Earth? • We need to locate places on earth to know the exact location of the places on earth 2. What do you mean by the latitude of a place? • The latitude of a place is the angualr distance of that place North or South of the Equator , as measured from the centre of the earth 3. What is meant by Prime Meridian? • The longitude of zero degree passing through Greenwich near London is the Prime Meridian 4. Explain why there is no higher latitude Other than 90 degrees North and South? • There is no higher latitude other than 90 degrees North and South because 90 degrees North and 90 degrees South are marked in points as they are the last latitudes 5. Explain why lines of longitudes are Called Meridian of longitude? • The Lines of longitude are called meridian of longitude as all the places on the same meridians have their noon at the same time 6. State two properties of the lines of Latitude. • Distance between two latitudes is the same • 90 degrees North and 90 degrees South and 0 degree Equator ---- all together 180 parallels 7. State two important properties of lines Of longitude. • Longitudes are the semi-circular lines and are called meridians • 180 degrees East and 180 degrees West ----- all together 360 degrees longitudes 8. The distance between two successive Parallels of latitudes is 111km. Explain. • Circumference of the earth - 40000 km aprox. Therefore, • 40000/360 = 111km aprox. • Therefore, the distance between two successive parallels of latitudes is 111km 9. What are the limits of two Temperate Zones? The limits of two Temperate zones are • 23.5 degrees North to 66.5 degrees North • 23.5 degrees South to 66.5 degrees South 10. Why are the places in the torrid zone Hotter than those in other zones? • Torrid zone is hotter than those in other zones because it receives the vertical sunrays throughout the year 11. Why are the places in the Frigid zone Colder than in other zones? • The places in the frigid zone colder than in other zones because they receive slanting sunrays or no sunrays through out the year 12. How is the local time of a place fixed? • One can say Sun is overhead each meridian after 4 minutes . It is noon at all places on that longitude when sun is overhead and it is known as local time of that longitude. Thus, the local time of a place can be calculated if we know the longitude of the place 13. Is it correct to say that Local time is the Sun time? • Yes , we can say that the local time is the Sun time. 14. If the GMT at 0 degree longitude is 12 Noon , find the local time of place A (30 degree E). • The difference between 0 degree and place A is 30 degrees toward east • As 1 degree = 4min , therefore 30*4=120 min or 2 hours • As A is located to the east , it will be ahead of G.M.T : 12+2=14 hr. Or 2p.m. 15. Why is the standard time considered Necessary? • If each city were to keep the time of its own meridian, there would be much difference in local time between one city and another. Therefore, a system of standard time is observed by all countries. 16. What are time zones? How many time Zones do we have? • Zones or belts of given east-west (longitudinal) extent within which standard time is applied according to a uniform system are called time zones • We have 24 time zones 17. London experiences a lower Temperature than singapore throughout The year. Why? • London experiences a lower temperature than singapore throughout the year because London lies in temperate zone while Singapore lies in Torrid zone. 18. What is international date line?Describe The use of this line. • International date line is an imaginary line along the 180 degrees meridian, extending from Pole to Pole • International date line or IDL is a line concerned with the dates of the calender and adopted internationally. 19. Why do some countries have many time Zones? • Some countries have many time zones because of the vast longitudinal extent 20. What are small circles? • Except equator, all latitudes are called small circles because they cannot divide the earth into equal halves. 21. Except for the equator , other parallels Of latitudes are not great circles. Why? • Except for the equator, other parallels of latitudes are not great circles because they cannot divide the earth into equal halves 22. How is the use of local time inconvenie- -nt in practical life? • The use of local time inconvenient in practical life because each longitude has a difference of 4 minutes 23. What is a grid? • Earth's grid is a network of horizontal lines drawn parallel to the equator and vertical lines drawn from north pole to south pole. 24. Who was the first mathematician to have measured the circumference of the earth? • The first mathematician to have measured the circumference of the earth is Eratosthenes 25. Name the important climatic zones of The world. • N. Frigid zone: 66.5 degree north to 90 degree north • S. frigid zone: 66.5 degree south to 90 degree south • N. Temperate zone: 23.5 degree north to 66.5 degree north • S. Temperate zone: 23.5 degree south to 66.5 degree south • Torrid or tropical zone: 23.5 degree northto 23.5 degree south 26. State the rate of change of time with Longitude. • The rate of change of time with longitude is 1 degree = 4 minute 27. Explain how latitudes and longitudes help to locate position of a place on a globe. • Latitudes and longitudes help to locate the exact position of a place on a globe while they intersect with each other. 28. Answer the following questions based on the above diagram 1. What does PP' represent? • PP' represents 40 degree North latitude or a small circle 2. What does TT' represent? • TT' represents 0 degree prime meridian or a great circle. 3. What is the latitude of place X? • The latitude of place X is 40 degree north. D. Give reasons for the following:
1. Latitudes and longitudes are always
Expressed in angles. • Latitudes and longitudes are always expressed in angles because they intersect each other at 90 degrees 2. Large countries have many time zones. • Large countries have many time zones because of vast longitudinal extent. 3. The international date line is not a Straight line like other longitudes. • To avoid confusion between the small island . The international date line or IDL is a zig-zag line. 4. A person gains time as he travels toward East. • A person gains time because towards east we gain 4 minutes for each longitude 5. The intervals between successive parall- -els are constant. • The intervals between successive parallels are constant because • Circumference of the earth - 40000 km aprox. Therefore, • 40000/360 = 111km aprox. • Therefore, the distance between two successive parallels of latitudes is 111km 6. A person travelling from mumbai to London has to alter his watch. • A person travelling from mumbai to london has to alter his watch because the Mumbai lies on the east of Prime Meridian and London lies on the Prime Meridian. 7. The difference between I.S.T and the G.M.T is 5 hours and 30 minutes. • I.S.T is 82.5 degrees east G.M.T is 0 degree • Longitudinal difference : 82.5-0 = 82.5 • 1 degree = 4 minutes • 82.5 degrees = 82.5*4 = 330/60 min • = 5 hours and 30 minutes