2020 Tacchi
2020 Tacchi
2020 Tacchi
Of Squares Programming
M Tacchi, B. Marinescu, M Anghel, S Kundu, S. Benahmed, C Cardozo
[email protected]
‡ Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA
[email protected]
§ RTE-R&D, France
Abstract—Transient stability is an important issue in power do not exist for grids with losses [1].
systems but difficult to quantify analytically. Most of the ap-
proaches in this case lie on a very simplified model of the Recent advances in semidefinite programming relaxation
generators, usually reduced to the swing equation. In this work,
a more detailed model which includes voltage dynamics and both and the use of the Sum Of Squares (SOS) decomposition
voltage and frequency regulators is considered to get more real- to check non-negativity have opened the way for efficient
istic results. The used methodology for algorithmic construction algorithmic analysis of systems with polynomial vector fields
of Lyapunov functions is based on recent advances in the field of [3]. This approach was used in [2] for transient stability
positive polynomials. This analysis framework uses an algebraic analysis of a power system. However, the generators were
reformulation technique that recasts the systems dynamics into a
set of polynomial differential algebraic equations in conjunction modeled only by their swing equations. As the voltage and
with a sum of Squares method to search for a Lyapunov function. frequency regulators have an important impact on stability
Next, linear matrix inequalities are used to expand the region analysis, in the present paper this approach is extended by
of attraction of the considered equilibrium point. The results considering a generator with voltage dynamics and both
are checked against an experimental (by extensive numerical voltage and frequency regulations. This also provides a way
simulations) evaluation of the region of attraction.
to take into account high penetration of power electronics
Index Terms—Lyapunov theory, nonlinear systems, power elements in the grid due to the integration of renewable
systems analysis, region of attraction, sum of squares. energies and HVDC transmission lines, thus having an
important impact on the transient stability of the system.
I. I NTRODUCTION SOS method gives an analytical solution for the construction
of Lypunov functions in order to estimate the Region
Transient stability is one of the most important power Of Attraction (ROA) for a locally asymptotically stable
systems analysis problems. From a physical viewpoint, equilibrium point of the system.
transient stability can be defined as the ability of a power
system to maintain its synchronism when subjected to large The paper is organised as follows: the problem is formulated
and transient disturbances [1]. Widespread assessment tools in Section II on a Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) system.
are generally based on indirect methods which rely on the SOS formalism is brieffly recalled in Section III. The change
numerical integration of nonlinear differential equations of variables needed to reach a SOS form (i.e., recasting the
describing system dynamics. However, this approach is not model of the system with trigonometric non linearities into a
suited to synthesize controllers with a direct quantification set of polynomial differential algebraic equations) is given in
of stability margin since it does not provide an analytical Section IV. The recasting procedure is proved to be a Lie-
characterization of stability [2]. Alternatively, direct methods Bäcklund transformation, which means that the transformed
are based on the estimation of the stability domain of the system has equivalent trajectories and stability properties [4].
equilibrium point; they ensure that all the trajectories initiated Next, in section V we relax Lyapunov's conditions for stability
in this domain converge to the equilibrium point [2]. The and model constraint equations to suitable SOS conditions
main drawback of direct methods is that they rely on the using theorems from real algebraic geometry in order to
identification of Lyapunov functions which are hard to formulate the problem as an optimization one. Hence, a
determine. Indeed, there is not a systematic method for the Lyapunov function for the asymptotically stable equilibrium
construction of Lyapunov functions. Moreover, it has been point is constructed using the expanding interior algorithm
shown that quadratic (i.e., energy type) Lyapunov functions developed in [3]. An estimate of the ROA is given by a
level set of the Lyapunov function. We finally test the ROA where Ta , Ka are the parameters of the voltage regulator
estimation error in Section VI by numerically computing the (AVR), Vref is the reference, and
real one in all state directions via full nonlinear simulations. q
The codes are implemented in MATLAB using SOSTOOLS Vt = vd2 + vq2 (3a)
[5], [6] which is a free, third-party MATLAB toolbox that dPm
solves SOS problems. The analysis is carried out in the case Tg = −Pm + Pref + Kg (ωref − ω) (3b)
of a single machine-infinite bus system.
where Tg , Kg are the parameters of the turbine regulator
(governor) and Pref , ωref are the references.
