The Ant-Pollination System of Cytinus Hypocistis (Cytinaceae), A Mediterranean Root Holoparasite

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Annals of Botany 103: 1065– 1075, 2009

doi:10.1093/aob/mcp049, available online at

The ant-pollination system of Cytinus hypocistis (Cytinaceae), a Mediterranean

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root holoparasite
Clara de Vega1,*, Montserrat Arista2, Pedro L. Ortiz2, Carlos M. Herrera1 and Salvador Talavera2
Estación Biológica de Doñana, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas (CSIC), Avenida de Marı́a Luisa, E-41013
Sevilla, Spain and 2Departamento de Biologı́a Vegetal y Ecologı́a, Facultad de Biologı́a, Universidad de Sevilla, Apdo-1095,
41080 Sevilla, Spain

Received: 22 November 2008 Returned for revision: 6 January 2009 Accepted: 20 January 2009 Published electronically: 3 March 2009

† Background and Aims The genus Cytinus is composed of rootless, stemless and leafless parasites whose flowers
are only visible during the reproductive period when they arise from the host tissues. Most of the taxa occur in
Madagascar and South Africa, where mammal pollination has been suggested for one species. There is only one
species in the Mediterranean region, and its pollination system has been unknown. Here, a long-term field obser-
vation study is combined with experimental pollination treatments in order to assess the pollination biology and
reproductive system in the Mediterranean species Cytinus hypocistis.
† Methods Field studies were carried out in six populations in southern Spain over 4 years. Temporal and spatial
patterns of variation in the composition and behaviour of floral visitors were characterized. Pollen loads and
pollen viability were observed, and exclusion and controlled-pollination treatments were also conducted.
† Key Results Cytinus hypocistis is a self-compatible monoecious species that relies on insects for seed pro-
duction. Ants were the main visitors, accounting for 97.4 % of total floral visits, and exclusion experiments
showed that they act as true pollinators. They consistently touched reproductive organs, carried large pollen
loads and transported viable pollen, although the different ant species observed in the flowers differed in their
pollination effectiveness. The abundance of flying visitors was surprisingly low, and only the fly Oplisa aterrima
contributed to fruit production and cross-pollination.
† Conclusions Mutualistic services by ant are essential for the pollination of Cytinus hypocistis. Although this
parasite does not exhibit typical features of the ‘ant-pollination syndrome’, many other characteristics indicate
that it is evolving to a more specialized ant-pollination system. The striking interspecific differences in the polli-
nation systems of Mediterranean Cytinus (ant-pollinated) and some South African Cytinus (mammal-pollinated)
make this genus an excellent model to investigate the divergent evolution of pollination systems in broadly
disjunct areas.

Key words: Ant, breeding system, Cytinus hypocistis, Cytinaceae, insects, flies, Mediterranean Basin, parasitic
plant, pollination, Rafflesiaceae.

IN T RO DU C T IO N roots or stems of the host (Kuijt, 1969; Meijer, 1993; de

Vega et al., 2007). The flowers are only visible during the
Biological oddities have traditionally attracted the attention of
reproductive period when they arise from the host tissues
naturalists, either for understanding their particular way of life
(Kuijt, 1969; de Vega, 2007). Because of the close similarity
or for the study of their evolutionary history. In the plant
of their lifestyles, these endophytic parasites were long con-
kingdom one of the most intriguing groups of plants are the
sidered to constitute a monophyletic group, the family
parasites, which depend partially or completely on their host
Rafflesiaceae s.l. However, data from recent molecular phylo-
for the supply of carbon, nutrients and water (Stewart and
genetic studies together with differences in the morphology of
Press, 1990; Nickrent, 2002a; Shen et al., 2006). The parasitic
flowers, ovaries and seeds indicate that these endophytes are
mode of life in angiosperms has evolved independently at least
composed of four independent families, even belonging to
11 times (Barkman et al., 2007), and is found in approx. 4000
different orders: (1) Apodanthaceae, with minute, solitary
species in 18– 22 dicot families (Nickrent et al., 1998;
flowers (genera Apodanthes, Berlinianche and Pilostyles);
Nickrent, 2002b). Among them, the Rafflesiaceae s.l. has
(2) Cytinaceae, with flowers arranged in an inflorescence
been considered as one of ‘the most extraordinary products
(Bdallophyton and Cytinus); (3) Mitrastemonaceae, with hypo-
of the plant kingdom’ (Kuijt, 1969, p. 104) due to the
gynous, solitary flowers (Mitrastema); and (4) Rafflesiaceae
extreme parasitism found in the species and the unique floral
s.s., with large, solitary flowers (Rafflesia, Rhizanthes and
features of some of their taxa.
Sapria) (Bouman and Meijer, 1994; Barkman et al., 2004;
All the species in Rafflesiaceae s.l. lack chlorophyll, and
Nickrent et al., 2004; Davis et al., 2007).
show extreme reduction in their morphological characters,
Despite the wide morphological variation exhibited by their
being rootless, stemless and leafless parasites with a vegetative
flowers (e.g. size, shape, colour, floral scent), Rafflesiaceae s.l.
body reduced to an endophytic system that lives within the
has been traditionally associated with the pollination syndrome
* For correspondence. E-mail of sapromyiophily (i.e. pollination by carrion flies; van der
# The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Annals of Botany Company. All rights reserved.
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1066 de Vega et al. — Pollination in Mediterranean Cytinus

