Quantum Behavior of The Duf Fing Oscillator at The Dissipative Phase Transition

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Article https://doi.org/10.


Quantum behavior of the Duffing oscillator

at the dissipative phase transition

Received: 23 September 2022 Qi-Ming Chen 1,2 , Michael Fischer1,2, Yuki Nojiri1,2, Michael Renger1,2,
Edwar Xie1,2, Matti Partanen 1,4, Stefan Pogorzalek1,2,5, Kirill G. Fedorov1,2,
Accepted: 18 April 2023
Achim Marx1, Frank Deppe 1,2,3,5 & Rudolf Gross 1,2,3

Check for updates The non-deterministic behavior of the Duffing oscillator is classically attrib-
uted to the coexistence of two steady states in a double-well potential. How-

ever, this interpretation fails in the quantum-mechanical perspective which


predicts a single unique steady state. Here, we measure the non-equilibrium

dynamics of a superconducting Duffing oscillator and experimentally recon-
cile the classical and quantum descriptions as indicated by the Liouvillian
spectral theory. We demonstrate that the two classically regarded steady
states are in fact quantum metastable states. They have a remarkably long
lifetime but must eventually relax into the single unique steady state allowed
by quantum mechanics. By engineering their lifetime, we observe a first-order
dissipative phase transition and reveal the two distinct phases by quantum
state tomography. Our results reveal a smooth quantum state evolution
behind a sudden dissipative phase transition and form an essential step
towards understanding the intriguing phenomena in driven-dissipative

The Duffing oscillator is a simple but prototypical model in nonlinear amplification9,10, and self-oscillation11,12. However, it has been revealed
physics, which describes a forced oscillation with cubic (Kerr) non- by Drummond and Walls already in the 1980s that a fully-quantum
linearity and linear viscous damping1. In a certain parameter regime, treatment of the Duffing oscillator yields a single unique SS over the
classical mechanics predicts a double-well potential that allows two entire parameter space, such that it does not exhibit bistability or
steady states (SSs) at the same parameter setting2. It gives rise to a hysteresis13. These two perspectives indicate fundamentally different
hysteretic behavior where two different amplitudes of the forced behaviors of the Duffing oscillator. However, the seeming two classical
oscillation are possible. Depending on whether the system is initially at SSs are still observed even in a typical quantum experiment setup5,6.
rest or in strong oscillation, the oscillator spontaneously chooses one Recently, signatures of dissipative phase transition (DPT) have been
of the amplitudes when adiabatically tuning the parameters into the observed in the scattering coefficient14,15, decay rate15,16, and second-
hysteretic regime. Thermal fluctuations may induce unpredictable order correlation function17 of the Duffing oscillator, which indicate a
jumps between the two potential wells and lead to the bistability of the prominent role of the quantum fluctuation in the SS. These experi-
oscillation amplitude3. This classical behavior of the Duffing oscillator ments are performed around a fixed parameter setting in a
has been observed in a considerable number of experiments, for continuous-wave measurement setup.
example, in superconducting quantum circuits4–6. The underlying Here, we use an in-situ tunable superconducting nonlinear reso-
double-well potential model has been used to explain a variety of nator to simulate the non-equilibrium quantum dynamics of the
physical processes, such as optical bistability7,8, parametric Duffing oscillator. Besides the wide tunability range of sample

Walther-Meißner-Institut, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 85748 Garching, Germany. 2Physik-Department, Technische Universität München,
85748 Garching, Germany. 3Munich Center for Quantum Science and Technology (MCQST), 80799 Munich, Germany. 4Present address: IQM, Keilaranta 19,
FI-02150 Espoo, Finland. 5Present address: IQM, Nymphenburger Str. 86, 80636 Munich, Germany. e-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]

