This document It is your resource
contains four sections: for reproducing our
visual identity.
The following pages
Core Elements 5
contain all you should
Applications 143 need to ensure our brand is
Digital 313
delivered consistently and
effectively across a number
Environments 423
of different applications.
Page 3
1. Core Elements Our Brand
Page 7
Where we are today Where we want to be tomorrow
Be the institution of choice for customers,
To become a MENA Have strong brand recognition and high brand value
and what we stand for.
nd for
,a s
We need to determine
w e
ro elv
succeed in a competitive
es ni
and expanding
cc io
su sit
market place.
Page 13
Defining what makes us unique… what makes us QNB
yo ept B
g on QN
ambition to create lasting value.
nd :
in l c of
Be c
It is a statement of our commitment
nk fu rt
hi er ea
to all of our customers.
'T w h
po e
a th
Page 17
What does this mean for the way that we act? We are...
Page 23
Brand Model
Thinking Beyond
A Brand Essence is not derived through But it should be used to focus all communications.
a corporate identity logo or a design manual.
A Clear Brand Essence is as important
It is about the application of a special emotional internally as externally.
territory, based upon a rational truth.
It is a rallying call, a settler of debates, a definer
It is about creating a unique and of what is, a benchmark for people, products,
single-minded proposition. services, communications and expectations.
Page 29
Overview | This is our logo. It serves to clearly identify our organisation.
Our logo is our most unique element and one of the key components of
our visual identity system. It consists of a symbol and a wordmark.
Symbol Wordmark
The Enhanced Logo is not used any smaller than 20mm in height.
For screen use however, you may use this logo version at any scale.
The Standard Logo is not used any larger than 20mm in height.
Use the full colour Standard Logo (top) on all applications such as
literature and stationery wherever possible. (See the 'Applications' section).
The Solid Standard Logo (second from top) is for use only on a three
colour specified production job, such as screen printing. Also a single
primary brand colour logo can be used in certain circumstances.
The Black & White Standard Logo (third from top) is for use
when the reproduction of our logo is limited by quality or
colour, such as facsimile machines or one colour printing. QNB_logo_solid_20mm_below.ai
Logo dimension
Most items that use our logo will either already be pre-designed or have
a template, so it is not necessary to measure this size.
A3 17mm
A4 11mm
A5 8.5mm
C4 11mm
Clear-space exists in
order to protect our
asset and allow for
a clearer expression.
1. Core Elements
Using the symbol alone | Sometimes, we may need to use our symbol
only, without the accompanying QNB wordmark. It is important
we only do this rarely and for well understood reasons.
We should only use the symbol alone when there is not sufficient space or
a correctly proportioned area to use the full Logo including the wordmark.
We should only use the symbol alone in contexts where the QNB brand
is already clear, ie the full Logo including the wordmark is nearby.
When the symbol is used alone, it must appear larger than 20mm, as
the higher resolution version with extra detail should always be used.
1. Core Elements
Things to avoid
X DON'T alter the proportions X DON'T adjust the components X DON'T alter the colour X DON'T place over a colour
X DON'T effect the wordmark X DON'T effect the device X DON'T place over imagery X DON'T use as a super-graphic
Page 49
Overview | This is our Brand Flag. It shows how a distinctive Ribbon
shape defends a white area for our logo to inhabit, no matter what
colour the background of the rest of the page is. It allows items
to have a background colour other than white, (in this case blue)
as the Logo itself must only appear on a white background.
The Brand Flag always points forward, leading QNB into the future.
It adds meaning to the Logo, embodying our brand essence of
'Thinking Beyond'.
1. Core Elements
The Ribbon | This element which creates the Brand Flag has
been derived from the simple shapes found in our symbol. It is
a striking graphic shape which over time will serve alongside
our logo as a recognisable sign of the QNB brand identity.
1. Core Elements
Construction | The Brand Flag has been carefully constructed to
celebrate our Logo, and to create a predefined space around it.
The Logo diameter (x) is the same as the margin of most document pages, x
and defines the distance of the logo from the left hand edge of the page.
Pre-designed artwork files for the entire Brand Flag exists in all
necessary colours, and should always be used to guarantee consistency.
build the Brand Flag
yourself. Always use
the supplied artwork.
1. Core Elements Page 55
QNB Velvet
Colour | The Brand Flag carries our distinctive brand
colours. When appearing as part of the Brand Flag, there
are two colour blends always used in the Ribbon.
The upper part of the Ribbon runs from QNB Velvet to QNB Ruby, while
the lower part runs from QNB Sand to transparent, which has the effect
of revealing any colour or image beneath.
QNB Ruby
1. Core Elements
Transparency | As the lower part of the Ribbon runs from QNB Sand to
transparent, this has the effect of merging the Brand Flag to the other
design elements, resulting in a consistent and complete graphic solution.
Clear-space exists in
order to protect our
asset but also to help us
position the Brand Flag
on various formats.