Pijl, 1961; Molau, 1995). However, it is noteworthy that nearly MAT E RI AL A ND M E T HO DS

all studies on the pollination biology of these plants have
Study area
focused on species of the Rafflesiaceae s.s. (e.g. Beaman
et al., 1988; Bänzinger, 1996; Hidayati et al., 2000; The study was carried out over 4 years (2002– 2005) in six

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Bänzinger and Pape, 2004; but see Garcı́a-Franco and populations of Cytinus hypocistis L. on three Cistaceae host
Rico-Gray, 1997). Field observations on the pollination of species: two populations parasitizing Cistus ladanifer (here-
species of the other newly recognized families suggest that, after referred to as Cl1 and Cl2), two populations on Cistus
besides flies, flowers are visited by a great diversity of salviifolius (Cs1 and Cs2) and two populations on Halimium
pollen vectors including bees (in Apodanthaceae; de halimifolium (Hh1 and Hh2). The populations were separated
Vattimo, 1971; Gómez, 1983) and birds (in by 0.5 – 2.5 km and were located at 80 – 90 m a.s.l in Huelva
Mitrastemonaceae; Matuda, 1947; Beehler, 1994), although province, south-west Spain. The climate is typically
it remains uncertain as to which the true pollinators are. Mediterranean, and climatic conditions were similar in the
Only recently, a distinct and novel pollination system carried six populations. During the study period, annual mean temp-
out by two ground-dwelling mammal species has been con- eratures ranged from 16.6 to 17.6 8C and annual precipitation
firmed in a South African species of Cytinus (Johnson et al., was 910.5 mm in 2001 – 2002 (September– August),
2008; S.D. Johnson, University of Pietermaritzburg, South 661.5 mm in 2002 – 2003 and 970.3 mm in 2003 – 2004; in
Africa, unpubl. res.), a genus whose reproductive biology 2004 – 2005 total precipitation was markedly lower, being
and pollination ecology remain poorly known. only 226 mm.
The genus Cytinus comprises some eight species
(Mabberley, 1997) that occur as holoparasites on the roots of
Study species
diverse plant families. Most of the species occur in South
Africa and Madagascar, where the genus presents one centre Cytinus hypocistis is a monoecious perennial endophyte that
of diversification. In this area the species are dioecious shows a marked reduction of morphological characters, with a
and parasitize roots of Asteraceae, Hamamelidaceae, vegetative body reduced to an endophytic system that grows
Rhamnaceae, Rosaceae and Rutaceae (Visser, 1981; exclusively inside its host (de Vega et al., 2007). Only in
Burgoyne, 2006). The other centre of diversification in this the blooming period (March – May) are the plants visible,
genus occurs in the Mediterranean Basin, where the taxa are with inflorescences bursting through the host root tissues.
monoecious and parasitize exclusively roots of Cistaceae Inflorescences appear at ground level in clusters of 1 – 22 on
(Webb, 1964; de Vega et al., 2007). Recent molecular analyses the same host root, and belong to the same or different, geneti-
indicate that only one species occurs in the Mediterranean, cally distinct individuals (de Vega, 2007). The inflorescence is
Cytinus hypocistis, which comprises several genetic races a simple short spike with 5.6 + 0.1 (mean + s.e.) female
that infect different Cistaceae species (de Vega et al., 2008). flowers (5.3 – 14.9 mm corolla width) at basal positions and
Regarding the pollination biology in Cytinus, besides the 6.2 + 0.1 male flowers (4.1 – 16.1 mm corolla width) at distal
small mammals previously mentioned, birds and ants have ones (de Vega, 2007). Female and male flowers produce
been proposed as possible pollinating agents of the South similar amounts of nectar, approx. 1 mL d21, which is accumu-
African species (Visser, 1981), while bees have been lated in four nectariferous cavities, with higher nectar sugar
suggested as pollination vectors in the Mediterranean concentration in female than in male flowers (32 % and 29 %
(Harms, 1935). Pollination by flies has not been documented sucrose equivalents, respectively; de Vega, 2007). Each
for Cytinus, in contrast with the sapromyiophilous pollination flower lasts approx. 6 d and within inflorescences female
described in Bdallophyton, the other genus of Cytinaceae, flowers open 1– 2 d earlier than males. The fruit is a berry
endemic to the American tropics (Garcı́a-Franco and that ripens from May to July and contains thousands of dust-
Rico-Gray, 1997). It is noteworthy that reliable studies on like seeds (de Vega and de Oliveira, 2007).
the pollination of Cytinaceae species have been restricted to
tropical or subtropical areas, with Mediterranean taxa con-
Pollen vectors
spicuously absent.
In the present study, we combined a long-term field obser- In order to check the possibility of anemophily in
vation study conducted over 4 years with experimental pollina- C. hypocistis, airborne pollen was sampled in populations
tion treatments at six study sites in order to assess the Cl1, Cs1 and Hh1. In each population three pollen traps
pollination biology and reproductive systems of three genetic were placed at ground level at 0.5 – 1 m around each of ten ran-
races of the Mediterranean Cytinus. The goals were to charac- domly chosen C. hypocistis plants. Each pollen trap comprised
terize temporal and spatial patterns of variation in the compo- a plastic tube surrounded by a cigarette paper coated with a
sition and behaviour of their floral visitors, to evaluate the thin layer of petroleum jelly (see Arista and Talavera, 1994).
relative importance of different insect species in the reproduc- Pollen traps were collected after a 48-h exposure time and
tive success of the taxa, and to characterize the breeding the pollen content was determined under a microscope.
systems of Mediterranean Cytinus. This information enables The composition and abundance of floral visitors was deter-
us to address whether the pollination systems of the mined in the six populations over 4 years (2002– 2005). In
Mediterranean taxa resembles those of Cytinaceae species each population, clusters of C. hypocistis inflorescences on
from tropical regions, and represents a first step towards a com- 15– 22 different host individuals were studied. Diurnal cen-
parative study of the pollination biology of the intercontinental suses were always made by observers, situated 1.5 m from
disjunct genus Cytinus. focal flower clusters, who recorded the number and activity
de Vega et al. — Pollination in Mediterranean Cytinus 1067