Nature Communications | (2023)14:2896 1

Article https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-38217-x

parameters in one device, the pulsed heterodyne measurement dis- different pulse shapes, which balance the depths of the two potential
tinguishes our experiment from the experiments already reported in wells and prepare the system in one of the two wells or in the SS at the
the literature. Our experimental setup allows for a proper control of initial time (See Methods Section). Then, we switch the driving
the initial state at different parameter settings as well as a high time strength to ξ, and trigger a short measurement of the transmitted or
resolution readout. Our experimental results settle the seeming con- reflected microwave signal after a time delay of τ. In each repetition,
troversy between the classical and quantum properties of the Duffing the measurement lasts for only 16 ns to capture the transient non-
oscillator and provide support to the recent results of the Liouvillian equilibrium dynamics of the system. We repeat this procedure for
spectral theory18–21. We demonstrate that the two classical SSs are in more than one million times and concatenate the results in a long trace
fact quantum metastable states (MSs), which emerge when the low- for extracting the quadrature histogram of the transient outgoing field
lying eigenvalues of the Liouvillian superoperator are separated from (See Methods Section). Eventually, we obtain the quasi-distribution
the rest of its spectrum18. Different from the classical MSs that are functions of the intra-resonator field for different initial states and also
unstable SS solutions of the equation of motion, quantum MSs have a different control parameters, Δ, ξ, and τ.
lifetime much longer than any other timescale in the system but are
not the exact SS solutions of the Schrödinger equation. A remarkable Quantum features behind classical hysteresis
feature occurs when the system approaches the thermodynamic limit, In our experiment, we first tune the nonlinearity to U/2π = − 132 kHz
where the MSs gain an increasingly long lifetime when approaching a and drive the system with a varying strength, ξ, and detuning, Δ. The
critical point but, suddenly, cannot be properly defined at the exact measurement is delayed by τ = 3.25 μs, which is more than 10 times
point19,20. This non-analytical phenomenon is identified as a first-order longer than the free-relaxation time of the resonator, 1/γ. When the
DPT, which originates from the interplay between a coherent drive and system is initially prepared in one of the two potential wells, the
an incoherent dissipation in a nonlinear driven-dissipative system. absolute mean field, ∣hai∣, and the photon number, 〈a†a〉, show an
abrupt change at either of the two boundaries of the classical hys-
Results teretic regime, as shown in Fig. 1b. Within this regime, the measured
Liouvillian spectral analysis values are also different for the same parameter setting, which corre-
The non-equilibrium quantum dynamics of the Duffing oscillator is spond to the two possible oscillation amplitudes of the Duffing oscil-
described by the master equation in the Born-Markov approxima- lator, i.e., the two classical SSs in a double-well potential. However, the
tion: ∂t ρðtÞ = LρðtÞ, where the Liouvillian superoperator, L, consists transition occurs inside the regime when applying a constant driving
of the Kerr-oscillator Hamiltonian  with coherent drive, field, which corresponds to an infinitely large measurement delay in
y y y y
 Δa a + Ua a aa + ξ a + a , and the Lindblad superoperator, either of the two former cases. Classically, this is explained by the
γ=2 D½a. Besides, a (a†) is the annihilation (creation) operator of presence of thermal fluctuations that induce random jumps between
the oscillating mode, Δ the detuning between the resonant fre- the two potential wells and wash out the dependence on the initial-
quency and the drive, U the Kerr nonlinearity, and ξ the driving state for large τ. However, this interpretation fails in our experimental
strength. We define γ as the total energy dissipation rate, which is situation where the thermal noise at the 30 mK base temperature is
approximately 3.85 μs−1 in the measured frequency range, and we much smaller than half a photon, i.e., the vacuum quantum fluctuation,
neglect the relatively weak dephasing effect (See Supplementary and thus not likely to cause a noticeable transition between the two
Fig. 4). When restricting our discussion to finite dimensions, the potential wells.
Liouvillian superoperator can be decomposed  intoP Jordan blocks
 Indeed, quantum fluctuations play a significant role in the hys-
that lead to the formal
 solution: ρðtÞ = n exp λn t m cn,m r n,m with teretic regime, as shown in Fig. 1c for a fixed detuning frequency,
cn,m = tr l n,m ρð0Þ . Here, ln,m and rn,m are the left and right eigenma- Δ/2π = 2.36 MHz. A clear dip in the ∣〈a〉∣ curve is observed during the
trices of L, which correspond to the nth eigenvalue with  geometric transition process, which is predicted as a result of out-of-phase
multiplicity m. For convenience, we define δ n =  Re λn and sort quantum fluctuations in the unique SS13–15. By comparison, 〈a†a〉 is a
the eigenvalues according to δn < δn+1. Under quite general condi- monotonic function of ξ since it is insensitive to the phase of quantum
tions, there exists a single unique SS solution such that δ0 = 0, fluctuations. Moreover, the second-order correlation function, g(2)(0),
δ1 > 022. Thus, the smallest nonzero eigenvalue, forming the Liou- is strongly peaked around the transition point and approaches unity
villian gap δ1, determines the timescale the system requires to relax for large ξ. This is a typical signature of a first-order DPT, resulting from
into the SS, and thereby results in a general exponential decay of an a drastic change of the SSs on the two sides of a single critical point17.
observable. However, if the Liouvillian gap is well separated from the Importantly, we observe these quantum-mechanical signatures in
rest of its spectrum, δ1 ≪ δ2, the system  may quickly relax onto the company with the classical hysteretic behavior, indicating that the
metastable manifold spanned by r0,1 and r 1,m within a timescale of system may not have reached the real SS even for τ > 10/γ. This new
1/δ2, and stays almost invariant for a relatively large timescale, 1/δ1, perspective suggests that the two classically regarded SSs may be
before starting a second relaxation into the unique SS18. The Liou- interpreted as MSs with a remarkably long lifetime in the hysteretic
villian gap may even close at a single critical point in the thermo- regime19–21. The specific MS, in which the systems is staying, is deter-
dynamic limit, where the eigenvalue zero becomes degenerate at the mined by the distance between the initial state and the two MSs18. This
exact point. The SS thus must undergo a sudden change on the two leads to the seemingly classical behavior of hysteresis in Fig. 1b.
sides of the critical point and result in a first-order DPT20.
Two-stage relaxation of the MSs
In-situ tunable Duffing simulator According to the theory of quantum metastability, the MSs exist only
The system studied in our experiment is realized by embedding a in the time window 1/δ2 ≪ τ ≤ 1/δ1 and should eventually relax into the
weakly asymmetric superconducting quantum interference device single unique SS for τ ≫ 1/δ118. To verify this prediction, we then fix the
(SQUID) in the middle of a coplanar waveguide resonator. By driving it detuning frequency at Δ/2π = 2.01 MHz and measure the complex
with a coherent microwave field, we implement a Duffing oscillator in reflection coefficient, S22, for varying driving strength, ξ, and mea-
superconducting quantum circuits with tunable frequency and Kerr surement delay, τ. In these measurements, the nonlinearity is fixed at
nonlinearity23,24, as shown in Fig. 1a. In our experiment, the resonant U/2π = − 71 kHz. In Fig. 2a, we plot the reflection coefficients, corre-
frequency, ωA/2π, is varied between 6.80 GHz and 7.15 GHz, corre- sponding to the two MSs, in the complex plane. The two MS branches
sponding to a tunable range of the nonlinearity from U/2π = − 295 kHz form a closed loop for each fixed τ, manifesting the classical signature
to − 58 kHz. We modulate the radio-frequency (RF) drive by three of hysteresis around ξ*/2π = 1.51 MHz. However, different from the

