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4 authors, including:
Teresa Terrazas
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
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Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177, 657–666. With 4 figures
Received 29 August 2014; revised 16 October 2014; accepted for publication 9 January 2015
This study aims to understand the role of floral traits in determining the reproductive biology of the leguminous
shrub Aeschynomene amorphoides, endemic to western Mexico, which has unusually orientated flowers. We
investigated the floral biology, pollination and breeding system based on a combination of morphological studies
and field experiments, using controlled pollinations in a natural environment. The architecture and reflexed
position of A. amorphoides flowers facilitate precise placement of pollen on the body of the pollinator, but this has
a cost to A. amorphoides in terms of available flower resources. These costs to reproduction success are set against
the attraction of a specialized pollinator, Tetraloniella jaliscoensis, which is capable of manipulating this unique
pollination system in papilionoid (or flag) flowers. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of
the Linnean Society, 2015, 177, 657–666.
© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177, 657–666 657
SDTFs house c. 6000 plant species, of which about half of Aeschynomene spp. are scarce. Griffith & Forseth
are endemic and c. 10% are legumes (Villaseñor & (2002, 2003) studied seed dispersal of A. virginica (L.)
Ortiz, 2014). Britton, Sterns & Poggenb. and its reproductive com-
The genus Aeschynomene L. subgenus Ochopodium petence in open areas. McKellar, Deren & Quesenberry
Vogel comprises a group of species with a high level of (1991) reported that A. americana L. has low rates of
endemism in the Mexican tropical dry forests (Rudd, cross-pollination in natural environments and under
1955). Their breeding systems are mostly unknown. cultivation. Ramírez & Brito (1990) reported that there
One species in this section is Aeschynomene amor- is an increase in seed-set in the self-compatible species
phoides (S.Wats.) Rose ex B.L.Rob., which has showy A. pratensis Small after hand-pollination. Regarding
branches bearing numerous inflorescences with Aeschynomene pollen as a food resource for bees, pollen
© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177, 657–666
served and deposited in the National Insect Collection (N = 20 × 4 × 16). In the hand-pollinated treatments,
of Mexico (CNIN-UNAM). A legitimate pollination by pollen was transferred to stigmas using a small brush
an insect was recorded when a stigma was contacted between 14:30 and 15:30 h, when stigmas were recep-
and pollen was deposited on the same part of the body tive. When fruits were visibly developing, they were
of the insect. Insects that did not fit these criteria were collected and the number of developing ovules was
considered nectar-thieves or herbivores. Moreover, counted. Fruit-set was determined as the number of
visitation frequencies were classified based on the flowers used divided by the number of fruits produced
number of visits made by species per day. Frequent, in the treatment.
occasional and rare visitors were determined according
to the number of visits: > 20 times, five to 20 times, and
© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177, 657–666
Figure 2. Flower morphology and position of Aeschynomene amorphoides. A, flower showing the reflexed position, where
the keel (*) is upside down and closely in contact with the standard petal (♦). Wing petals (◊) are parallel with and close
to the keel. B, longitudinal section of a flower with left wing and keel petals and half of the calyx removed to allow
observation of reproductive organs (androecium and gynoecium). Notice the spatial difference between anthers and stigma
almost at the tip of the keel (arrow). Scale bar, 1 mm.
a landing platform for pollinators, and the keel tip to another, in this case from the standard to the keel,
substituted any colour markings (maculae) on the has already been reported in Faboideae, particularly in
standard petal (a feature of many papilionoid flowers). those with beaked keels (i.e. Phaseolus L.; Sousa-Peña,
Furthermore, the keel tip shows a strong purple–red Wong-León & Delgado-Salinas, 1996).
coloration that changes according to the flower phase Concerning the reproductive organs, androecium
(Fig. 1B). The transference of maculae from one petal and gynoecium are hidden within the keel (Fig. 2B).
© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177, 657–666
Despite their proximity, stigma and anthers remained Different insects visited flowers of A. amorphoides,
spatially separated by at least 0.67 (± 0.84) mm including bees and butterflies (Table 1). Of these, only
throughout flower life. After anthesis, dehisced pollen female bees of Tetraloniella jaliscoensis (Apidae) regu-
accumulated into a mass inside the keel and in this larly promoted pollination (Fig. 1C, D). Twenty-three
way was presented to pollinators. We calculated a P/O to 35 bees were recorded throughout visiting hours, but
ratio of c. 9500, with 98% of the pollen being viable no assessment was made to estimate how many times
(based on lactophenol blue staining). Eighty per cent of any one individual bee visited an inflorescence.