of insects foraging in flowers during 15-min-long watching Breeding system and reproductive success
periods (‘censuses’ hereafter) separated by 15-min intervals
The breeding system of C. hypocistis was studied by hand-
throughout daytime (0800– 2200). Given that many floral visi-
pollinations in plants from five populations (Cl1, Cs1, Cs2,
tors were small ants, we made four additional censuses of
Hh1 and Hh2) using within-plant self-pollination (n ¼ 212
5 min each hour at 0.5 m from the plants in order to register

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flowers pollinated), cross-pollination (n ¼ 173), total exclu-
their activity more accurately. Data for insect composition
sion (to test for possible apomixis, n ¼ 65), and controls
and abundance are shown pooled across years in the Results
(open pollination, n ¼ 6071; fruit set after open pollination
section. We recorded insect identity, number of visitors per
was recorded in all populations from 2002 to 2005). Before
flower (n ¼ 4764 visits; throughout the text insect abundance
pollination, each female bud was covered using a plastic
are expressed as individuals per 5 min ), time spent in
tube with cotton on the top to exclude pollinators. A sub-
flowers from arrival to departure (n ¼ 2248 foraging times)
sample of the hand-pollinated female flowers was collected 1
and number of flowers visited. The number of inter- and intra-
week after the pollinations, softened with KOH, stained with
plant movements (n ¼ 656 foraging sequences) and type of
aniline blue, and observed under a fluorescence microscope
reward collected were also recorded in every instance. A
to detect pollen tubes in the style and ovules (Martin, 1959).
total of 262.65 h of diurnal censuses were made, distributed
The remaining pollinations were left in the field until fruit
as follows: 64.5 h in Cl1, 29.4 h in Cl2, 45.75 h in Cs1,
maturation, and the percentage of flowers that set fruit was
28.25 h in Cs2, 44.5 h in Hh1 and 50.25 h in Hh2. In addition,
recorded. The number of seeds per fruit was counted in 15
a total of 16.5 h of nocturnal censuses (2200– 0300) were
fruit per treatment by means of a particle counter (Coulter
made in populations Cl1, Cs1, Hh1 and Hh2 using red light
Multisizer III, Beckman Coulter, UK). Germination tests are
to minimize the effect of illumination on flower visitors
critical for assessing seed viability, but unfortunately for
(Peitsch et al., 1992). Voucher specimens of all species
Cytinus in particular, and for all species traditionally included
recorded visiting flowers were collected, identified and
in Rafflesiaceae s.l. in general, such studies are extremely dif-
measured under a binocular microscope.
ficult due to the special requirements for germination. So, we
used an alternative technique described by de Vega and de
Ant pollen loads Oliveira (2007) to examine the viability of seeds. Briefly,
seeds were treated successively with Franklin’s and with
The size of pollen loads carried by individual ants was esti-
Jeffrey’s softening fluids, and then with Herr’s clearing fluid.
mated for 15 individuals of each of the three most abundant
The combined action of the two softening fluids caused suffi-
species. Pollen was removed from all parts of the insects by
cient seed coat rupture to allow Herr’s fluid to clear the seed
dabbing them with small cubes of stained glycerine jelly
tissues, permitting effective observation of the embryo and
under a binocular microscope. The jelly was then transferred
hence assessment of viability.
to a slide, melted, and all pollen grains were counted. Ants
were always collected while on C. hypocistis female flowers,
to avoid the likely pollen contamination that would have Exclusion experiments
ensued from collections in male flowers.
In order to assess the contribution of flying visitors to polli-
nation we tried to exclude ants from C. hypocistis plants apply-
Pollen viability after contacting ant bodies ing Tanglefootw around the base of 35 inflorescences.
Most authors assume that ants are ineffective pollinators, However, ant exclusion was ineffective since inflorescences
mainly due to the ‘antibiotic hypothesis’ according to which arise at ground level and ants forage primarily on plants
ants produce antibiotic secretions, mainly from metapleural under which they nest. To asses the effect of ants as pollina-
glands, that reduced pollen viability and germination percen- tors, flying visitors were excluded from flowers. In populations
tage (Beattie et al., 1984, 1985; Hull and Beattie, 1988). To Cl1, Cs1 and Hh2, 10 – 14 plants were randomly selected and
determine the possible effect of ant secretions on pollen ger- were covered prior to blooming with a small net tent (15 cm
minability, experiments were carried out using the three tall, 0.25 mm2 mesh) so that only small, crawling insects
most abundant diurnal ant species and the nocturnal one (see could visit the enclosed inflorescences. In each population
Results). Male flowers of C. hypocistis were collected, and we used inflorescences freely exposed to all insects as ‘con-
in the laboratory their pollen was mixed and distributed trols’. Pollen tubes in the style and ovules were examined in
between vials. One ant was placed in each vial and left in a subsample of flowers, as described above, and seed
contact with the pollen for 10 or 30 min. Ten individual ants number was counted in 16 fruit in each population.
per species were used for each exposure period. In other
vials, control pollen was left for the same time but with no
Statistical analysis
ant present. Pollen from the vials was then transferred to
culture slides with Brewbaker– Kwack medium (200 g L21 To analyse whether flower choice made by ants was statisti-
sacarose, 0.1 g L21 boric acid, 0.3 g L21 calcium nitrate, cally independent of the sex Wilcoxon’s tests were used, and
0.2 g L21 magnesium sulphate and 0.1 g L21 potassium when comparing the time spent in female and male flowers
nitrate) for an incubation period of 48 h, and germination we used generalized linear models (GLZs) with a Poisson dis-
rate was then assessed under a microscope (n ¼ 11 476 ant- tribution and a log link-function (for statistical analysis the
treated pollen grains and 11 270 control pollen grains GLZs were used when the response variables followed distri-
counted). butions other than the normal). The number of flowers
1068 de Vega et al. — Pollination in Mediterranean Cytinus