Nature Communications | (2023)14:2896 2

Article https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-38217-x

a b c



Fig. 1 | Hysteresis and its quantum features. a Schematic of the experimental fitting parameter (See Supplementary Note 1). A drastic change happens at either of
setup for pulsed heterodyne measurement. The Duffing oscillator is initially pre- the two boundaries if the system is initially prepared in one potential well. c At a
pared in one of the two potential wells (blue and red) or in the steady state (purple). fixed detuning frequency marked by the arrows in (b), the ∣〈a〉∣ vs. ξ curves show a
Then, we switch the driving strength to ξ, and trigger a short measurement after a dip around the transition point (vertical dashed lines), while 〈a†a〉 is a monotonic
waiting time of τ. The direct-current (DC) port is used to control the nonlinearity of function of ξ. The error bars represent the standard deviation over 8 independent
the resonator, and we drive the resonator through one of the two radio-frequency experiments. The second-order correlation function g(2)(0) is strongly peaked
(RF) ports for transmission- or reflection-type measurements (See Methods sec- around the transition point, which decays towards unity for large ξ. The solid curves
tion). b The absolute mean field, ∣〈a〉∣, and photon number, 〈a†a〉, measured for are Lorentzian functions serving as guides to the eyes. Source data are provided as a
ωA/2π = 7.00 GHz show a clear dependence on different initial states in the classical Source Data file.
hysteretic regime, which is enclosed by the dashed curves calculated without any