flowers produced two ovules and the rest produced Tetraloniella bees moved rapidly from one flower to the
three ovules. The style is distally narrowed and the next on each inflorescence. Each visit took c. 2 s, and
stigma, c. 30 μm in diameter, supports up to four pollen one to four bees could be actively foraging on a plant at
grains on its surface. Stigma lobes are present, one time. In contrast to the other flower visitors,
opening during anthesis and closing when flowers T. jaliscoensis showed consistent behaviour and visit-
were old or had been pollinated (Fig. 3A, B), but no ing time. It actively transferred pollen between flowers
sensitivity to pressure as a means against self- using a specific small area between its fore- and
pollination was detected (Newcombe, 1924). Further- mid-legs on the anterior ventral portion of the thorax
more, nectar is produced at the base of the gynoecium (prosternum). Acetolysis analysis also showed that
and is stored in a reservoir formed by the lower portion pollen grains found on specific areas of the bodies of
of the staminal tube (Fig. 3C, D). This reservoir can these bees were mostly from A. amorphoides. Moreo-
retain up to 1 μL of nectar, but if it is not depleted it ver, this bee species was frequently observed visiting
sometimes overflows from the nectar reservoir, and from 12:00 to 16:00 h, the exact time during which the
nectar thieves can forage at the base of the flower. flowers were open.
© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177, 657–666
Visitors were classified as pollinators, nectar thieves and/or herbivores according to their behaviour on the plant.
Frequency was established according to the number of times species were observed visiting flowers. In Lepidoptera, adults
are nectar thieves, whereas their larvae forage on leaves.
The process of pollination in A. amorphoides is confirmed. All nectar thieves on A. amorphoides con-
depicted in Figure 1E. It begins with the keel-aligned sistently reach the nectar source via the staminal slit
landing of the pollinator. The weight of the bee forces and thus do not come into contact with pollen or stigma
the flower to bend downwards. In this phase, the and do not effect pollination.
flower temporarily presents the usual papilionoid ori-
entation with its standard in a vertical position. Now,
the bee reaches the nectary with its proboscis. Sub-
sequently, pollen collection takes place as the bee Hand pollination in the stigma receptivity experiment
leaves and the flower goes back to its original posi- produced fruits in all daytime treatments, but no
tion. This floral mechanism maximizes the chance of significant differences were found among them (χ2 =
a pollinator making contact with both stigma and 3.55, d.f. = 9, P = 0.679). This suggests that flowers of
pollen, thereby promoting pollination. A. amorphoides were always receptive to pollen
Nectar sugar composition of A. amorphoides con- despite their short life.
sists principally of glucose, mannose, arabinose and In the crossing experiment, we found significant
rhamnose, and thus differs from common sugar- differences among treatments (χ2 = 115.95, d.f. = 3,
species nectar (glucose, fructose and sucrose; Baker & P < 0.001) (Fig. 4). Flowers of the selfing treatment set
Baker, 1983). The presence of mannose in nectar has fewer fruits than those of the crossing treatment
been shown to be toxic to Apis mellifera and other (Z = −3.69, P < 0.001), suggesting that cross pollen
insects (Adler, 2000). However, no sign of intoxication improves fruit-set in A. amorphoides, although the
or disorientation was perceived on either pollinator species is still able to produce fruits by selfing. Both
bees or nectar thieves. In fact, wasps (Brachygastra crossing and selfing treatments, however, did not
azteca) and other nectar thieves preferred to forage differ in fruit-set from natural pollination (Z = −2.47,
specifically on this resource. P = 0.057; Z = −1.26, P = 0.568, respectively). Overall,
Visitation by other flower visitors differs from that of fruit-set was < 30% (crossing, 27.41%; natural pollina-
T. jaliscoensis. The short-tongued bee species A. mel- tion, 19.21%; selfing, 15.36%). The control treatment
lifera and Trigona fulviventris collected the pollen left (no pollinations performed) produced an insignificant
on petals by T. jaliscoensis. Likewise, Brachygastra fruit-set of 1.46%. Concerning seed-set, we found that
azteca was able to reach the nectar reservoir at the crossing produced on average more seeds per fruit than
base of the flowers even before anthesis. Furthermore, selfing (Z = −2.74, P = 0.017).