TA B L E 1. Characteristics and behaviour of all Cytinus hypocistis pollinators that accounted for at least 0.2 % of total floral visits
(pooled across all populations and years).

Body length Metapleural Percent of total floral

Taxa (mm) glands1 Pollen load2 visits Reward3 Populations

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Aphaenogaster senilis 6.89 + 0.25 Yes – 1.53 N Cs1, Cs2, Hh2
Camponotus pilicornis 7.76 + 0.24 No – 0.29 N Cl1, Cs1
Crematogaster auberti 3.69 + 0.09 Yes 123.33 + 15.25 (53–237) 13.43 N Cl1, Cs1 Cs2, Hh2
Crematogaster 4.79 + 0.23 Yes – 2.69 N Cl1, Cs1, Hh2
Pheidole pallidula 2.11 + 0.10 Yes 122.53 + 17.64 (40–268) 35.26 N Cl1, Cl2, Cs1, Hh1, Hh2
Plagiolepis pygmaea 1.63 + 0.06 278.33 + 47.47 (66–669) 19.37 N Cl1, Cl2, Cs1, Cs2
Plagiolepis schmitzii 2.16 + 0.19 Yes – 5.71 N Hh1, Hh2
Tapinoma nigerrimum 3.82 + 0.17 Yes – 1.36 N Cs1, Hh2
Tetramorium ruginode 3.05 + 0.07 Yes – 9.05 N Hh2
Tetramorium semilaeve 2.32 + 0.10 Yes – 8.67 N Cl1, Cs2, Hh2
Lasioglossum sp. 6.95 + 0.21 – – 1.09 P, N All
DIPTERA: Rinophoridae
Oplisa aterrima 3.25 + 0.38 – – 1.34 N, TS All

Presence or absence of metapleural glands.
Pollen loads are given for the three most abundant species. Values are means + s.e. (range in parentheses).
Reward collected: P, pollen; N, nectar; TS, tepal secretions.
Insects that accounted for less than 0.2 % of total floral visits were Apis mellifera (Apidae, 0.02 % of total floral visits), Bombus terrestris (Apidae, 0.04 %),
an unidentified Braconidae (0.04 %), an unidentified Camilidae (0.02 %), and an unidentified Rinophoridae (0.06 %).

visited was compared among insect species and between type % of the nocturnal censuses, but only accounting for 0.3 % of
of visitors (flying and ants) by means of a GLZ with a Poisson total visits. These four ant species and Plagiolepis schmitzii
distribution and a log link-function. foraged on C. hypocistis flowers in all the years of the study,
Pollen loads on insects were compared among species by their abundance being consistent across years, but none
means of a one-way ANOVA, and differences in pollen ger- of them appeared in all the populations studied (Table 1).
minability between control and ant-treated pollen were com- The other ant species recorded only appeared in some
pared using a GLZ with a Poisson distribution and a log years (Aphaenogaster senilis and Crematogaster scutellaris:
link-function. 2002, 2003 and 2005; Tapinoma nigerrimum: 2002, 2004;
Differences in fruit set after hand-pollination treatments were Tetramorium ruginode: 2002; and Tetramorium semilaeve:
compared using a GLZ with a binomial distribution and a logit 2002 – 2004).
link-function, and the same method was used to compare fruit The number of individuals foraging on female and male
set after exclusion experiments vs. control. Mean numbers of flowers of C. hypocistis varied greatly among ant species,
seeds per fruit between pollination treatments and populations ranging from 0.18 (C. pilicornis) to 12.05 individuals per
were compared by means of a factorial ANOVA, and differences 5 min (T. ruginode, Table 2). It is noteworthy that, although
among seeds produced after exclusion and control experiments the two Tetramorium species appeared in a low number of
were compared by a one-way ANOVA. All statistical analyses censuses, when they did appeared they were very abundant
were performed in Statistica 6.0 (StatSoft, 2001). Throughout (Fig. 2, Table 2).
the text, all means are shown + s.e. Flying visitors mainly foraged in C. hypocistis inflorescences
without ants; however, aggressive interactions between ants and
flying insects were not seen. The fly Oplisa aterrima (1.3 % of
RES ULT S overall floral visits, and 51.2 % of visits of flying insects;
Floral visitor assemblage Fig. 1F) and solitary female bees of Lasioglossum sp. (1.1 %
and 41.6 %, respectively) were the most abundant flying
Pollen traps showed a low presence of C. hypocistis pollen species (Table 1). Oplisa aterrima was observed in all the popu-
grains (0.9 + 0.23 grains per trap; n ¼ 90) indicating that lations and years studied, with its abundance being consistent
wind-pollination is unlikely in this species. across years, whereas Lasioglossum appeared in all populations
The flowers of C. hypocistis were visited by 17 insect species but only during 2005 (Table 1).
belonging to six families, with ants being much more abundant
than flying visitors and accounting for 97.4 % of total floral
visits (n ¼ 4638; Table 1, Fig. 1). The most abundant daytime
Floral visitor foraging behaviour
ant species were Pheidole pallidula (35.3 % of total floral
visits), Plagiolepis pygmaea (19.4 %) and Crematogaster Ants and flying insects visited both male and female flowers
auberti (13.4 %). During the night only the ant Camponotus and made contact with the plant reproductive organs when
pilicornis visited the flowers of C. hypocistis, appearing in 50 foraging for floral resources, acting as potential pollinators
de Vega et al. — Pollination in Mediterranean Cytinus 1069