II. P ROBLEM FORMULATION We then introduce a temporary short-circuit at node S (see
Figure 1), according to the following protocol:
We consider a synchronous machine G connected to an
• At a time tc a short-circuit occurs and we switch from the
infinite bus N∞ through two lines in parallel (see Figure
1). The infinite bus imposes a nominal voltage of amplitude nominal system (Figure 1) to a new short-circuited system
Vs = 1pu and frequency ωs = 1pu. The synchronous machine (Figure 2), and thus we are no longer at an equilibrium
has two rotating axes d (direct) and q (quadratic), which point
• The system leaves the equilibrium point of the nominal
support the currents id and iq , generating a voltage (vd , vq ).
The synchronous machine is characterized by a resistance model and follows the short-circuit equations (see below)
r and equivalent reactances xd , x0d and xq . It receives a for a while, until the short-circuit is eliminated
• At a time tcl = tc + ∆t, we switch back to the nominal
mechanical power Pm which makes it rotate at frequency ω,
generating e.m.f e0q with voltage field Ef d . Let δ be the phase topology and equations; the problem is to know whether
between the machine and the infinite bus and H the machine’s the system reaches an equilibrium point or not, i.e.
mechanic inertia constant. whether it is still in the ROA of one equilibrium points
of the nominal model or not.
2(R + jX)
2(R + jX)
G N∞
∞ G N∞
R + jX R + jX ∞
S R + jX R + jX
VG ∼ (vd , vq ) V∞ ∼ (Vs , ωs ) S
VG ∼ (vd , vq ) V∞ ∼ (Vs , ωs )
The equations describing the dynamics of this system are During the short-circuit the system’s equations are the same
given in [7] (p.105). They can be written as follows as (1), but with (R, X) replaced by 32 (R, X) and Vs replaced
by 13 Vs :
Td0 0 = −e0q − (xd − x0d )id + Ef d (1a) de0q
dt Td0 0 = −e0q − (xd − x0d )id + Ef d (4a)
dω dt
2H = Pm − (vd id + vq iq + ri2d + ri2q ) (1b) dω
dt 2H = Pm − (vd id + vq iq + ri2d + ri2q ) (4b)
dδ dt
= ω − ωs (1c) dδ
dt = ω − ωs (4c)
(X + x0d )Vs sin δ − (R + r)(Vs cos δ − e0q ) dt
iq = (1d) 3x0d )Vs
sin δ − (2R + 3r)(Vs cos δ − 3e0q )
(R + r)2 + (X + x0d )(X + xq ) iq =
(2X +
X + xq 1 (2R + 3r)2 + (2X + 3x0d )(2X + 3xq )
id = iq − Vs sin δ (1e) 2X + 3xq 1
R+r R+r id = iq − Vs sin δ (4e)
vd = xq iq − rid (1f) 2R + 3r 2R + 3r
vd = xq iq − rid (4f)
vq = Riq + Xid + Vs cos(δ) (1g)
3vq = 2Riq + 2Xid + Vs cos(δ). (4g)
where Td0 0 is a characteristic time.
Finally, the regulation equations (2), (3a) and (3b) are not
The machine is governed by two regulators whose equations affected by the short-circuit.
are the following The aim of this work is to estimate the ROA of a given
dEf d equilibrium point so as to be able to give an analytical stability
Ta = −Ef d + Ka (Vref − Vt ) (2) assessment of the power system.
III. T HE SOS APPROACH where p ∈ Σn and V is a yet unknown Lyapunov function
SOS are real polynomials that can be written as sums of of which level set Ω1 = {x ∈ Ω|V (x) ≤ 1} approximates the
k ROA. In order for ∆ to satisfy the conditions of Lyapunov’s
p2j where p1 , . . . , pk ∈ Rn .
squares of polynomials: s = theorem, we must have 0 < V ≤ 1 =⇒ V̇ < 01 . Since we
Here, Rn is the set of real polynomials in n variables and we want V to be positive definite over ∆ while V and ∆ are
denote by Σn the set of SOS in n variables. initially unknown, the best way to ensure that is to look for
The SOS approach is detailed in [3]. It is based on the a V which is positive definite on Rn . This problem can be
Positivstellensatz (P-satz, [8]): written with set emptiness constraints as
maximize β (7a)
V ∈Rn ,V (0)=0, s1 ,s2 ,s3 ∈Σn
with the convention P(∅) = Σn .
