Andersen, Ulrik Lund; Neergaard-Nielsen, Jonas Schou; van Loock, Peter; Furusawa, Akira
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Citation (APA):
Andersen, U. L., Neergaard-Nielsen, J. S., van Loock, P., & Furusawa, A. (2015). Hybrid discrete- and
continuous-variable quantum information. Nature Physics, 11(9), 713-719. https://doi.org/10.1038/nphys3410
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Hybrid discrete and continuous-variable quantum information
Ulrik L. Andersen,1, ∗ Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen,1 Peter van Loock,2 and Akira Furusawa3
Department of Physics, Technical University of Denmark, Fysikvej, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
Institute of Physics, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Staudingerweg 7, 55128 Mainz, Germany
Department of Applied Physics, School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
In the microwave domain, extremely high coupling modifications at the individual quantum level of the state
strength can be reached using a superconducting phase of a harmonic oscillator. Such transformations, which are
qubit near a microstrip cavity. Furthermore, the cou- in general non-Gaussian, can be implemented through
pling can be controlled by detuning the cavity in and projective measurements of a discrete spectrum opera-
out of resonance with the field [18]. Using such a strong tor. This approach is very common, particularly in the
and controlled coupling, higher order Fock states [19] as optical domain where low-noise single photon detectors
well as Fock state superpositions of several photons [20] are readily available.
have been deterministically generated and characterized Negative Wigner functions of an optical field mode
by quantum state tomography on a chip in a cryogenic were first observed for a single photon conditionally pre-
environment. Similar multi-photon Fock states have been pared by the detection its twin from a photon pair created
generated via quantum non-demolition measurement of a in a spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC)
stationary microwave field employing the strong coupling process in a nonlinear crystal [33]. The same method
and subsequent measurements of flying Rydberg atoms was used to implement the addition of a photon to a
[14], see Fig. 1a. coherent state that was seeded into one mode of the
Another non-Gaussian state of the harmonic oscilla- SPDC [34]. The reverse of this photon addition process,
tor is the so-called Schrödinger cat state which is defined photon subtraction, can be easily implemented by detec-
as superpositions of coherent states with opposite phase, tion of a photon after a weakly reflecting beamsplitter
|αi ± | − αi [21] where α is the coherent state ampli- as was demonstrated in several experiments where the
tude. Such states have been deterministically realized in subtraction was applied to an initial squeezed vacuum
the motional state of a trapped ion through the applica- state [35–38]. Interest in this particular state arose from
tion of a sequence of Raman laser pulses and the inter- the recognition [39] that such states are close-to-ideal ap-
action with its spin degree of freedom [22]. Cat states proximations to Schrödinger cat states with small ampli-
have also been generated by entangling a standing CV tudes α, also known as kitten states.
microwave field to a flying Rydberg atom followed by
a projective DV measurement of the atom [14, 23] and The range of possible conditional operations can be ex-
through a strong, dispersive interaction with a supercon- panded by detecting additional photons (with either mul-
ducting transmon qubit [24]. In the latter experiment, tiple or photon-number-resolving detectors) as shown for
impressive cat sizes of up to 111 photons were created, higher-number Fock states [40, 41] and kitten states [42–
and the complexity was further enhanced by producing 44]. It can be expanded even further by preceding the
three- and four-component cat states, see Fig. 1b. photon detection by a phase space displacement. This
In addition to the coupling of two-level systems to the changes the simple Fock state projection into a projection
CVs of the electro-magnetic field and the vibrational consisting of a superposition of multiple photon num-
mode of ions, recently there has also been significant ber components whose coefficients are controlled by the
progress in understanding and implementing the coupling amplitude and phase of the displacement, see Fig. 1d.