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F I G . 1. Flowers and pollinators of Cytinus hypocistis: (A) Cytinus hypocistis, (B) Aphaenogaster senilis, (C) Crematogaster auberti, (D) Pheidole pallidula,
(E) Tetramorium semilaeve and (F) Oplisa aterrima. Scale bars ¼ 5 mm.

(Fig. 1). Ants foraged for nectar, Lasioglossum foraged both however, such movements were much less for the nocturnal
for pollen and nectar, and Oplisa aterrima for nectar and C. pilicornis (40 %; Table 2). Oplisa aterrima and
secretions from tepal glandular trichomes; none of them Lasioglossum made approx. 60 % of flights within plants
destroyed floral organs. Some of the visitors foraged more fre- (Table 2).
quently and spent more time in flowers of a given sex (Figs 2
and 3; Table 2). For each species, the number of visits and
Pollen loads and germination ability
mean time spent in a flower was highly variable throughout
the day (Fig. 3). All ants consistently touched the anthers with their bodies
The mean number of flowers foraged per plant by each indi- and carried pollen loads that were significantly different
vidual insect ranged from 2.62 to 3.65, the differences being among species (x2 ¼ 20.79, d.f. ¼ 2, P , 0.0001). Pollen
significant among species (x2 ¼ 20.574, d.f. ¼ 9, P ¼ 0.015). loads were not related to body size, since the smallest ant,
The mean number of flowers per plant foraged by ants P. pygmaea, carried the highest pollen loads (Table 1). In all
(2.83 + 0.05; all species combined) was similar to that for ant species pollen grains were attached to the head, thorax
winged pollinating insects (2.68 + 0.20, x2 ¼ 1.075, d.f. ¼ 1, and gaster. There was no detrimental effect to pollen germina-
P ¼ 0.299). Between 76.19– 96.97 % of movements made by tion after contact with the integument of C. auberti and
ants in the daytime were between flowers of the same plant; P. pallidula, either in the treatment of 10 min or 30 min

TA B L E 2. Behaviour of visitors while foraging on Cytinus hypocistis flowers. All species are ants except those marked with an

No. of individuals per 5 min Time spent in flowers (s)

Species Female flowers Male flowers Female flowers Male flowers No flowers visited Within-plant movements (%)

Aphaenogaster senilis 0.48 + 0.12 0.55 + 0.14 20.90 + 3.91 74.85 + 24.84 3.65 + 0.50 76.19
Camponotus pilicornis 0.18 + 0.07 0.24 + 0.08 9.00 + 3.76 8.67 + 5.17 3.00 + 0.52 40.00
Crematogaster auberti 2.88 + 0.34 1.51 + 0.166 70.05 + 11.70 60.71 + 8.59 2.97 + 0.11 95.87
Crematogaster scutellaris 1.03 + 0.18 1.03 + 0.17 69.00 + 35.13 24.33 + 17.84 2.64 + 0.17 92.13
Lasioglossum sp.* 0.15 + 0.11 1.18 + 0.18 15.48 + 4.86 13.71 + 2.11 2.62 + 0.29 58.62
Oplisa aterrima* 0.69 + 0.09 0.49 + 0.09 27.09 + 6.15 19.41 + 8.43 2.77 + 0.22 61.29
Pheidole pallidula 4.94 + 0.65 4.94 + 0.53 69.81 + 6.24 80.80 + 8.39 2.62 + 0.07 87.57
Plagiolepis pygmaea 0.60 + 0.06 1.00 + 0.07 41.01 + 4.38 43.43 + 3.99 2.83 + 0.09 98.61
Plagiolepis schmitzii 0.93 + 0.12 1.17 + 0.12 145.96 + 23.13 61.18 + 15.73 2.65 + 0.14 92.50
Tapinoma nigerrimum 0.76 + 0.18 0.78 + 0.17 37.05 + 17.52 16.34 + 3.86 2.82 + 0.18 96.97
Tetramorium ruginode 10.74 + 1.19 12.05 + 1.73 75.14 + 26.74 86.11 + 26.71 3.01 + 0.52 91.94
Tetramorium semilaeve 5.26 + 0.74 5.78 + 0.88 27.40 + 8.13 38.47 + 7.38 3.32 + 0.31 89.47

Values are means + s.e.