( γ ) subject to, V − `1 = s4 ∈ Σn (7b)
− ((β − p)s1 + (V − 1)) = s5 ∈ Σn
I(h) := hk pk |p1 , . . . , pγ ∈ Rn (7c)
i=1 − (1 − V )s2 + V̇ s3 + `2 = s6 ∈ Σn . (7d)
with the convention I(∅) = {0}.
Since Σn and the set of positive semi-definite matrices are
The idea is simply to estimate the ROA of the system using isomorphic, this is reduced to an LMI problem which can be
a set whose complement can be described like in the P-satz solved within an iterative algorithm (e.g., [9], [10]) (see Figure
formulation. Indeed, we know that for a given vector field 3).
F : Rn → Rn , an equilibrium point x (without any loss of
Some features of SOSTOOLS include the setting of poly-
generality, we assume x = 0) of the equation ẋ = F (x) is
nomial optimization problems and the search for a polynomial
stable iff there exists a function V defined on a neighbourhood
Lyapunov function after expressing the SOS problem as a LMI
of 0 (let us call it Ω), and a domain D ⊂ Ω on which V is
feasibility problem. In [2], SOSTOOLS is used to implement
an LF. In such case, any level set Ωβ = {x ∈ Ω|V (x) ≤ β}
the expanding interior algorithm for a dynamic model without
such that Ωβ ⊂ D is a positively invariant subset of the
system’s ROA. The SOS approach consists in finding the
largest possible Ωβ ⊂ D with varying V and D, which
is possible as soon as F ∈ Rn . Two algorithms allowing IV. R ECASTING THE POWER SYSTEMS MODEL
to perform this research are discussed in [3] and [2]: the
expanding D algorithm and the expanding interior algorithm. The system (1), (2), (3a), (3b) can be reformulated as an
Since the latter is more efficient than the former, we only autonomous ODE:
implemented the expanding interior algorithm.
ẏ = F (y) (8)
The aim of the SOS program is to find the largest
Pβ := {x ∈ Rn |p(x) ≤ β} ⊂ ∆ := {x ∈ Rn |V (x) ≤ 1} , 1 With the well known convention V̇ = ∇V · F
choose β (0) > 0 and V (0) where Y eq is the value of the variable Y at the considered
Lyapunov function on equilibrium point. One can then easily compute the dynamics
∆ = {x ∈ Rn |V (0) (x) ≤ 1}
such that of the recasted system:
Pβ := {p(x) ≤ β (0) } ⊂ ∆
ż = H(z) (11)
search for s6,8,9 ∈ Σn and a with H : R8 −→ R8 defined by:
maximal β (i+1) > β (i) satisfying
(7) for V (i+1) = V (i)
H1 (z) = (1 − z2 )z3
linear search for β
H2 (z) = z1 z3
∈ Σn ,
search for s6 H3 (y) =
(z6 + Pref − (vd (z)id (z)+
V (i+2) ∈ Rn and a 2H
maximal β (i+2) > β (i+1) satisfying
(z) + rid (z)2 + riq (z)2 )
vq (z)i
(i+2) (i+1)
(7) for s8,9 = s8,9
1 0eq 0
H4 (y) = Td00 −(z4 + eq ) − (xd − xd )id (z) + z5 + Ef d
H5 (y) = T1a −(z5 + Efeqd ) + Ka (Vref − (z7 + V eq )
test β (i+2) − β (i+1) < βtol
H6 (y) = T1g (−z6 − Kg z3 )
H7 (z) = z8 + V1eq
(vd (z)∂zi vd (z) +
The resulting
YES ∆ = {x ∈ Rn |V (i) (x) ≤ 1} NO v (z)∂ v (z)) · Hi (z)
3 qP zi q
is an estimate of 0’s R.O.A.
H8 (z) = − z8 + V eq (vd (z)∂zi vd (z)+
Figure 3: The expanding interior algorithm
vq (z)∂zi vq (z)) · Hi (z)
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Figure 5: (a) real ROA in blue (the largest one) and the SOS
estimated one in red, together in a projection of the state-space
on the plane (e0q , Ef d ). (b) real ROA in blue (the largest one)
and the SOS estimated one in red, together in a projection of
the state space on the plane (Pm , ω). (c) real ROA in blue
(the largest one) and the SOS estimated one in red, together
in a projection of the state space on the plane (δ, ω).