of a two-level system to the continuous position and mo- Applications include generation of arbitrary superposi-
mentum variables of a solid mechanical oscillator. In tions of vacuum and a single [45–47] or multiple pho-
a pioneering experiment it was shown that by strongly tons [48, 49] and kitten state superpositions [50]. Com-
coupling a superconducting phase qubit to a ground state plex quantum states can alternatively be created by a dif-
cooled mechanical oscillator, it was possible to coherently ferent probabilistic hybrid technique, namely conditional
read out the state of the oscillator and, furthermore, to homodyne detection on already prepared non-Gaussian
generate a single excitation (single phonon Fock state) of states [51, 52], see Fig. 1e.
the oscillator [25], see Fig. 1c. Various other approaches The application of these operations are not limited to
enabling a strong coupling of a two-level system (e.g. a single mode light fields. By using phase-space displace-
quantum dot [26], an NV center in diamond [27], an atom ment or non-local photon subtraction or addition on var-
[28] and a two-level defect [29]) to a mechanical oscil- ious initial two-mode states, different kinds of entangled,
lator have been proposed and some recent preliminary non-Gaussian states such as nonlocal kittens [53] and hy-
steps have been realized [30, 31]. These schemes promise brid CV/DV entangled states [54–56] have also been gen-
the creation of arbitrary superposition states including erated.
the cat state, which in principle can be mapped onto the
Finally, projective photon number measurements can
electromagnetic field [32]. This might well be the future
also induce non-Gaussian states of CV material systems
route to determinisitic generation of non-Gaussian states
when applied to scattered light. This has been proposed
for QIP.
for massive mechanical oscillators [57, 58] and experimen-
tally demonstrated for atomic spin ensembles [59, 60],
even with negative Wigner functions [61], see Fig. 1f.
Probabilistic generation of non-Gaussian states Many of the techniques outlined above that have been de-
veloped for purely optical implementations could equiv-
Even without a deterministic coupling to a discrete alently be applied to prepare highly interesting states of
level system, it is possible to probabilistically do intricate material systems.
FIG. 1: Examples of non-Gaussian state generation in various systems. a) Schrödinger cat and Fock states of a microwave
cavity field induced by the detection of dispersively coupled Rydberg atoms [14], b) 3- and 4-component cat states of a
microwave cavity field coupled to a superconducting transmon qubit [24], c) population exchange of a single excitation between
a superconducting phase qubit and a piezoelectric mechanical oscillator cooled to its ground state [25], d) arbitrary Fock
state superpositions of an optical mode through spontaneous parametric down-conversion and coherent-state injected photon
detectors [48], e) squeezed Schrödinger cat state of an optical mode induced by conditional homodyne detection on a 2-photon
Fock state [52], f ) a single excitation of the collective spin state of 3000 atoms heralded by detection of a single photon that
has interacted with the atomic ensemble [61].
The elementary quantum communication protocol is The converse quantum teleporter, using DV entangle-
quantum teleportation [62] – the transfer of arbitrary ment and DV operations to transfer a CV state, requires
quantum states using shared entanglement and classical breaking up a high-dimensional CV state into states of
communication; and the most obvious hybrid approach smaller dimension and performing correspondingly many
to quantum teleportation is CV quantum teleportation individual DV teleportations [66]. In contrast to the
standard CV teleporter, the optical DV teleporter can glement between a pair of atoms: Exploiting a dispersive
reach fidelities of 100%. However, its efficiency is funda- Jaynes-Cummings type of interaction, a bright coherent
mentally limited by the probabilistic nature of qubit Bell state can get entangled with two atoms at two different
measurements with linear transformations [67]. Only by locations, which in turn can be measured with a homo-
the use of nonlinear, non-Gaussian transformations or ad- dyne detector to herald an atom-atom entangled state at
ditional non-Gaussian ancillary states can the teleporter a distance with a relatively high rate [92]. An alternative
become (near-)deterministic. We note that the efficiency approach to the formation of atom-atom entanglement,
of the Bell measurement can however be made more effi- but also using homodyne detection, is to employ a CV
cient using – once again – a hybrid approach where the Bell measurement and continuous feedback to perform
states undergo a CV squeezing transformation prior to an entanglement swap experiment of DV atomic qubits
DV photon counting measurements [68]. [93].