ants of the genera Cyphomyrmex and Pseudomyrmex
were also attracted to the overflowing nectar, and the
butterfly species Cyanophrys miserabilis, Eurema
daira and Leptotes cassius striata were occasionally FLORAL BIOLOGY
seen sucking nectar from the flowers. Larvae of these The pollination system by which flowers of A. amor-
butterfly species appear to use the foliage of A. amor- phoides operate is similar to that described as ‘pump
phoides as a food source, although this needs to be type’ by Delpino (in Endress, 1994) or as ‘piston type’
© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177, 657–666
with secondary pollen presentation dependent on bee (Michener, 2000). Tetraloniella jaliscoensis was
activity on the flower (Leppik, 1966; Westerkamp, recently described by LaBerge & Warwick (2001) from
1997). Nevertheless, A. amorphoides differs from most bees collected in the Chamela Biological Station and
other papilionoid flowers with respect to its flower hence there is not much information concerning its
orientation. Instead of presenting a horizontal posi- biology or foraging preferences. Bees of this species
tion, as in most Faboideae (e.g. Aeschynomene, Arachis have been collected from June to November in Texas
L., Crotalaria L., Glycine Willd., Phaseolus) or resupi- (USA), Chihuahua, Jalisco and Michoacán (Mexico).
nate presentation as present in, for example, Cen- Thus, they are known to be active during the flowering
trosema (DC.) Benth. and Clitoria L. (Faegri & van der season of A. amorphoides, from the end of August to
Pijl, 1971; Proctor, Yeo & Lack, 2003), the standard November.
petal in A. amorphoides has an obliquely horizontal The behaviour of short-tongued Tetraloniella bees on
position, with the wing and keel in close juxtaposition flowers of A. amorphoides enables them to take nectar
above. This presents the entire flower as a small from the nectar reservoir, by crawling down the keel–
landing platform for pollinators, at the same time standard passageway and, in so doing, they have
acting as an effective barrier to insect thieves, which pollen deposited on them as they crawl back out of the
cannot manage to get the nectar and pollen directly. petals. In addition, pollination by Tetraloniella bees is
The only species of Faboideae discussed in the assured, as pollen presented secondarily on the keel tip
literature with similar floral characteristics to occupies exactly the same position as the stigma
A. amorphoides is Machaerium isadelphum (E.Mey.) outside the keel orifice. Observations indicate that this
Standl. Coincidently, recent analyses of DNA sequence interaction is very precise, and only Tetraloniella bees
data established species of Aeschynomene subgenus effectively pollinate flowers of A. amorphoides. Indeed,
Ochopodium (including A. amorphoides) as sister to no other observed flower visitor demonstrated such a
species of Machaerium Pers., placing species of selective behaviour. Additionally, pollinator morphol-
Aeschynomene subgenus Aeschynomene in a distinct ogy precisely fits flower size, allowing pollen deposition
phylogenetic lineage (Lavin et al., 2001; Ribeiro et al., on the bee on the ventral anterior surface of the thorax,
2007). where it is transferred from one flower to another. A
sternotribic pollination system (where pollen is depos-
ited on the anterior ventral portion of the thorax)
POLLINATION in Faboideae is apparently rare; to the best of our
Bees of the genus Tetraloniella (tribe Eucerini, knowledge this is the first time such a precise pollina-
Apidae: Apinae) are generally oligolectic and solitary tion system has been described in a species of this
© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177, 657–666
subfamily. However, sternotribic anterior–thorax mechanism in A. amorphoides that inhibits some self-
pollination also has been reported for some other pollen tube growth by a late-acting self-incompatibility
plants, such as Amomum subulatum Roxb. (Deka, system or early-acting inbreeding depression (Hao
Sudharshan & Saju, 2011) and species of Pedicularis L. et al., 2012). The first mechanism has been reported in
(Wang et al., 2009). other members of Fabaceae (Gibbs & Sassaki, 1998)
For each ovule there are almost 10 000 pollen and probably explains the fact that crossing yielded
grains produced in one single flower, but the gynoe- more fruits than selfing.
cium contains only two or three ovules and the stig- Fruit-set in A. amorphoides following the crossing
matic surface is large enough to accommodate four treatment was comparable to natural pollination and
pollen grains. Stigma lobes in A. amorphoides pre- higher than for selfing, but is still considered to be
© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177, 657–666
pattern, as results from the crossing experiment gave assistance in scanning electron microscopy and to R.
low seed-sets: natural pollination, 20%; selfing, 17%; Ramírez-Delgadillo, M. Abarca, and E. Ramírez García
crossing, 28%. for providing field images. We thank J. César Montero
Bullock (1985) established a self-incompatibility and D. Martínez Almaguer for their assistance with
index (ISI: self-pollination/cross-pollination success) figure designs. Finally, we are grateful for the support
for plants in the Chamela region. He estimated that given by K. Renton and the personnel of the Chamela
ISI values between 0.40 and 0.99 are characteristic of Biological Station throughout this project.
self-compatible species, such as in Caesalpinia calad-
enia Standl., C. pulcherrima (L.) Sw., Lonchocarpus
guatemalensis Benth. and L. lanceolatus Benth.
© 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177, 657–666
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