Applied Physics I N23 R21 1003A

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TED (21) -1003 Reg.No………………..............

(Revision- 2021) Signature. .................................
[Maximum Marks : 75] [Time : 3 hours]
I. Answer all the following questions in one word or sentence. Each question carries 1 mark.
(9x1=9 marks)
Module Cognitive
Outcome level
1 One micrometer = ………….meter. M 1.01 R
2 A person falls forward when a moving bus suddenly stops. M 1.04 U
This is due to …………….
3 If a body completes one revolution around a circle, its angular M2.01 U
displacement is…………..radians.
4 Moment of inertia of a hollow sphere of radius R and mass M M2.02 R
about any diameter is …………
5 Work done by gravity when a person walks horizontally with M3.01 U
some load is …………
6 The degree of hotness or coldness of a body is called………… M3.04 R
7 The reciprocal of the bulk modulus is called ……….. M4.01 R
8 The forces of attraction between molecules of the same kind are M4.02 R
called …………..
9 If Reynold’s number for a fluid flowing through a pipe, is less M4.04 R
than 1000, then the fluid flow is……………

II. Answer any Eight questions from the following. Each question carries 3 marks.
Module Cognitive
Outcome level
1 State Newton’s third law of motion. Write any two properties of M1.04 R
action and reaction forces.
2 Derive the relation between linear velocity and angular velocity. M2.01 U
3 Write an example each for positive work, negative work and M3.01 U
zero work.
4 Distinguish between kinetic energy and potential energy. M3.02 U
5 Write any three disadvantages of friction. M3.01 R
6 An elephant lifts a mass of 600 kg through a vertical height of M3.03 A
5 m in 10 seconds. Calculate the power of the elephant.
7 What are the advantages of pyrometers? M3.04 R
8 Distinguish between stress and strain. M4.01 U
9 Write a brief note on atmospheric pressure. M4.02 R
10 Define the term terminal velocity. Write Stoke’s formula M4.03 R
connecting viscous force and terminal velocity.
Answer all questions from the following. Each question carries 7 marks.
Module Cognitive
Outcome level
III The readings of measurement of the length of a cylinder were M 1.02 A
found to be 3.7 cm, 3.9 cm, 3.8 cm, 3.6 cm and 3.5 cm. Find
the absolute error, relative error and percentage error.
IV State law of conservation of momentum and prove it in the case M1.04 U
of collision of two masses.
V Explain the banking of curves by applying the concept of M2.01 A
centripetal force. What is the angle of banking for a curved
track of radius 50m suitable for a maximum speed of 15 m/s?
VI Define the moment of inertia of a rigid body. State and explain M2.02 U
parallel axes theorem and perpendicular axes theorem.
VII Write a note on CGS, MKS and SI unit systems. M1.01 R
VIII Distinguish between torque and angular momentum. Explain M2.03 U
the law of conservation of angular momentum with an example.
IX Write a note on various forms of energy. M3.02 R
X Distinguish between static friction and kinetic friction. List M3.01 U
various methods to reduce friction.
XI Explain various types of elastic moduli associated with solids. M4.01 U
XII State Bernoulli’s theorem. Apply Bernoulli’s theorem to M4.04 A
explain the working of an atomizer.

XIII Explain the conduction of heat through solids. Write any two M3.04 U
practical uses of thermal conductivity.
XIV Derive the equation for absolute pressure at depth ‘h’ below the M4.02 U
surface of a liquid of density ‘ρ’.


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