1070 de Vega et al. — Pollination in Mediterranean Cytinus

Aphaenogaster senilis Crematogaster auberti Camponotus pilicornis

On flowers
1·4 6 1·2
No. individuals

1·2 On flowers 5 1·0

per 5 min

1·0 4 0·8
0·8 3 0·6

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0·4 2 0·4
0·2 1 0·2
0·0 0 0·0















2·5 Crematogaster scutellaris 2·0 Lasioglossum sp.* 1·2 Oplisa aterrima*
No. individuals

2·0 1·0
per 5 min

1·5 0·8
1·0 0·6
0·5 0·5
0·0 0·0 0·0

10 Pheidole pallidula Plagiolepis pygmaea 2·0 Plagiolepis schmitzii

No. individuals

8 1·6 1·6
per 5 min

6 1·2 1·2
4 0·8 0·8
2 0·4 0·4
0 0·0 0·0
30 Tetramorium ruginodis 20 Tetramorium semilaeve
2·5 Tapinoma nigerrimum
No. individuals

2·0 25 16
per 5 min

20 12
1·0 10 8
0·5 5 4
0·0 0 0














































Time of day Time of day Time of day

F I G . 2. Insects visiting the flowers of Cytinus hypocistis during the day. Note that for each species the y-axis differs, and the x-axis is also different for the
nocturnal Camponotus pilicornis. Differences in the number of male and female flowers visited were observed for C. auberti (Z ¼ 3.96; P , 0.0001),
O. aterrima (Z ¼ 1.91; P ¼ 0.055) Lasioglossum (Z ¼ 3.69; P ¼ 0.0002), P. pygmaea (Z ¼ 7.71; P ¼ ,0.0001) and P. schmitzii (Z ¼ 1.97; P ¼ 0.049). All
species are ants except those marked with an asterisk.

(P . 0.25 in all cases; Table 3). In contrast, P. pygmaea and The mean number of seeds per fruit was 19 305 + 2171 in
C. pilicornis significantly reduced pollen germination self-pollinated flowers, 19 200 + 2333 in cross-pollinated
(Table 3); however, it is noteworthy that, even in the latter flowers, and 24 163 + 3847 in open-pollinated flowers.
two species, a considerable fraction of pollen remained Mean number of seeds per fruit did not vary among treatments
viable after contact. (F ¼ 0.96, d.f. ¼ 2, P ¼ 0.394) or among populations
Pollen loads were not measured on winged insects. (F ¼ 2.68, d.f. ¼ 4, P ¼ 0.083).
However, during the censuses it was observed that the fly
Oplisa aterrima and the bee Lasioglossum carried pollen
loads on the legs and body. Exclusion experiments
Flying-visitor exclusion experiments showed that ants act as
true pollinators. In the three populations studied, plants
Breeding system
exposed only to ants showed a fruit set of 80 – 87 %, and in
None of the permanently covered female flowers produced all flowers analysed pollen tubes were observed on the styles
fruit, indicating that pollinators are required to set seeds. and ovules.
Microscopic observations revealed many pollen tubes on the The fruit set of plants of the ‘ant-only’ treatment was stat-
style and also penetrating the ovules of all flowers examined istically lower than that of control flowers (x2 ¼ 43.07,
in both geitonogamous and cross-pollination, giving evidence d.f. ¼ 1, P , 0.0001), suggesting that flying insects also con-
of self-compatibility in this species. Cytinus hypocistis showed tribute significantly to fruit production in C. hypocistis
high values of fruit set after self-pollination (89.85– 98.11 %), despite the low quantitative importance of their visitation
similar to those observed after cross-pollination and open- rates. Although differences among populations were statisti-
pollination (Table 4). Significant differences were not found cally significant (x2 ¼ 7.53, d.f. ¼ 2, P ¼ 0.023), fruit set
either among treatments (x2 ¼ 2.59, d.f. ¼ 2, P ¼ 0.274) or after the ant-only treatment was similarly reduced relative to
populations (x2 ¼ 9.35, d.f. ¼ 4, P ¼ 0.063). Differences control plants in all populations ( population-by-treatment
among years for each population in the percentage of fruit interaction not significant: x2 ¼ 2.33, d.f. ¼ 2, P ¼ 0.311).
set after open-pollination were not significant (in all cases However, the mean number of seeds per fruit in plants
P . 0.6). exposed only to ants (19 418 + 2776) was not significantly
de Vega et al. — Pollination in Mediterranean Cytinus 1071

Aphaenogaster senilis Crematogaster auberti Camponotus pilicornis

Time in flowers (s)
150 450 25
125 On flowers 375 20
100 On flowers 300 15
75 225
50 150 10

Downloaded from by UNIVERSITAT DE BARCELONA. Biblioteca user on 01 April 2020

25 75 5
0 0 0
00 00 00 00 00 00
21 22 23 00 01 02

Crematogaster scutellaris Lasioglossum sp.* Oplisa aterrima*

Time in flowers (s)

250 75 90
200 60 75
150 45 60
100 30
50 15 15
0 0 0
Pheidole pallidula Plagiolepis pygmaea Plagiolepis schmitzii
Time in flowers (s)

250 120 400

125 100
100 80
75 60 200
50 40
25 20
0 0 0

Tapinoma nigerrimum Tetramorium ruginodis Tetramorium semilaeve

Time in flowers (s)

200 150 100

160 125 80
120 100 60
80 50 40
40 25 20
0 0 0
00 00 00 00 600 800 000 200 00 00 00 00 600 800 000 200 00 00 00 00 600 800 000 200
08 10 12 14 1 1 2 2 08 10 12 14 1 1 2 2 08 10 12 14 1 1 2 2
Time of day Time of day Time of day

F I G . 3. Time spent by different pollinators on female and male flowers of Cytinus hypocistis during the day. Note that for each species the y-axis differs, and the
x-axis is also different for the nocturnal Camponotus pilicornis. Aphaenogaster senilis spent more time on male flowers (x2 ¼ 11.83; P ¼ 0.0006), whereas
P. schmitzii (x2 ¼ 22.01; P , 0.0001) and T. nigerrima (x2 ¼ 22.01; P , 0.0001) spent more time on female flowers. In the other species no differences
were found. All species are ants except those marked with an asterisk.