1. Core Elements
Position | The Brand Flag always sits on the left of any page or design.
The Logo always aligns with the left hand margin, and
the Ribbon extends beyond the page boundary.
...or left
The text alignments
shown are ideal, rather
than an absolute with the
rule. Balance should
always be sought.
letter Q.
1. Core Elements
Position | Examples of the Brand Flag being positioned in Text alignment | These examples use the text alignment
accordance to the needs of different formats. Apart from principles shown on the previous spread.
logistic reasons, enabling the Brand Flag to move ensures it
This exact arrangement may not always be possible or desireable.
has personality and the design stays fresh and modern.
In particular, exceptions are made on credit cards, machine readable
templates, digital applications, and other templated items, and also when
the accompanying text is much larger or smaller than the QNB wordmark.
The brochure
title goes here
With a subtitle below
This is a
It’s A5 size
This is a
It’s tall and narrow.
pl ibb ere
Brand Flag and simplified.
to R h
. n
in ic s w
ay o
es ph i
m ra h i s
It is inspired both by our
co r g d t
ou an
national flag, and our desire
to keep moving forwards.
In some specific print literature
ea r
br u
Page 73
Colour usage |
The Ribbon may
The Ribbon can also be placed on any of
live alone in print our primary colour
backgrounds, apart
from QNB Ruby Red,
The size of the Ribbon when used alone is exactly
the same as it would be if it were part of the Brand as shown here.
An appropriate time to use the Ribbon in this way would be to mark the Avoid overusing
start of a section, chapter or divide. This creates rhythm in a document, the Ribbon within
establishes a clear purpose for the Ribbon, and avoids it appearing documents. It serves
too often. only as an occasional
asset to rest the eyes.
When used alone in these situations, the Ribbon is made of only two
flat colours. The upper part is always QNB Ruby Red, while the colour of
the lower part can be chosen from our primary palette to complement
Ad eum, officatia quam, utem. Accabo.
the design context. (colours are outlined later in this section) Itatio. Et officae volorpo ribernatem
quis velendi onsectio voluptiis di
bernam aliquatae nihilignat rest,
am m
ullestem fuga. Ut maio. Nem si corepel
it su
harchic illandit eatet ea volore, ut autat
officipsae vel ma sed magnatur aut
r s ip
merely positioned in different places, and the edges always
dis est rerro officidus mil intur reiur.
lo m
continue beyond the boundary of the page as usual. Hendaes dolorum eic tem que autatet ullacias re sant qui
do ore
quam delecearum quaecum ipis sus rehendenim que ist aut
volupta speris est, quis perestia estia conecae laborum rae
parum rae. Aperorempel invene consequi dolum ea eniti
accullabore et ut voluptati corem explacearunt vel iustisc
imendan dipistem aceptiu stiatistiate volorruntium labo.
The Ribbon is a pre-drawn editable vector object included in Et ulpa voles velitem doloruptate voluptaqui dest as ma
dolupta tetusapitem hiciis desequam fugiaturibus et omnime
prorepedia core nis eos del is dia videstorro con cumquam
The Ribbon may be moved around the page sympathetic with the sin coreniae. Ut deratiusae res magnihicabo. Ad ut quae. Dam
vid maiore voluptaquas repelesedis quis doluptam re volupis il
id es ipit quo beaquia voloresequo quidunt magnia qui omnihic
tectiorrum laborro omnis eosant esti cum, nos apiet qui inus, te
design, and can hold large or small type at a 45 degree angle. Est que a con nobisiti sinciur, ius everion nonsedio debisimi,
odistrum eatas resciaerfera porporp orehendi aut ius aspel mi,
ut ut ipsunt ullam fugit aceptus milit et, inistius eum etusam
ut odiant laborende apiderum eruntiatur, seque estiis maio. Et
volor aspedictis aliquia tibusan deligenist fugit offictium hictur
alis sitis explate ipidi te laccae dia peditas aut voluptiberat
The Ribbon should be used sparingly in these officimus sam endel etur? Amus ium qui di officil loriatio. Igenist
quam que sit ullam et eiunt rate et faccuptam sinctatint que
audaeptum dis ad maxim sum qui blabor aut quam fuga.
Page 77
Things to avoid - Brand Flag Things to avoid - Ribbon alone
X DON'T place on similar photo colours X DON'T alter the size relationships X DON'T recolour the upper part X DON'T reveal the edges
X DON'T flip X DON'T draw, construct or distort X DON'T use over Ruby Red colour X DON'T distort or transform
X DON'T break the clear-space rule X DON'T fill the lower Ribbon X DON'T use as a graphic X DON'T overuse
1. Core Elements Page 79
1. Core Elements Typography
Page 81
We speak with
authority in a hum
and approachable
one. We are people
rusted advisor.
1. Core Elements Page 83
Primary typeface | Cordale is a modern serif typeface that is
easy to read and has a strong but subtle character. Designed by
Dalton Maag in London, it has been specially produced to work
well for digital typesetting and lithographic printing. Regular
Cordale is our primary typeface for use across all applications for
all styles of messaging, headlines and body copy. It contains full
character sets for Arabic, Latin, Cyrillic and Greek alphabets.