classical interpretation the loop exists within a decreasing parameter The first-order DPT
range when increasing τ. It is expected to close for τ > 55 μs, where the It is then natural to ask whether the Liouvillian gap can be closed at a
two MS branches converge to the single unique SS allowed by quan- particular parameter setting, where the system dynamics becomes
tum mechanics (See Supplementary Fig. 8). This observation provides infinitely slow and the two MSs become also SSs. However, this per-
a clear evidence for the quantum description of the Duffing oscillator. ception is in conflict with the uniqueness of the SS solution for the
It indicates that the hysteresis observed in the classical hysteretic Duffing oscillator13. Nevertheless, multiple SSs can exist in the driven-
regime is the measurement outcome on two different MSs, while the dissipative Bose-Hubbard model, where an infinite number of Duffing
system should eventually converge to a single unique SS in the long- oscillators are coupled to each other and form a lattice. A bridge
time limit. between the mean field description of an N-site Bose-Hubbard lattice
To quantify this convergence, we calculate the loop area, A, for and a single Duffing oscillator may be constructed by rescaling the
different τ, as shown in Fig. 2b. Fitting the data by an exponential nonlinearity
pffiffiffiffi and driving strength of the later as U → U0/N and
decay, A / expðητÞ, we obtain two distinctively different decay rates ξ ! N ξ 0 19. A thermodynamic limit of the Duffing oscillator is defined
η1 = 0.74 μs−1 and η2 = 0.04 μs−1 at small and large τ, respectively. This as N → ∞, where the Liouvillian gap is closed at a rescaled critical point,
two-stage relaxation process is qualitatively different from the classical ξ *0 , and results in a first-order DPT.
prediction25, but can be well understood from the Liouvillian In our experiment, we in situ tune the scaling factor from
spectrum16,26. Figure 2c shows the fitted Liouvillian gap, δ1, as a func- approximately N = 2 to 11, and measure the average photon number of
tion of the driving strength, ξ. The gap is approximately 3.79 μs−1 for the SS for varying driving strength. Here, we define U0 ≡ − γ for N = 1
both small and large ξ, what agrees well with the free energy decay rate and fix the detuning at Δ = 3γ without loss of generality19. As shown in
γ. However, δ1 decreases by more than two orders of magnitude when Fig. 3a, the transition happens at the same rescaled critical driving
approaching the critical point, ξ*, and reaches a minimum value of strength, ξ 0 =2π = 0:64 MHz, for different N, and the photon density
0.02 μs−1 at ξ*. This observation indicates a critical slowing down of the also saturates at a similar value of around 〈a†a〉/N = 2.5. However, the
system dynamics around the critical point. This is another signature of transition process becomes sharper with increasing N. Fitting the data
a first-order DPT15. For a sufficiently small τ, the decay rate of the loop by a linear function, we obtain ∂(〈a†a〉/N)/∂(ξ0/2π) = 3.8, 5.8, and
area, η1, is determined by the average value of the Liouvillian gap over 8.5 MHz−1 for N = 6.1, 7.9, and 10.5, respectively, as shown in Fig. 3b.
the hysteretic regime, that is, 1.22 μs−1. However, for τ → ∞ the decay This observed tendency indicates a sudden change of the photon
rate η2 is dominated by the minimum gap. In the time window between density on the two sides of ξ *0 in the thermodynamic limit, known as
the two extreme cases, the decay rate decreases monotonically with τ the first-order DPT20. It implies a closed Liouvillian gap, equivalently, a
and connects the two extremes. This is in quantitative agreement with diverging lifetime of the MSs, when approaching the critical point. This
the observed two-stage relaxation rates in Fig. 2b. is consistent with the observed Liouvillian gap in Fig. 2c.