TA B L E 3. Percentage germination of Cytinus hypocistis pollen different to those produced after open-pollination (F ¼ 1.02,
without contacting ants (control) or after contact with ants of d.f. ¼ 1, P ¼ 0.321).
different species (ant-treated pollen) for either 10 or 30 min. Ripe seeds from ant-, cross-, open- and self-pollination
Sample sizes (total number of pollen grains examined) are seemed to be viable. All of them presented a small embryo
shown in parentheses composed of about ten cells surrounded by an endosperm com-
posed of larger cells, as is typical of C. hypocistis seeds (see de
Germination (%)
Contact time and
Vega and de Oliveira, 2007).
ant species Control Ant-treated F P

Crematogaster 64.05 + 7.94 (2305) 58.45 + 5.75 (2358) 0.327 0.574
This study has shown that Cytinus hypocistis is a self-
Pheidole 65.52 + 7.65 (2207) 53.56 + 7.19 (2226) 1.298 0.269 compatible species consistently exhibiting a high fruit set
pallidula and extensive seed production in natural conditions (i.e. open-
30 min pollination). The species relies on insects for seed production
Crematogaster 57.92 + 6.50 (2203) 47.85 + 3.98 (2128) 1.744 0.203 since neither wind pollination nor agamospermy were
Pheidole 60.75 + 7.19 (2204) 51.15 + 6.37 (2181) 0.999 0.331 recorded. The long-term field observations and exclusion
pallidula experiments strongly suggest that ants are the main pollinators
Plagiolepis 63.39 + 9.94 (1088) 26.71 + 5.29 (1319) 11.725 0.008 in C. hypocistis, accounting for most flower visits in all
pygmaea populations and years, and yielding a fruit set close to 80 %
Camponotus 63.28 + 4.48 (1263) 14.76 + 9.27 (1264) 22.192 0.001
when other potential visitors were excluded. Accordingly,
this study joins a growing body of evidence highlighting the
1072 de Vega et al. — Pollination in Mediterranean Cytinus

TA B L E 4. Percentage fruit set of Cytinus hypocistis after self-pollination, cross-pollination, open-pollination, ant-only pollination or
total exclusion of flower visitors (sample sizes are shown in parentheses)

Cl1 Cs1 Cs2 Hh1 Hh2

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Self-pollination 97.9 (53) 95.4 (41) 90.4 (69) 100 (15) 100 (34)
Cross-pollination 94.1 (36) 96.1 (23) 90.4 (68) 98.0 (11) 99.1 (35)
Open-pollination 97.3 (1555) 98.9 (871) 96.2 (707) 96.9 (1258) 98.5 (1680)
Ant-only pollination 80.2 (55) 86.3 (42) – – 88 (31)
Total exclusion 0 (15) 0 (10) 0 (15) 0 (10) 0 (15)

