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भारतीय सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान रााँची

Indian Institute of Information Technology Ranchi

(An Institute of National Importance under an Act of Parliament)
Ranchi, Jharkhand, India


Name of the Employee: Designation/ Deptt:

Employee No: Bank Account No. :

Period of Claim for the Academic Year :

1. Certified that the Children/ child mentioned below in respect of whom reimbursement of
Children Education Allowance claimed is wholly dependent upon me:

Name of the Child & School in which Class in which Total Education Total amount of
Date of Birth studying studying & expenses Paid reimbursement
Academic Year (in ₹) claimed (in ₹)


Particulars of Payments Child (1) Child (2)

#Tuition fee: for the Whole year 2019-20/ I/II/III/IV – Term

Purchase of books (one set per child per A.Y.)

Purchase of Note Books (One set per child per A.Y.)

Purchase of Uniforms (Two sets per child per A.Y.)

Purchase of School Shoes (One set per child per A.Y.)

Total to be filled in column ‘D’ above for respective child

Total Amount Claimed for reimbursement for children 1 & 2 above

Total Claim

2. Certified that the Education Allowance indicated against the child/ children has actually been
paid by me as per receipts attached. (Note: Copy of School fee card & Bank challans/ Paid up
receipts/ purchase receipts in original are to be enclosed)
3. Certified that:
a. My spouse is not a Central Government servant.
b. My spouse is a Central Govt. servant and that she/he has not claimed/ will not claim
children’s educational allowance in respect of our child/ children.
4. Certified that during the period covered by the claim the child attended the School regularly and
did not absent himself/ herself from the school without proper leave for a period exceeding one

5. In the event of any change in the particulars given above which affect my eligibility for children’s
educational allowance, I undertake to intimate the same promptly and also to refund excess
payments, if any made.
6. I hereby undertake that my Son / Daughter (Name) is/ are studying in and
respectively and I will not claim CEA for more than 2 classes prior to class 1 in future.

7. I hereby undertake that I am not claiming CEA for third time prior to class 1 for Son/ Daughter
(Name) ……………………… who are presently studying in ………...

Note: #Reimbursement for the following items can be claimed under this scheme:- Tuition fee, Admission fee,
Laboratory fee, Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi Chaged by Kendriya Vidyalayas, special fee charged for agriculture, electronics,
music or any other subject, fee charged for practical work under the programme of work experience, fee paid for the
use of any aid or appliance by the child, library fee, games/ sports fee, examination fee and fee for extracurricular
activities. This also includes reimbursement for purchase of on set of text books and notebooks, two stes of uniforms
prescribed by the schools irrespedctive of the colours/ winter/ summer/ PT uniform and one set of school shoes (One
pair of shoes) which can be claimed for a child, in an academic year.


Place: Dhanbad Signature of the Employee


List of Enclosures:

(1) Fee Receipts

(2) Cash Memo for Books______
(3) Cash memo for note books _____
(4) Cash memo for uniforms _______
(5) Cash memo for School Shoes ____


Claim checked, verified and found correct. Passed for payment of Rs._______________

Amount has been entered in the Children Education allowance register at page no _____.

Dealing Asstt Dy Registrar

Asstt Registrar - for audit clearance.



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