Nature Communications | (2023)14:2896 3

Article https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-38217-x

a a

b c

Fig. 3 | First-order dissipative phase transition manifested by increasingly

sharp photon number jump. a When approaching the thermodynamic limit
(N → ∞), the observed photon number jump becomes increasingly more drastic in
the classical hysteretic regime for a fixed detuning Δ = 3γ. Here, the error bars
represent the standard deviation over 8 independent experiments, and the solid
Fig. 2 | Two-stage relaxation towards the single unique steady state. a The lines are calculated from the quantum theory with no fitting parameter. The
reflection coefficients, S22, corresponding to the two metastable branches (blue deviation between theory and experiment becomes increasingly large at lower
and red) form a closed loop, which converge to the unique steady-state solution resonant frequencies, which we attribute to the increasingly large dephasing rate
with τ. The inset shows the convergence of the metastable branches at each fixed ξ. when tuning the SQUID away from its sweet spot (See Supplementary Fig. 12).
b The loop area, A, decays with τ and shows two distinct decay rates. The dashed b Rescaled photon number 〈a†a〉/N vs. ξ0/2π curves for the highest three resonant
lines show the exponential fits, A / expðητÞ, of the decay rate at small and large τ, frequencies, where the dephasing effect may be fairly neglected. The solid lines
with fitted values η1 = 0.74 μs−1 and η2 = 0.04 μs−1, respectively. (c) The Liouvillian show the linear fits of the transition speed, with fitted values ∂(〈a†a〉/N)/∂(ξ0/
gap, δ1, is approximately equal to the total energy dissipation rate, γ, at a sufficiently 2π) = 3.8, 5.8, and 8.5 MHz−1, respectively. The increasingly sharp transition step
small or large ξ (dashed). However, it decreases by more than two orders of mag- indicates a first-order dissipative phase transition at N → ∞. Source data are pro-
nitude when approaching the critical point, ξ*/2π = 1.51 MHz, and achieves a mini- vided as a Source Data file.
mum value of 0.02 μs−1 at ξ* (See Supplementary Fig. 9). In all panels, the resonant
frequency is fixed at ωA/2π = 7.10 GHz. The error bars represent the standard
deviation over 16 independent experiments, which are smaller than the size of the
parts in phase space, corresponding to the different unique SSs in the
dots in (b) and (c). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.
two individual phases28,29. The probability of staying in the coherent-
state phase changes continuously into that of being in the squeezed-
state phase with increasing ξ0. Ideally, it reaches an equiprobable
Quantum state tomography during phase transition mixture of the two phases at the exact critical point,
To understand the underlying physical process of DPT, we reconstruct ξ *0 =2π = 0:64 MHz20. One can thus understand the dip of ∣hai∣ and the
the Wigner quasi-distribution function of the intra-resonator field peak of g(2)(0) in Fig. 1c as a result of the coherent interference between
according to the first two orders of signal moments, 〈a〉, 〈a†a〉, and 〈a2〉 the two phases. With the increase of N, the photon number diverges
(See Supplementary Fig. 10). Here, we operate the SQUID close to its and the system behaves more classically. The SS thus must jump at ξ 0
sweet spot where the dephasing rate is sufficiently small, as indicated in the thermodynamic limit, because only one potential well can be
by the good agreement between theory and experiment in Fig. 3a. As occupied at the same time in a classical system. This observation
shown in Fig. 4, the reconstructed SS is approximately an either explains the increasingly sharp step of 〈a†a〉/N with increasing N in
coherent or squeezed state in one of the two phases27, where the field Fig. 3b, and reveals the origin of the first-order DPT.
mean coincides with the two classical SS solutions19. In each individual
phase, the SS remains almost invariant with respect to the rescaled Discussion
driving strength. However, the system undergoes a drastic change in a The quantum behavior of the Duffing oscillator promotes the view that
relatively small range around the critical point, 0.57 MHz ≤ ξ0/ the extensively observed hysteresis and bistability originate from a
2π ≤ 0.71 MHz. This results in the rapid photon number transition in non-classical SS around a critical point. The SS consists of two separate
Fig. 3a. In this regime, the Wigner function consists of two separate parts in phase space, which correspond to the two phases of the

Nature Communications | (2023)14:2896 4

Article https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-38217-x

Fig. 4 | Wigner function of the steady state during dissipative phase transition. two phases happens within a relatively small range, 0.57 MHz ≤ ξ0/2π ≤ 0.71 MHz,
Shown are theory (top) with no fitting parameter and experiment (bottom) at the during which the steady state has two distinctive parts in the phase space and is a
resonant frequency ωA/2π = 7.15 GHz. The steady state is approximately a coherent weighted mixture of the two phases. Ideally, it reaches an equiprobable mixture of
(squeezed) state before (after) the phase transition, which separates the two phases the two phases at the exact critical point, which is around ξ 0 =2π = 0:64 MHz.
of the Duffing oscillator (See Supplementary Fig. 11). The transition between the Source data are provided as a Source Data file.