prominent role that ants can play in some plant – pollinator excellent or a poor pollinator, the same as for a bee or a but-
systems (Wyatt, 1981; Peakall, 1989; Peakall and Beattie, terfly, and so generalizations about the ability and quality of
1989; Gómez and Zamora, 1992, 1999; Garcı́a et al., 1995; ants as pollinators should be carefully considered.
Ramsey, 1995; Gómez et al., 1996; Puterbaugh, 1998; Even though C. hypocistis flowers offer abundant nectar and
Gómez, 2000; Schürch et al., 2000; Ashman and King, pollen, the diversity and abundance of flying insects foraging
2005; Sugiura et al., 2006). However, contrary to most pre- in this parasite is surprisingly low, in spite of many bees,
vious studies in which single ant species were involved in pol- flies, butterflies, moths and beetles being observed foraging
lination (but see Gómez et al., 1996; Ashman and King, 2005), on the flowers of other plant species nearby. Similar obser-
in C. hypocistis as many as ten species can be considered as vations were done in more than 50 populations elsewhere in
true pollinators. Spain and Morocco (C. de Vega, CSIC, Sevilla, Spain,
The effectiveness of a given pollinator not only depends on unpubl. res.). Since winged-visitors were only observed in
their abundance and frequency of flower visitation but also on inflorescences with few or no ants, it is likely that the presence
the efficiency with which they remove and deposit pollen of ants deterred flying pollinators from visiting the flowers, as
(quantity and quality components of the plant – pollinator inter- has been suggested in other species (McDade and Kinsman,
action, respectively; Herrera, 1987, 1989). Ants were the most 1980; Schürch et al., 2000; Philpott et al., 2005). Among the
abundant pollinators during both the day and night, accounting flying insects, only the fly O. aterrima was a predictable
for 97.36 % of floral visits, and while foraging for nectar they visitor of C. hypocistis, appearing in all populations and
frequently touched the anthers (each male flower may produce years, whereas other winged insects only appeared during
more than one million pollen grains; de Vega, 2007) and the the drought year of 2005, when the dramatically low availability
wide stigmatic surface (4.2  2.5 mm in size). In addition, of flowers of other species in the populations probably forced
we have demonstrated that ants carried large pollen loads them to search for alternative feeding resources. Temporal
and that they spent a long time foraging at each flower, variation in the identity and importance of pollinators has
which increases the probability for them to contact the repro- been observed in other plant species (Herrera, 1988; Gómez
ductive organs of C. hypocistis, and thus promoting pollina- and Zamora, 1999; Thompson, 2001; Ivey et al., 2003);
tion. Furthermore, pollen germination experiments showed nonetheless, for C. hypocistis, despite the differences found in
that the ants’ metapleural secretions did not play a major pollinator composition between years, the pollinator assemblage
role in inhibiting pollen viability, in contrast to the hypothesis that accounted for most visits remained remarkably constant.
stating that these antimicrobial secretions mostly prevent the When pollinator assemblages are taxonomically hetero-
transfer of viable pollen (Beattie et al., 1984, 1985; Hull and geneous, determination of the behaviour of each species is
Beattie, 1988; but see Peakall and Beattie, 1989; Gómez and important for understanding their differential contribution to
Zamora, 1992; Garcı́a et al., 1995; Gómez et al., 1996). It plant reproduction (Herrera, 1987; Giménez-Benavides et al.,
may be possible that the high pollen production could ‘neutral- 2007; Li et al., 2008). Our findings suggest that despite their
ize’ the effects of ant metapleural secretions, as has been low proportional frequency, the fly O. aterrima might play a
suggested by Hull and Beattie (1988). Two of the most abun- key role in producing outcrossed progeny in C. hypocistis,
dant ant species, P. pallidula and C. auberti, have metapleural since it tends to visit few flowers per individual and move
glands, but they did not significantly reduce pollen viability. It more often among different plants. In contrast, ants exhibited
is noteworthy that although C. pilicornis reduced pollen ger- a restricted foraging area and repeatedly visited individual
minability (the same trend has been observed for other flowers and inflorescences, thus potentially enhancing the
Camponotus species; Beattie et al., 1985; Hull and Beattie, occurrence of geitonogamous selfing, as has been observed
1988), this ant species has no metapleural glands, a common in other ant-pollination systems (Svensson, 1985; Peakall and
feature in the genus (Hölldobler and Engel-Siegel, 1984). Beattie, 1991; Gómez and Zamora, 1992). Although selfing
Perhaps antibiotic substances are distributed throughout the often negatively affects plant reproductive success, self-
cuticle or may be secreted from a different gland (Beattie compatibility may be advantageous in species with small
et al., 1985; Hull and Beattie, 1988). Our findings have population sizes, subjected to strong stochastic demographic
shown that when different ant species are pollinating a given fluctuations (Stebbins, 1957; Schemske and Lande, 1985;
plant species they can differ in their pollination effectiveness, Pannell and Barrett, 1998) as it occurs in C. hypocistis
as is well known to occur in other pollinator guilds (Herrera, (de Vega, 2007; de Vega et al., 2008). In C. hypocistis pollina-
1987; Larsson, 2005; Fumero-Cabán and Meléndez- tion exclusively by ants resulted in lower fruit set than open-,
Ackerman, 2007). Consequently, an ant can be either an cross- and geitonogamous pollinations; however, it is unlike
de Vega et al. — Pollination in Mediterranean Cytinus 1073

that this decrease is due to the self-pollen carried by ants, the divergent evolution of pollination systems in broadly dis-
because geitonogamous hand-pollinations result in similar junct areas. Floral morphology, nectar characteristics and
levels of fruit set to cross-pollinations. Our field observations floral scents could be playing crucial roles in establishing
suggest that ant behaviour could account for this reduction in mutualistic pollination interactions in Cytinus, and may be

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fruit set, given that ants frequently avoided some particular critical for understanding the evolution of pollination
flowers without contacting them. However, it could also be systems in this poorly known genus.
plausible that some female flowers did not receive enough
visits (and enough pollen) to set fruit. Since there was no
decrease in the seed production of ant-pollinated flowers com- ACK NOW L E D G ME NT S
pared to that obtained after hand- and open-pollinations, our We thank R. Vega-Durán, E. Durán, and J. L. Garcı́a-Castaño
findings indicate that when ants continuously visit flowers for help with the field work, R. G. Albaladejo for taking some
they act as effective pollinators. of the pictures of ants, and A. Tinaut (ants), F. J. Ortiz (bees)
Selfing and different types of crosses can affect the pro- and A. Sánchez (flies) for identification of insects. Special
portion of viable seeds (Wallace, 2003; Jersáková and thanks to R. G. Albaladejo and S. D. Johnson for helpful com-
Johnson, 2006), such that self-pollinated plants sometimes ments on the manuscript. This work was supported by a Ph.D.
produce fruits with empty seeds (Ferdy et al., 2001; grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia to
Smithson, 2006). However, in C. hypocistis seeds produced C. de V. and by funds from the Ministerio de Educación y
after open-, cross-, geitonogamous and ant-pollination shared Ciencia and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional
similar features, containing a small embryo and endosperm (REN2002 – 04354-C02-02, CGL 2005 – 01951 to M.A.) and
Although it has been not possible so far to experimentally Consejerı́a de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de
induce the germination of C. hypocistis, a recent genetic Andalucı́a (EXC/2005/RNM-204 to S.T., P06-RNM-01627
study based on AFLP markers has suggested that geitonoga- to C.M.H.).
mous seeds produced naturally do germinate and the resulting
plants become established in the host populations (de Vega,
2007). Moreover, the low levels of genetic diversity recorded L I T E R AT U R E CI T E D
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