Bold Italic
multiple languages. This makes it the perfect typeface
choice for an international company based in Qatar.
Consult the Corporate
Communications team if you have
مث. لواح
any queries regarding this typeface.
Cordale is is provided by:
[email protected]
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7924 0633
Leading and type sizes are always set comfortably (see right), this allows
"Large Quote Text" 30/33
us to run multiple languages on the same baseline and maintain legibility. "Quote Text" 22/24
Arabic layouts should follow the same direction although Subtitle / Small Header / Large text 16/24
it is understood that it may be necessary to reduce font business descriptor 10/24
body copy in black. di bein bernam aliquatae Hendaes dolorum eic tem que autatet Caption 8.5/12 (65% tint)
nihilignat rest.
Display, titles, quotes
ullacias re sant qui quam delecearum Space after 6pt
quaecum ipis sus rehendenim que ist
additional colours.
rae. Aperorempel invene consequi copy is 'in parallel' to the core copy.
dolum ea eniti accullabore et ut Instances are quotes and captions.
voluptati corem explacearunt vel
iustisc imendan dipistem aceptiu
stiatistiate volorruntium labo.
notably in Microsoft Office formats or when there is a licensing issue. Arial has been chosen for its flexibility
in rendering both Latin and Arabic
characters, one of the few fonts which
In keeping with all major corporations with a distinctive identity, can handle both character sets.
is Arial. The
All printed material Cordale/Arial (Latin/Arabic)
Note: Arial can only be used on forms and no other printed material
system typeface is
Online headings Cordale (Latin/Arabic)
Online Body copy Arial
ATM screens Cordale (Latin/Arabic)
Other bespoke formats Cordale (Latin/Arabic)
typeface is Arial.
font specified in HTML)
X DON'T use other typefaces X DON'T loosely track the type X DON'T over track the type X DON'T have loose leading
X DON'T fully justify text X DON'T colour body copy X DON'T use bold for body copy X DON'T make type illegible
Page 97
Overview | Our primary colour palette features in the genetics of our logo.
Velvet Ruby
Sky 80c.40m.0y.0k
Sapphire 100c.85m.0y.55k
Velvet 30c.100m.100y.80k
Ruby 16c.100m.14y.42k Sand Stone
Sand 13c.13m.15y.0k
Stone 40c.25m.30y.60k
Mint Steel
Plum 50c.85m.0y.0k
Ocean 85c.0m.20y.0k
Mint 40c.0m.60y.0k
Steel 30c.30m.15y.0k Mustard Citrus
Mustard 0c.30m.80y.0k
Citrus 0c.70m.100y.0k
Sand Stone
Warm Grey 1c 425c
Plum Ocean
258c 3115c
The Pantone® values
shown are for reference
Mint Steel
only — the CMYK values
are to be used at all times.
359c 5295c
Mustard Citrus
1365c 158c
1. Core Elements Page 105
Gradients | We have artwork files available, using special colour
combinations, positions and transitions from our primary colour
Ruby Sand
palette that combine to create a graduated artwork suite. All available
combinations are shown (right). The artwork files are supplied. Velvet White
Sand Sapphire
Sky Ruby
Sky Stone 01
Sapphire Sand 01
Stone 01 Velvet
Sand 02 Sapphire
1. Core Elements Page 107
Gradient artwork files | We have artwork files available, which
Place the gradient file on
allow you to place within your artwork at a given size to the format
the bottom right of your
you are producing. The files are square to the largest diameter, and
application at a 1:1 scale.
when you place the files you should follow the example (below).
X DON'T invent new colours X DON'T alter the colour properties X DON'T affect the colours X DON'T marry solid colours
X DON'T invent gradation colours X DON'T invent gradation types X DON'T marry solids to gradients X DON'T overuse colour
Page 113
Depth of field
...impressive ...predictable
...modern ...small-scale
...cosmopolitan ...artificial
Well considered
...relevant ...emotionless
2. 3.
Photography style
• Do not obstruct the key focal point with the white banner or headline.
Our pattern is based on our Ribbon and logo symbol. The shape is flexible
enough to allow for a great variety of expression, yet remains familiar.
Our pattern is to be
used only when you
are unable to use other
assets. Consult the
Brand Team for guidance
should you need too.
1. Core Elements
Pattern | Our identity pattern can create quite a different
feeling when used at different scales. For this reason there are
roughly four different levels of impact that it can create:
At this scale, the detail of the At this scale, the shapes of the At this scale, the shapes At this scale, the shapes are
pattern is not very apparent, pattern are obvious, but there are very clear and the celebrated fully, and there is
and it acts more as a texture. is still a lot of repetition which repetition less obvious, so far less sense of repetition.
makes it feel visually busy. there is a calmer feeling.
1. Core Elements