system and are MSs with a remarkably long lifetime. Their lifetime coupling strengths. Following the input-output analysis and neglecting
diverges when approaching the thermodynamic limit and leads to a the two-photon process37, we see that H ð2Þ
int can be neglected if the input
first-order DPT. Instead of seeing the intriguing dynamics as a com- field is close-to-resonance with the system. It indicates that a single flux
petition between the classical and quantum tunneling rates30, the line can be simultaneously used for DC bias and RF drive38 (See Sup-
Liouvillian spectral theory provides a simple and quantitative plementary Note 1).
description for a general driven-dissipative system18,20. The tunable
superconducting nonlinear resonator is a versatile building block for Initial state preparation
quantum simulation31–34, and the pulsed heterodyne measurement When driving the system with a sufficiently weak or strong field outside
enables the time-resolved tomography of a non-equilibrium process. the hysteretic regime, the Duffing oscillator has a single potential well
We therefore expect these methods to serve as a stepping stone for that is located in proximity to either of the two wells inside the hys-
simulating strongly correlated bosons in the driven-dissipative teretic regime. We therefore can set the driving strength to either zero
regime35 and for unveiling the mystery of multistability from a or a sufficiently large value (~11 MHz in our case) and wait for
quantum-mechanical perspective. approximately 4 μs for the system to reach the SS in the single
potential well. Finally, we switch the driving strength to the objective
Methods value, ξ, in the next 250 ns that completes the initial state preparation
Sample preparation (See Supplementary Note 3).
The in-situ tunable Duffing oscillator consists of a 7.2 mm long
necklace-type resonator with an asymmetric DC-SQUID embedded in Pulsed heterodyne measurement
the middle23,24,36 (See Supplementary Fig. 1) . When applying a static Upon initial state preparation, we count for a waiting time, τ, and
magnetic field to the SQUID, we can set the resonant frequency measure one single period of the output signal. We repeat the pro-
between ωA/2π = 5.65 GHz and 7.15 GHz with a nonlinearity varying cedure for 106−109 times depending on the required accuracy and
from U/2π = −6.1 MHz to −58 kHz. In this experiment, we restrict the concatenate the data for digital filtering. We then obtain one data
resonant frequency in a 350 MHz range below the sweet spot, where point of the field quadratures in each period of the concatenated
the energy dissipation rate, γ = 3.85 μs−1, dominates the dephasing signal (16 ns), and we calculate the quadrature moments to the sec-
effect (See Supplementary Fig. 4). The sample is cooled down to a base ond order and record the histogram in a 256 × 256 matrix (See Sup-
temperature of 30 mK to suppress the thermal noise. A detailed plementary Note 3). The major advantage of the pulsed
description of the experimental setup and its characterization data can measurement setup is that it allows for the application of a narrow-
be found in Supplementary Notes 1 and 2, respectively. band low-pass filter (cutoff frequency at 2 MHz in our case) without
sacrificing the time resolution of the measurement results. The
Fast flux line obtained 16 ns time resolution enables the observation of a non-
For the measurements of signal moments, we apply the driving field equilibrium process.
through the flux line to avoid reflection at the RF output. The RF and
DC signal of the flux line are combined by a bias-tee thermalized at the Data availability
base temperature (See Supplementary Fig. 2). We describe the com- The data that support the findings of this study are provided in the
bined field as a collection of harmonic oscillators (bath), paper and the Supplementary Information. Source data are provided
P y y
H b = k+=11 ωk bF,k bF,k , with k being the wave vector and bF,k (bF,k) the with this paper.
creation (annihilation) operator. We assume that the system-bath
interaction is a combination of a photon-preserving interaction Code availability
ð1Þ y
H int = iκ F ðbF,k a  bF,k ay Þ and an optomechanical-like interaction The codes for analyzing the data of this study are provided with
ð2Þ y
H int = iκ φ ðbF,k  bF,k Þay a, where κF and κφ are the corresponding this paper.

Nature Communications | (2023)14:2896 5

Article https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-38217-x

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