that used in CAC/GL 36-1989, one shall refer to the latter.
Ethyl tartrate -
Gelatin INS 428
Gellan gum INS 418
Ghatti gum INS 419
Glucose -
Glycerol INS 422
Glyceryl diacetate -
Mono- and di- glycerides of fatty acids INS 471
Glyceryl triacetate (Triacetin) INS 1518
Glyceryl triesters of aliphatic fatty acids C6-C18 -
Glyceryl tripropanoate -
Guar gum INS 412
Gum arabic INS 414
Hydrogenated vegetable oils -
Hydrolyzed vegetable protein -
Hydroxyproply methyl cellulose INS 464
Hydroxypropyl cellulose INS 463
Hydroxypropyl distarch phosphate INS 1442
Hydroxypropyl starch INS 1440
iso-Propylalcohol -
Karaya gum INS 416
Konjac flour INS 425
Lactic acid INS 270
Lactose -
Locust bean gum (Carob bean gum) INS 410
Magnesium carbonate INS 504(i)
Magnesium salts of fatty acids INS 470(iii)
Maltodextrin -
Mannitol INS 421
Methyl cellulose INS 461
Medium chain triglyceride -
Modified Starches -
Acetylated distarch adipate INS 1422
Acetylated oxidized starch INS 1451
Acid-treated starch INS 1401
Alkaline treated starch INS 1402
Bleached starch INS 1403
1. The following list is non-exhaustive, and it shall not be the only source of
information for the IOFI members in this regard.
2. IOFI members must perform their own due diligence to confirm the
regulatory authority of the listed substances for the intended use as
extraction solvents for the production of natural flavorings and the
corresponding residue limits within the appropriate jurisdiction.
3. The following list (including the residue limits) is subject to update by the
IOFI Secretariat. For IOFI members, the updates are communicated via
Information Letters whenever available. For non-members, please
contact the IOFI Secretariat for the latest update.
This refers to the level of residue limits as in finished food.
Some of these substances exist in the environment as pollutant/contaminants, as a result, certain level of
these substances may be detected in finished food even though they are not used for extracting the flavorings
added to the finished food.