Quantum teleportation nicely illustrates what an op-
tical hybrid approach does: it can exchange an other-
wise probabilistic, linear-optical qubit teleporter with a Hybrid quantum computing
fully deterministic device, possibly at the expense of the
transfer fidelity; and it can make use of a potentially high-
Examples of gates leading to universal quantum com-
fidelity transfer of a CV state, at the expense of a non-
puting for DV and CV logical encoding are given in Box
unit success probability. This new level of versatility is,
1 and 2, and these approaches might benefit from hy-
of course, even greater when matter systems are included,
bridization. E.g. the non-Gaussian single mode cubic
as the light-matter interactions offer an alternative way
phase gate required for CV computing can be realized by
of performing efficient Bell measurements. In fact, us-
introducing DV projectors and conditional squeezing op-
ing atomic ensembles or two-level emitters, such hybrid
erations [94–96]. The alternative to circuit based quan-
light-matter teleportations have been already proposed
tum computing is the measurement-based approach ex-
for long-distance quantum communication [69] and, on a
ploiting entangled cluster states [97, 98]. This also bene-
small scale, experimentally demonstrated [70, 71].
fits from hybridization where Gaussian cluster states per-
form the computation via DV non-Gaussian projectors
(see Fig. 2). In contrast to CV quantum computing, the
Hybrid entanglement distillation two-mode gate for DV quantum computing based on light
is difficult to realize deterministically. Measurement in-
For quantum communication based upon the distribu- duced approaches to the CNOT gate tend to suffer from
tion of entangled states, like in a quantum repeater, it is the massive overhead requirements, and the deterministic
desirable to initially prepare and distribute optical entan- schemes based on giant material nonlinearities are very
glement with high efficiency. Since the CV Gaussian en- challenging although important progress are being made
tangled states can be produced in an unconditional fash- [99]. However, it has been shown theoretically that by
ion, they may serve as a deterministic source of shared combining a relatively weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity with
entanglement. However, Gaussian entanglement is very a CV homodyne measurement, it is possible to realize a
sensitive to photon losses and hence entanglement dis- quantum non-demolition measurement which in turn can
tillation will be absolutely necessary. Solely using CV be used to implement a near-deterministic DV CNOT
Gaussian operations does not allow for distilling high- gate with much fewer resources than would be otherwise
quality Gaussian entanglement from low-quality, noisy possible [100, 101].
Gaussian entanglement [72–74], but by introducing local There is yet another approach to hybrid quantum com-
non-Gaussian elements such as photon subtraction (via puting in which the quantum information itself is a hy-
photon counting) the entanglement of the state can be brid between DV and CV. Here the information is en-
effectively enhanced [75–78] and the process can be fur- coded in a macroscopic qubit consisting of a discrete
ther improved using squeezing, displacements and atomic superposition of CV coherent states - a cat state as
memories [79–82]. Another prominent method for CV introduced in Section II. Universal quantum computa-
entanglement distillation and error correction is the her- tion can be executed using a measurement induced ap-
alded, noiseless linear amplifier (NLA) [83, 84] which has proach where gates are implemented through teleporta-
been realized in different settings [85–88]. tion [102, 103] and different gates are realized by the us-
All these methods involve the distillation of CV Gaus- age of different types of entangled states [104, 105]. Such
sian entanglement using DV measurements. The reverse a teleportation circuit operating on a set of binary coher-
scenario, that is detecting errors of DV states using CV ent states was recently demonstrated [106]. A simplified
homodyne measurements has been proposed in the case but highly probabilistic approach has also been put for-
of cat state purification [89, 90] and distillation of lossy ward [107] and proof-of-principle implementations of the
DV Bell states [91]. The latter scheme is effectively im- Hadamard [108] as well as the phase-shift gate [109] have
plementing the NLA by means of homodyne measure- been realized. All these experiments on cat state com-
ments and classical data filtering. Moreover, homodyne puting were performed in the optical regime but could
detection can also facilitate the production of DV entan- potentially also be realized in the microwave regime with
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